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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Lady Celes Crusader

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Everything posted by Lady Celes Crusader

  1. Sixième partie et conclusion Tôt le lendemain matin, à l'intérieur d'un abri de fortune situé à mi-chemin entre les forts des équipes rivales, les gamins discutent des règlements qui s'appliqueront lors de la dernière bataille. Tous avaient un panier à provision dans lequel se trouvait les nombreux petits déjeûner que leur mères respectives leur avaient cuisiné. - "Dit-donc Pommuluch.", remarque Taupius, "Je comprends pourquoi tu es chi gros. Regarde la quantité de nourriture que ta maman t'a préparée. Cha n'a pas de chench!" - "Ce qui n'a pas de sens c'est ton chochottement!", lui répond le grassouillet garçon, "Je me demande pourquoi tes parents n'ont pas régler ce problème-là!" - "Taupis qui ne chochotterais pas serait la même chose que Pommulus qui ne mange pas: Ça serait pas normal!", ajoute Galopard en riant. - "Aimerais-tu que l'on te rappelle la chenchation de recevoir une grosse boule de neige en pleine figure, Galopard?", menace le binoclard. - "Si vous faites ça, je vais dire à TOUT LE MON-DE que vous êtes de gros méchants pas fin!", rétorque Galadrielle Les enfants pouffaient de rire en entendant les conséquences très peu fâcheuses de la menace de la fillette. - "C'EST PAS DRÔ-LE", cri-t-elle en pleurant et en frappant Pommulus à répétition. - "Ouch! Arrête!", supplie alors le gros gamin, "Je vais te donner une brioche au banane si tu arrête." - "Promis?" lui demande la gamine - "Promis!" - "Juré craché sur la tête de Taupius?" Pommulus lève sa main droite et crache sur la tête d'un Taupis ébahi et dégouté par ce geste. - "Promis juré craché sur la tête de Taupius!", continue Pommulus - "Sur?", lui demande Galadrielle - "Sur!" - "OK! Je te crois!" Le grassouillet enfant remets à la charmante fillette sa plus belle brioche au banane qui s'empresse de le remercier et de dévorer cette pâtisserie. Taupius s'essuyait la tête et regarde son obèse ami. - "Tu ferais n'importe quoi pour une gamine toi!", constate le binoclard. Entretemps, les discussions allaient de bon train entre les chefs des deux bandes rivales. Ils s'étaient mis rapidement d'accord sur la façon de fonctionner. Ils ont décider de continuer leur déjeuner tranquillement. - "Ça pas dû être facile de mettre Taupis et Pommulus au pas.", commente Claudieau, "Je voyais qu'ils s'engueulent très souvent entre eux, ces deux-là." - "Je sais." lui répond Romulus, "Mais je doit te poser une question. Qui a eu l'idée de mettre de l'encre dans les balles de neiges?" Le chef des malins éclate de rire à cette question. - "Ce sont les boules de neiges SPÉ-CI-A-LES de Galadrielle.", dit alors celui-ci, imitant la prononciation de la fillette. Au tour du chef des gros bras de rigoler. Il voit parfaitement la bambine présenter son invention. - "Bon!", fait alors Romulus, "Allons annoncer les règles et finissons ce petit déjeûner ensemble." Les deux représentants des équipes rivales sortent de leur coins et rejoignent les membres de leur équipes. - "OYEZ! OYEZ!", hurle alors Claudieau. Lorsque l'attention de toute l'assemblée se tourne vers lui, il continue son annonce. - "Romulus et moi avons décidé de faire un jeu du drapeau pour la dernière bataille. Chaque équipe sera derrière des tranchées qui seront séparées par une distance de cinq mètres. Nous avons déjà délimiter les dimensions des tranchées. Évidemment, il faut qu'un membre de l'équipe adverse réussisse à se faufiller à l'intérieur du fort adverse et à saisir le drapeau. Ensuite, le voleur du drapeau montera sur les ramparts et montrera qu'il a le drapeau en signe de victoire." - "Évidemment", ajoute Romulus, "La magie ne sera permise lors de la construction des tranchées. Des questions?" Les enfants clignent des yeux pour ensuite laisser leur joie s'exprimer. Les deux chefs soupirent de soulagement à la vue de ces réactions. Les gamins continuent leur déjeûner dans la bonne humeur pour une autre heure, avant de se mettre à la tâche. Après avoir démonter le petit abri de fortune utiliser lors du repas, les enfants creusaient leur tranché respectifs en utilisant la magie, histoire de pouvoir planifier leur offensives respectives le plus rapidement possible. Lorsque cette tâche est accomplie, les deux équipes avaient une heure chacune pour trouver une tactique. Du côté de Romulus, on avait confectionner un habit de neige tout blanc pour Ciboulette. Pommulus était installé avec sa fronde géante dans le dos, Taupius l'avait ajuster pour que le grasset gamin puisse lancer des balles de neiges entre deux chargements. La sœur du chef a recu un panier rempli de "munitions" en cas de pépins. La bande des gros bras était fin prête pour l'assault. Du côté de Clodieau, Galadrielle avait reçue une mission similaire à celle de Ciboulette et était vêtue de vêtements très clairs. Le Balafré, Toulaneau et Galopard avaient récupéré les mini-catapultes qui ont servies à piéger la bande de Romulus dans la fosse. Ils les avaient toutes chargées et elles étaient prêtes pour les hostilités. Chaque chef décompte à haute voix. Lorsque le décompte atteint "zéro" les balles de neige volaient de tout bord et de tout côté. Taupius recevait une balle d'une des catapultes, gracieusté de Galopard qui lui devaient quelques bleus. Le Balafré recevait son lot de balles de neige lorsqu'il rechargeait les catapultes. Entretemps, les demoiselles de chaque clan s'étaient déjà faufillée au pied du fort adverse. Galadrielle remarque avec bonheur que la porte arrière du fort a été laissé déverrouillée. Elle se faufille donc avec boheur à l'intérieur du fort de Romulus. Mais, passer par la porte arrière chez la bande des gros bras, implique de passer par l'atelier du binoclard inventeur. La gamine trébuche sur une des inventions et active une catapulte. Une à une, les diverses "machines de guerre" tombent et le chaos s'est vite installé dans le fort. La petite demoiselle, voyant que les catapultes lui barrent le chemin, s'empresse de grimper sur ces machines, espérant que le bruit n'a pas attirer l'attention de qui que ce soit. Ciboulette, de son côté, se devait de grimper pour pouvoir accéder au fort. Elle choisi aussi de grimper la facade arrière du fort de neige. La demoiselle lance le grappin et réussi à l'accrocher à quelque chose de solide. Elle se mets à grimper et elle arrive dans les ramparts du fort de Clodieau. Elle se mets en quête de chercher le drapeau adverse. Elle ouvre porte qui donne sur une armoire remplie de balles de neige. Croyant que le drapeau pourrait y être caché elle tire sur une des balles, faisant débouler le reste sur elle. Lorsqu'elle se relève elle constate que non seulement l'absence du drapeau mais aussi le nouvel aspect multicolore de ses habits. Elle réalise que c'était la réserve de balles de neige à encre qui y était stocké. Ciboulette continue néanmoins ses recherches. Sur le champ de bataille, l'action perdure et la fatigue est visible dans les deux camps. Galopard s'approche de Clodieau. - "J'espère que Galadrielle va réussir bientôt.", gémi Galopard, "Je ne crois par pouvoir durer longtemps. Au fait, as-tu vu Ciboulette?" - "Non, je ne l'ai pas vue.", lui répond Clodieau. De l'autre côté, Taupius était également intrigué par l'invisibilité de Galadrielle. - "Romuluch?", demande alors le binoclard, "Tu crois que Clodieau aurait pas envoyé Galadrielle aller chercher notre drapeau?" - "Qu'est-ce qu'il te fait dire ça?", lui rétorque son chef. - "YOUUUUUUUUUUUHOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU", crient en chœur Galadrielle et Ciboulette, chacune avec le drapeau adverse. Les membres des deux équipes regardent les deux forts à tour de rôle et se regardent avec interrogation. - "On fait quoi maintenant?", demande Grachus - "On peux pas finir comme ça!", s'exclame Galopard. Romulus et Clodieau se regardent dans les yeux et hochent la tête d'un commun accord. - "Tout le monde a gagné!", s'exclame les chefs Les fillettes avaient rejoins le groupe et racontaient leur mésaventures dans les forts adverses. - "En tous cas", dit Galadrielle, "Les machines de Taupius sont DAN-GE-REU-SES!" - "C'est une drôle d'idée de ranger autant de balles de neiges à encre dans un si petit placard!", rétorque Ciboulette. Les enfants ont continué à rire de bons cœur pour le reste de la journée et racontent à leur parents leur version de leur petite guerre avec bonheur. FIN Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader à: 2/20/02 2:06:43 pm
  2. The Frenchie looks over her 3 years old Carbone and 1 year old Cambronne and reminds herself of how cute and pleasant they were as kitten. Thank you for writting a poem that reminded me of the joy of having a kitten.
  3. l'Hymne à l'Amour Lyrics: Edith Piaf, Music: Marguerite Monnot 1950 Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer Et la terre peut bien s'écrouler Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes Je me fous du monde entier Tant qu'l'amour inond'ra mes matins Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains Peu m'importe les problèmes Mon amour puisque tu m'aimes J'irais jusqu'au bout du monde Je me ferais teindre en blonde Si tu me le demandais J'irais décrocher la lune J'irais voler la fortune Si tu me le demandais Je renierais ma patrie Je renierais mes amis Si tu me le demandais On peut bien rire de moi Je ferais n'importe quoi Si tu me le demandais Si un jour la vie t'arrache à moi Si tu meurs que tu sois loin de moi Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes Car moi je mourrais aussi Nous aurons pour nous l'éternité Dans le bleu de toute l'immensité Dans le ciel plus de problèmes Mon amour crois-tu qu'on s'aime Dieu réunit ceux qui s'aiment [My Translation] Hymn to Love The blue sky can break down on us And Earth can collaspe as well It doesn't matter if you love me I don't care about the whole world As long as love will flood my mornings As long as my body will quiver under your hands Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains No matters the problems My love, since you love me I would go to the edge of the world I would dye my hair blonde If you'd ask me to I would unhooked the moon I would steal the fortune If you'll ask me to I would disavow my homeland I would disavow my friends If you'd ask me to One can laugh of me as well I would have done anything If you'll ask me to If one day, life tears you off me If you die that you are far from me It doesn't matter if you love me Because I would also die We'll have the eternity for us In the bleu of all of the vastness In the sky no more problems Dans le ciel plus de problèmes My love, do you believe we love each other God reunites those who love each other
  4. May I suggest that we split the French Forum in 2. One forum exclusively for the stories, poems, etc. The other for chit-chat and other. Because I think its a bit mixed up. Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader à: 2/7/02 7:29:22 pm
  5. My... I've actually checked the German charts to find that it was the song Jechum was talking about. It was a pleasure to help our LoreMaster.
  6. Serge Gainsbourg (Gainsbarre for the intimates) is a genius French song writer. Here's several sites about him. Serge Gainsbourg official website (French only) HUGE WEBSITE. Heavily documented and ever growing. www.sergegainsbourg.com.f...index.html I've yet to find a decent English site dedicated to this genius.
  7. Alizee's official web site (both in English and French) www.moi-alizee.com/ This is where I've picked up the texte and translations www.geocities.com/myalizee/index.htm
  8. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Me, I am Lolita Lo or well Lola Or anything similar Me I am Lolita When I dream of wolves It is Lola who bleeds When I speak my words, I've there an insane laughter as insane As a phenomenon I am Lolita Lo of life, Lo of the Torrential loves It is not my fault And when I Give up I see the others Any passes to be thrown at me It is not my fault (of me) If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A. My Lolita Me I am Lolita A high-school girl with jeans Blue of methylene Me I am Lolita Hot-tempered and not Half-cotton, half-wool Mum's the word, stop don't say To mom that I Am a phenomenon I am Lolita Lo of life, Lo of the Torrential loves It is not my fault And when I Give up I see the others Any passes to be thrown at me It is not my fault (of me) If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A. My Lolita MY ENGLISH TRANSLATION Me, I am Lolita Lo or well Lola Its all the same Me, I am Lolita When I dream of wolves It is Lola who bleeds When my tongue forks, I've got there an insane chuckle As a phenomenon I am Lolita Lo of life, Lo of the Torrential loves It is not my fault And when I gave to cats my tongue I see the others all ready to throw themselves at me It is not my fault (of mine) If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A. I Lolita Me, I am Lolita A college girl with Methylene blue socks Me I am Lolita Hot-tempered and not Half-cotton, half-wool Mum's the word, stop don't say To mom that I Am a phenomenon I am Lolita Lo of life, Lo of the Torrential loves It is not my fault And when I gave to cats my tongue I see the others all ready to throw themselves at me It is not my fault (of mine) If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A. I Lolita
  9. Believe it or not, it had been popular in Québec as well, but since it wasn't my music style, I didn't pay too much attention. Moi... Lolita ORIGINAL VERSION Moi je m'appelle Lolita Lo ou bien Lola Du pareil au même Moi je m'appelle Lolita Quand je rêve aux loups C'est Lola qui saigne Quand fourche ma langue, j'ai là Un fou rire aussi fou Qu'un phénomène Je m'appelle Lolita Lo de vie, lo aux Amours diluviennes C'est pas ma faute Et quand je donne Ma langue aux chats Je vois les autres Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi C'est pas ma faute a moi Si j'entend tout autour de moi L.O.L.I.T.A. Moi Lolita Moi je m'appelle Lolita Collégienne aux bas Bleus de méthylène Moi je m'appelle Lolita Coléreuse et pas Mi-coton, mi-laine Motus et bouche qui n'dis pas À maman que je Suis un phénomène Je m'appelle Lolita Lo de vie, lo aux Amours diluviennes C'est pas ma faute Et quand je donne Ma langue aux chats Je vois les autres Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi C'est pas ma faute à moi Si j'entends tout autour de moi L.O.L.I.T.A. Moi Lolita
  10. While her cat, the ever shy Carbone, looks at her mistress, Celes was cleaning her ransacked room. The more she cleans it, it became more obvious that her cats were directly aimed by the thief. She stops and looks at Carbone. Perhaps the thief did manage to grab her but she escaped by clawing her way out. She resumes her cleaning and she places her stuff away from the windows it was blocking and she notices something that is hanging on an branch. She left her quarters and brings her cat along, ignoring her pet's protest and heads back to the coffee and then straight outside. Yui followed her and looks at the same direction that the Frenchie is staring at. "Are these g-strings belongs to Signe?", the Frenchie ask "Hum...", acknowledge the Huntress, "First they found strings from William's intruments and now this. I guess our thief had been either hasty, either sloppy." Celes had used a flight spell to get to Signe's piece of lingerie and lands near Yui. "We should look for someone that might had been clawed." added Celes. "He might manage to catch Carbone, because the room had been heavily ransacked. What I think happened in my room is that first he entered in my quarters and since Cambronne is curious, he always go forward the newcomers. He was easily catched. But Carbone is way shyer and the thief must have chase her and perhaps get an hold of her but she managed to clawed her way to freedom. The thief must had been furious and yanked on my desk... that is broken. To hide this, he ransacked the room and left."
  11. I love it and I would love to see the rest You can copy/paste the beginning and continue it to the appropriate section. (Assembly Room) Edited by: Lady Celes Crusader at: 2/4/02 8:42:19 pm
  12. Zakuro had finally enough strengh to get up and when she did so, a display of charred bodies, severed members, pools of blood, battlecries and swordclash is unfolding right before her. She felt the fading presence of that shadowy battlemage she hurt and notice that the Confederate magical force is no longer present on the battlefield. She then heads over the tent where Yar'cule is under care and notice that her Master is still uncounscious. She walks around the shadows and kneels nearby Yar'cule's head. She gazes over his calm form and she was tempted to smile but refrains to do so. He looks so gentle when he's asleep. Not knowing him, I could hardly believe that he is the Infernal Sorcerer. She strokes her Master's head and kisses him on his forehead. "Hum.... Zakuro? Is that you?" mumbles the older Sorcerer Before the Lady with the Burning Scars confirms his thought he laughs gently. "Off course its you, my dear Apprentice.", he continues, "The Confederate thinks that we were all monsters but if they knew better..." He shrugs at the thought. He knows that Zakuro can be as gentle toward him as she can be ruthless and cruel toward her enemies. Zakuro: "Their blood shall be my perfume" She was a slave when she was brought to him and now she's about to be one of the most powerful sorceress Rekmor ever had. Yar'cule gazes over the half-elven's mage features and his gaze stops over the scar on her left cheeck. One of the two scars that are schorching her delicate form each time she uses magic, that gave her the nickname she bears now, that give her constant pain. " My dear child", continues Yar'cule, "You have no idea about the time I've spent to research a way to lift that dreaded curse that is torturing you everyday. If it wasn't for these scars, you would have been a mage as potent than I am." " I am, Master.", replies softly Zakuro, "I'm training my body to endure pain that no torture device can reproduce. I'm casting stronger and stronger spells each passing days. You shouldn't worry about these anymore. In fact, I'm supposed to get rid of this curse myself. But I've noticed another weakness of mine." "If you are referring about the illusions", cuts Yar'cule, "Its not a weakness but lack of experience. You never had been on a battlefield before and you had never been exposed to such tricks." Yar'cule coughs and his stomach seems to be still as ill as it was earlier. When the pain is over, the Sorcerer reaches an head over his apprentice's face and explores her features with his thumb. "Zakuro", he continues, "I'm not sure if my body can witstand the damage I've inflicted upon myself. I'm probably dying right before your eyes" Zakuro's yellow eyes filled themselves with tears. Yar'cule gently wipes these. While thinking about his apprentice. You should had been nicknamed The Rose of Reknor. Your estranged beauty always caught my eyes. "I am useless for now", continues the sorcerer, "I might survive this as well. But you have to go on with that goblin slave of yours. I'm sure he'll help you greatly in his way." Zakuro gets up and smiles at her Master. She leans over him and caresses his head for a last time. "Take care, O Great Yar'cule", she finally replied, "I knew you had overcome worst than that. The battle will be over soon, I can sense it." She leaves the tent and goes for her discarded chain mail that she quickly put back on. She sees an ogre toying with the remains of a confederate soldier, probably brought over by some soldiers in order to qualm their spirit. She walks over the beast and asks to it to show its "toy". The beast cooperate when Zakuro told him that she doesn't want to steal it. She reach and hand over a bleeding wound and she dips two of her fingers in it. She then applied two spots of blood right behind her ears. She then smells the tips of her fingers. "Hum", she smirks with satisfaction, "The blood of the ennemies smells so good." She then heads for the edge of the hill and watches the conclusion of the battlefield.
  13. Cinquième partie Au petit matin, Clodieau et ses amis se sont réunis à l'intérieur du leur fort, chacun ayant eu un petit panier dans lequel se retrouve leur déjeuner. La petite Galadrielle dormait sur les cuisses de son chef, encore exténuée des efforts continus que ce jeu de guerre demande. - ''C'est sympas de la part de nos mamans de nous laissez bouffer ic!'', s'exclame Galopard, mordillant à belle dents dans une biscotte tartinée avec de la confiture aux fraises. - ''Ouais!'', lui répond le balafré entre deux bouchées de son muffin aux bleuets, sa sorte préférée, ''Comme ça, on va pouvoir discuter stratégie plus rapidement et les attaquer par surprise.'' - ''Ou du moins les prendre de court.'', mentionne Galopard en mangeant une banane, ''Comme il est inutile de forcer la porte de leur fort, la seule manière sera de grimper avec deux échelles. Puisqu'ils sont plus forts que nous, il nous faut gagner de vitesse.'' Toulaneau, qui surveille le fort ennemi remarque qu'aucun de l'équipe de Romulus ne s'est encore pointé. Il se tourne vers Clodieau et constate que Galadrielle est toujours endormie. - ''Euh.... Chef?'', demande-t-il, ''Je crois qu'on devrait réveiller la petite princesse, comme ça elle aurait le temps de bouffer.'' Clodieau caresse gentiment les joues de la gamine qui ne répond que par une gémissement endormi. Il décide alors de la secouer juste assez pour qu'elle se réveille. - ''Hum?'', fait alors la fillette en se frottant ses lourdes paupières et en s'assoeyant tout doucement. - ''Bonjour Galadrielle!'', fait Toulaneau, ''Ta maman nous a confié ton panier dans lequel elle a mis des brioches aux pommes et à la canelle!'' Juste après avoir entendu ce que l'autre gamin lui vient de dire, la petite Galadrielle semble remplie d'énergie. ''Des brioches?!'', s'exclame la gamine, ''Pis de ma sorte PRÉ-FÉ-RÉE! Il est où mon panier?'' Clodieau lui donne alors le panier de la fillette qui s'empresse alors de l'ouvrir et d'en dévorer le contenu. D'ici une heure, l'équipe de Clodieau sera prête pour l'assaut de leur fort ennemi. Trois quarts d'heure plus tard, l'équipe de Romulus était finalement arrivée dans son fort et est en train de penser à sa stratégie du jour. Taupius fesait alors la démonstration d'une fronde qui ressemblait davantage à une catapulte portative. Pommulus était à quatre pattes avec la fronde attachée solidement au moyen d'harnais sur son dos. - ''Dit donc le binoclard!'', proteste le grassouillet gamin, ''T'aurais pas pu trouver mieux? C'est vraiment chiant de trimballer ce machin-là dans le dos!'' - ''De quoi tu te plains gros lard?'', lui répond l'inventeur en lui assénant un coup de pied au derrière, ''Grâche à mon invenchion, tu as maintenant une utilité!'' - ''Taupius!!!!'', s'exclame Romulus, ''Ça suffit! Pommulus est aussi utile que n'importe quel membre de notre équipe. Je suis tanné de votre rivalité inutile. Nous sommes membres de la même équipe et nous sommes tous égaux. Excuse-toi auprès de Pommulus.'' Taupius avale bruyamment et se tourne vers Pommulus. - "Je m'excuche Gr.... Euhhh Pommuluche'', dit alors Taupius embarassé. - ''Bien!'', fait alors Romulus, '' Tu peux continuer ta pré..'' - ''ALERTE!!!!'', hurle Ciboulette qui faisait le guêt, ''On nous assiège!!!'' - ''QUOI!!!! PAS DÉJÀ!!!"", disent les gamins tout en coeur. Tous accourt aux remparts de leur fort, laissant Pommulus derrière. Ce dernier, refusant d'être mit de côté proteste. Taupius vient alors le chercher. - ''Viens!'', lui dit alors le bincloard, ''Que dirais-tu d'une démonchtrachion chur nos ennemis?" - "Bonne idée!", lui répond Pommulus. À l'extérieur, Galopard qui est sur la première échelle et Clodieau sur la deuxième avaient déjà bien entamer leur ascension. Chacun était coiffé d'un couvercle de marmite pour les protéger de la neige. L'équipe de Rommulus les bombardaient sans ménagement mais leur progrès ne ralentissaient à peine. Taupus avait emmener Pommulus et modifiait l'orientation de la fronde pour qu'elle puisse tirer vers le bas. Le bicoclard placait le gros lard de façon à ce que la fronde tire vers Galopard, qui est maintenant suivi par le balafré. Ciboulette, trop ravie d'aider Taupius, lui emmena un projectile de catapulte. Taupius s'installe sur le rampart et tiens charge la fronde. Ensuite, lorsque la tension est maximale, il tire. La grosse boule de neige frappe le pauvre Galopard de plein fouet, celui-ci en est tellement ébranlé qu'il lâche prise et tombe sur le Balafré qui lui aussi lâche prise. Les deux gamins sonnés atterrissent finalement sur leur comparses qui tenaient leur échelle. Ciboulette fait alors basculer l'échelle vers l'arrière. - "GALOPARD!!!!", crie alors Galadrielle qui accrout vers ses amis assomés. Le cri de la fillette détourna l'attention de tous ceux qui étaient affairés sur l'échelle de Clodieau. L'équipe de Romulus en profite pour faire alors basculer l'échelle de toutes leurs force. Ils parviennent à faire perdre l'équilibre à Clodieau qui saute dans la neige et Toulaneau se fait renverser au sol avec l'échelle. L'équipe de Clodieau était hors de combat. Romulus attends que les membres de l'équipe adverse se soit remise de ces chutes et de ses émotions avant d'interpeller leur chef. - "Clodieau!", appelle alors Romulus, "Puisque nous savons défendre si bien nos forts, je suggère qu'on se batte sur le terrain qui sépare nos deux forts demain." - "Je suis d'accord avec toi!", lui répond Clodieau, "J'aimerais discuter avec toi des règles pour la bataille de demain." Chacunes des équipes retournaient à la maison, anticipant le dénoument de la petite guerre des neiges. À suivre Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader à: 2/19/02 1:25:49 pm
  14. Bearer with the Golden Mug? referring to Foe Calibur *lol* I didn't know that you were such a drunkard Congrats to all the newly promoted
  15. From the first floor of the Manor, Celes is totally enraged. Someone had kidnapped her cat Cambronne, terrorized her female feline, which she carries along in her arms, her quarters on the first floor had been ransaked and her Café is upside down thank's to the upset that wretched thief had cause. While she was rushing toward her Café, her cheecks still wet by tears, Peredhil and Jakob followed her and tried to calm her down. "My dear Celes," started Peredhil, "please, try to calm down. I can sense your poor Carbone is freezing out of terror and you are..." "Me calming down?", interrupted rudely Celes, "As you had noticed, choas is reign in my café, my quarters are upside down, one of my pets is missing and the other had been traumatized and you ask me to calm down?" "Errrrrrr....", Jakob started, "He does have a point. I think that the fact that one of your cat had been kidnapped can be a not so bad thing." The Frenchie throws one of those killers' gaze at Jakob, who manage to keep his relatively calm composure. "I mean", continues the wise mage, "If you can sense your cat's presence, perhaps that it will lead to the thief." In the meantime, Candice rushes over the Café owner with a pale face. "Madame", the chef starts sobbing, "The Pen works, the poem, even the little snowball story, they are all gone." Celes dropped Carbone on the ground and rushes toward the billboard. It had been emptied. The Frenchie touches the board at first, but as soon as she realizes that the nightmare is true, she starts to bang it and to cry hysterically. "WHERE ARE THESE!!!!", she starts to yell, "GIVE ME MY CAT BACK! GIVE OUR WORKS BACK! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS YOU *BIP*. JE VAIS T'EN *BIP* UNE!" While Celes continues to cries out all sort of profanities in both English and French, Peredhil walks in with Celes' cat in his arm and feels desolated for her. "He had been way to far!", he started, "I think we should catch this thief as soon as possible before he causes anymore damage."
  16. Zakuro collapse on the ground her energy is all spent and the pain was beyond the bearable, she looses conscience while the shadows are hurrying at her side. Nyarkul, the goblin servant rushed toward the shadows, bringing them pouches of herbs he usually use to cool down her scars. "Remove her chain mail immediatly and put these on her cursed scars!", yell the worried creature. Meanwile Zakuro's mind is sliding into a dream of its own. A little half-elven girl, who's dressed up in dirty rags, was crying in a pitch black room. Zakuro can only see her back. See seems to be holding sometimes in her arms. "Mamma!", she cries out, "Where are you Mamma? Why did you abandonned me Mamma?" The little one sobs louder and Zakuro can see her face. It was, in fact, Zakuro herself, when she was a child. She was holding a makeshift doll wich have sown X's for eyes and mouth. The blurry pitch black room defines itself as the coal storage, where she slept when she was a slave. "Tell me Mamma! Am I someone?", ask the little Zakuro, "Do I worth something? Am I nothing more than a slave?" "MAAAAAAMMMMAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Zakuro wakes up startled and sits up as suddenly as her wake. Nyarkul rushes over her and calms her down while helping her to lay back down. "Shhhhh. Mistress.", hushes the servant, "You were lucky that you arm wasn't severed and that beam didn't hit you in a more vital place. You need to rest now." The Goblin places new patches of medecinal herbs on her burning scars. Zakuro checked her wounded arm. She remembers that she protected herself hastily of some kind of beam but that was it. The mage that casted it was in an hurry because it wasn't at potent at it should had been. She then worries about Yar'Cule. "Nyark!!!!", she calls out, "How's Master? Is he..." "Still unconscious,"started the servant,"and as I know, the shadows are uncertain about his stomach. They are providing the best care they can." Zakuro closes her eyes and prays for Yar'cule's recovery. Am I someone?
  17. Celes gets up on her feets and dusts her butt off. She notice the frantic activities and panic over here and there. She then started to worry about her beloved pets. She then calls out her chef. The lady chef, who's name is Candice, walks out of the kitchen and her eyes widens when she sees the chaos around here. "Candice," started the Lady, "I need you to check with Betty if there's anything missing in the Cafe because there's a thief out there! As for me, I'll be checking if anything is missing." She didn't even wait for an answer from Candice that the Frenchie rushes up toward her quarters. When she arrives, she gasped in horror. Her quarters had been ransack, as if a fight occured. Did the thief was really after my cats? She replaces some of her stuffs and noticed that he wasn't interested toward her valuable. She calls out her cats but there's no answer, she then looks under her bed and sees Carbone, her shy female cat, totally terrorized. She then starts to look out for her more social one... Cambronne. She calls out his name several time, but no answer. She looks about everywhere, but no signs of him. She even shakes the box of meat candies that both cats loves, only Carbone responded. Celes kneels on the ground and starts to cry, realizing that someone tooked her cat away and tried to get his dirty hands on Carbone as well but, thanks to her shyness, avoided the same fate that Cambronne is enduring. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", she starts to shout, "Where's my cat!!!! Il est où c't'o**** d'enfant de ******!!!" She continues to cries in an hysterical rage while screaming all kind of insulting profanities aimed at the thief,
  18. Meanwhile, amist the chaos in the back of the Hand's force, Zakuro is nervously watching around her. Yar'cule is still focusing on his lightining spell. I have to do something! I can't stay like a sitting duck forever. Think! She gazes over the battlefield again and checks the humongous quantity of corpse lying here and there. Although she knows how to puppet one zombie, she knows that puppeting an whole army of them will be way too exhausting for her. But, she must guide the zombie just a bit, so that they wont hit any Hand's forces. She notices the crests embedded in the soldier's armor. She smirks and laughs. "That is all that I needed" She began to cast her spell and, while flames dances on her scars, corpses raises on there foot, crawls on the gound and aims any soldier that bears a noble crest on its armor as she instructed them to do so while reviving them. Although they'll be clumsy and mindless they'll distract the Confederate dogs just enough to give room to both her Master and the Dread Lord without eating her concentration or strentgh away.
  19. I not only read it, I've sang it. Excellent dark poetry.
  20. When the rain started to fall from the sky, Zakuro sights of relief. The drops caresses her burning scars, cooling them down and relieving her of her pain. I need to gain strenght or I'll be no use against the opposition. I shall protect my master at all cost. The Lady with the Burning Scars scans the back rows and spotted that something is amiss around Midicus' emplacement. This is one of those I should watch for She turns her gaze over the frenzied battlefield and sees the numerous corpses that layed on the ground. If she wouldn't have to watch for her master's back, she would have done delightful things with all these cadavers. But she must save her strength for her master... ...For the one who made someone out of the slave that I was. For those who had seen the potential within me and brought me to Yar'cule. For him... For them... For the Hand... Her gaze turns back and forth over the slaugther that is displayed before her. Lots of memories climbs in her thought but she holds them back. She gets herself prepared to cast a force field strong enough to hold back any attack, physical or magical, directed toward her and the Infernal Sorcerer. After all, there'll be plenty of time to remember, but there's only one time to win this important battle and that time is now.
  21. Celes heards about the news and saddens. But then, she realizes that perhaps it what the best thing for him to do although she would have love to know more about him. - "Mon ami", she starts, "I welcome the serinity that decision brougth you and I can't wait to hear from you. Drop by the Manor of Tongue's Cafe and I'll make your favorite specialty coffee." She then smiles at him and wishes Lumpen good luck.
  22. The Lady with the Burning Scars nods at her master's comment. She knows that if the wizards have to be on the battlefield, they'll be more likely on the back. Hum... an assaillant from the back door? I wonder how they'll react to millions of little cratures. It might be risky, but I know ways to destroy them easily if any of our opponent takes control of these She closes her eyes and her hands form a triangle. While whispering a summoning spell, fire bursts out of her scars, causing a pain that the War Sorceress learned to deal with. When she is done, another black swarm with thousands of tormented squeals can be heard from afar. A million of blood thirsty rats made their way behind the Confederate forces and savagely attacks the catapultes and the unfortunate who were simply outnumbered. - Now, lets help the front line. I want to smell blood, lots of blood. She concentrates again and casted a spell that makes the tips of any weapons from the Hand's army to ignite within fire. Flame are still burning out of her scars as she chants the final words of her spell. She opens her eyes again and smiles when she heards the screams, the sword clash and the agonies. - That's what I call "music"! Let's finish the writing of the first movement of this "symphony of chaos". She then concentrates to throw ponctual fireballs when she feels its needed. The pain from her fire-bursting scars is easily forgotten at each scream of agony and pain she heard. Her yellow eyes are now dancing with a maniacal and fanatical joy.
  23. Zakuro was kneeling in front of a chest, checking the rags she founds in it. She had already assembled a formidable arsenal of explosive material. Nyarkul, a difform creature that could be apparented as a goblin, analyzes the inventory spread on the table. "Mistress Zakuro, you don't intend to carry all this explosive material along? You'll be like a errrr... a walking bomb!" said the slave creature. Zakuro gets up and walks over her servant, who crouches in anticipation of any kind of blows, but nothing happened. Instead, the creature sees the Infernal Sorcerer's student surveying what is on the table. "I know Nyark", she finally replies, "I'll be a walking threat if I carry too many explosive matters on me. Also, my backpack must be as light as possible." Nyarkul blinks as he didn't understood why the Lady with the Burning Scars didn't hit him because of his impertinent remark. Any other students would have done it, but she didn't and he knows how cruel and dreadful she is to her ennemies. "Why should I hit a loyal servant of the Hand?", asked Zakuro, "Your opinion was right, Nyark, and you know much more about explosive than these other mages does. My wrath, hmrph, I'll keep it for the Confederate dogs." She then pats the goblin on its head and resumes her survey.
  24. Zakuro shrugs when she heards Ghorn's words. She was tempted to think outloud what she thought of his foolish speech, but she refrains from it as now is not the best moment to do so. She was glad that the Dread Lord interrupted this nonsense. She smiled for a few seconds and then, returns her attention to Marionus. What a prestence! She is proud to serve such Lord who inspired the deepest of all terror only by his presence. When he speaks his voice reaches her scarred heart and ignites her fierce loyalty and passion. Knowing that the Great One puts her among his cherished servants, she promise to herself to never dissapoint him, to never betray him. My life, my magic, my loyalty and my might are all in His disposal. That's the least that I can do and I promise to give Him more of me if its what I need to do in order to be among His favorites. She then listens to her master's words and nods when he mentioned her. She waited the moment that she'll be allowed to speak in order to do so. "I'm thanking you, my master, for your trust you put in my skills and I shall prove that what you spoke of me is the truth. For the Lord of Nightmares, the blood of our ennemies shall be my perfume. I have no questions. With you permission, I'm leaving this meeting so I can prepare adequatly for the offense." Marionus nodded at her request. She sheated her sword and bows respectfully to the Lord of the Dread first, then nodes to her master before returning to her master's tent, where she can assemble the material she'll need to build her deaded magical traps.
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