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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Gods of Man


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Realms forgotten and suns of past,

Night and Wisps approach us fast,

The wind, it whispers,

Fresh and close,

A gentle stream,

Through forest's copse.


Twilight moods as dusk sets in,

The calm before the dance again,

Memories of the day will fade,

With joy and feasting in the glade,

The battles fought,

Our bloodied hands,

The treasures sought,

The blasted lands.


We weep not for heroes lost,

Their wasted lives - a simple cost,

Distracted now as fiddlers start,

Warm fires lit in forest's heart,

Glow on faces from the heat,

Frothing ale, mead and meat.


We hang back and watch and nod,

On thrones we sit and act as God,

For all these humans are our toys,

All are fooled by masterful guise,

The festival - it continues on,

We still mingle in the throng.



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Here in America the painful surprise of September 11th's three plane anniversary is at hand. In the last two years, I've seen it move from a fever to a fad to a "is that still around?"


Over in Ireland, you've been torn with patriotism, blood, and casualties that make the World Trade Towers seem small in their shadows.


All this to say, I find your poem to have the same international character as humanity, and it moves my thoughts.


Thank you for writing.

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Lol - oops sorry Vlad. That was a spelling error. Should have been "copse" - a grove in the forest which sets the scene for where the revelry takes place.


I can see corpse actually working quite well there too, but you can pick which ever fits bets for ya! :wolf:

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