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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The October Mid-Site-Shift Birthday Massacre


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Wyvern scurries into the refurnished Cabaret Room and squints at the shiny blue texture for a moment, his beady eyes shrinking as they adjust to the temporary decor. The lizard pauses and scratches his scaly chin, then reaches into a sack that he carries and begins sprinkling leftover tax confetti onto the walls and floor to add a festive spark. The reptilian Elder then takes out an Almost Dragonic Brand Random Whistle of Fortune™, and raises it to his lips to blow. He frowns when no fortune appears in front of him , and frowns deeper still when he realizes that no sound is coming from the whistle. Wyvern blows again and again on the device in the hopes of causing a noise of some sort, only to jump in surprise as Tanuchan and Jonathan Wolfe storm in through the door.


"What's with all the racket?!" cries Tanuchan, clutching at her ears in pain. "I was trying to get some sleep."


Jonathan Wolfe grumbles in assent as Wyvern stares at the duo in confusion. The lizard glances at the whistle again, then clears his throat and exclaims:


"Well, if you must know, it's a belated birthday party. Best wishesss to Peredhil (October 2nd), Lady Celes Crusador (October 4th), epinephrine (October 1rst), musicevangelist (October 2nd), Hydrus (October 3rd), Damon Inferel (October 4th) and Starlight (October 4th), all celebrating their birthdays in the course of this move! Bring out the refreshments. Annnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"


Wyvern blows on his whistle once again, only to have his tail stand out on end as the sound of a loud sports whistle rings throughout the Cabaret Room. Three gangs of cheerleaders suddenly burst into the Cabaret Room, using doors, windows, floor boards, and large open chests (*cough*). A polite quartet of cheerleaders waltzes its way to a corner and sets up a formal refreshment stand, while another group of cheerleaders wearing Arc du Triumph T-shirts rev up a rousing version of "Joyeux Anniversaire." Wyvern ducks at all the excitement, and quickly backs away into a corner in the hopes of congratulating the birthday pennites in turn, whenever they arrive.




OOC: A happy belated/happy birthday to (in chronological order): epinephrine, Peredhil, musicevangelist, Hydrus, Lady Celes Crusador, Starlight, and Damon Inferel. Hope you all had great ones. :)

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Looking forward to a great party, and prepared with a plastic sword in her right hand and a tin shield in the other, Sweet storms into the Cabaret Room. She drops a big bag in a corner, and looks around with a happy smile on her face; this must be absolutely the first birthday party where they act out a massacre.


“Where’s the massacre? I wanna see bloooooood.”


Upon seeing that everybody is still unharmed she jumps to the person nearest to her, and stabs one of the cheerleaders with her plastic sword. The poor girl screams, and instead of defending herself she runs to hide behind Wyvern.


Disappointed with her opponent’s reaction, Sweet sticks her sword in the pocket of her dungarees, and walks back to the bag. Headfirst she dives in, and only moments later the little girl emerges with arms full of plastic swords and shields.


“See, I was afraid already that nobody had brought anything to defend himself, so I thought I’d bring some spares.”


With these words she starts handing out the swords and shields to the people around. When everybody is armed with a plastic sword and tin shield Sweet storms up to another cheerleader, and screams, “En garde!”


OOC: Happy birthday to all of you :)

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(Sorry I couldnt get on sooner...life has been kinda crazy)


Anna heard the call of the boss man and rushed in dressed as Xena the Warrior Princess. Ayiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi! Anna called in a battle cry as she took up her plastic sword and tin shield and engaged Sweet in a short sword fight. Turning to Wyvern Anna gave a plastic stab and a giggle.


Anna-"Hiya boss! Hello everyone who's B Day it was!"

Edited by Black9
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