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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves


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Greg calls Jamia out into the hallway to discuss his accusations.

"Away from the boy," he says.

The conversation is heated, Greg trying his darndest to keep the conversation flowing as the others observe from a distance, as Greg had planned, the flickering flourescent being unnoticed by the young woman.

Suddenly there is a grinding sound and Jamia looks as the heavy door begins to slam shut, and is amazed as Greg drops and rolls under the door barely not being crushed.

He goes to get up and notices he is caught, his jacket caught in the jam.

"Dirk. You must have a knife. Cut me free."

The others approach, Dirk producing a knife from somewhere and begins to free Greg.

"Good plan, Greg," Dirk says, "wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself."

"Adjusting the lights was difficult, gimmicking the door was easier, but that section of the hall is sealed off and the doors are more than a foot thick of good american, hardened steel. That should keep it held until the authorities come and we can capture and study that thing in wolves clothing."

Timmy has his hand against the large door and brings it back quickly, putting his fingers into his mouth.


The others look and see a small spot on the door, a pinprick, glowing red, then quickly widening.

"It's burning through," says Tom, amazed, "and quickly, too," as the hot spot is now the size of a quarter. "It would take our best torches over an hour to make that effect."

"We leave," says Dirk, "now."

"Out into that rain," says Zach.

"No, into the complex. Separate. Hide," he says, looking at Timmy, then Zach.

"Try and find a weapon," he says to the others.

The point in the door was now the size of a small saucer, with the center white.


The group moves out, Zach taking care of Timmy as that is what his sisters would have wanted, the other men taking different routes away.


Heinrich is reclining as best he can in the corridor, taking the last dregs of the Mountain Dew that Allegeny janitor had hidden, trying to look both ways at once. It had not been a good night. And he was hearing things.

It took him a moment to recognize the tune.

"That's Beethoven."

He gets up and follows the sound until he gets to an exterior hatchway and looks through the viewing window, seeing Greta.


"Open the door, Heinrich. The automatics are nonfunctional."

Heinrich begins the process of manual opening and nearly babbles.

"It's been bad, Greta. An alien, a wolf thing, it has been killing left and right, those pretty twins are dead, they all finally turned on me as they turned on you..."

"I understand, Heinrich. Do not worry."

The door finally opens to reveal Greta in the long hallway and a dozen men armed with heavy weapons, BAR's and Bazooka, grenades clipped to extra ammo belts.

"I brought the marines."


Greg is back in the huge equipment room, looking to try and remake the trap that did in the alien's companion, finding all the winches are now broken.

Suddenly the intercom comes to life, Jamia's voice coming in clear and loud.

"You are all in danger."


"Yeah, from you," says Zach.

"Well, yes, but not me personally, Zach," says Jamia.

Zach and Timmy stop and look around expecting her to be right next to them, but Jamia is now outside equipment room 102, working on the door with something that looks like a sonic screwdriver. She still looks like the fresh, human teenager, but is dressed in a silver jumper with a large jeweled belt, and some sort of headset that allows her to speak and hear over the intercom system.

She opens the door and fresh air comes into the room, reawakening Ed. The blower had come on at specific intervals keeping him alive but unconscious. He looks up at Jamia.

"This complex is powered by a crude atomic pile," she says, and Ed nods, not quite knowing what was happening. "I've set it to overload. When it does, this entire complex will become dangerously radioactive, unusable by any humans for decades. You must leave the complex."

Jamia leaves and Ed staggers up and begins to move unsteadily towards the nearest exit.

"But the rain..." says Greg.

"It's nothing now, won't even cause an irritation," says Jamia, walking quickly down the corridor and reaching the infimery.

"You killed my sisters," says Timmy, as Zach tries to quiet him, then the two move quickly away.

"I did kill," says Jamia, taking a syringe and plunging it into Kerri's arm, then doing the same to Terri.

Terri gasps and Kerri begins to cough.

"And for that I must be punished, and I will. But I never killed on purpose."

"Talk to your brother," Jamia, says to the twins.

"Timmy," they say raggedly, in chorus and in key, looking around and wondering.


"Kerri, Terri," says Timmy, leaping out of Zach's hold, and running down the corridor, Zach in fast persuit.


Jamia leaves the infirmery, still talking.

"I was the one that pronounced Terri dead. She wasn't really. I slipped a pill to Kerri to mimic death. I'm sorry Kerri, but you wouldn't have done anything drastic without my specific influence in you mind. You're not suicidal."


"This is all some trick, to get us out," says Dirk.

"Not a trick, a feat," says Jamia, reaching cold storage. She opens the door and looks in, Aiden, and the remainder of the soldiers, missing since the first day look out sullenly.

She quickly leaves.

"And I have the audacity to ask for your help. You're very smart, all of you, especially you, Greta."

Greta stops and curses in German, the marines behind her looking around at the strangeness of it all.


"But sometimes you are too smart and not enough wise. The Q bomb is dangerous, too dangerous."

Jamia stops in front of the door, the door behind which Albert died.

"My study of your plans showed that with this sucessfull test a full size test was planned. A full size test will crack this planet to the core."

Smoke is coming off of the door and it is hot to the touch, the equipment inside having been burning since the bomb went off some days ago, the temperature inside Jamia estimates at over 6,000 degrees.

"Ending life on Earth. It will take millions of years for life to come back, and there will be no remnant of your civilization."

She removes her belt, deactivating her forcefield.

"Use what happened here, your emotions, your intellect, your powers of persuasion. Talk to your leaders, speak to everyone. Do not build another bomb like that.

Choose peace."


Timmy finds the twins walking in a corridor, searching for him. He leaps into their arms and they catch him, Zach catching up and joining them in the hug, tears touching every eye.


"You won't escape," says Greta, motioning Ed and the newly arrived Dirk to join their group.

"My spaceship," says Jamia, sitting down, resting across from the door. "It had a scuttle charge. You will not be getting any technology from us. The soldiers in their car guarding it willl probably attest to themselves watching it lift off and it exploding in the air."

An alarm begins to go off, red lights flashing up and down the corridor.

Greg, Aiden and the soldiers join Zach and the siblings.

"That's an emergency in the atomic pile," says the captain.

"Yes, it is an emergency in the pile, captain," says Jamia. "And let me assure you that you have no chance to reach it before it goes. And no chance to fix it at all once there. Order your men out."

The captain calculates and looks at his men, as the officer of the marines does the same.

"Think of the civilians," says Jamia.

The officers order a retreat as Jamia listens to them leave.

"I do greatly regret one thing that happened," she says, as everyone goes towards the exits. "The only one I killed was Albert. He was supposed to escape with the others, exiting the room safely. There is one penalty for what I did amoung my people. My death. I'm truly sorry for his death."

Terri sobs, but keeps moving, the group finally reaching the outside and seeing dark, cloudy skies but no rain.


"What about the original Jamia, and that actor," says Greta, their group also reaching the outside.

"Sheltered in a small cave near my craft crash site. They came awake when my ship destroyed itself. They have probably reached the guards by now."


The doors behind them begin to close and seal.

"I thought you said the automatics were non-functional," says Heinrich.

"Not to their technology, it seems," says Greta. "Oh, what we could have learned."


Jamia listens intently throughout the complex. All outside vents are also closed, the comlex is sealed. It is empty, except for her. She signals and a number of small bombs go off. A minute later the atomic pile goes with a small explosion and radioactivity floods the complex touching every surface.

Jamia feels the heat as it covers her.

The two groups gather together and make their way towards the heavy helicopters that brought Greta and the marines. They pack in, crowded, but they all fit, as the helicopters lift off.

Jamia sniffs.

'Too long as a human, living in their minds, reading their thoughts and emotions.'

She looks up and down the corridor, and checks her list one last time.

She signals the bomb on the door, the one that will crack it open releasing the fiery death upon her.

"I hope they listen."




The end?



More later,



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Awesome ending, Vahk! I guess you sensed I really wanted to be a hero.


Everyone, check out my application to the Pen. It has an alternate ending speech (and a cameo appearance from MTYFoolish ;) Of course, it was written before I knew what a great death scene Tangy would give me in the end.


Thanks again, Tangy.


Jamz :alien:

Edited by Jammeez
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Thank you for the commentary.

I had fun too.

Glad you did.

Watch the skies is a more cautionary, something bad is coming from an unexpected direction.

I tried to do a 'choose peace' even though you have to do some questionable things.

Or possible 'choose responsibility' and take the consequences.

More of 'The day the earth stood still'.


Hope I conveyed that a little.


See you next game.


More later,



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OOC: Very good, i like how most characters came back. all except Albert but he was rooting for the wollfies at the end so maybe he deserved it.

I requested not to come back, as I was working with the wolf at that point. You see...well, I er.... "intercepted" a PM from Vahktang to Jammeez notifying her that she was a wolf and who her partner was. Stupid pop-up pm notices anyways. She had just joined the pen at that time and I was used to it only being me and so being logged in automatically...so I read the pm before realizing that it wasn't for me. So I asked to be the first kill and initially meant to not participate in the voting at all. But then I decided to follow my "girlfriend" in char. anyways...would have enjoyed being able to play, but had fun instead being an "honorary wolf" instead and planning behind the scenes. We had no clue as to who the seer was, sadly enough. :pinch::P:D
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Thank you!! I've been reading dune and some of its rubbing off on me i think. The mad scenes had the same sense of style as those novels. I considered having Greggor o blind as well but the story was almost over anyway. I actually had some interesting luck with the seering. until the end i never actually saw a wolf but every character i saw didn't die. first i checked out Tom, the other scientest, then Zach, then Timmy. By the end the only people that werent dead that i didnt know were innocent were Jamia and Dirk and Jamia turned out to be the wolf.

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