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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A few thankyous..

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Well, its 11pm and I'm under influence of some alcohol, so I thought I'd have a shoutout to some people that make this community particularly great


First of all, Rune. Without you we'd still be stuck over at ezboard. This board is better in every single possible way, and I'm sure nearly every member would agree, we owe it all to you :)


Next, Peredhil ;). You *are* the commanding spirit of the pen, no matter what those few words under your name say. Your politeness, your caring. You have been the mastermind of many things at the Pen, and you shouldn't go unsung for it. Oh, and no matter what you say about ignoring your "ancient mumbles", every word you speak carries authority.


To Wyvern - "The man behind the curtain", when the Pen has needed you the past few months, you've been there, even if you were technically too busy. Your contribution as Elder of Initiates is nothing short of phenominal.


Orlan, the Sexy Man of Terra. Though I've not found time to sit down and read it all yet, I've heard Final death is incredibly good, and I will have that time in a week or so. The intellegence behind your comments was much appreciated in the tower when a sensible voice was sometimes [read: always ;p] needed.


Tzimfemme, Minta, Rydia - I don't know what to say, though we've been guildmates and acquaintances for years now, I don't believe we've ever really talked as friends. I do however remember being in total awe of you around mid 2000 when I was stumbling onto Blitz 1 BH. Like Orlan, your comments in the Elder tower really helped ground me when it felt like everyone else was over my head.


Zool - The man who accepted me into the pen all those years ago on Ager. What thanks could I give that is worthy enough? The eternal wit of the pen, may your Chromatics never be dull ;)


Ozymandias - The founder of this wonderful guild. Could you have predicted to what heights it would soar? :) Like Zool, what thanks could I give that are worthy enough, your creation of this guild has been a light to many, you have changed more than one life for the better.


That brings me to you Gwai :unsure: - Just kidding. You are possibly the most wondeful person here, everyday you are like the cool older sister I never had. I feel like I really know you, not just a persona on the internet.


Jechum, oh how do I remember those ager days, and how quickly the apprentice turned into the master. Thank you for getting me into P? in the mists of time, thank you for always being a friend.


And, Arawn! Yes sly old dog, I know you're here now! Took you long enough ;) The paramount of Archmage writers. Thank you for the brief experience that was The Twelve Swords. Maybe a revival is in order? ;)


To the faithful membership of the Pen...


Deg, jeez, how long have I known you now? I think I backed up your moderator recommendation for archmage, you were a good FOoD member, and always ready with sarcasm ;) Some of our old conversations between you me and Tyr were rather odd, looking back.


Zadown, The Finnish Crusader? naaah ;P a commanding presence on IRC, a truly charasmatic planeswalker. Always entertaining conversation ;)


Yui, your recent poem was superb, as are the rest of your poems. The gallery you are composing in the library is..astounding. It equals the quality that is your artwork, the best outside of an art gallery that I've seen, anywhere.


Falcon, We're growing closer. If there is only one thing I am allowed to thankyou for it is the many rooms of the mighty pen keep. That got rid of a nasty bout of writers block I had ;)


Celes - A true gem of the Pen, especially with the Manor of Tongues. Your wit and charisma stand out in the cabaret room, and I hope you write more soon ;)


Imposter, ah, what a varied relationship. What shades of your personality you show reveal deep intelligence and insight. Your entry into Poetic justice was certainly deserving. PS. Spoken to misha lately?


Brute, you drunkard. ;) I've known you a long time now, stretching back to Blitz One BH with Wyvern and co., Then through MKoJ and SoB. You are a special one ;)


Cyril - a growing talent if I ever saw one. Your potential outstrips msyelf atleast. Continue to write, we will all be better off for it.


Stick - NWN and M:tg partner, hours of entertainment, thank ye very much. :)


To all our pages and initiates: Once a member, a member for life ;). To quote a very smart mans signature "We do not write because we want to, we write because we have to."


And finally, I'd like to make special mention of Tralla. I hadn't really talked to you until a few weeks ago, and our friendship is growing. You already have me wanting to someday meet you, which I can't say for much of the rest of this sorry lot (only kidding guys :P). This is not to mention the fact that in my opinion you are the best writer to have put pen to paper within these halls. Everyone should read Gift of Fear! Don't you ever leave, I'd be bored out of my mind :lol: (Your music tastes could use some refining though :P)


Well, its 11.40, I think I'll wrap it up, if I didn't mention you its because its late, I'm more drunk than I was 40 minutes ago, and I spent all day on a history assignment.


I thank you all graciously from the alcohol laced bottom of my liver! (:S)

Edited by lumpenproletariat
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