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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Secret Dealings


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On a small island off the coast of mainland Japan, a whispered conversation was taking place.


"I usually try to stay away from this sort of thing," a male voice was saying in hushed tones. "You don't want to make these people upset, you know?" Some footsteps were heard, walking down the alleyway, and the sounds receded. One pair of shoes against the cobblestones, however, and two solemn voices.


A name was said. Money exchanged hands. And the silent walker moved on...


A few hours later, and four Japanese businessmen could be heard in a heated exchange. "That's not a good enough excuse!" "You've got to be more discreet than that," and "Get the job done, now you idiot, before she finds out about us."


The sound of grinding steel was heard, and a scream. "Hurry it up!" one urged the others. And a few moments later, they rushed off the scene.


As they ran off, a black wolf stepped onto the street. Watching them escape from view, it sauntered into the building they had just left, investigating. Down the hallways, sniffing ever closer to the room in which they had stood, making secret plans just moments before.


Tanuchan paused in the doorway. A video surveillance screen showed a picture of Ayshela in a dark room. What was going on here? And a cheque, with... Katzaniel's name? Something must be terribly amiss.


Engrossed in searching the room, Tanuchan was surprised when a voice spoke loudly over her shoulder. "Oh, so you've found out about us." Turning around slowly, the wolf saw her friend Katzaniel. She stepped forward, trying to figure out what the tigertaur was doing. "Not so fast," said Katz.


Holding forth a brown sack, Katzaniel waited for a moment. Then, upon Tanuchan's curious expression, she continued, "Don't you have a gift?"


"A gift?"


"For Ayshela. I thought you'd found out about the surprise..."




"Yes, for her birthday. What are you doing here if you didn't know?"


"I..." Tanuchan paused. "I heard a scream."


"We're watching Ayshela, so that she doesn't find out by accident. She screams a lot if she's having a bad day, you know." Katzaniel smiles in amusement.


"And the grinding metal?"


"My gift." The tigertaur holds out a pair of steel gauntlets. "She's already got boots."


"What were you saying about not making people upset?"


"Oh, just that I usually avoid birthday parties. You don't want to set a precendent, or everyone will wonder why you never wished them a happy day. But I had to do something for my awesome co-guild-leader."


"Oh... and I thought... never mind." Tanuchan perked up. "I have an idea. I'll bring it when I come back. When's the party?"


"As soon as everyone gets the notes those Japanese guys are seeing to."


"Just one more thing...."




"Why are we in Japan?"


"To beat the timezones, of course!"

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Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, (Appy?), happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy-




(And lemme tell you, that many happys is likely to give you Carpal Tunnel... probably shoulda copy and pasted. Ouch.)

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*Yan Yan rushes into the room slightly out of breath*Happy birthday, 'Shela. Sorry about being late, but it's a bit of a jog to get all the way over here. Whoever's idea it was to have the party way the hell out here needs beat with the skinny end of a fishing pole...Anyway, here's your gift. It a Cloak of Twilight. It's kind of like a darkblue silk riding cloak that weaves shadows around you if you need to hide. Hope you like it.

Edited by YanYanGanaffi
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Tanny re-enters the room with a satisfied look, having finally got the right gifts to Ayshela. She leaves the packages, one big and squarish and the other smaller and cylindrical, at the table with the other presents, and quickly locates her friend.




Ayshela turns at the rapidly approaching steps, and finds herself dealing with a ball of black fur - a big ball with four legs, a wagging tail and a wet muzzle - who tacklehugs her, rolling them both on the ground gleefully. Tanny changes back into her human form, hugging 'shela tight then helping her to her feet with a grin.


"There... Happy Birthday, 'shela!" She picks the packages, explaining, "There is a pair of soft but sturdy leather boots. I wove earth energy into them; your footsteps will be inaudible when on bare earth, and the endurance given by earth will flow into you in times of need. They'll still work on pavement, but the deeper, or farther, true earth is, the weaker will be their effect. I hope they fit... " There's a somewhat worried look in her eyes, "If they don't, let me know and I'll have a new pair for you. "


The other package is indeed a parchment. As she unrolls it, words appear floating in a water-like background.


Huntress and fighter, always seeking,

deftly finding your chosen prey,

dealing skillfully to make it harmless

and take it out of your friends' way.

Hunter of sadness, fighter of despair,

tracking down darkness

and the gathering shadows,

bringing the softest of touches,

and the brightness of a caring heart.

Faithful friend, giver of support,

for us you're precious and for you we are here.

Needless to say, wherever you are,

whenever you need, come to us...

A home you have

full of love and care

from those whose hearts

you helped to heal.


Happy, happy, happy birthday!!! :)


*huge hugs*

Edited by Tanuchan
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Wyvern desperatly tries to make his way towards the gift-distribution area of Ayshela's party as an ocean of japanese business men swarms around him, speaking to him in rapid japanese slang as Courteousy the Elder Dwarf nervously trails alongside him to translate. The overgrown lizard clenches his teeth and dodges in all directions, wiping some sweat from his scaly forehead as Courteousy exclaims:


"That man just said 'You still owe me for that kawai doll scam a few years back.' Hmmm. 'You dirty lizard, that Almost Dragonic Brand Raw Fish™ you sold me for sushi was tainted.' Erk, 'You still owe me that video game contract for Gyrfalcon the Video Game, based on Gyrfalcon the Movie.' Wyvern, are you sure this is safe? 'Come here you reptilian cheat, I'll wring your neck with this Almost Dragonic Brand Scarf.'"


"O-of course it's safe, Courteousy." stammers Wyvern, ducking as a Dance-Dance Revolution Arcade Machine is tossed at him and narrowly misses his head. "Besides, it's important that we visit here to wish Ayshela a happy birthday. The gift area's nearby, not much farther to go."


The reptilian Elder and the Dwarf continue to run until they've reached Ayshela's birthday area, and the japanese business men come to a halt when they see a birthday celebrations under way. Wyvern steps up to Ayshela, swiftly bows, and hisses:


"Happy birthday, Ayshela! If you need a return trip back to the Pen from Japan, I got you covered as a gift. Just search for Almost Dragonic Brand Makeshift Wooden Rafting Services™ at your nearest harbor. I wish I could stay, but unfortunately I've got to run. Have a great one!"


With that, the overgrown lizard gives Ayshela a quick hug, then dashes off as the mob of japanese business men becomes restless and begins advancing on him again. Courteousy the Elder Dwarf bows to Ayshela and wishes her a happy birthday, and then follows Wyverns frantic escape route.


OOC: Happy birthday, Ayshela. :)

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*appears out of nowhere, pouncing and tacklehugging Ayshela*


*leaps off Ayshela into shadows and out a window, paws scrabbling desperately on the floor as the Evil Bookbag of Study follows close behind*

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The day draws toward its close, the warm blush of sunfall already having given way to the early darkness of an autumn night. There is a hint of winter upon the winds and the cold sharpness of the air lends a striking clarity to the echoed chorus of birthday greetings whose notes have sounded this day from the Cabaret Room. The celebration of life is a good thing. And he thinks it is good as well for such celebration to linger a bit. His eyes narrow in concentration and he exhales quietly into the night air. The movement of the wind shifts and the scattered fragments of greetings sounded throughout the day gather breath and voice once more. A pity he thinks if such greetings as these would be allowed to speak but once. Quietly at first they arrive, repeating themselves in whispers, the greetings given by those others who make this place their home to that one titled Mistress of Shadows . By degrees their voices build in strength until the air about her sounds once more with full voice the kind wishes that had been made to her this day. And within this gathered song of festal words an awkward whisper adds a greeting of its own in a tongue it has not yet fully mastered.


J’espère, mon amie,

j’espère que la joie soit avec toi.


J’espère que la joie de ce jour

soit avec toi tous les jours.


J’espère, mon amie,

j’espère que les jours de ta vie

passent toujours avec la joie

d’une vie remplie de bonté

et bien estimée.


Birthdays, as all celebrations do, must reach their end. But though the festal greetings grow quiet the sentiment in which they have been spoken remains.


Ayshela, my fondest hopes and most honest prayers for you today and in the coming year.

Happy birthday!

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*Xaious flys into the room and straight into Ayshela witha rabid tacklehug the likes of which have never been seen before, and will never be seen again....(he's made sure of this one...) and gives her a key to an endless cellar of alcohol (for dealing with...life? sure...)..and stuff..*


HAPPY BIRFDAY AYSHELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Xaious gives Ayshela a pair of gold and daimond steel-toed boots, and hires himself to her as a bodyguard (against the likes of..er..ones such as Wyvern)...and yeah....And then the party REALLY begins!*

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