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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Tonight I was watching Glenn Becks show, granted half the things he says I cannot agree with but sometimes its a really interesting show.


Tonight for the full hour he had a woman on his show who I thought was one of the most inspiring woman I've ever seen. Her name is Irshad Manji, some of you might know of her, but for those who dont she is a Muslim Activist and is now fighting to make people see that things can be peaceful in Islam, that the Koran can be questioned and interpreted differently.


Her website is http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/aboutirshad.html Check it out cause shes really fantastic.


On Glenn Becks show she brought up that Islam in the 12th centery used to be thriving, it was alright to veiw things differntly and question meanings that not everything is so literal. I also found it interesting that in the Koran it says that it is a womans choice to get married, that she can even have a pre-nup and is just as equal to a man but most woman dont know this because they are kept away from it, after all if you keep people dumb it is much easier to control them.


I am very fond of questioning and I think people should never stop questioning its how things will change and become better and thats what shes fighting for.


Most people fear however which is why no one stands up, no one questions like they should or challanges those who really need to be challanged.


I wish there was more people like her out there and I am so glad to know that people are starting to speak up not only here but in Islam aswell however dangerous that may be, and it is very very dangerous.


Its just really inspiring to see this woman stand up fearlessly and bring back the age of questioning and to challange an entire group and more people should be like this, not just with Islam but with everything, with our goverment, with other religions and organizations.


To have a mind of your own and to use it and not be afraid to speak your opinion is what she fights for, she truely is an amazing woman whos voice, and the voices of others, are much needed in this time.


And that is what has recently inspired me, so what inspires you to write, or paint or even something that gets you up in the morning, anything :)

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What inspires me? It has often been something extraordinary about ordinary people. Sometimes its some revelation about one of god's creatures, cats, dogs, birds, squirrels, (turtles) ants, many different kinds of life.

Often when it comes to writing its a burden I can not carry alone. In this forum often it is the strange and wonderful people that populate the pen that inspire me. So the concise answer you might have expected from me has once again eluded me, but I think its a question that requires alot of thought to respond to truthly. That could be the reason the replies have been slow in coming.



Nice topic.

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Like you, I am definitely inspired by people who stand up and try to make a change for the better. It is very important that individuals continue to look at the things taken as incontrovertible truth from the past and redefine them to fit contemporary times, values, and needs. In this way they are kept 'alive' and growing, making sure they continue to serve the people that follow them, rather than the other way around. This is important in government as well as religion.


What inspires me artistically is another matter, having more to do with matters of the heart and soul rather than how I relate to others in society. Art is about feeling and awareness, which may extend to society but is usually illuminating of the self. It is about contacting the real reality, inside, where what is outside comes into contact with my true Being. It can seem capricious and haphazard, but really has more to do with my internal receptivity than any external quality of what is inspiring - thus exactly what I find inspiring is hard to quantify. :blink:


Thanks for a wonderful topic! :D

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I've lost count of the number of times I've come to this topic and started to type a reply, cut it off for rawness or abusiveness or listlessness, and instead pushed the mood which I was setting down into a reply to someone else's topic or a new topic of thought. I have drawn inspiration from this topic merely existing, without replying to it.

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Sooo, what inspires me?


When someone goes out of their way to be kind?

When someone trusts me and I didn't think they would?


People: Sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrible beyond belief, but always people.

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Me? I am most inspired by my own feelings. My own feelings, and the energy in the music I am listening to at that time.

When I write a poem, for example, whatever I was listening to whenever I became inspired, I listen to that one song (or more, but never more than three) until I have completed that creation. If I'm drawing, I'll stick to the band what sang the song I was listening to when I became inspired, and if for either of these cases there was no music, then I can promise you I'll find the band whose energy most closely vibes with what I'm going for.

Best example: Any and every time I'm writing or drawing something heavily death-oriented (...Yeah...I'm quite obsessed with death...so shoot me..), I can promise you that at any time that's the case I'm listening to either Acid Bath, Agents of Oblivion, or Deadboy and the Elephantmen. All three good bands, but most specifically, all of them have had the same singer, one Dax Riggs. (Coincidentally, the man lives about twenty minutes from my house, and sometimes goes eats at the restaurant I work at...He eats a lot of salad....That being said, I didn't know he lived in this state until a good long while after I started liking his bands.)

Enough of that tangent.

So I'm inspired by the way I feel combined with the energy of the music I'm listening to at the time (even when it's only in my head.)

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