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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. Teleportation would be really cool, especially if I could do it like they do in the Wheel of Time series. I was going to say some other stuff, but I realised having all god-like powers would be kind of lame (to me anyways..) So yeah, if I could open a door, that when opening could slice through anything that touches it, then travel to wherever I felt like, that'd be sweet. Of course, I'd probably turn into a common criminal, because I wouldn't work, and I'd just take what I wanted and teleport away to a safe spot no one knew about or something like that, but hey, that's the way it goes some times.
  2. Hrm, if I was to give the simple answer, I'd say death... but I'll expand. It all goes into the whole concept of time. This all depends on personal beliefs, and well, I don't really believe in much until I experience it. Anyways, basically when I start thinking or talking about supernatural things, I get on to the topic of time/infinite, eventually. I think about how our mere existence is a paradox; there is no beginning or end to time. One could say time starts at a certain point, but what about before that? The same thing with the future. Our world, our sun, our galaxy, it could all die out, but the universe itself will always live on. Even if it's reduced to an empty void, time will still pass. The scary part comes down to what you believe happens after you die. Again, I follow no specific spiritual path, so I'm not sure what to believe. Unfortunately, when I think about it, all I can imagine is having some sort of after-death consciousness, one that would last forever. Just the thought of existing forever frightens me. I don't know why, but it does. It's kind of ironic really, if you think about it. So in short, infinite existence = scary. Some times I kind of hope when it happens, that'd be the end of it all, just blackness without consciousness. Alas, I don't think that's the way it works though. Just the thought of not being alive in the mind doesn't seem to 'work'. I have this distinct feeling that no matter what path one follows (I respect all those that walk the path that their heart desires... so long as it isn't truly evil... like being a crazy murderer or something...) that something happens after you die. The only thing to do is wait.
  3. Heh, interesting to see that the old AM boards are up... the other day I was looking for this, and got sidetracked with nostalgia... oh man, have I ever come a long way. Heh. Anyways, I think I mentioned to *someone* a while ago I wanted to find the Mr.Bunny theme song, from the Mr.Bunny Fan club sign-up thread. (one of my most embarassing displays, for those who don't already know...) It isn't very long, but here it is: Mr.Bunny... he is one heck of a guy Mr.Bunny... but people want him to die Mr.Bunny... he's the dude you want to meet Mr.Bunny... but people think he's a treat Mr.Bunny... he is known widely for saying "dot dot dot" Mr.Bunny... people try to cook him in a pot pot pot Mr.Bunny... luckily he hasn't been caught Mr.Bunny... but Racouol will keep his stove hot Mr.Bunny... Arawn formed the fan club Mr.Bunny... Wyvern made a bad dub Mr.Bunny... Knight joined Arawn as Vice President Mr.Bunny... Zool thinks he just might taste excellent Mr.Bunny... Finnius always tries to save his life Mr.Bunny... Tamaranis wants to stab him with a knife Mr.Bunny... Tiax recently joined the fan club the other day Mr.Bunny... He has just about been eaten by Lord of the Gay Mr.Bunny... he's so funny Mr.Bunny... Mr.Bunny... (edit) *Stick smiles*
  4. Oh. I thought it was a vending machine. Whoops.
  5. "I don't need to see the money. I'll take your word. All I need is the directions to the keep, and I'll take care of the rest. I suggest you all hurry along your way, or Gyrfalcon and his bodyguard will be dead before you get there." There was disgruntled and condescending sniffs and scoffs about the room to which shrugged for the umpteenth time to. Ugarte handed Tayne a map. "This should do for you. Be wary of what lurks in the shadows, fool." Tayne laughed and headed for the door. Turning around with a grin on his face, he laughed again and left.
  6. I'm also going to have to go with love here... I think everything else doesn't matter, so long as you love your mate, and they love you. If that's truly the case, anything else (ideally) should be able to be worked out. ~Shruggies~
  7. Dierden looked at Gyrfalcon as he joined the rest of the party. He could tell by the tone of his voice and the look on his face that his test had gone over quite well. "Gyrfalcon, it is too bad you are a ranger, I think you may have made an excellent cleric. But alas, we all have our own paths to walk." Gyrfalcon just smiled and chuckled lightly. Yes, if anyone was prepared for the upcoming path, it was Gyrfalcon No'Dessu. Although nobody knew it yet, Gyrfalcon would be the one put at the most risk, but he'd lose the least. Whereas Rondo had originally thought Gyrfalcon would be the key to defeating this Beast, this creature of destruction, he now realised that the powerful half-elf would be but a helping hand. The responsibility now fell on Rondo. Now was the time to conquer all his inner demons and move on. He owed a service to Terra, and he was fully ready to pay it out now. Having this knowledge didn't erase the fear completely, but it did curb it for the time being.
  8. Tayne held back yet another laugh. This was getting all too interesting. 8 Million geld. Up to 20. It was fantastic. He didn't care for all the bantering, but he waited it out. He knew sooner or later he'd taste the sweet blood on his blades, and then, the loving tug of a fortune behind him. He'd be able to get whatever he want, and then take care of his long-time nemesis. It was all too good. "So, this is all well and good. The terms are set. Is there anything else we need to know, because I am eager to set on the road."
  9. The Big Pointy one and Mr.Bunny were sneaking back to the treehouse on their way back from sneaking out for a midnight snack. Of course, it was 1:30 in the afternoon, but for Stick and Mr.B, it may as well have been midnight. In their bleary states, they didn't notice Caryon's artifact sitting in the hall. Stick hit the thing with his bare right foot (the other had a slipper shaped like a bunny) cursed and tumbled down a flight of stairs. Mr.Bunny just shook his head and hopped along afterwards. Caryon's artifact bounced around a bit, shot off some sparks, then started spewing: "The Big Pointy One fell down the stairs, but expresses his interest in seeking information about his future. The wise Mr.Bunny also expresses his interest in this matter. Also, I am a little tea-pot, best described as short and stout."
  10. Tayne just grinned. This was all madness, but he loved it. It was this intense knowledge of impending doom that made him feel so alive. He also grinned at Dove's comments. She knew Gyrfalcon. She knew where he lived. That would lead him to the other man he was after. The one that had been able to elude him for so long. Perhaps he was the one that Dove spoke of, the one protecting him. Tayne mentally shrugged. He'd see when they got there, he supposed. Just as Ugarte was about to speak, Tayne muttered: "Information is powerful..." then aloud, "Whatever the scenario, count me in. A fool I may be, but this whole idea is foolish. All of these..." Tayne scoffs as he looks about the room, "Look skilled enough, but have they got the guts for the challenge we're about to face? Ha! All the more reward for me, I think." This raises a murmur of insults and curses, and everyone gives Tayne the dirtiest look possible. The large warrior just smirks, runs his hand through his hair and laughs again. "Whatever buddy here has to say, count me in."
  11. ~Bump~ OOC: I was just wondering if you guys were interested in still going on with this story... I realise it's been a *long* long time, but I was hoping we'd get to finish this some day. I mean, I can move it along, but I don't know... what do you guys say? Moderator's Privilege so there's one less pure OOC: post. Sure, I'm all for it. I was going to write a post, but I kept on getting busy, and then you left for a while, so it dropped in importance. I'll see what I can do within the next few days. -Gyrfalcon Edit: Alright, I really appreciate it ^.^ And for the umpteenth time I apologize about the whole disappearing act. Of course, don't rush yourself or anything ^.^
  12. Tayne interrupted Robbie's entrance with a laugh loud enough for everyone to hear. All eyes turned to him. He grinned. "The man we are hunting is Gyrfalcon no'Dessu?" Ugarte nods, and Tayne laughs again. "Ha, and you offer only 780,000 Geld?" "Yes, 780,000 Geld for the bounty hunter who brings me the head of Gyrfalcon." Tayne shakes his head, still laughing. "You are truly mad. Last I heard, the bounty on Gyrfalcon's head was well over a million." this causes a stur among the other hunters, "I can do it, but only if you double the bounty. No, triple it." "Impudent fool! Why would I do such a thing?" "Two Million geld is the least you can give to someone hunting Gyrfalcon. Obviously, you're scared to do it yourself, or else you wouldn't need us. Your friend there, seems like a tough guy, might stand a chance. I'm guessing you have something up your sleeve we've yet to see. Escaping an encounter with Gyrfalcon is a reward in itself, but someone's got to pay the cleric's fee. Anything less than a million couldn't cover the damage he can inflict."
  13. I'm sorry, that was too great for words. Peredhil, you're my hero! *politely bows to the master*
  14. Oh, I just thought of some people I'd love to meet. Toshiro Mifune and Akira Kurosawa. I'm sad to say I don't know if they're living or not, but I think they'd be some interesting people to meet. (For those who don't know, Toshiro Mifune has played the role of a samurai in many movies directed by Akira Kurosawa. All of which that I have seen have been good so far ^.^ )
  15. Maha, thanks everyone... but Wyvern, remember, I can only jump out of the window once a year now ;p
  16. The door to the hall swings open and a large shadow is temporarily cast over the doorway. The entering figure pauses for a moment, then walks in. He looks around curiously at the crowd, then shrugs and finds a spot against the wall directly across from where he entered. This man is Tayne 'Darkstorm' Demeron, a man of many paths; his current road happens to be that of a mercenary. Tayne is a tall, muscular man with fiery red hair that hangs slightly beneath his shoulders and covers his chin. He is adorned in nothing but a pair of leather breeches overtop a pair of heavy boots and a loose cloth vest that hangs freely off his muscular chest. About his body are strapped a various array of weapons ranging from a pair of hand-axes to an assortment of swords of varying size and shape to at least one dozen knives, all of which seem designed to be designed for either melee fighting or throwing. His darkly-tanned skin seems to be covered in multiple over-lapping scars, suggesting that the man does not wear armour of any sort. Sure that his entrance was enough to introduce himself, he runs a hand through his hair, then crosses his arms. He gives anyone who looks at him a sneer and waits for whoever is organizing this gathering to get started.
  17. Heh, as mentioned aforehand, very nice sigs Falcon, you are truly the sig-master around these parts (although everyone else around here has *awesome* siggies too ^.^ ) As for the cards, I figured the first two were from around the Urza's series, and I knew the last was *something* Druid from Tempest ^.^ (I think it's from tempest...) Rox0r!
  18. Oooh, toughie, I'm not quite sure if there's a good answer I can give to this one. There are a lot of people I'd like to hang out with for one night. I mean, not to take them for granted, but I *can* spend pretty much any night I want with my friends, so I don't think they'd mind missing out on one night. So that leaves someone I don't see very much, or haven't seen in a while or someone I don't know. I think this one's a three-way tie. For people I don't know, I'd have to say either Christina Ricci or Allyson Hannigan. Rrawr. Someone who'd I'd really like to see in person though, for even just a fraction of a night, is the lady of many names (from the old AMBBs...) and my former internet-girl-friend (bleh) by the name of Pamela. I'd *really* like to know what her deal was. *muttering* Bonus Answer: For those of us not with us now, I'd have to say my grandpa on my dad's side, since I never met the guy (he died when I was about 2). Of course, I wouldn't mind meeting Billy the Kid, since he seems like the party kinda dude (ala Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) or King Arthur, if he isn't a fictional character... which I'm pretty sure he isn't (fuzzy memory, early morning)
  19. ^.^ Or better yet, BirthdayPartyStick? Heh, it's been a great weekend for the ol' Pointy One here, and this is like the icing on the cake, thanks everyone ^.^ In return, I'm going to tell everyone a l'il story about why my birthday rocked so much this year (way more so than the last.... most of my birthdays) So it all starts out, I'm having fun, my friends are feeding me screwdrivers left and right (I ended up having 8 drinks last night, a new record... heh... of course, for those concerned, I rarely drink, and don't plan on making it a habit ;p ) Anyways, so I'm standing outside on the balcony, I'm taking to my friends (female) one of which I used to work with, and the other who I still work with. (They're just my buds ^.^) My other friends are all chatting it up in the corner behind us, and I'm diverting my attention everywhere, to make sure everyone's having a good time laughing at my false-drunkenness. (Ok, so I was kinda drunk on the outside, having a hard time standing and what-not...) But anyways, my female friends point out that these guys keep waving at them and checking them out and stuff, and I'm like "That's not cool." (They have boyfriends, but neither were there...) I also suggested that maybe I grab the guys' bums to freak them out or something. I didn't do it, of course, but that's kinda an important point. Kinda. So the night starts winding down, I'm down dancing on the floor with a Tyler and the two lady friends, and the guys come over, and try to start dancing with the ladies, who are like 'ew' so I'm like 'uhh, no.' So I start swinging my hips, and send my butt right out there, like right in the way of their groove, which obviously sends 'em off. They keep trying to come back, but I'm just not having any of that. Apparently (my friends tell me this afterwards) these guys are shooting me dirty looks and stuff, while I'm just grinning like an idiot, laughing it up. So one of them comes back, and tries yet again to dance with one of the girls, and of course, I don't want that to happen, but this time my best and friend and roommate Dan comes in, and diverts my attention back to the girl I'm dancing with, repeatedly. I'm like alright, whatever and go about doing that. Not long later, the music's done with and we leave. The guys are still shooting me looks. The girls ride arrives, so Dan, Jason (our friend who decided to a.) come out for once and b.) be our driver) and myself head home. We're sitting around chatting (this is the important part) and Dan's telling me how these guys keep looking at me, giving me these dirty looks (I didn't know at the time) and talking about me and stuff. What made it all worthwhile? Why am I telling this story? Because of one l'il phrase segment: (in regards of whether or not they were going to mess with me) "That guy has friends." Damn skippy.
  20. (Late reply) Love is that fun stuff that's sticky and sweet in so many ways; it can burn and it can soothe. Love is yet another example of the balance that we all live in, like good and evil, law and chaos, peanut butter and jam, and so on. It has good, it has bad, but most importantly it's that sugar that makes everything so sweet, be it ice cream, a person or a puppy. Personally, I love bunnies. And nummy food. And... lotsa stuff...
  21. Maha, if I weren't to write and compose the song myself (which would end in disaster anyways) I'd probably get Tenacious D to do the main bit, then have someone from a more sombre band to depressing little inserts here and there. To top it all off, I'd probably have some sort of dueling guitar action between the guys from Symphony X and Blind Guardian. As for the title, I'd probably call it "The Roads we Travel" or something with 'roads' in it. Heh.
  22. On a personal note, I've been thinking about fanfiction a fair bit recently. Although it isn't necessarily the most creative form of writing, it *is* fun to do. Not to mention, I think it's good for those who want to improve their creative skills by working with a set of limitations. In other words, it's easy to write within someone else's boundaries or guidelines; the challenge lies in being creative about it. There's so many interesting [story/writing] universes out there, and I think it'd be interesting to see a fan fiction or two floating around. Don't be surprised if you see one started by yours truly within the near future
  23. Haha! Great! I love poems about cute stuff! (from time to time... or something.) This was one was executed in a simple manner, which is just fine ^.^ ...nothing beats an easy read, with an easy rhyme scheme. Just one thing though... not to be rude or sarcastic or nit-picky or anything like that, what do you mean by: "A kitten has uses" Heh, I hope you don't mean like, potholder uses, or slippers uses or anything like that... 'cause that'd be... not good. Of course, I think I just answered my own question, and am going to guess it means a kitten can be a good friend uses. Heh. Anyways, I'm done now, good work ^.^
  24. Darkness was all. Nothing existed but non-existence. Then, as soon as it had come, it was torn away with burning light. He stood in a familiar room. Lights from a few scant sources felt like a million suns to his eyes. He winced audibly and his vision was attracted to a new source of light. A new source that spoke to him. "Good, you came back. I was worried about you." He tried to blink away the blinding light from around him, but it was to no avail. He called out. "Who are you? Your voice is familiar, but I can not place it." "You know who I am, that is good enough. I am a friend. I pulled you back, to let you know even though you take this personal quest alone, there are those who are still beside you. You are on the right track, but you should not give in." "It's so hard..." "Hard? Of course it's hard. No one ever said it was going to be easy. But that is what life is about. Overcoming challenges. So many people have said 'that which does not kill you only makes you stronger'. That is because it is true. Every obstacle, every pitfall you overcome helps to build you into who you truly are. It defines you." "...I don't know if I can do it." "I do. We all do. Just remember, no one expects anything of you except that you do what you want; that you do whatever makes you happy. That is the reason you are here after all, isn't it? We will be happy with you no matter what happens." "..." "Just take it easy, you have a path in front of you, it may be long, it may be short, but it's yours for the taking, and well within grasp. Don't be afraid, we all have faith in you." The figure that was nothing more than a shadow to his light-forsaken eyes paused for a moment, "Don't forget your light here, it'll be useful as you procede. Good luck." He stood there, both adjusting to the light which was new to him all over again, and to the words from someone who sounded so familiar. Whoever it was, he was right. Now was not the time to give in to such fickle weaknesses. He must conquer himself and strive forward. And it all started here.
  25. His journey had barely begun, and already, he was lagging behind. Before him rose a demon of the mightiest proportions, one that had been a thorn in his side for years. One that had arisen from within. It was himself, his lack of will, his lack of strength. It stood before him like a blockade, stalling and preventing his foreward movement. It would be easy to pass, yet so difficult, by his own reasoning. He could evade it, if only he felt that he wanted to. This had happened so many times, yet he showed no will to change. It was pathetic, to anyone who took note. Luckily, he seemed to be the only one who noticed, at least, outwardly. Alas, the reward was straight in front of him, but he shrugged it off. He could not find the motivation anymore. His will was nearly drained. One could describe it as fighting a battle, but no battle was fought. He just... gave up. He gave up before there was any display of a fight, any hope, anything. It was over. The creative essence that was known to so many had simply vanished. The Big Pointy One was no more. With him, he took all those that had sprouted from his mind, his heart, his soul. The creations of pen and type were nothing more than memories, now. In the last moments, he hoped he could disappear as he had appeared. He knew it was happenning anyways. Obscurity guided him out, perhaps another day he could be seen, but as it went, few would notice and care more beyond surface value. All things that begin must end, some sooner than others. Despite all the prose, this one just knew when to quit. That time had already passed, and every shred of resistance had finally faded away. The darkness came slowly, and painfully, but it was the way things had to go.
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