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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ayshela

  1. *nod* and this is why i miss my best friend so much. someone with whom you feel safe even in the most vulnerable of moments. perhaps there is hope yet..
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope it's a grand one!
  3. ergh i'm glad they caught him and hope they can make charges stick. my sympathies, that's a nasty situation.
  4. until such time as we can prove that we're not characters in someone's vivid dream, or part of a virtual reality experiment - until such time as we can *prove* that reality is real - it's *all* theory. the constant reformation of the theories and the reasons behind the movement is interesting. i *love* the scientists muttering spells. and the poetry of mathematics. Bless you for writing that, i had long since come to believe i was the only one who saw it so.
  5. and the interesting, and often missed, point that all too often what we hate in others is what we hate in ourselves but refuse to acknowledge.
  6. Well i for one miss your writing, but couldn't think of a better "excuse" if you will. heh. Far better that you run into a writer's block for happiness than any other reason. In a peculiar way, though, it *is* more difficult to write about the brighter side of life. Anger, anguish, angsty stuff, it's deep and vivid and strong, easy to get a grip on and hold it still long enough to weave words around it. That's not so for what we generally term the "happy" things. Happiness, contentment, sudden joy, they're more fleeting and more difficult to pose for their fitting in words. To look back on a moment of happiness and try to recover enough of it to convey it to others can be frustratingly difficult, especially considering our society's general intolerance of "corny" or "sappy" writing, "silly sentimentalism". For whatever it's worth, however, my personal opinion says phooey on them. I'd be delighted to read whatever you have to write, however sappy, corny or sentimental it is, however much you may feel it fails to do justice to the one you try to describe. Chances are you come nearer than you think, and sometimes... sometimes the rest of us need the reminder that there *is* a brigher side to life. If the words aren't there, they aren't there. But if there are some you'd be willing to share, i'd be delighted to read them. Either way, be happy. i hear it's a good way to spend your life.
  7. well sympathetic *hugs* for the loss and thanks for gathering your courage and posting it despite the nattering in the back of your head there.
  8. (hmmmm... i can think of a few people that could be said about. oh, wait, you meant.. never mind!)
  9. (shrieks of laughter) i love it!! that's about as good as when you dial someone and get distracted when it's ringing and forget who you phoned.
  10. (laughs) i love it!! very humoUrous!!!
  11. Only one question: is there a word missing here, or am i missing something??
  12. Very nice. Not only a symbolic gift, a bit of something someone loves and misses, but the gift of thought and caring. To be cared about enough that someone would give such a gift is in itself a gift.
  13. i tried? sounds like you were aiming at something and fell short, but i don't see anything here that isn't respectable. one question and a minor thing, if i may, since i'm far too brain-fried tonight for anything deep or insightful. The first verse has four lines, the others all have five. Was that deliberate or significant in any way? And the nagging correction - and wouldn't, being a contraction, has an apostrophe. Okay, i fibbed.. one more thing. "would never" is a future projection, while "hadn't" is past. Has the love completely died? Yours only? His/hers? There's a subtle ambiguity here. Was that what you intended? All in all though, very evocative. i do like it.
  14. Woot! Happy Happy birthday!!!
  15. *this* is beautifully horrible, and horribly beautiful. wherever it belongs, i'm glad to be able to read it.
  16. (completely off topic shrieks of laughter echo from Ayshela's usually quiet corner, quickly muffled as she realizes how much this sounds like conversations she has with her best friend, and how very much she misses him) edited to fix a dyslexic spelling error
  17. old it may be, in a relative sense but no less worth reading. if digging it took then digging i'm glad he did.
  18. i really like this! the short line length, as if you haven't the energy even to continue the thought in one mental "breath" - by the last full line you can feel the exhaustion.
  19. LOL oh, and can't you just see the horror as you stride into the Felwithe Cleric's guild to see the trainer?? LOL LOL Beautifully done. Even without knowing the background i believe i'd be able to see what you were about. Awaiting its completion eagerly.
  20. *nod* would it be heartening, or frightening, to know that those days happen now and again all the rest of your life? :-\
  21. Woot!! i'm reading in reverse order tonight or i'd have already found it. YAY!! another installment! Guess who's going to be up late tonight reading?
  22. *nod* there are definitely points on both sides of the discussion. i simply wasn't sure which way to post, initially, and kind of discouraged from posting by the necessity to try to go to a completely OTHER forum where i didn't even have the title and author in front of me to try to set up another thread and then try to remember what i wanted to say. :-\ i definitely agree that it can break a story thread. If the rule were to be reconsidered, perhaps it could take into account the different nature of story threads and poetry threads?
  23. i think a touch of the sadistic goes with being human. :-\ to recognize it frightens many people to control it is a lifelong challenge but it is a part of who we are, because of what we are. this is most clearly seen in mobs, when human behavior is stripped to its fundamental core
  24. Quick note on the question of definition: RefDesk may be the quickest and easiest way to check definitions of words you're uncertain of. The left hand bar has quick search for both dictionary and thesaurus, among other search tools, and the rest of the site is simply phenomenal. It stays in my address bar history because i use it so often for those "oh heck, what WAS that word i wanted, it meant something like (whatever)" moments.
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