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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Snypiuer

  1. Ohhh. . . Kayyy. . . absorbing it. Finding it. . . ummmmm. . . is it about feeling someone up while they sleep?! I'm shallow and dense, so it could be about the uncertain nature of human interaction between two people as they test the boundaries of their relationship or the slow disintegration of a relationship as one individual slowly losses the desire to stay in said relationship and the other desperately clings to it. Or, it could be that I am COMPLETELY oblivious to it's true meaning - this would, in NO way, be your fault. I have NO real critique skills and even LESS knowledge of how poems should be structured - so ANYTHING I say can be viewed on the same level as if a monkey with massive head trauma and sever emotional problems had some how managed to type it! Still, my immature nature prefers the 'trying to feel up a sleeping individual' hypothesis! All that being said, I liked it!
  2. I like it, has a 'classic' feel to it. Need to write more myself, will do as soon as I get back home!
  3. Slowly. Nonchalantly. AND as innocently as possible. . . Begins making his way out of the room. . . HOPEFULLY, before anyone realizes it.
  4. Snypiuer

    Oh-Righty Then

    (Ominous music) DA. . . DA. . . DAAAHHHHH!!!!!! The plot thickens. Ohhh MANNNN!!!! Now I REALLY want to, no. . . HAVE to get 'One Piece'! (Is it me, or did that sound vaguely. . . never mind.) I'll look up the publishing dates and find out which was published first (when I can) - ANY idea at what point Luffy gets the Afro?
  5. Looking around Snypiuer is suddenly, viciously and inexplicably attacked about his head and neck area by a turtle wielding a rather large baseball bat - WHACK! SHMACK!! THUDDD!!! (the last having an alarmingly meaty, wet ring to it). It seems the legendary, NAY! the no-less-then MYTHICAL Turtle of Realization has once AGAIN managed to sneak up on him! Snypiuer realizes that Degorram is NOT in the office! He ALSO realizes that (at least it SEEMS that) Tzimfemme believes HE is filling in for Wyvern! AND he further realizes that there is a fresh NEW mark member whom he can swindle! assist in joining the Pen! With a nod of satisfaction, the turtle melts into the shadows and is gone. Snypiuer quickly rifles through the desk and finds the ACCEPTED stamp, lift's the cats' tail and stamps him APPROVED! (I KNOW it's an 'ACCEPTED' stamp!) "Very good application! Please pay Tzimfemme ALL application fees, processing fees, judicial use of Official stamps fees, various and sundry atmospheric and geological arbitrary fees along with local, provincial and statutory taxes and levies. We take cash only and have a very consumer friendly (54% daily-compounded interest rate, plus ALL applicable fees, paperwork and handling charges) payment plan if you are short on cash!" He says with a wide, INNOCENT, warm smile - sweat (and blood - you know, from the beating!) starting to trickle down his neck as he silently hopes to get the cash and run before Degorram returns. "Welcome to the Pen!" *********************************** OOC: Degorram is the OFFICIAL recruiter, BUT the situation does fit MY agenda! Once again, I LIKED the story and would like to read more!
  6. You'll learn that my critique skills are not much more then "I like" and "I don't like". I like! Someone should be along shortly to review your recruitment post. Don't hesitate to ask ANY questions you may have! Except THAT question! If you must ask THAT question, please reword it for the protection of the innocent.
  7. Snypiuer

    Oh-Righty Then

    Appy, MAYBE! I haven't read or seen any episodes of 'One Piece' (It's a BIG series and I HATE not experiencing a series in order - living in a small armpit of a town with NO access to ANYTHING has kept me from starting 'One Piece'), the series I'm referring to makes reference to A LOT of others and pop culture. I know Funimation does the English dub of both, but I believe the American Manga are done by different publishers: 'One Piece' is Shonen Jump (VIZ Media) and the series I reference is Shonen Ace (Tokyopop). Could be the Afro is a homage, without knowledge of 'One Piece', I can not say either way! Have a mug and a seat and we'll chat about it! *A chair appears as Appy is invited to join the group* "So, Brute, Tell us about this 'other' girl!"
  8. Snypiuer

    Oh-Righty Then

    "BRUTE!!!" Snypiuer steps forward, mug in hand. Brute looks at mug. Snypiuer quickly puts mug in other hand and shakes Brute - not his hand. . . him! "How ya' doing!? Where've you been buried!? Come! Sit! Pour!" Suddenly, three chairs arranged themselves in a semicircle - and the mug is back. Snypiuer continues, "Always good to see you! Plan to stay long?" as he smiles and holds out mug.
  9. Snypiuer

    Oh-Righty Then

    OHHHH!!! Forgot about Ice Pirates and the afro that grows really big at the end! BUT, no. Neither does it have anything to do with Hip-Hop or the cartoon Afro Samurai - YET it is a cartoon reference (also called a combat afro - another hint: Afro is one of two passwords)!!
  10. Snypiuer

    Oh-Righty Then

    O.K., Roll Call OFFICIALLY over, not that that seems too important. Ever have one of those lives where it feels like EVERYONE is just taking turns kicking you? Wellllll. . . NOT me! NOT the Kid! I has me buckets (that's right BUCKETS!) full o' lemons and I'm fixing to chuck 'em at random passer-bys! So the timing of the Roll Call was off (THAT'S the story I'M sticking to!)! WHO CARES!!! People ARE checking in (they're not signing in or posting - NOTHING more than details baby! DETAILS I tells ya'!) We are STILL going to continue doing WHATEVER is necessary to revive the Pen! While I, personally, don't have the knowledge of HOW to do some of the things (actually, NONE of them) that have been discussed in Super Secret Illuminati Rule the Universe Over the Top Deny They EVER Took Place Meetings (which NEVER took place - you know, just in CASE you were wondering), I can figure it out (sure, it may take a while 'cause I am slow and, well, lazy) OR find someone who does, and when I DO. . . I don't want to hear any lip from ANYONE! Unless, of course, it is helpful and cogent to what is being attempted ('cause, you KNOW, the Pen is YOUR home and your thoughts and views ARE important and WANTED) - BUT, other than that, NO LIP!!! Going to leave the Roll Call post open, just in case ANYONE wants to continue with them. Do ANY of you realize how long it's going to take me to do the Weenie list!? I'm NOT kidding when I say I'm slow (not to mention LAZY)! There's a LONG hard fight ahead for me. . . I need to find my Battle Afro (a tip o' the hat and a hearty 'kudos' to anyone who gets that reference)!
  11. Degorram suddenly found herself in a field filled with Spring flowers and a crisp warm wind softly blowing her hair. It was all very beautiful and tranquil. She realized that she was once again a child and the sound of girlish giggling floated on the breeze. She smiled with the sheer wonder of it all when a bright light began to slowly descend from the cloudless sky above. An Angelic being of pure love and blinding beauty hovered, arms held wide, before her and spoke with a voice that held hints and echoes of crystal and silver bells within it, "My poor, silly child. You have made the worst possible mistake you could EVER make!" Degorram replied, bewildered, " I do not understand! Is it because I grabbed the Nimball™?" A glistening tear ran down the Divine face as the being continued, "No child, that is not it. The Nimball™ has an attraction that negates ANY sin of covetousness from the desire to posses it (had Degorram been able to, she would have seen that very same desire within the Holy eyes that looked upon her). Possessing, or DESIRING to posses, the Nimball™ is NOT a mistake. Neither is forgetting to speak of it with a *™* (though there HAS been problems in the past with the failure to do so), nor actually BELIEVING one could EVER know the rules." Degorram: "Then, what mistake HAVE I made!?" Divine Being: "The Nimball™, itself, is a Demigod and do you not see the pure horror it endures? Have you not seen the punishment (somehow even GREATER then the Nimball™ - the Heavenly Host STILL can't figure that out) Snypiuer, a Demi-God, goes through? All for a GAME!? Here, let me tell you the origin of the Nimball™, and perhaps you'll understand." (OOC: Go here to read) http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=7428&st=0&p=52330&hl=nimball&fromsearch=1entry52330 Degorram stood trembling. Over taken with pity for her, the Divine Being held her close, gently smoothing her hair and whispered to her, "Now you see my poor little child, the mistake you made was NOT TO RUN!!!" Instantly, Degorram found herself back at the Keep, Nimball™ tightly in hand, as she realized there was absolutely NO escape from the rush of people that surrounded her. . .
  12. Snypiuer was in the Tavern and sat at the bar slamming shots of Ol' Peculiar, mumbling to himself about the economy and generally being someone EVERYONE avoided. He did not notice the sudden hush that came over the other patrons as a diminutive blue figure wearing Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, flip-flops, large straw hat and sunglasses (three lenses) walked in and sat next to him. He did notice the sudden rush and commotion of the mass exodus, but thought it was because everyone figured he'd be upset that some little guy up and started pouring himself some shots from the bottle WITHOUT so much as a "By your leave!" The little guy downed a shot and said, "D@mn economy!" and poured ANOTHER shot! Snypiuer, blurry eyed, had a BRIEF thought that he had seen this guy somewhere before, but the synapse in his brain that carried that particular thought was brutally attacked and viciously beaten to death by a random Ol' Peculiar molecule (crime is simply out of control these days!). Believing they had been drinking together all along, Snypiuer downed a shot and replied, "I KNOW!" Filling two shots, they clinked them together (cracking them) and shouted, "EFF THE ECONOMY!!!" and threw the glasses at the bartender who stood transfixed, staring at them. Snypiuer reached over the bar and grabbed two tumblers - and filled them! As the two sat there drinking, the little guy says from beneath his hat, "Getting so a Demigod can't even stay on extended vacation!" Snypiuer started to reply, "I know exactly whaaaa. . ." and took a GOOD look at his companion. Somewhere, DEEP and hidden from wandering Ol' Peculiar molecules, a lone synapse BRAVELY delivers the, "I know this guy!" thought to a VERY battered, yet partially functioning, processing center of his brain. The little figure stopped mid-drink, realizing Snypiuer was ACTUALLY coherent and looking at him. Softly, the words, "Oh crap!" came from beneath the large straw hat. Snypiuer slowly lifted the hat to get a REAL good look at his drinking buddy. The little guy gulped as Snypiuer looked down at him and a wide grin began to slowly spread across his face. He could only get out, "What'd I ever do to you!?" before Snypiuer scooped him up and duct taped him into a spherical form - eyes facing outward so that he may witness ALL that is to be seen when one is used as athletic equipment. Snypiuer was oblivious to the chaos and mayhem, outside in the streets of the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, that had been building from the very moment the small blue individual entered the Tavern. Even with all the noise flooding the streets, Snypiuer could be CLEARLY heard throughout the land as he stood, small blue sphere with three blinking eyes held high above his head, as he shouted, "NIMBALL™!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Snypiuer was IMMEDIATELY body slammed with a sickening wet THUDD!!! that left him contorted in ways the most hardened warriors would have nightmares about for the rest of their lives, right up to the very moment they sliced their own throats with a rusty butter knife from the horror of having witnessed the state Snypiuer was left in and generations of children would grow up having debilitating, life-long psychological problems just from HEARING about it! The Nimball™ hovered for what seemed like an eternity, before falling to the ground. As it was kicked about the Tavern (as a multitude of individuals attempted to grab it for themselves) it let out muffled screams of terror and/or excruciating pain, until. . . ********************************************************************************************************************************** OOC: O.K., Yes, I God-moded Nim. That's my habit. I AM accosting, torturing and using him for my own amusement as it is. THAT'S NIMBALL™! If you have to ask the rules, an official can be contacted via an aphinstistcal narphnel.
  13. Looks like our timing on the Roll Call may have been chosen without taking everything into consideration, such as Summer vacation - getting prepared for it, taking it, and other such stuff. Either that, or there is just NO one on the site - which is NOT the case 'cause I can SEE that there are constantly Guest looking at the site. Looks like people are just not signing in. Going to add a secondary Roll Call post, see if that helps! Sign in and post if you have the time!
  14. O.K., Roll Call! I looked back at the other Roll Calls and saw that they were held over more then just one day (unlike what I had in mind!) and realized that that was more fair. SO, Roll Call begins today June 21, 2010 and will end midnight (CST USA) June 30, 2010. The idea behind it is to, not only, get people writing, but to find out how many members are AT LEAST checking in. As with the previous Roll Calls, those who do NOT participate will be given the dreaded 'WEENIE' title (YES, Dr. Evil! It's SUPPOSED to be dreaded and NOT lovingly embraced!) - which can be bought off with a simple future post. Those who participate, BUT have not posted for a while MAY be given titles, such as: Lurker or Drive-By Poster (May be, still working on that scenario). HOPEFULLY, this will give us the information we need to do a COMPLETE member update. While there is a main Roll Call post "A Stranger Comes A Calling" posted in the Conservatory Forum, ANY original topic posted in ANY forum (during the Roll Call time frame) will be considered participation in the Roll Call - PARTICIPATION is what matters. Secondary Roll Call projects may be added in the next couple of days for those who wish to participate, but are having trouble coming up with something original or to add to the main Roll Call post. Leave ANY questions here, keep giving us information as to what YOU want from the Pen and what will KEEP you ACTIVE - but most of all, HAVE FUN!!!
  15. OOC: As with the former Roll Calls, each participant is to add a little to the story, expanding upon what others have written. Only rules are that no one can just end the story (kill everyone off - for example) or God-mode other members. The character is a blank slate. Until YOU tell his story, we have no idea who he is or why he is here. Most importantly, have fun! I'll post a few more rules in the Cabaret Forum. ******************************************************************************************************************************************* The inhabitants of the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, fitfully slept through a dark and stormy night (filled with the clanging of bells and maniacal laughter above it all), to awake to a calm clear morning. Despite the beauty of the day, there was a sense of tension in the air. While Snypiuer had spent the entire night atop the highest spire in the Keep **(as mentioned in 'Dark Before the Dawn' posted in the News forum)** laughing at the storm and screaming "He comes upon the morrow!", he was no where to be seen or heard. As Pennites began their day and wondered to each other as to exactly what Snypiuer had meant, word came that, upon the horizon, a lone figure could be seen approaching the Keep. By the time the stranger arrived, a small crowd had gathered to witness his arrival. . .
  16. Clouds fill the sky as the wind begins to blow stronger. Every Pennite within the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword can feel the anticipation building as little orange men with green hair and wearing white overalls stand upon every corner of every street of the Keep and ring bells. Above all this, the howling wind and clanging bells, every Pennite can still hear a maniacal laughter from high above. Upon the highest spire within the Keep stands a figure wearing a purple suit with a purple top hat. As everyone looks up at him, the tails of his unbuttoned purple coat flapping wildly in the wind, he looks down upon them. Even from this distance, the madness can be seen in his eyes. For a moment, a brief moment, there is complete and utter silence as he softly speaks (yet all can hear him), "He comes upon the morrow." Immediately, the wind and clanging begins anew with even greater fury - with a maniacal laughter above it all. ******************************************************************************** June 21st is tomorrow, will have the Roll Call post tonight at about midnight CST (USA).
  17. Unsure whether he was befuddled and confused due to Tzimfemme's baffling (yet short) tirade on hot air jump tubes, her nakedness (always a distraction) or the extremely recent tumble he experienced, Snypiuer stumbled out of the building and went in search of his helmet - all the while thinking, "Maybe I can use Tzimfemme to get Degorram out of the office, just for a little while. I just hope she doesn't realize Degorram is filling in for Wyvern!" Snypiuer hurriedly heads in the direction of a distant vibrating noise.
  18. Snypiuer


    Just wanted to congratulate Signe on her new bundle of joy! From 'Check-In Here' in the Cabaret Room: Can't WAIT 'till she's posting her work here (maybe those stories I promised will be done by then! - I AM still working on them.)! BABY SNUGGGGGLLLLLEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Thanks, I couldn't decide on which one to use (littlest or smallest)! I ended up just flipping a coin. Thanks again for the input, I appreciate it!
  20. This is WHY I like this site! Not only are the works so GOOD (like this one!), the people here KNOW about writing. Creativity AND knowledge, what else do you need?
  21. This is good, keep 'em coming!
  22. Just wanted to thank everyone that has checked-in and hope to see more. ALSO, nice to see Wyv! Hope you're having FUN! Keep us posted - when you can. As to the podcast idea, that was ALL Jason. He is working hard at it and just needs more input from others. People are trying to figure out a way to coordinate it better. Once THAT'S accomplished, there should be a bigger variety of people and topics, along with a more stable/consistent schedule. Just another reason we NEED to know who and what we have to work with! Once again, thanks everyone and THANKS JASON!!!!!!
  23. This was inspired by a line from 'Book of Love' by the Magnetic Fields. Peter Gabriel does a VERY good cover of this song, but I would LOVE to her Cyndi Lauper cover it (Listen to her cover of 'At Last' and tell me she ISN'T frikin awesome) or a female with a heavy Irish brogue - more along the lines of the Cranberries rather then Sinead O'Connor. It has an awkward ending and I have a feeling it's too short, but don't see how I could smooth it out or add to it. *********************************************** We learned to dance We learned to sing When we were young So long ago Now time has passed And with it knowledge Of things we're still Too young to know When we were young Our hearts were open Too big to fill With everything But now they're small They're hard and frozen Yet can break from The littlest thing When we were young We began our story Its' beginning was So long ago And at the end We find our story Filled with things We're, still, too young to know
  24. O.K., I REALLY want whatever the anorexic rat is smoking. This makes my brain hurt, but in a good way, like in a 'Safe Word' kinda way!
  25. People have posted elsewhere to give an update and status report, for those of you that desire a more concrete place to post, you can post here. Just tell us how often you check-in as a guest and what you do when you are here, how often you log-in, WHY you log-in, why you DON'T log-in, why you may have cut-back or stopped coming to the site, what YOU want to see on the site that would increase YOUR interest in it, WHATEVER you may think will HELP us out. You can just post a list or make it a story, however you feel like doing it. Thanks for the help!
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