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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Canned Heat or Bottled Heat?


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Wyvern steps into the Cabaret Room with a tilt and a strut, straining a whis(s)tled melody as he drags a large giftwrapped package by his tail. The overgrown lizard kneels down and unties the decorative bow connecting the gift to his stinger, only to pause as Pheonix glances in his direction. He lifts a wing in the hopes of hiding the present for a few seconds longer, then slowly approaches Pheonix, careful to preserve the cheap giftwrap of the package in light of the rising temperature zones.


"Happy Birthday, Pheonix." Wyvern grins and starts to extend a claw, only to stop and think better of it as licks of flame spring from the massive bird's body. "I got ya thisss little gift, hope ya like it."


Wyvern bows a bit and sets the gift down next to Pheonix. The giftwrap immediately sizzles off., revealing what appears to be a jumbo thermometer with a bunch of holes poked into it.


"It'sss an Almost Dragonic Brand Heat Recycling Dumpster™." Wyvern hands Pheonix a blank instruction sheet from his Devil's Advocate folder, only to watch it turn into ash before it manages to reach her talons. Wyv grumbles to himself and wipes the ash on his tunic. "*ahem* Thisss handy tool can take some of the heat energy that you use and recycle it back into the air around you, for up to a 1 C° difference in temperature. The Heat Recycling Dumpster is also a perfect means of providing minor heating to the Pen Keep in the wintertime... for exorborbitant pricesss, after the Pen's main heating sssystem has undergone a claw-related malfunction *HINT HINT.*"


Pheonix stares down at the thermometer, her feathery visage somewhat unimpressed.


"Hmmm..." Wyvern twiddles his claws. "... did I mention that it looksss kinda like a lava lamp when you turn it upsidedown?"




OOC: Happy Birthday, Pheonix! :) I hope it goes well for you.

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While Phoenix was distracted by Wyvern, Mynx snuck up behind her friend and pounced, pulling the firebird to the ground in a tumble of fur and flaming feathers.

With an indignant squawk, Phoenix flared, only to have Mynx grin toothily in her direction.

"I fireproofed my fur long ago, Nix," the cat grinned, before licking Nix on the forehead and handing her a ceramic gift box. Inside were a set of three throwing knives, designed to be held by talon or hand.

"I fireproofed them too," Mynx said with a smile. "Happy birthday, hun."

Huggling her friend again, the feline stood up and wandered back to her tasks, a kitten minion scampering a few feet ahead of her like a miniature leashless seeing eye....dog...


OOC: Happy birthday! Hope your day (and the tasks it contained) went and ended well.


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Crypt fends off the paper piles of work and chases the elusive albino internet connection through the forrest of boxed records that litter the office floor. Finally entering a clearing and spotting his quarry he draws the card of prepay, designed by the gods of cyberdom to access their realm.


(thank gods for starbucks and prepay internet)


Happy Birthday Nix,



Hope you have many more.



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Guest Phoenix

*reappears from extended internet absence*

fiiiinally, internet :)



Thank you all so much :)

my birthday & everything it ended up containing went better than i could've hoped.


*tacklehugs everyone*







this was going to be a lot shorter, but i feel like ranting, so i shall.


the last few months have been the hardest of my life. i think. its hard to get a meter on something like that. its hard to tell when things started falling apart. in the last year i've been back to hospital, which completely threw up the maintenance routine i have to go through every day so i can move with minimal pain. i'm not good at taking it easy, so i went back to work as soon as possible and ended up working myself into immobility again. i had a three month trip to America for the birth of my sister's first child. the snow was fantastic, but the trip ended up highlighting my problems with my family which have resulted in us barely speaking.


*tacklehugs Dan, Crypt, Mynx and Gryph*

the only thing that's kept me together has been my friends. Crypt put me up when i got back till could move back to my flat. they've all put up with large amounts of crap from me, and the times i've disappeared so they wont have to put up with my large amounts of crap.


things are still less than great, and its sometimes all i can do just to get through the day. i find it difficult to get out to see anyone or do the things i have to, let alone those i need to, and getting things sorted out is a long, tiring and very painful process. i'm not good at asking for help, and i'm not good at saying how i actually feel - im too used to putting a gloss over it to get me through the day


but i wouldn't've gotten through this far without my friends, and i cant thank them, and you, enough for that.


um... yeah... birthday...

thank you for the good wishes

i made it to another one

sometimes, thats enough.


and then your friends turn up with pizza and ruibs and make it so much better than enough.

Edited by Phoenix
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