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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Behold my Sculpture!

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Sweet! He looks like me except he's manlier than I can ever hope to be.


And his hair's shorter. And he has tattoos.


And I would never be caught dead in those pants. No, I don't run at all quickly. Or play guitar.


So I guess the only thing I have in common with him is blonde hair. Still quite cool looking.

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Very nice. Has a very cartoon-esque flair to the design. You don't happen to be a cartoonist as well, do you? One way or another, good show! (especially since he seems to be modeling clay. I know from experience that even the cheap stuff requires a *very* patient artist's hand)

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Well, I have the barbeque, but there were a few elaying problems.

First: I lost four of the apostles. They've been found.

Second: I then lost the disks with the pictures of them: that's been found.

Third: I have to attach everything now.

Fourth: I then have to scan it...


Don't worry, it's finished.

I've just been too busy talking to my wuv to do too much....:wub:

Expect a good update thursday. Tomorrow's my last day of school (YAYZ!)

Me=Senior=gets out of school a week and a half early=gets to sleep late and do more during the day=I WILL update some things much more often.

Ok then...

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Ok. I'm currently in the last class period of my last day of high school, and next thursday is graduation.

So then, tonight, tomorrow, or the day thereafter, that's when I should be able to get done completely with the Last Barbeque.

If you had any idea how good I feel right now,...oh yeeeaaahhh!!!!!!!!

Not to mention that I've vinally got a girlfriend!

Thank you, God!

And also, don't worry, it's ok.

Last, but not least (for this post) I sold that drawing.

So, for that, I got this: a $40 check, the teacher paid off my dues for that class ($5.95 for a bag I had to make [home ec]), and also had given me three dollars over three days to buy drinks with.

All in all, it sold for the equivalence of $48.95.

I have the check in my pocket, so I now have money!

Edited by Xaious, Master of Time
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Filesize-1.5MB,The Last BarBeQue, Completed.

Took a while, but I've finally gotten it scanned.

See, last Tuesday, I finished drawing everything, and began cutting out the apostles.

But, class was nearing the end, so I picked everything up, to finish at home.

I got home and decided to finish it, so I pulled everything out...

A sheet with the lefter-most apostles was missing.

It was returned to me on Friday, and yesterday I got around to cutting everything out and pasting it.

Then today I scanned it, this morning, and then had to bring it into Photoshop...

So, now, there it is, uploaded and everything.


And, that last one, it sold, and fetched a nice price.

I was payed this:

A $40 check.

The $5.95 I owed for that class was dropped (if not payed, I'd have failed, that kind of thing).

And on three separate days, I was given a dollar to go and buy me a drink.

$48.95 for 5 hours worth of work.

About $9.10 (then change) an hour for that.

Ooooohhhh Yeeeaahhhh!!!!!!!!

Edited by Xaious, Master of Time
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