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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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I don't know what I was thinking, but I give full credit to the others of the pen.

All I did was take one (or two) line(s) out of the most recent poems each...

They may have a different meaning because they are out of context, but this might turn out really good, or really bad.


The air is heavy

Excuse me if I seemed relieved.

There, at last I have peace.

I can't think

I can't be perfect

You can stand there,

Lookin' like a fool,

As the clouds darkened,

the blades sharpened on the knifes,

The constant anger and jealousy,

Dark, always dark

is this what's it like to die?

Where is the sky...

white tracers, smoking trails

But I don't want to burn

My heart aches.

My hammer drops...

still alone.


Hmm... I like it...

Oh, before I forget, credit is due to:


Jonathan Wolfe, Valdar and Astralis, Crowgirl, Falcon, Tasslehoff, DoPeY, Degenero Angelus, Blondemoon, Lordsmeagol, Cyril Darkcloud...

And mostly me! Because I thought of it! And I am a genius! And should be worshipped! And

*continues rambling as he gets dragged off by men in white lab coats*

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Rune stares blankly at Vlad as he does his best to impersonate each presenter as he goes from line to line.


Ooo neat idea! and it was very effective. Its sort of like a collage of pen art.


Rune takes the poem, walks over to the nearest wall and does her best to hang it for public view. Only problem is that considering her height, it is really only hung about 2 foot off the ground. Shrugging she thinks it looks good to her and waves.

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I should do this again later when more people post other poems.

So there's your incentive... get to work!


Why am I not posting original poetry, you ask?

I'm in the process of writing a short story which will be later posted in the assembly room.

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