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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Savage Dragon

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Everything posted by Savage Dragon

  1. actually i noticed my story could almost be used as a prelude to your story, though i didn't really intend it to.... what words did i use again that made you confused???
  2. the Guardians, as they were called, had been a part of the village for longer than 5 generations. The shinning silver stone statues were given credit for much of the good fortune that had befallen the village since their creation. And for good reason, the village had not been touched by famine, plague, or war for more than 5 generations, unheard of for that time. Since they were first placed on the shore of our sea and given blessing by our tribes holiest man, they had been held with the highest honor. some say too much honor the decision came to recast the Guardians. their silver "skin" had been dulled and marred by time and to honor all the good fortune they had brought to the village, they were to be recast with gold. this decision was met with great praise by the village, how wise of the leaders to grant the Guardians a new golden skin. Surely the villages good fortune would last another 10 generations. the legend of the Guardians would never be forgotten but their purpose already had the Guardians, who had been created by the tribes holiest man, had been given the power of the tribes God to protect the village, but not just from destruction from without, but also corruption from within. In their haste to glorify the Guardians, the villagers had forgotten their own God who had given the Guardians the power to protect the village. but he had not forgotten them on the day that the new Guardians were to be unveiled, the village wise men told another blessing. they asked that the golden Guardians watch over their village and protect them from famine, plague and war. they asked for long lives for their parents, their wives, and their children. they asked their God for nothing. When the final blessing had been given and the last prayer spoken, the Guardians were uncovered and the village was horrified to find that their golden "skin" had turned blood red. in the distance a ship could be seen approaching ----------------------------------------------- great story Zepheri, sometimes a story doesn't have to have all the details to feel complete. im loving your story just the way it is
  3. I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!!! naw, all's fair in love and werewolf games so i'll let it slide, but this makes like the 3rd game now where i was killed off first. suppose it could be worse, there have been unluckier fools. i dunno i might get around to RPing some more of Raus, he definitely survived, "takes more than that to kill me", but havent quite figured out what im going to do with him. probably go on a vengeful rampage or something....or take a nap
  4. An old man lived alone in the country. He wanted to plant a tomatogarden, but it was difficult work, and his only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man described the predicament in a letter to his son. Dear Vincent, I'm feeling bad. It looks like I won't be able to put in my tomatoes this year. I'm just too old to be digging up a garden. I wish you were here to dig it for me. Love, Dad A few days later he recieved a letter from his son. Dear Dad, Sorry I'm not there to help, but whatever you do, don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the BODIES. Love, Vincent A 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man recieved another letter from his son. Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances. Love, Vinnie ****************** Found in Uncle John's Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader by the Bathroom Readers' Institute
  5. Raus was begining to hear rumors that Garnorn might be behind the attacks, but he didnt take it too seriously seeing as he'd heard the same rumors about himself. Still it might be smart to side with those against Garnorn, might take some of the heat off of himself... "no," he said to himself, "Claire would be ashamed of me even thinking that. Go ahead and let some of them think i did it. I know i didnt and thats enough for me."
  6. i just happened to think that Tanny is crafty enough she'd pick no wolves and pick us off one by one as she saw fit... im watching you!!! considering changing my vote to help sway the balance, but no, that would be the wolf thing to do plus i havent fogotten...
  7. oh so now its ok for you to giggle?
  8. Raus's mood was defintely taking a turn for the better. Despite the sour mood many were getting from the death of the mule, Raus's recently release for his own self-pity was letting him smile again, which had helped some smile as well. Of course a few misguided fools had interpeted that smile malicously and thier mood towards him had soured even deeper, but Raus was not the kind to let it bother him. No, all in all, he was beginning to feel hapy again, perhaps the gods of this world had finally... No, his opinion on the gods had not changed, they were the ones who had brought him so low in the first place, they were the ones who had taken his Claire. he had not forgotten... OOC: Vote for the gods/ Tanuchan. i have not forgotten...
  9. fire edit: forgot to turn the page
  10. all it took was a single quote from Family Guy to turn the graduation speech into a bathos that embarrassed the principal and many others
  11. Raus was feeling stupid. He hadn't told anyone, but he had seen the dead mule before anyone else had, save the killer he supposed. But he had told no one. it was this stupid isolation that he was keeping himself in. for so long he had longed for the love of his Claire, he had forgotten the love that could be shared in friendship. Here he was on what was steadily becoming a more and more dangerous mission and he didn't even know all the names of his companions. that in itself was dangerous. he was so out of touch, that he hadnt even realized it when things went awry. if he had paid more attention he might have realized earlier the attatchement the others had for the mule. instead he saw the slain best and had assumed it was killed for meat. what did he know of butchering. he felt so foolish still he must do better to get to know the other travelers. when one of the others, Filk was it?, offered him a candy, he accepted it with a smile.
  12. French (i honestly dont know why)
  13. didn't work out so well for RedChef (WWII games)
  14. Stanley, who all this time has been in line and too busy playing MightyPen the Game for Gameboy to notice the commotion, hears the distinctive sounds of a pie flying through the air and immediately jumps into action. actually he jumps into pie, meaning his face makes a quick entry that while impresssively agile has done little for the structure of the pie itself. "whew", he says, "that was close. can't let a good pie go to waste" sadly, the cherry that adorned the pie currently inhabiting Stanley's face is now lost among the crowd and doesn't know where his mother is
  15. The night is young so am i Yet still i fear that i may die If i move too slow or blink an eye because i face evil and i don't know why no one said i must called out my name i chose this path thats brought me no fame i have no powers to help me tame these evil powers but its still the same though i be but man i still will fight against the darkness that haunts the night to steal and kill and hide the light it may not be easy but i know it's right innocents cry do they hear, no though they are many will i fear, no why i fight now i know its who i am i am a hero
  16. i thought they settled this kinda stuff at the U.N.?? i mean what else would we have formed it for?
  17. Raus made his way through the streets of Rivendell, where many could be seen preparing for the long journey that had been set for them. While many took horses and mules to carry there supplies, supplies that included a vast array of weaponry and other such things, Raus carried only a simple pack on his back and a short knife at his belt. The knife had drawn no blood other than his own, a common occurence for carpenters, and the pack held only a blanket, a lantern, a cloak for bad weather, and a measly nine copper pieces. Nevertheless, Raus felt completely prepared, he had never felt comfortable with the idea of possesion and had always maintained a short list of items that he called his own. He preferred to fill his life with love rather than things. A preference that had only made recent events harder to bear. It was these events that guided him now and led him to seek further counsel from Elrond. However, he had been unable to meet with the wise man, after the Council Elrond had been swept into preperations for the fellowships journey. There had also been rumors of a healing of a halfling and possible prolems with his daughter. In any case, Raus was doubtful Elrond could help him find his lost wife. Though he be wise, he did not have the rumored power to see things that were, are, and yet to be. Raus needed another elf. Raus did not know where this elf may be found, nor what help they may be able to offer him. He did not know where tomorrow would bring for him, where he would sleep or what he would eat. He did not know where his beloved Claire was or how she was. But as Raus began that journey with that strange mixture of travelers on that day that would be retold countless times, there was one thing he did know. That even if he were to lose his few simple possesions, he still had love in his heart and whatever adventures laid ahead he would be prepared.
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