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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by reverie

  1. ...i can relate... I've wandered alone in the dead night a time or two... nothing as peaceful as a completely dark room either... good for the soul... good for creativity... I go with colors now-a-days... was once called 'techno-color' ...anyways... nice vison... thanx for sharing the moment... revery the dreamlost "let me take you down...." (strawberry fields/beatles) the dream continues...
  2. good example of typical alcohlics kid's: huckeberry fin... rev...
  3. gin up young canadian... you'll find your halo one day.. like you poem... is silly rev...
  4. me talk pretty one day... david sedars.... why? 'cause tragic as this guys life was, you won't be able stop laughing... warning this book not for the faint of heart... really it's not. "seriouly though it helps if you name your instrument a name. What do you think you'll call yours?" "Maybe I'll call it oliver, I said. That was the name of my hamster and I was used to saying it. Then again, maybe not. "Oliver?" Mister Mancini set my guitar on the floor." "Oliver? What the hell kind of name is that?" rev...
  5. very well done... would say more but have blinding headache from breathing in too much superheated fiberglass(don't ask) revery the dreamlost " " the dream continues...
  6. reverie/revery: reverie can never decide which way is better to spell his name so he uses both... Revery is surgically attached to the etc mark. castle: castle is a castle... a living breathing sentinet poinging, hop-about- happy go lucky yet recently turned ghost dead died with a brain equal to that of confused puppy and or pile of rumble... fountain: fountain has a green glowing ball in his head, that was placed there by a yoga experiment gone wierd...and the ball also happen to talk... but only to fountain... bally: bally is a green glowing semi sentinent ball in fountains head, that no one else can see or here. How do we know he glows? Fountain said so... revery the dreamlost "lot of luck"(?) the dream continues...
  7. ...reminds me of lady Mcbeth after she killed the king... well the first and last stanza do... The 2nd stanza actually kinda of funny to me... it's like a yelling "what your so @#%@#$ happy about, die" reminds of me of blogger i used to know... revery the dreamlost "out damn spot" (McBeth, shakespear) the dream continues...
  8. hmm... if i remember right achanous... suggested you try to get all you lines similar length and I said... that wasn't necessary... Well after seeing some more your work... i think you should experiment with breaking the poem apart some... no strick form of stanza or line length is needed... but play around with a little till you find something you like... i offer these as examples: http://pub79.ezboard.com/fthemightypenfrm1...topicID=5.topic http://pub79.ezboard.com/fthemightypenfrm1...topicID=4.topic revery the dreamlost "oi vie"(sp) the dream continues...
  9. Very true... I've been there similar... and I think you captured the moment pretty well... gin up, young dragon... the sun will shine again... eventually... It well that you can express yourself through poetry... I went through it before i found that i had talent for writting... So without an outlet, i kinda shut down my brain for a few years... just went into survival mode... get through the day... that sort of thing... something else you could try... is use of metaphores... they can be turn pretty vivid if you have the right motavation... good luck rev...
  10. I like it... Don't change a thing... unless you want too... Line length matters not... unless your going for a specific style or syllable count... My line lengths come out pretty chaotic sometime. It's usually the result of my natural tendancy to stress and unstress my syllables(iamb) or trying to record a phrase for a song in my head lyrically. Nothing wrong with free form. It works rather well for spoken word poems too. Um, to answer your poem messenge. I'd say, keep reaching out. Maybe not all the time, but just enough. You might find something or someone worth while. Um, even better help someone else that reaching out like you are... Y'all might learn something from each other... take care revery the dreamlost "everything happy underground"(ben folds five) the dream continues...
  11. um... peredhil... um... Well, i guess i should have explain the rules more thoroughly... You weren't supposed to name the Authors!!!! Aye... heck i only know half the authors myself... It was the characterists that "A-J" that was being tested off intial impressions... heh, oh well... all in good fun i suppose... well, you nailed quite a few of them dead on... but didn't get them all... rev...
  12. um... small question... can you put a link to it on the main page some where, if that not too hard to do... thanx... rev...
  13. oh yeah, that should be 'touch' not 'tough' in poem 6... i fix... as for the answer... keep fishing this just an execise to let ya know... that no matter what time you live in, ppl are ppl the world over... revery the dreamlost "i'm under your spell" (buffy songs) the dream continues...
  14. Hiya... My muticultural literature professor... blew my mind with this 'figure out the author' game... didn't get a single one right... maybe ya'll will have more luck... Okay Instructions: 1. Read the poems. 2. From what you read, determine something about each poem from the list provided. Poems can have more than one answers... except for the answer refering specifically to date... Dated answers only have one cooresponding poem. 3. Poem do not coorespond with more than 3 answers. 4. No prize, except for the pure fun of it. I'm broke sorry... 5. correct answers will be posted eventually... Answers/ Characteristics: A. written in the last fives years B. written in 1500 BC. C. written by a man to a woman D. written by woman to a man E. written to a same sex lover F. written by an American G. translated from spanish H. translated from Persian I. written re: Platonic love J. written re: spiritual love Poem 1. I am yours, you are mine. Of this we are certain. You are lodged in my heart, the small key is lost. You must stay there forever. Poem 2. The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere They're in each other all along. Poem 3. When I approach you and see your love, you are richest in my heart. How pleasant this hour is! May it extend for me to eternity. Since I have lain with you you have lifted my heart high. Poem 4. You came. And you did well to come. I longed for you andyou brought fire to my heart, which burns high for you. Welcome, _______, be blessed three times for all the hours of our separation Poem 5. ...kiss me with the kisses of (your) mouth: for your love is better than wine. You are fair, my love; you have doves' eyes. Poem 6. I will make love with you, but only if you hold me so my earrings touch the jewelry on my ankles. Poem 7. When the man touches through to the exact center of the woman, he lies motionless, in equilibrium, in absolute desire, at the threshold of the world to which the Creator Spirit knows the pass-whisper, and whisper it, and his loving friend becomes his divinity. Poem 8 ... the stars glitter and eyes of men are closed, kings have shut their doors and each lover is alone with his love. Here, I am alone with you. kk... good luck revery the dreamlost "walking is what we did" (bill bryson) the dream continues...
  15. i took a more literal take on it... (curse of western thought) ... i picture it more of someone waking after being knocked out, then discovering 'dead person' ...conjured for me a scene from a mystery book/movie... revery the dreamlost "aye me"(R&J, shakespear) the dream continues...
  16. i'm sorry zadown, but i have to ask... did the book/movie 2001 have any influnence in the last line? I like it. Pretty vivid... I swear i could see the desert world in my head... I picture the bird as a crow from some reason... must be all of the talk of poe, i've been hearing of late... revery the dreamlost "bunnies aren't as cute as everyone supposes..."(buffy songs) the dream continues...
  17. the person above has a big pointy... well will just leave at that... revery the dreamlost "cilantro??!! NOOOOO!!!!" the dream continues...
  18. aw... chin up young ancient... revery the dreamlost "get the kewl, get the kewl shoeshine" (gorrilaz) the dream continues...
  19. i felt the same way... do what gwai told me to do... go play in the snow... it works revery the dreamlost "life's a song, you don't get to rehearse"(buffy) the dream continues...
  20. i don't drink beer... and other alcohol rarely... but then that might be 'cause i got the red face asian reaction going n'stuff... my brother think it has something to do with sulfates... am also told am not your typical aries.. if that mean anything... Lespos? how'd we get on that topic... well if we must.... sappho was damn good poet... to bad almost all her work got destroyed in the dark ages... revery the dreamlost "pity..." the dream continues...
  21. thanx for the support guys...and constructive critisizm cyril.. hey... mira... that is a great song... oh about the fourth line, the confusion of it prolly springs from a few of my habits... 'Cause i think lyrically and in phrases, i tend to get attached to the original txt of a poem at the intial point of inspiration... Another a habit is i tend to connect to things both forwards and backward phrase wise... So when i originally started this as a x-mas poem (few months back) The 4th line was served to set up the next stanza.... It was a general wish that people had more time to consider their actions before they made them... and maybe even not take things for granted: ...regarding time wasted and the time put into life... We are the products of our dreams and efforts whether made reality or left forgotten on the cutting room floor... So if time went much slower... maybe they'd see what they were wasting... Then after a long break, I came back and the whole thing tapped deeper into my head then I intially intended (like opening a door)... and the 2nd block indirectly answers to the 1st block... No longer general to advice the public... the question turns inwardly personal... because sometimes those that give advice... are giving it, because they see someone about to make a mistake that they once made... And the speaker is left to wonder would his own wish have helped him... kinda of guilt of hindsight and hyprocracy slapping him... like a noble temple built on a cracked foundation... it gives way under strain... 3rd block answers the questions of the 2nd block... I agree it does feel a little out of place... but then sometimes, so do i... that and i just didn't like using "did't or didn't" in some the alternates i came up with... will prolly look it over in a few months and clean it up some more... but for now its done... revery the dreamlost "so we go a rowing"(i forget) the dream continues...
  22. nice... like the supportive theme... revery the dreamlost "cheers..." the dream continues...
  23. Over (17FEB2003) We must be getting older... The days just come and go. I wish it went much slower For those who need to know. That the time you take Will either make or break You into who and what you are. Take this time today or let it fade away Remember life just flows so far... But am I getting older? Or just really over you... And if it went much slower Would the past be less than true. As I find my way Back from the memory Of the time- I spent with you. I'll hide my heart away and say, I could not stay... and forget that I love you. We must be getting older For the memories the same And as I think it over... I'm still holding to the pain. Of the time that day I let it fade away And buried half of me and you... I had no right to stay And so I ran away and your fear became the truth... revery the dreamlost "what the..." the dream continues...
  24. the person above me likes cats... and is mutlilingual... i think revery the dreamlost "yellow, red, white, silver... hmm, the moon can't make up it's mind tonight..." the dream continues...
  25. hey... rune looking back... that scene you pictured my brother and me in... well it was pretty accurate description, except we ended up in a restaurant... oh you just reminded me another converstation i had with my brother... He trying to convince my roomate the to read the Tao Te Ching... And he went on and on about how deep it is... and How it's a lazy person's way to mediate 'cause you just have to read a few verses a day then reflect on it's impact... He also said it was so involved that it was impossible to read all at once... Where I interjected, "really? I just read it straight through... you mean I did it wrong?" My older brother came back, "What do you mean you read it straight through?" Then he turned all reflective and said, "Man, am I that screwed up?" We all just laughed... revery the dreamlost "Let me in, let me drown, or learn how to swim..."(wallflowers) the dream continues...
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