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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

True Story


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So, I'm the nonfoods buyer for my co-op. They've been asking for a lot of stuff lately, but not cleaning supplies. Well yesterday I get a huge list of supplies they suddenly need desperately. Now, as a point in fact, it's not my job to know what's going low, they're supposed to tell me. Of course though, that doesn't help, if there are no nonfoods, it's my fault of course. So, since then I"ve been bugged by three people asking why I haven't gotten the supplies yet. Nevermind the fact that I have a test today, and maybe other things to do besides biking way out into the middle of nowhere every second.


So, I get up this morning, decide to go before lunch, but I don't end up making it out there till about eleven. But by then, I'm pretty hungry for lunch, because I didn't get up in time for breakfast. I've got to have that stuff before lunch at 12:20, so finally I get out and go. Now, after all the crap I've gotten since yesterday about how we need the "purple cleaning stuff" desperately, damnit if I'm going to run low again


I'm determined to carry back all I can (mistake number one).


Having emptied my back pack I manage to get a huge container of the purple stuff (probably weigh about ten pounds). Then, I decide to grab two more small containers, adn put one on each handle bar (even I knew that if I didn't balance them I wouldn't be able to do it). mistake number two.


So, I carry them out to my bike--I can't get on. Well, I said, this driveways' rediculously lumpy, that must be the problem. I walk my bike down it, and try again in the street. I can't get on, but I do swerve striaght across the road. Finally I get on, but I can't go straight. Ok, this isn't going to work, so after a few more tries, I head back towards the supply depo. I figure I'll put one of the small containers back, and carry the other in my backpack (mistake number 3).


After trying for a minute I get the small container into my backpack, but it won't quite close, and I'm worried about it falling through a bit because of the sheer weight (my backpack's pretty new, that's not the problem). It's hard to get on, but I do it. Two blocks later the sidewalk is packed with schoolkids. The teacher tells them over and over to walk on the right side so that others can get by. However condsiderign that shes' walking on the left side herself, I can see why none of the kids listen. So, I get off, walk my bike past the gawking kids. About now, I'm remembering that it's been about 20 hrs since I've eaten, and I'm hy.. n/m I have serious sugar problems. Also, I'm rememberign that my mom has been telling me to see a doctor about the funny lights that appear in my head when I haven't eaten for too long, for about a week. Hmm, I really better make an appt for that, because she's right.


Now my hands are starting to shake badly, and when I try to get on my bike, I can't. A motorcyclist smirks. @#%$. Finally get on, across the street, and get home without any more adventure. By then though my hands were shaking so bad, I could hardly drink the cider I poured (and spilled a bit of) Still can hardly type.


Man I love being a nonfoods buyer!


I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark

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LOL! Adventures in Mundania! Lots of effort, no fun, but man does it feel good when it stops hurting!


I'm with you on the hypoglycemia - I have to east something every few hours. I NEVER would have made it 20!



Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.


Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.


Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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Ah yes... the miniature, unforeseen annoyances that can ruin one's day. I hope you don't mind if I add my own little non-fictional narrative of something that happened to me just this afternoon... I read over your story and this thread was just begging me to post it...


The weather over in Washington D.C recently has been very hot and humid, with sunshine simply pouring down from the sky and few cool places to hide at. So naturally, when I went out in the day time after my classes had ended and decided to walk over to Border's Books and Records in order to do a bit of manga browsing and crate digging*, I was wearing a light T-shirt...


(*Crate digging: hip hopper term for browsing through CDs for rarities ;p)


After a very nice 15 minute walk to Border's, I had fun browsing there for around 40 minutes and then decided to head back to my dorm... I went out and started casualy heading back, not taking notice that it was very dark outside for only 2 in the afternoon, due to the menacing clouds... Mistake #1...


I walked happily for a bit and then suddenly, it began to rain. Rather then turning back, I decided to hurry my pace to the dorm... Mistake #2. No sooner had I gotten an adequate distance away from Border's then a huge storm broke out. This included thunder, lightening, and enormous cascades of rain violently propelled by a gust wind. I've been caught in bad storms in France before, but this was ridiculous! It took approximately 3 seconds for me to get soaked to the bone. The streets were basicaly flooded with water, and my shoes and socks were soaked as well. I dashed as fast as I could to my dormitory, and it started to hail... I fortunatly managed to get inside before the ice droplets reached larger proportions...


Once inside, I immediatly went to my room, changed out of my soaking cloths and hanged them up to dry, took a shower, got into some new cloths, and went on the computer to write something up...


5 minutes later, it was sunny outside again...



Almost a Dragon...

"My life is one big crime, I try to scheme through it." -Common, "The 6th Sense"


Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.

Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 4/19/02 6:01:50 pm

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I love this. I have always wondered why there was a lack of non-fantasy at The Pen. I could probably tell some riviting stories of my escapades in Dynasty Warriors 3, or Everequest, but I don't think they would strike anyone as interesting...

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Do it, Nyyark, do it! *Gyrfalcon eggs on Crowboy (and coincidentally, that turns out as a long pun. Didn't mean it to be, but when you have a birdbrain to match your birdbeak (I'm bad, aren't I?), these sort of things nest in your brain (I'll stop, I'll stop!))*


*Gyrfalcon takes flight from the glares of hostility and the talons of revenge*

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Yeesh, I'm gonna have to get with it - my record is being threatened...




Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.


Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.


Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Brute3

ehh..I've got something to add; an occurance of character-building, if you will. I've worked in the armored truck business for about a year now. My last birthday happened to be on a Friday, and I had to work. So, as usual, I'm riding in the back of the armored truck in downtown Dallas. We were running late and I was trying hard to make up time by rushing in and out of stops and urging my driver to ignore most traffic laws. (This would be mistake no. 1)


AS I hopped into the truck from a stop, I told the driver, who was still relatively new, to "GO,GO!" We happened to be in a different truck from the one we normally take, so the seat I take in the back was facing forward and back from the steel bulkhead by about three and a half feet. The driver stomped on the gas pedal, throwing me into the seat as he began to cut a left through an intersection. He immediately followed up with a equally hard stomp on the brake, which flung me forward fast. I've got pretty good reflexes. I'm able to snatch things out of the air coming toward me that I can barely follow with my eye, but I couldn't manage to do more than look up at the point of impact.


The steel bulkhead won, I'm afraid. I remember the sound upon impact...my driver later accurately described it as a melon being dropped onto a hard floor. Well, largely due to the pain and in a small part because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the route, I did my sailor background proud and turned into a terrible potty mouth. I grin as I write this, but I think my poor driver thought that if I was still alive, I was gonna poke my gun through the gun port and shoot him. Bless his heart. You see, there's a steel wall separating me from him with a small, bullet-proof window and gun ports. He was trying to navigate the truck without squishing pedestrians while turning around and looking at me through the window, where I lay in the floor in the back, clutching my head and yelling bad, bad things.


I checked my head to see if I had a pronounced fracture, and was satisfied that I did not. Then I yelled instructions for him to call base and tell them the last part of the route was to be finished by someone else and to take me back immediately, for I was bleeding heavily. I decided against having him drive on a major freeway in his state of panic and told him to find a Dallas cop. They're everywhere. He did well, for we were soon parked on the side of main st. in downtown, surrounded by two patrol cars, a fire truck, and an ambulance. At some point during all of this, I remembered that it was my birthday.


I'm not in the habit of giving myself presents (for one has to remember the occasion to do such ), but I managed to give myself a neat three or four inch scar at my hairline above the right eye. Happy birthday, Goof!


And you know, not a drop of blood did I spill onto my uniform. I even managed to leak mainly on a easily disposed-of cardboard box that was in the back. The poor fella that cleaned up the truck didn't seem to appreciate my efforts.

Edited by: Brute3 at: 5/4/02 7:37:34 pm

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*laughs and hands Bute a band-aid*

Now what does that tell you about going fast in a hard truck?


Now for that other guy...


*whips out the staff of PUNishment and looks around for Gyr*


C'mere, you feathered freak!

Cioden Darkeye


Quill-Bearer - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

President of the Peredhil Fan Club

Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses

Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II

Council - The Hunters - Blitz II

Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta

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