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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Mad Finns!


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Snippets of an IRC log of me using Finland's very nice name search web thingy:


[10:26:04] <@||`> heh, there is 23 Minta's in Finland

[10:26:58] <@||`> 0 Rydia's


[10:35:32] <@||`> hahaha 1 Valdar!

[10:35:37] <@Snowwwwww> wahahaha!

[10:35:43] <@||`> born between '40 and '59

[10:35:49] <@||`> old guy


[10:40:58] <@||`> 1 Kena

[10:41:00] <@||`> xD

[10:41:03] <@Snowwwwww> WAHAHAHA

[10:41:06] <@Snowwwwww> KENA!

[10:41:08] <@Snowwwwww> he is the hero

[10:41:10] <@Snowwwwww> she?

[10:41:11] <@Snowwwwww> heh

[10:41:13] <@||`> he

[10:41:19] <@||`> born between ´20 and ´39

[10:41:23] <@||`> prolly dead by now


[10:42:44] <@||`> 0 Numilye =/

[10:42:53] <@Snowwwwww> ><

[10:43:27] <@||`> 1 Rava

[10:43:31] <@||`> a woman -_-

[10:43:41] <@||`> born between '80 and '99

[10:44:02] <@Snowwwwww> lol

[10:44:27] <@||`> 2 Madoka

[10:44:44] <@||`> both woman, thank god -_-

[10:45:02] <@Snowwwwww> haha

[10:45:15] <@||`> 0 Kendricke whee


[10:49:41] <@||`> 42 Rosemary .. ya?


Odd stuff... oh, and 5 Yui, 0 Peredhil, 0 Gwai(hir), 0 Aegon, 0 Orlan, 6719 Signe, 0 Zool. Finns might be weird but we aren't quite weird enough to have the whole Pen cadre of names. -_-

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While Peredhil cheers for numbers and Quincunx contemplates multiple Mintas in fear, Wyvern dons his drool bib and proceeds to revel in the thought of 6719 Signes. Small rings of smoke begin exiting the overgrown lizard's nostrils at the mere thought of the potential possibilities that several thousand dominant succubi could entail...



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What?! No Sticks!!! I must have a discussion with the Finnish naming committee. This is an urgent matter that *must* be looked after. Excuse me, while I catch a plane. (Do I mean airplane? Or elemental plane of air? Or something else! HA! You'll all never know!!! MAHAHA!)






Alright, I'm back. After much negotiation with someone who *said* he was the Finnish naming commission (odd that he'd smell so much like alcohol... drinking on the job is a bad habit.) we have decided that from now on, every 6,102,234th person born in Finland shall be named Stick. It was tough work, but I feel like I accomplished much on this business trip. Enclosed to whomever is in charge of financial issues here at The Pen. Thanks for your support! Oh yeah, and interesting research of course. I too would like to participate in the thousand-odd succubi domination seminar. Sign me up!







Transportation from here to off-colour reality: 100,000 geld.


Total receipts for food, lodging, and alcohol: 1,000,000,000,000 geld.


The sight of little children being frightened nearly to death by my presence: Priceles... err, 43.78 geld.


Bill subtotal: 1,000,000,100,043.78 geld

BigPointyTaxes: 666%

Total Billing: 6,660,000,000,291.5748 geld


Payment due upon receipt. Please send all cheques, large money sacks, small palaces, farmland, bank account numbers or family members directly to The Big Pointy One. Please.





(Did I overdo it?)

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Ayshela looks over Stick's invoice and considers the possibility that his tutoring session with Wyvern on "How to make geld" might have been a serious mistake. Thinking again, she decides that any (un)reasonable way to be rid of her brothers couldn't be ALL bad, and sets off in search of blunt objects and very large sacks..
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*Gyrfalcon looks over the invoice and notices quite a few zeros written in, and a few sixes. After erasing the little 'additions' that Stick had added, he came out to:



Transportation from here to off-colour reality: 100 geld.


Total receipts for food, lodging, and alcohol: 1,000 geld.


The sight of little children being frightened nearly to death by my presence: Priceles... err, 43.78 geld.


Bill subtotal: 1,143.78 geld

BigPointyTaxes: 6%

Total Billing: 1,212.41 geld


Payment due upon receipt. Please send all cheques, large money sacks, small palaces, farmland, bank account numbers or family members directly to The Big Pointy One. Please.



Neatly underneath the invoice, Gyrfalcon began to write.


Cost of reflooring the Pen's Keep after massive oak tree grown: 1,832 geld


Back rent for 'Mr. Bunny Depot - All your Mr. Bunny needs!' storefront operation: 100,001 geld.


Watching the blood drain from your face: priceless


Replacing the invoice in its envelope, Gyrfalcon arranged for it to be returned to Stick and sat back, smiling.

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After receiving the invoice Stick frowned. It seemed his old Gyrfalcon was up to his old tricks again. And by tricks, he meant stopping Stick from stealing money from The Pen. Not one to let adversity get him down, he replaced all instances of his name with Wyvern's and mailed it off to the overgrown lizard in hopes that he would never see the bill again. Knowing his scaly friend, Stick was sure Wyvern, who was in debt enough as it was, would easily find a way to 'deal' with the bill. Sure, he could throw it out the window itself, and think of another scam, scheme or trick, but this was just as amusing. Unfortunately for Stick though, he had a bit of trouble with the mailing system, and the invoice somehow ended up at the door of Lady Celes Crusader of all people.

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