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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Scavenger Hunt

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Basically all 4 teams did pretty well, and I hope they all had fun running around in the Pen.


Team Blue Wolf had 19 correct answers, but unfortunately missed the answer to the question of the 5 for 1 deal.


Team Shifters was missing two answers in their PM, namely the reply to ‘Who spoke about long distance love in his application?’ and ‘Who was taken on a hot date, but had to pay for it?’.


Team Chaos & Disaster missed several answers, but came up with some alternatives I hadn’t considered.


And somehow team Mutually Confusing managed to get unconfused, and unscrambled and come up with a correct answer for each of the questions!


Well done to Aleaha and Ayshela!


Thank you to all 4 teams for playing, and keep your eyes open for the scavenger hunt next carnival ;)


For those who would like to play as well, but didn’t sign up. In the post below you will find the questions with the answers. The answer will show up once you highlight them with the mouse.


Thanks to Gyrfalcon for making the table…I would’ve been lost from the beginning with all the html in there. ^_^

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When was Gryphon promoted to Page?
After Receiving a Mysterious Summons
When was Ayshela promoted to Quill Bearer?
During the July '03 Pen Promotions
What does it mean when the dreamer’s eyes turn green?
Green - natural, social, neutral
Who applied by describing himself as a ‘vampirical monkey with lots of facial hair’?
Vlad, with a piece entitled The Past, Present, and Slightly Mangled Zoo Animals
Who met doors that were bigger than her on her way to apply for the Pen?
Rune encountered difficulties in trying to deliver her Noitacilppa
Who spoke about long distance love in his application?
Dros in Wired Romance or “Song! lalala!”
How did Zool arrive at the Pen?
Wrapped in Burlap, on the back of a guy with several names (including Terpsichore).
Who currently owns the cloak of dreams?
Katzaniel won it in an Auction, I believe.
Who is described by the following quote? “A gambler and a rogue, with a mouth that can get him both into and out of trouble.”
Mira, in his Brief Description in the Piazza.
And this one? “Most of his time is spent collecting, polishing or otherwise playing with shiny objects and toys.”
Valdar, of course.
Who speaks in her poem about a white, darkness, and twilit world?
Appy wrote Perseverance
Who bought off his weenie by adding the U’s?
Orlan, in his Minta Bedtime Story about Zoumbies... err.. Zombies.
Who paid Wyvern under the table for reviewing her story, and later said that it was more like a 5 for 1 deal?
That was Yui, for her story He Never Broke a Promise
Who used more than 10 languages to get his message across?
Wyvern, speaking about ”Love”The other possibility is Gwaihir
Who uses ‘The Nighten Princess’ in her custom title?
Who was taken on a hot date, but had to pay for it?
Alaeha bought a date with Elrohir in a Bachelor auction, for which she was assailed with fireballs flung by priests of the Burnt God on her Quest for a Date. Likewise, Salinye paid for a date with Finnius, (Blonde and Blue) in which she was exposed to Heart Ablaze, the ultimate Red Magic of Terra Lost.Wren Windsong was taken on a hot date by Elladan.
Who thought she dreamt about naked angels in her bed, and asked if she could keep him? (character name or writer)
Mynx’s Kate was talking about The Strangest Thing
Who compared love with a toothpick in her poem?
Again, Mynx, working with a First Line supplied by Katzaniel
Who claimed he was a good kisser, got rubbed by a cat, only to be splashed by pie moments later?
Zool, who was the original intended focus of the Kissing/Pie-ing Booth.
How many votes are needed before a piece will be added to the list of ‘Pen Recommends’?
As found in these two threads, a 2/3 majority is necessary. The former states the need for two thirds, the latter deserves mention as it is the actual “Pen Recommends” thread. There is also a minimum of 10 votes required for a piece to pass the vote. If it has less than 10 votes the piece gets out for 6 months, and will then be put up for vote again. "Unfortunately, if this piece can't get a rock-bottom minimum of nine votes, I'm going to have to declare this poll invalid and reshelve it on the list of successful nominees. It'll get another chance to go to poll, later, but it just can't pass with only eight votes. 10 is the real minimum, and I've let 9 slide a few times, but really... we can do better than 7 measely votes!"
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*hugs the mutually confusing team :)*


Congratulations, Ayshela and Alaeha!! :D


Sweet, thanks again for having this activity - I had lots of fun, and I do blame RL for not leaving either myself or my blue partner time to find the last answer...


But next time we hope to do it better!

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I knew that 5 for 1 thing sounded familiar...


*le sob*




Congrats 'Shela and 'Laeha! Enjoy yer well-deserved geld, and don't spend it all in one place.


Or do.


Whichever strikes you, really.

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Well, I have some extra-stretchy elasticy string here, I was thinking you might make a good yo-yo. *giggles*

See, once I get the quirks all worked out, then I could pass the string along to... someone else... as appropriate. :D


And definitely many thanks for running this, Sweet! A couple of those questions took some definite thinking! (and that's always the most fun!)

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Hey now, you'll give my lady ideas. Besides, I'd make a better ball of yarn than yoyo. More fun to play with, and you don't get that off-chance of knocking yourself in the teeth with it!


(And don't say that's impossible, because I can so prove you wrong. :P )

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