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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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So, Festival running and all.. and i'm trying to keep up, i swear i am..


and i've been deadly sick for almost six weeks now.


so, yesterday i dragged myself to the doctor again.. having been to the doctor's office once and ER once already within that time frame and done full stints on antibiotics.. and he checks me over and mumbles and reads the nurse's notes and doesn't sound happy and sends me down for chest x-rays and *really* doesn't sound happy..


and comes back and tells me that he can't do the lab work to verify it because the antibiotics i've already taken will nullify the test, but symptomatically it's classic whooping cough (pertussis).


and oh, by the way, i have pneumonia with that.


and i'll be on heavy antibiotics and vicodin cough syrup for two weeks.


and by the way this is wildly contagious and he'll have to notify the health department.


and by this point i'm beginning to wonder if i should have greeted him with "either fix it or shoot me, please? either one would hurt less."


so.. i'll be here, and i'll keep up as best i can, but it will be in fits and spurts where sometimes i'll have two hours i can stay here and sometimes i'll fade out after five minutes.


Hell, gotta keep this going, eh? prolly gonna be most of the christmas i have, at this rate. *sigh*


so, yeah. i swear, i am still here.. sort of.. sometimes.. :-\

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Awwwww sweetie!!!! :(

I'm so sad that you are sick, and for so long, and that it's dragging on and on!

You take care, I'll say a prayer, and wish that you get better as soon as possible.


(By the way, I'm back)


*Hugs* (B/c even though you are contagious right now in person, internet hugs and huggles and glomps are the BEST way to show we care and love you.)

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Ayshela, I'm really sorry to hear you are so sick, but I'm sure glad you reported your findings here. One of my best friends has been sick like you since November 1st and been through two rounds of antibiotics and still is hacking like nothing else and needs to be in bed a lot. I'm going to suggest to her that she have her doctor check her for Pertussis. No wonder our children are immunized for it, eh? Would have been nice if those immunizations were around when we were little!


I sincerely hope you get over this soon.


~Salinye :fairy:

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Thank you, all of you. :)

Heavy doses of antibiotics do seem to be making a difference... I'm actually beginning to feel a bit more human and less likely to keel over at any given moment. I'm hoping that trend continues!


Sal - while i can't say i'm hoping that's what's wrong with your friend, i do hope that if it IS that she gets diagnosed and treated promptly. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, much less someone's best friend!

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Had to translate it from pertussis to Keuchhusten (german) to kinkhoest (dutch) to know what's wrong hun, and when I reached that point my response was: kinkhoest?! wow :(


That's indeed what I got shots for at younger age like Salinye mentioned..among several other things.


Glad the anti-biotics seem to work this time.

You have my best wishes, my thoughts and lotsa bucket's of luck that the drugs will actually get rid of it completely *hugs*

Get well soon, this place isn't the same without you prowling the corridors, smirking and giggling at your own thoughts and evil-ish plans ;)

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Odd to say, but I'm almost glad to hear that you have a good, solid diagnosis--better the enemy you know, and know how to medicate--although I'll agree that it might have been welcome a tad sooner.


Salinye--Now you have me curious, I was born in 1980 and had this vaccination. We're not very far apart in age--or am I misreading you by thinking you didn't have the vaccination as a child? The misreading is more likely.

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