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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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I, like many of you who have (or will) read Wyvern's last post:


Hey all. Just wanted to drop in to mention that I haven't forgotten about the Pen, but have decided to re-orient my focus to extending myself to more of the people I appreciate in my daily real life this year. So far, I'm already getting to know quite a few great people in the bay area, and couldn't be happier with my decision. Should I re-emerge from this shift in my life, it will probably be with a new focus on producing writing that can be shared with anyone and that is not exclusively oriented to the mighty halls of the Pen Keep, so I'm sorry to say that the legacy of Wyvern may be drawing to a close. Who knows though, maybe he'll show up again eventually if there're enough new skirts to chase or something. ;-) Anyway, if I don't re-emerge from my new outlook on life, I just want to say that I am thankful to the Pen for giving me some great friends that I will continue to keep in touch with and cherish outside of these halls. So in other words, I'm all anciented out! Guess it was bound to happen eventually. I'll try to post here once in a while, just to let you know that I haven't completely disappeared from the internets.


Wanted to say, "No. You Sir are far too permanent a fixture within this Institution, to even consider the action described. Who, SIR, will read and stamp the applications -APPROVED-? Who, SIR, will take the credit for all of Melba's hard work? Who, SIR, shall: Covet geld, scheme, swindle, hoodwink and boondoggle!? Who, SIR, shall harass, then kiss the girls and make them cry?"


I wanted to say, "We GRACIOUSLY accepted your decision to stop your weekly postings under the 'News' forum, what MORE do you want from us?"


"You have a responsibility and duty to the Pen! To US!?"


Simply put, "What shall WE do without you?"


All this and more I wanted to say. . .NAY! Scream out loud! I wanted to shake him forcibly, 'till he came to his senses.


But I shall not.


Wyvern deserves much more then that.


Though I have never even communicated (let alone met) with the individual behind Wyvern outside of these imaginary walls, I have always considered him (like many of you) a friend.


Therefore, I shall say, "You are young, with a long life ahead of you. You deserve to live it fully, without the chains and constraints individuals (such as myself) would like to place upon you. I would quote some glib saying about God holding you in his hands while your life is filled with wonder and joy, until he brings you safely back to us - but I don't know any."


Wyvern, I envy those who know the individual that 'Wyvern' is but a part of - because, having only had the pleasure of knowing 'Wyvern', I am better for that alone.


We can selfishly hope that 'The Pen' is too great a desire for you and you find yourself unable to stay away for long. But, it is more likely you will make every attempt to post and 'check-in' once in a while, 'till one day you find yourself thinking, "It's been so long since I checked, I wonder if the Pen even still exists."


Which is O.K., sad. . . but O.K.


(Anyone figure out that Snypiuer is long-winded and lacks the ability to come to a tactful 'End' yet?)


You have been one of the most prolific and dependable writers here. That level of your presence will be missed - making any future posting by you all the more special and cherished. Keep us in your thoughts and visit as often as you can!

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I've met and know the man behind Wyvern, and he's worth knowing. I can't imagine that he'll have issues extending life beyond the Pen, or that he'll hesitate to check back in occasionally. Each person who's been active here seems to dread stepping down, but it opens doors for others ready to grow to take up responsibilities, and, not "take their place", but take the needs and find their own manner and voice in meeting them.


I've always seen the Elders as the active day-to-day moderators, those who serve unselfishly (there isn't any reward except respect, and sometimes not that. Ancient means that you can't devote a minimum amount to the Pen, and you love enough it enough to take the ego-hit of stepping back and letting another try. I know I struggled with becoming an Ancient, as others have, and now Wyvern

The Pen has consistently had leadership that has served, and embodied my vision in action.


I'm proud to be a part of this, even as little as I'm able to be in these busy days.

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Thank you Wyvern.




Your contributions here have enriched the experience for every character who proved brave enough to walk into the Recruiter's office , of that I have no doubt. Good luck with your future endeavors and once again; Thank You.

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At first it is just a wall like any other wall - cob webbed, dusty, neglected - but then, something stirs. One of the massive paintings of the Mighty Hall seems to tremble slightly, then noticeably shudders, producing a plume of slow falling dust as the portrait seems to come alive...


"AHHH-CHOOOO!" Zool, the Ancient, has awakened after yet another extended absence, only to find that even Grimmael has failed him - but on this occasion he is too overcome, emotionally and physically, to bemoan the negligence.


"Did I hear - AHHH-CHOOO! - that Wyvern has gone - AHHH-CHOOO! - Ancient!? AHHH-CHOOO! ANCIENT???"


Pulling a red silk hanky from his breast pocket he wiped his eyes then noisily blew into it before pocketing it again. Once reassembled, Zool lost it.


"YOU CAN"T DO THIS TO ME!! WAAAAAHHHHHH!" He fell to his knees, bursting into tears. "Wyvern, buddy, bro - you've kept the flame alive for SO LONG - What are we to do without you? WAAAHAHAHAhaha..." Clearly distraught, Zool buried his head in his hands, fell into a fetal position and lay there, sobbing in one corner of his massive gilt frame.


* * * * *


Believe me, I understand - and if anyone deserves some time off - it's you, my friend. Hope you drop by once in a while though! :)

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When I first joined the Pen, I was a weak writer at best, with literally no idea who Degorram even was. I entered that office with no expectations or ideas and was even partially surprised when Wyvern stamped me approved.


Four years have gone by. For four years, Degorram has had more adventures than I had though possible. For four years, Degorram has become a part of something we call the Mighty Pen, has become a part of a community. After four years, Degorram has become my main muse; Degorram has become the constant in my mind. Degorram has turned from just another vague, partially me character, to entirely me.


In short, Wyvern, you and your presence here at the Pen Keep have helped me to discover myself in a way that is so prevalent that I occasionally look in the mirror expecting to see short, color changing hair and black fox-like ears. My writing skills have blossomed here, yes -- but so has my personality. And for that, I thank you.


I hope you can come back to us every now and again. Do keep in touch.

Edited by Degorram
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