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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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I'm extremely sorry for the delay in this. For those unaware, the discussion thread for this is here.


Anyways, I'll start this off and begin the second phase with fingers crossed.


*Hopes there are still people willing to participate*


Congratulations!  You are most like Ayshela!


Ayshela is a Ranger, of elven descent.  She's extremely competent, and has probably wandered the lengths and widths of several continents in her various searches.  Ayshela comes from something of a dysfunctional family, and has been blacklisted by more than one shop in her home city for crimes she didn't commit.  Therefore, though she may like people a lot, she trusts very few.  Those who have lost her trust, likewise, will never regain it.


Because you are most like Ayshela, it's safe to say that, if something needs to be said, you'll probably be saying it.  Likewise, if someone needs protecting, you'll probably be one of those standing guard.  You probably tend to work "backstage" -- do what needs doing, and then disappear.  Avoid attention where possible, but if it's necessary, you can step up to the plate.


Congratulations, we need more like you.  We all rest easier when you stand watch.

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Well, I'm going to do the easiest person on the list (ie, everyone knows Wyvern) because I don't feel like I know anybody else's characters well enough, even the people I've nominated...


Perhaps this would get more answers if we were supposed to do ourselves?


Anyway, if anyone can do a better one, with or without using bits from mine, go ahead.


Congratulations!  You are most like Wyvern!


Wyvern is an Almost-Dragon.  He is very clever in the depth and ingenuity of geld-making schemes, and has infinite determination born of a fantastical love of money.  Wyvern is the Elder of Initiates, so he has an opportunity to swindle each and every member while they are at their weakest and most naive - but due to his incredibly bad luck, a fair share of incompetence, and his not-so-innocent face, he rarely succeeds.


As a follower of Wyvern's philosophy on life, you probably have friends mainly among the poor and the wise.  Your job, if permanent, will be something that not only promises much wealth but frequent increases in that amount of wealth.  You will also need a large daily dose of skin cream.  If your luck is as bad as Wyvern's, you may want to consider avoiding any sort of gambling, even bets on your own failure are unlikely to be profitable.  With this said, your imagination and effort will stand you in good stead.


Congratulations.  Despite some minor faults, you are highly creative and an inspiration to your fellows.

Edited by Katzaniel
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Thanks for the great write up, Katzaniel! It seemed largely accurate, though the phrase "Congratulations! You are most like Wyvern!" may ultimately present a strong tone of irony... ;-)


I chose Gyrfalcon as the participant to write on, and came up with the following:


Congratulations!  You are most like Gyrfalcon!


The brown and green hooded ranger cloak that you commonly sport is characteristic of your protective nature, and alludes to your willingness to make sacrifices in order to aid allies in the line of duty.  You stand tall and proud, a figure of justice and authority... though your ears, while pointed, are not quite as majestic.  Their half-elven curves are rendered nearly invisible under your dark brown hair, and are suggestive of the manner that you disassociate yourself from elvenkind, even though they are ultimately part of your own heritage.  Slung across the back of your cloak is Redemptio, the ultimate redeemer of steel, it's hilt resting at an angle that is easily reachable by your left hand, which is characteristic of your heroism, bravery, and fluidity in combat. 


As you are associated to Gyrfalcon, there is a good chance that you often act as a powerful voice of reason and logic in an entirely chaotic sphere of individuals, and are essential to the balance of the group in your reasoning.  In addition, you are probably a natural born leader, and are legendary for your numerous successful quests and battles.  Oh yeah, and you probably slayed another of those annoying, gargantuan demons from the Pits of the Nine Hells that seem to pop up every now and then the other day, and probably can't clean the smell of it's putrid breath from your breeches.


Congratulations, you are a heroic, talented, and kindhearted individual.

I realize this doesn't quite follow the exact format that was originally set up, but I thought I'd try to do one with an emphasis on showing anyway. I'll gladly write up another, more traditionally formatted result for Gyrfalcon or any other participant if you'd like me too...

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Great writeups, everyone. :) I love the way each of you has caught the spirit of the character in just a couple of short paragraphs. Yay!


I don't have any words for the project, right now, but I do have something I hope can be of some help. Every test has one of those nifty pictures to go with the text, right? So, here's one I made for Gyrfalcon. Keep your eye out for more from other Pen artists, as well. The gauntlet has been thrown!


Anyway, here you go:


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Please, just bear in mind that this one is just the character of Gwaihir, and not of the person behind him. ;)


Congratulations!  You are most like Gwaihir!


Gwaihir is an Elven Druid...  not that you'd know it.  Most would think, at the first glance, that he was something along the lines of Tarzan, but as a spaced out Clown, but not nearly so coordinated.  He once showed up to a ball wearing torn pants and a shirt dripping wet paint -- and planted Zariah in a cake at that same dance.  Despite that, Gwaihir is an extremely good, like-able character, and has fairly powerful nature magic.  His gardens are top of the line, and one of the main things he loves.


Since you fall into this category, it's a fair bet that though you're not so extreme, you won't be in ballet, designing, or rocket science.  You're probably a fair gardener and a nice person though.  Regardless of the fact that we can probably beat you at video games nine times in ten, only the worst sorts can dislike you or have contempt for you, because you're a genuinely good person.


Now, come here and let me straighten out your collar

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Another one that I've had brewing-ish for a while and just got approval for.


Here's our favorite ancient polite elder!


Congratulations! You are most like Peredhil!


Fully known as Elrond Peredhil, though most commonly Peredhil, Pered, or "Big P," the Peredhil of his name means "Half-Elf." Peredhil is the Ancient Polite Elder of the Pen, and acts as a peacemaker and healer, for the emotions and body alike. Don't think he's a pansy though, as he may just bop your tender parts with a rubber mallet if you try to hurt his friends -- and his sons may just kill you if you try to hurt him.


As one cast in the mold of Peredhil, you are most likely rather intelligent, and can probably empathize with those around you easily. Chances are, you know how to convey what you're trying to say most of the time, and without causing avoidable offense at that. You also, most likely, know where the line stands where you have to risk causing offense rather than letting something go unsaid.


Welcome to the Pen! We need more like you.

Edited by Alaeha
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Well... I don't know if this is open to everyone, but I suppose I'll throw my hand in.


Congratulations! You are most like Salinye!


Salinye Celestialgrace in formal court, this elven mage is full of mischief! Salinye is often seen among the rafters of the pen, or even throwing ice fairys at Merelas! When she get's serious, though, watch out--I'm sure you'd be hard-pressed to find a more powerful mage than she! Not only are her spells quite accurate, but her love for and use of magical artifacts is also to be reckoned with.


Since it was determined you're most like Salinye, you're probably rather playful, as well as intelligent enough to pull off a few pranks with that playfulness. But pranks and games aside, you (since you're like Salinye) are a caring individual who is rather sensitive and has been through a lot.


Welcome to the Pen! We're glad we always have you around to lighten the mood.

Is this ok?

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Crud... had intended for only those who had accepted nominations to be open game. But I guess since Salinye's disappeared for a time, and she probably wouldn't mind, we can let that one pass.


But any other results should probably be based on those who've accepted. :D Read the "Let's try this again" thread I linked to when I started this thread. The list of nominees and accepted nominations is at the bottom of the top post.

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And one of my favorite scarecrow imitators ever:


Congratulations!  You are most like the Big Pointy One!


Also known as Stick, the BPO is a half-dryad, half-human ranger-type who wields, unsurprisingly, the Big Pointy Stick.  He is also commonly known as the companion of the infamous Mr. Bunny, and as one of Wyvern's scheming companions.  Stick will do almost anything for a laugh, including such feats as eating elephants and pulling large pieces of furniture from his pocket.


As a wielder of the Medium Pointy Stick, we can speculate that you are something of a clown, and though you're well liked by those around you, they probably don't take you very seriously most of the time.  Despite that, you're sharp enough...  obviously, it takes brains to make people laugh -- most of the time, anyway -- and a good friend to have around.


Congratulations!  You're one of the few with a gift for entertainment.

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Having obtained permission from the Blue Mage in an AIM conversation...


Congratulations!  You are most like Finnius!


Finnius is a Blue Mage.  And by that we mean that he is blue, and a mage, not that his magic is considered blue.  It's a long-ish story, but one well worth hearing.  He is in fact less than adept (less than adequate, honestly) at magic, but he is loyal to a fault.  He is also the Pen's Patron Saint of Haiku, and the best Appy Impersonator around.  For a brief period of time, he was married to Scarlett O'Harpy.  Very brief in fact.  All of about an hour.


As another Haikuist, we can assume that you're something of a poet, and probably an amusing one at that.  Though not so much so as a Stickite, you enjoy being the entertainer and are willing to go out of your way to get a smile or a chuckle from those around you.  And on top of that, you'll defend them...  if not to the death, to the significant injury.  :P


Welcome to the ranks of the Pen!  The Pen even has a blue skin to complement yours!

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Ok, these three are a joint effort between myself and Peredhil, (Will admit openly that he did most of the work. I just reformatted mostly, but he PMed them to me and wanted me to post them)


Congratulations!  You are most like Ozymandias, the founder of the Pen!


Ozymandias is an Egyptian King who has gone to the mat with Death and triumphed. While this makes him resolute, he bores quickly and has little patience with stupidity. His power is matched only by his vision and creativity in correcting others little foibles. This is more than balanced by his willingness to accept correction and to help others grow.


Since you are most like Ozy, we'd guess that you are naturally charismatic, possess a whimsical sense of humor, are the decision-maker in your group (even when you don’t want to lead,) and may even be able to convince celebrities, and big names in your circles, to risk everything by joining experimental ventures. You also probably have a quick flare of anger when your pride is touched, followed by empathy and understanding which heals the breech.


Congratulations!  In a world of sheep, we need leaders like you!

Welcome!  You are most like Degenero Angelus!


Degenero Angelus, also known as Deg, is a fallen angel. He retains natural beauty and light externally but harbors the bitter anger and pride of one who has reached for pride and lost heaven. As a Poet his words often achieve a super-human grace, a beauty and honesty with pierces the heart with poignant beauty. As a speaker, his views lash out with the speed and accuracy of a two-edge sword, cutting through all social niceties to expose the bleeding heart of an issue.


Since you are most like Deg, we can guess that you are quick to love and quick to anger, possessing great unmet needs yet constantly giving, trampling egos in the pursuit of truth, and yet one of the most staunchly loyal friends a person can have. Truly you are a mixture of extremes, a bit of heaven and a bit of hell bound into one tormented form, yet constantly reaching out to others.


Congratulations.  You are a complex person and a solid friend.

Congratulations!  You're most like Rosemary!


Rosemary is a vampiress and seer. Eternally bound to unlife, she has no choice but to See the interactions and implications of societies. Always an observer and never participating directly, her deft touches record and codify the patterns she draws for those who have ears to hear. Such is the power of her sight that she dares not directly verbalize that which she sees, and speaks without the dangerously activating verbs, which might bring an Apocalypse.


Since you are most like Rosemary, you are probably often misunderstood by those around you. Your warnings of dangers and results which lie beyond the gross mortal vision of others leaves you ignored as a curiosity while the listeners rush headlong into their fate. Aware of delicate balances and spiderweb futures, you dance to patterns none around you can see and react to threats all others ignore.


Congratulations.  Though somewhat of an outcast, you remain a worthwhile, intelligent person.

Edited by Alaeha
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And for the sake of a good laugh...


Congratulations!  You are most like Mr. Bunny!


Mr. Bunny is one of Stick's steady companions, and where Stick is loud and outgoing, Mr. Bunny comes across as being rather taciturn.  Perhaps this is because he speaks in a language which most humans understand merely as "..." or dot dot dot.  Those who have understood him insist that he has a very biting sense of humor, however.  He is also a mage and a carrot summoner, with such devastating spells as Carrot Storm and Summon Giant Carrot.


Since you're another wabbit, we're going to guess that you have a cute nose and fuzzy ears and brown fur and...  wait.  This is personality, isn't it?  Well, we're going to guess that you tend to be misunderstood or misinterpreted by those around you, despite your obvious intellectual superiority (or perhaps because of it.)  You also tend to be underestimated, for a variety of reasons.  Despite this, you are creative and will not be denied your goals.


Congratulations!  You enjoy notoriety among those who know you, even in the company of those like Wyvern!

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And not to forget...


Mr. Bunny was made a Bard of Terra for his satirical poem on the entire feuding Guild system's political squabbles.

In such lines as




He single-pawedly paved the path for peace in the Ager Guild server!



Lifetime member of the Mr. Bunny Fanclub

"Where ... is the definitive answer on life."

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Congratulations, you are most like the Dreamer!


The dreamer is a non-human creature of amazing power.  He is a planeswalker, a creature that walks the lost paths.  Few even there can challenge him, so he walks around careless of mortal life. 


Since you are most like the dreamer, you are an extremely dangerous being who changes worlds and perhaps kills gods.  Maybe you follow some unreachable goal across the ages.  You tend to disregard anything in your path, however, you also know how to keep your word and we'd all rather have you on our side. 


Congratulations, you are extremely powerful, but please please please stay here while I helplessly run in the other direction.

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Since I'm trying to keep this moving forward, this'll be a longish set focusing mostly on the remainder of the Quincunx


Congratulations!  You are most like Tzimfemme, main persona of the Quincunx.


Tzimfemme is the Naked Mage, and the Patron Saint of Nekkidness.  She hides her meaning more than her body, as she frequently speaks in metaphors.  She is the dominant, aggressive sort, and shuns despair, helplessness, depression, etc in favor of anger, outrage, aggression, and/or violence with a homemade flail.


Chances are, if you're modeled after Tzimfemme, you don't take lightly to offense.  Or else you take it all too lightly and dismiss the source altogether.  Either way, you probably have a superiority complex or at least seem to.  You prefer action to inaction, and may read more than one meaning into that "action."


Congratulations!  You are one who will never be taken lightly twice!

Congratulations, you're most like Rydia!


Rydia is, though not entirely like her Final Fantasy counterpart, based loosely upon her.  She retains the abilities of a caller and a powerful mage, but is now an elf.  Rydia is a generally happy, friendly character who loves pretties and shinies, though the latter not nearly so much as Minta.  Though she carries a whip, she prefers not to use it on people, much preferring her Anti-Spam Carp, with which she has been known in days past to thwap those painfully offtopic, irrelevant, or stupid.


If you're like Rydia, you probably are also a relatively happy, normal person.  You may not have quite the patience and tolerance toward idiocy which might be wished by those who perpetrate it, but that's only to be expected.  You enjoy what is aesthetically pleasing, and are overall a good person.


Congratulations, you're one of the few semi-normal people who remains interesting!

Umm...  congratulations, I think?  You're most like Minta Rose.  Gods preserve us all.


Minta is a gnomish necromancer.  A young one.  She has the energy of approximately three sugar crazed six year olds...  and that's on her slow days.  She also has something of an obsession with all things shiny and the infamous Nimball .  The Nimball is, in fact, the only boy who is not ickycootiegross in her eyes.  She has learned some basic lessons in morality from Rydia, but remains frightening to many...  if nothing else because she's often trailed by the undead.


If you really are like Minta, first of all, cut your sugar intake in half.  But we're going to guess that you too are hyperactive and maybe just a bit immature.  Chances are, you may have an obsession of some sort, and we know that you'll probably have nonstandard views on a great number of things.  You tend to intimidate people with both these views and your excessive energy.


Congratulations.  You are (we hope) not much more common than one or two of a kind not because we dislike you, but merely because if we get many more, we'll reach critical mass.

Edited by Alaeha
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And one for Falcon.


Congratulations, you are most like Cioden Darkeye!


Cioden is the offspring of a Warrior-type and a Sorceress.  He generally has eyes pupils and irises both of black, though the irises have been known on one occasion to be silver.  He is less than merciful to those who cross him, and though not bloodthirsty, is definitely ruthless.  He has no tolerance for the corrupt, or the foolish, and will do as is necessary to eliminate them, be it through physical force or magic -- without hesitation.


If you are cast in the mold of Darkeye, you are probably considered to be much the same.  Callous, Harsh, Unforgiving.  You probably prefer the terms Just, Fair, and Determined.  You will do what is necessary to accomplish your goals, and have no time to regret or lament the poor judgement or character of others.


Congratulations, you are a truly dangerous, and uncommon individual.

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Congratulations, you are most like Yui Temae!


Yui is an Ascendant mage who walks in shadows. Though she may take things a bit too seriously at times, she is reliable and a wonderful friend.  She is powerful at magic and her teases are humorous, maybe even something to be careful of, as her husband Aegon can't verify!


If you are most like Yui then you are generally a good person and very caring.  You always do your best to help others and fix things.  You are perceptive or into healing magics also.


Congratulations!  You may not be the tallest person, but you're a person we're always glad to have around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great job, everyone. This would make a really fun online quiz. :) Thank you for the Yui-chan writeup, Gwai. It's very her.


It's taken me a while, but here's my second little image to accompany the writeups. This one goes with Merelas' great description of Salinye, so without further ado... Everyone's favorite highelven lady:


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It's been really fun making this one. Thanks for the inspiration, Alaeha!



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