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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Psimon's offspring


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A Father's Bragging Rights. :D


Emily Jane was born 25/07/04, 7lb 13oz.


Emily has a heart defect called Ebstein's Anomaly (Google it if interested :) ) but was allowed home today. It has been quite a ride for the last few days as we learned more about the condition, but we are just happy to be together as a family again.


In true Pen fashion, Emily Jane was named for 2 writers (well, two of four - take your pick :) ) The Bronte sisters or Emily Dickinson & Jane Austen ...


With a name like that, I'm sure she will be a literary giant!


Anyway, enough bragging. Hugs to all.



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*glomps Psimon*

congrats!!!!! i bet it's been a rocky ride, but i'm glad she's been allowed home! Our Emily had a rough start too, and wasn't initially allowed home, so you have my most heartfelt sympathies and heartiest congratulations and biggest hugest warmest hugs.. :D

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Thanks everyone :)


Emily is actually #3 mini-Psimon, so there will truly be chaos! Mwuhahahahaha... what? Oh, sorry. I got a little carried away there.


One boy (the oldest, 7) and another girl (4.5) so this tips the balance, something that I just can't have! Wait. The dog! He counts... aaaahhhh Balance is restored.


You may go about your business, citizens, the world is safe once more. ;)


Hugs to all



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Biggest congrats, Psimon. Take care of that little lady, she's got a lot to live up to. Taking over the world, and all that. It's a big job.


And um... I don't think the dog counts. Sorry. GIRL POWER BABY!!


Babies are just such a precious gift. My Mojo is trying to walk. *feels grey hairs already*


Hope baby and mom are alright. Give hugs to all for me, and one big squish for the old man. ;)

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