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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. Happy birthday d00d!!! Uhm... *Stick thinks of an idea for a present, digging around in his extra-dimensional pocket...* Aha! Just the thing! *Stick reaches extra deep and pulls out... ...a Birthday Card! That says: "Happy Birthday Tam!" Inside, is a packet of vintage elf blood, circa Gaea 1420, 2nd age! Who knew?
  2. I nominate the terror of all terrors... that's right... WATERLILY!!! *Stick gives off some of that evil laughter he's been doing lately, then flees, only to trip around the corner and smack his knee* Ow. *Stick hobbles away... evilly...*
  3. ^.^ But of course, Katz, but of course. Although by my count (and I believe it *is* relevant... to me, anyways) I'm seeing 3 newer members. Anyways, I plan on waiting around a week. *Stick makes sure to take out some insurance of his own, but is a little worried when the insurance forms have the almost-Draconic seal on them...*
  4. Sweet, nomination. I gladly accept/approve/grant you the power to immortalize me in humility/something like that! You didn't *really* need to ask, I'm a sucker for attention, and this is awesome ^.^ I'm already feeling all special ;p
  5. Alright, confusion as I expected, I am so evil > Anyways, in reverse order of the questions asked: Valdar - Well, the way it's going to work is, once I pair everyone up, and everyone has learned as much as they could learn within my given time frame, we will be working on a collaborative story directed by myself. It may not actually take the form of the play... but we'll see. Troubled Sleep - Well, I guess I covered your concerns above, heh. I hope that was clear enough, but feel free to PM me or ask me here if there's anything specific you're not sure about. Oh, and I *guess* I'll let you participate even though you have no onion to offer. This time. ;p Alaeha - Just thought I'd note that which persona is used is completely up to you and your partner, whomever they may be ^.^ MeThinksUFoolish - No actual auditions are necessary ;p All I ask is that if you join up, you stick along the whole way! I'm glad to see we're gaining momentum here... I think if we can double our current numbers we'll move on to the next step. Speaking of which, I guess I'll elaborate on what I'm aiming for here. As I mentioned above, I'd like to pair up newer members with our more experienced ones mainly because most of us who have been around a while could probably play each other fairly well. I like the idea of a fun challenge for everyone ^.^ Oh, and a more general note, I call this a play because everyone is researching characters and acting out the roles of someone they wouldn't normally be. This is indeed a play about The Pen, starring the Members of The Pen, played by members of The Pen who aren't actually the Members they are playing. Woo! Lost yet? Good. Oh yeah, and while I won't reveal anything yet, this won't actually be taking place on a stage. (That's too limited for my purposes) Rather, it will take place inside The Pen itself, as well as the surrounding area. Most likely, it will be played out a lot like an actual role-playing session, with yours truly as the DM. Don't forget to roll a critical on your fun dice! Or something like that...
  6. Even my pants? But... my pants answer to no man! Not even me! *Stick huddles in shame as his pants remove themselves and walk away* This always happens to me on baked-ham underwear day... Seriously though, this seems like a fun idea. I always wanted to make a Pen Quiz, and this is probably a better, not to mention easier idea. I'll have to think of who I want to nominate for a couple days, but count me in ^.^
  7. Stick cackles maniacally as he imagines a game of 'tetris' going on his mind... the pieces are all falling places. Evil tetris *is* funny, after all. Back to reality, though... I'm glad to see y'all signing up, this is looking to be good already... Peredhil, I'm sure we can work something out. It'd be fine if someone were to play the part of one your boys as well ^.^ Whatever's most comfortable for everyone. Thanks for the early support!
  8. Hustling into the Cabaret room, Stick is barely noticeable in his current attire. He is wearing a puffy white shirt that seems to explode at the wrists in lace and frill. His shirt tucks neatly into a pair of horribly tight brown and green-striped pants that fluff out around his ankles then tuck back into his unnecessarily shined black leather boots. His eyes are covered by some odd tinted glasses and he's topped off with some sort of flamboyant beret of a silky material. In a hurry, he pins a note onto the wall outside of the drama studio, which most people know as one of the Cabaret Room's many side-halls. It simply says: AUDITIONS in big, poorly scrawled letters. At that point, a newer Penner who happens to have been in the room at the time notices Stick. "Auditions, eh? Whatever for?" Stick turns to look upon the lad who asked him his question. He grins, and there seems to be a faint twinkle in his eye. Suddenly, in a very anime-ish fashion, the space behind Stick turns into a starry sky while the tall warrior goes through a variety of dramatic poses while shouting... "It..." he spins! "Is..." a twirl on one foot... "For..." he crouches down low... "The..." he springs into the air, fist raised triumphantly and proclaims for all the world to hear: "GREATEST PLAY THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!" then lands as the background fades. He hangs his head low as he waits for the oncoming rush of applause. Two minutes pass while Stick keeps his eyes on the floor. Odd, he thinks to himself, it seems that I have set the whole room into shock... perhaps I'll give them another minute to adjust. After he lets the time pass, he looks up to find the room empty. He laughs nervously, and decides to get to work on touching up the scripts. ~~~ Okay, so roughly a year after I could have done this, it has finally begun. My Quill Quest! Yay! I suppose I should explain how I plan on running this. It's partially inspired by the Writing Exchange program, but not exactly. First and foremost, I'm going to extend an open invitation to *ANY OR ALL* members of The Pen, regardless of rank and such. After I have collected enough victim... volunteers, I will pair people up accordingly. Requests *will* be taken into consideration. Although keep in mind I ideally want to have newer members with ones that have been around longer, and preferably pair up people who don't really know each other. I will pair up with someone myself, aside from running the story. What I request from everyone is that they learn as much as possible about each other's characters. Most importantly, try to get a good feel for how they think, how they act, how they carry themselves, all that fun stuff. This is important, because in my scary play, you will be playing the part of your partner!!! *Cue thunder and lightning, followed by Stick's maniacal laughter* Anywhoo, obviously, this project may require a bit of trust on everyone's part. It's perfectly understandable that some people may be a bit protectice of their persona, which is fine. One of the biggest challenge for a forum writer is properly role-playing someone else's character. That's what this exercise is for! So, timelines... well, everyone has their own thing going on, which is cool. There's no need to rush. The only thing is, I'd appreciate it if anyone volunteers, if they'd stay committed. Depending on how many people sign up, and how fast, it may take a couple weeks to get started, and a couple more to finish off. I'm going to be working really hard to make sure it flows and stays alive, so I hope whoever's crazy enough to sign up will return the favour! ;p To rewind/recap: Objective A: To educate Pen members about each other. Objective B: To help improve multi-authored writing skills. Objective C: To have tons of fun!! Step 1: Gather underpants... err, volunteers. Step 2: Pair up and begin edumacating! Step 3: Have fun and write! If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask... I can be pretty confusing 99% of the time ^.^
  9. CANCELLED! Yes, I'm afraid to disappoint... myself... but I think it's in my best interest to scrap this story. There wasn't much thought behind it, and well, it was junk. I think right now what I'm going to do is focus on improving and re-writing past works instead. This one just didn't work for me.
  10. Not a problem at all. Eye for an eye can be a good thing, too ^.^ About the paper airplane bit- it *is* possible I took the sentence out of context. I'll have to re-read the exact wording again, but... yeah... could be a read error on my end ;p
  11. Well, first off, I applaud your bravery in seeking feedback on your story. Sometimes you just have to reach out and grab for that sort of thing, for fear of going unnoticed. Such is life ^.^ Anyways, I'm enjoying what you have so far. It is an easy read, and Horace is quite the interesting character. I like how she's so stupid she can basically bend reality. I wish I was that dumb. It's nice to get some background on a character I know a little bit about already (not much, mind you.) I am a little curious as to what takes on fantasy you are using; you seem to draw from religious backgrounds from our world, and seem to allude to Earth, if I am correct. I could be wrong though. I don't have many suggestions on what could be largely improved. One thing that threw me though, was the segment about Horace's IQ test... Lucifer was confused as to how Horace acquired paper to make a paper airplane, when it was Lucifer who had the IQ test administered (did I get the right word there?) in the first place. Weird. Aside from that, I think you could stand to present the environment a little bit better. It's good to leave things to the imagination, but I didn't really have much of a sense of location. In the first post, we can assume she's in a hell-like place, but there isn't much really alluding to it. In the second, you say she is in heaven, but you don't really give heaven much of a description. Is it all puffy clouds? Is it a sky kingdoom with golden columns and marble floors? I think a little elaboration would help greatly. Hope that didn't seem harsh, because I'm simply calling 'em as I seem 'em ^.^
  12. Alright, so going in backwards order, I'll be glad to read and review. I *had* read your story, and I've actually been trying to work up a good response. Typing/grammatical errors are something I'm not too worried about. After all, if I bothered to proofread my posts, there'd be a lot less of those. Anyways, I appreciate the review. I value what would be coined as the more 'negative' criticism, because it helps me figure out what needs to be changed. To hear you liked it is good enough for me. Anyways, I think I should stop sticking those Flash thingies in there, because I think I've set up the illusion that he's reliving a lot of past events. He has recalled a few things, but this story is actually about his redemption for abandoning Nature. Granted, for those who have been involved with or following my work, that hasn't happenned yet. My bad for sucking at explaining things. About the bear, yes, I need to work on explaining physical details a bit better as well. About the mood swings, well, I don't have a good explanation for that. Realistically this means a.) I don't have a solid definition for the character of Dierden Samshae / Stick and b.) Stick is a lot like myself; a lot of the stuff he does is what I'd do in the same situation. (Okay, so Stick is basically a representation of myself on this medium) Storywise it's a bit harder to explain, which sucks for me. Again, that means I need to work harder on being continuous in my definitions and actions of my characters. Anyways, the best way I can explain it is Stick thinks it is fate that he lives in servitude for Nature. He laughs because it's like he just saw his destiny right there, which isn't something most people are meant to see. He understands it's hopeless to try and fight it, so he basically says 'screw it' and just decides to go with it. It's kinda like Donnie Darko, but different. Iconically, this is like my current battle with depression, except in real life I haven't really found my ray of hope. That's why we call it fantasy ^.^
  13. I'd say it looked like some sorta south american flying frog (or wherever they come from) but the part that looks like legs aren't the right shape, and it seems to go closer in together as it goes up, if that makes sense. So instead, it looks like a shaman of some sort, dressed up in tribal gear, composed of feathers and such, performing some sort of ritual with his arms outstretched to the sky. Yep.
  14. Oh, it sounds nice alright. Convenient, too! Free CD? Awesome! *BUT* I sense something evil a foot. I mean, "The Gutenberg Project"? Sounds evil to me. I don't mean evil like, "All your base are belong to us" evil. But something more sneaky... like... well, I don't know what like. But I think it's going to take an expert spy, or perhaps a ninja to figure this one out. I'll be looking into this... (Yes, I'm kidding ;p)
  15. Congrats, Sal ^.^ Becoming a homeowner is always a fun experience! Wish you all the best of luck with re-decorating, rennovating, moving in and everything else that comes with a new place! ^.^
  16. After receiving the invoice Stick frowned. It seemed his old Gyrfalcon was up to his old tricks again. And by tricks, he meant stopping Stick from stealing money from The Pen. Not one to let adversity get him down, he replaced all instances of his name with Wyvern's and mailed it off to the overgrown lizard in hopes that he would never see the bill again. Knowing his scaly friend, Stick was sure Wyvern, who was in debt enough as it was, would easily find a way to 'deal' with the bill. Sure, he could throw it out the window itself, and think of another scam, scheme or trick, but this was just as amusing. Unfortunately for Stick though, he had a bit of trouble with the mailing system, and the invoice somehow ended up at the door of Lady Celes Crusader of all people.
  17. What?! No Sticks!!! I must have a discussion with the Finnish naming committee. This is an urgent matter that *must* be looked after. Excuse me, while I catch a plane. (Do I mean airplane? Or elemental plane of air? Or something else! HA! You'll all never know!!! MAHAHA!) *later....* Alright, I'm back. After much negotiation with someone who *said* he was the Finnish naming commission (odd that he'd smell so much like alcohol... drinking on the job is a bad habit.) we have decided that from now on, every 6,102,234th person born in Finland shall be named Stick. It was tough work, but I feel like I accomplished much on this business trip. Enclosed to whomever is in charge of financial issues here at The Pen. Thanks for your support! Oh yeah, and interesting research of course. I too would like to participate in the thousand-odd succubi domination seminar. Sign me up! Invoice: Transportation from here to off-colour reality: 100,000 geld. Total receipts for food, lodging, and alcohol: 1,000,000,000,000 geld. The sight of little children being frightened nearly to death by my presence: Priceles... err, 43.78 geld. Bill subtotal: 1,000,000,100,043.78 geld BigPointyTaxes: 666% Total Billing: 6,660,000,000,291.5748 geld Payment due upon receipt. Please send all cheques, large money sacks, small palaces, farmland, bank account numbers or family members directly to The Big Pointy One. Please. (Did I overdo it?)
  18. Dierden didn't like her grin. It wasn't right. A smile, he would understand; but a grin? That was just unkind. It told him that she already knew what he would decide. It told him that despite whatever he had decided for himself over the years, there was no avoiding fate. Most of all though, it told him there was trouble on the horizon. He had a feeling he'd have to be a sword soon enough. He wanted to laugh maniacally, he wanted to break down and sob like a baby. It was so hopeless, being anything but a monotonous servant. Since he was born, his life wasn't his own, and it made him cringe. He wanted to be happy to be serving such an important cause, but at the same time it tore him apart. He could never have a normal life. He would always have to be Attuana's lapdog, so long as the world existed. Perhaps, in time, he would be more prepared to accept his fate. For now, he just screamed inside. The stress was tremendous, but he had to pull himself together. Guardians are useless if all they can do is mope around, after all. It was kind of pathetic how easily he changed his mind these days, but what other choice was there? To be even more of a coward? It had to end. "I am glad you decided to make the right choice." "Choice? I wasn't aware one existed." Attuana laughed, and it sent a chill down Dierden's spine. It was beautiful. Her laughter was melodious like that of a forest bird. He decided to smile as well. "I suppose not. I am glad you have come to terms with that." "I'm trying, anyways." "Good. Anyways, in your absence, there have been a pair of villains that have slowly but increasingly been a thorn in our side. I believe you may have met one already, and I must say, you are lucky to be here today. I don't know why she let you live." "The mage? ...Deltradiel?" "The Red. She is a Dragon, one of the oldest living on Gaia. She must have had something planned. Perhaps she wanted to leave you a message. I do not know her intentions, I'm afraid. What I do know is, she's made acquaintanceship with an old friend of yours. He calls himself the Dark Storm these days, but you may remember him as Tayne Demeron." Dierden's eyes widened in shock. He remembered Tayne from his soldier days. Tayne was his first real friend; without him he probably wouldn't be alive today. Although, without him, he wouldn't have almost died, either. When the Tor'alasian army had nearly finished off the goblin hordes from the Nurram mountains, and Dierden had first discovered the vaunted 'BigPointyStick' as it was referred to by teh goblins. He had unleashed an earthly force that left himself and his fellow soldiers weakened for nearly a month's time. Through some miracle they had survived, but once they recovered Tayne had made an attempt on Dierden's life. They fought nearly to the death, until Dierden managed to use some trees as weapons against Tayne. His former companion then fled, and Dierden hadn't seen him for nearly two decades since. He was almost certain he'd taken care of Tayne for good. Now he had to deal with a man who had twenty years to plot vengeance, and train as much as Dierden had, or more? It was a scary thought. "Yes, it will be a challenge, Tayne is a mad man. He does not hold back, and he is well-equipped for many situations, as my lesser agents have learned. With the assistance of Deltradiel, he will be a fearsome opponent." "Then it is imperative that I get the Miershiera. But... it resides on another plane currently. It is safe, but I can not retrieve it. Can you send me back to The Pen?" "I am afraid not. I can only send you to Gaia. Unfortunately, I am not skilled in the arcane arts." "What? But you are a goddess! You can do as you will." "No, I can not. Even in my earthly powers, I can only do so much. I am limited to my elements. I am the Goddess of Nature, Dierden, not magic. I wish I could do more, but I can not." "Fine! Just send me back, I will find a way myself. If I don't get slain by this ancient dragon mage." Attuana frowned, "Do not be angry, I have faith in you... and..." she looked upon Dierden, with such a look that it made his heart do a backflip. He knew the look in her eyes. It was the same look he saw every time he gazed in a mirror. Dierden frowned too. "...and you are not alone. I too, am capable of emotion. I too, am capable of loneliness of the heart. I am an old being, and I have been alone for too long. That is why I have chosen you as my guardian, Dierden. I sense in you a kindred spirit, unlike any I have come across in my long existence." With that, she leant over, gently pulled him in and kissed him fully on the lips. Dierden, having no experience in the area of women in all 43 years of his life simply stood there, shocked. His matron Goddess was kissing him! It was unbelievable. Then, he stopped thinking and let raw emotion take over. He wasn't certain about his future, but he knew he didn't want to be alone. This... this gave him hope. OOC: Okay, so a couple notes here, first, yeah yeah, cheesy post at the end there, but whatever. I'm a cheesy guy. I think I will start refering to the BPS as the Miershiera (Meerasheera) since I do plan on making my stories as serious novels one day. Granted, that'll take a lot of expanding, practice, and dedication. Wee! All in time. Lastly, for those who may be scratching their heads at the mention of Stick's age, well, he's half Dryad, for those who haven't read some of my back stories. In my little universe, this means he can live for quite a longer period of time compared to humans. Even longer still if he remains in woodland areas. Appearance-wise, he looks just like he's still in his mid-20's. In his early years, he aged as a normal human until his dryad half 'bloomed' and nearly halted the normal aging process. I hope those who have been reading this so far are enjoying it ^.^
  19. I really enjoyed it; I thought you created a nice sense of emotion between Timothy and Sulette, although I must admit it seemed to border on creepy. Maybe it's because I have a simple mind? A sick one? Anyways, it was really well done, and I loved the intensity of the conclusion. Good work!
  20. Dierden rose slowly to his feet... and he slumped back down to the ground and retched. Then he flipped over onto his back and howled in pain. There was no doubt where he was now. He was on Gaia, his homeworld. His connection to Nature still remained, and now, he felt her pain. Whatever had been in this area last night had left its mark. Dierden could feel the burning, the flames, the deep gouges in the earth; he could feel it all and it wrought hell through out his entire being. Perhaps this was Nature's punishment for leaving his duties behind as Her avatar. Or perhaps this was simply a remind as why he had to return. He could figure out the divine nature of the situation as soon as he could figure out where he was. Hobbling his way to his feet, he slowly made his way to the farm house. That is, he slowly made his way to what remained of the farm house. His mind back pedaled to the day before. He had gone to the grove within The Keep which had obviously brought him here. But when he arrived, he wasn't where he had departed from. He could be anywhere on Gaia; Destruction had spread its touch nearly everywhere before he had finally deterred it. Still, there was something familiar about the land he was in. That village they had gone through... Dierden sighed; he'd just have to wait. But what after he found out where he was? Was he going to find a way to go back and run away like a coward again? Or was he going to run back to Nature, run back and beg on his knees for forgiveness? It weighed heavily upon him, and he frowned. It was just the same as always. Whether he had his friends with him or not, he felt so alone. When responsibility reared its ugly head, Dierden ran. That's all he ever did, was run. Since he was a youth, he ran. When he was in the army, fighting goblins, he ran. When Nature presented him with his fated duty, he ran. After he finally accepted his responsibility and Destruction itself showed up, he ran. All his decisions had cost him dearly. He was so lucky that he had his friends returned to him, and he didn't even deserve it. He screamed and fell to his knees. Between the pain from the land around him, and the weight of everything going on in his mind, Dierden couldn't take it anymore. The world was spinning around him, and the burning sensation of the dying ground was wearing him out. "I'm sorry! I am a coward!" he screamed to the heavens, "I never should have ran! I was just... damnit, I was just so scared! I wasn't ready for this, please... please forgive me... please..." Slowly, the land around Dierden stopped smoldering. Within a few moments, fresh blades of grass started to peek out from beneath the ash. The pain and burning soared throughout Dierden's body, but the earth around him was restored within a few minutes. Still screaming on the ground, Dierden didn't notice reality sliding around him. He twisted and spasmed until he felt a cool sensation wash over his body. Flash He was standing in what seemed like a never ending field of long grass and wild flowers. Trees dotted the horizon here and there and butterflies floated carelessly in the breeze. It was a paradise he had seen before. It was Her garden, which meant Dierden had been granted an audience with the celestial he was sworn to protect. "Hello Dierden." He spun around to face Her. Attuana, Nature herself. She had fallen in the battle with Destruction, but being the embodiment of ever-growing life, she was here now. She was the most beautiful thing Dierden had ever seen. Attuana appeared to Dierden in a humanoid form, most similar to a wood elf with long pointed ears and slanted eyes which shone a bright green colour. Her hair was a magnificent turqoise colour that hung loose to her hips and seemed to tickle the breeze. Her body was adourned in leaves and flowers of all sorts, covering her lightly green-tinged skin appropriately. The warrior could only do so much as kneel in front of his mistress. "Rise, you may look me in the eyes." He cringed at the statement. They both knew he could not. The pain would be too overbearing. It would be like trying to look into the eyes of one's lover after they had discovered you in bed with another. Instead, he accidentally let out a pathetic sob, then mumbled, "Hello..." he didn't know what to refer to her as. If he was indeed still granted the responsibility of being Her guardian, Her avatar, then She was his mistress. If not, the formal title for a standard mortal was Mother. (As in Mother Nature) "Do not pout in front of me. I did not recruit a child to be my guardian. I am not a child either, so do not act one. I understand your fear, little one. All is forgiven so long as I am standing here. I am giving you one more chance to redeem yourself, if you will be such a man as to rise and look me in the eyes." "I..." it weighed heavily upon him. This was is it, his moment of truth. It was here that he decided his fate. Live on as a simple warrior, doing as what was dealt his way until eventually he met again with destiny; or he could live as long as Gaia did, serving his mistress with pleasure until the world was no more. He wanted to please Attuana, but looking eternity in the face was not an easy thing for Dierden. It was different for some to have fate shoved down their throats, but choosing was a totally different matter. He didn't know if he could do it. He didn't know if he could be like a hero in the stories. They always seemed to do the right things, no matter what. He blinked, and realised he had the badly beaten teddy bear in his hands. It seemed to be staring at him, almost smiling. He smiled too. This poor ragged thing was once meant as someone's comfort toy. This poor ragged thing would assure whoever once owned that everything would be okay, no matter what. Whoever owned it relied upon it for safety and comfort. This bear was a symbol of hope to that child. Looking at it again, Dierden found himself reminded of someone. It was someone connected to himself, and connected to that village. "Aidan." Attuana quirked an eyebrow. "Aidan?" "Yes, Aidan..." his half-brother. At times, his boss. Formerly, his war buddy. Always, his friend. Known as Sliver to some, Aidan was the leader of The Seven; the group who's goal was the safe being of the natural world. They had ran with him, without a second doubt. Aidan most of all had been brave, no matter the consequence. He was sure if Aidan had been given the choice, he would gladly take the position offered him. Aidan wasn't scared of anything that Dierden knew of, and if he was he didn't show it. He realised now, that this was his destiny. No man had ever been granted the ability to channel such power and such responsibility. It was his fate. Dierden could not escape it, whether he liked it or not. He laughed out loud. It was always like this with him, just when everything knocked him down and out, something changed. Perhaps he realised the hopelessness of hopelessness, or perhaps he was insane. Either way, there was no denying it: he had a job to do. "I accept my fate. Consider me a tool that you may use to shape Gaia for the better. Consider me a shield to protect you from harms way. Lastly, consider me a sword to cleave all who would do harm to you. I am yours, now and forever." Attuana just grinned. Flash
  21. Wyvern, Thanks for the reply, I greatly appreciate it ^.^ I'm glad to see there are parts that have interested you so far, and I hope to continue on producing the imagery as I have, and better. I really focused myself on describing the environment as best as I can, and I realise I probably could do better, but that'll be an improvement in the future. I know exactly what you mean in regards to the character development though. Hopefully that's an aspect that will be improving in the future as well... but as I was writing I *did* realise I wasn't really describing very well what Dierden felt about what was going on, but rather what was going on around Dierden. As for Deltradiel, well, you'll be finding out about her later. Of course, I could have revealed a bit more about her. As for the beginning piece and the weeping not being so believable, I totally agree; I kind of just threw that out of nowhere, without having much leading up to it. Oh, and good guess as to what's going on... you're partially right ^.^ Again, thanks for the feedback, and I hope you enjoy whatever comes next... whenever it comes next...
  22. Hrm, well, in general I figure forgiveness is a useful thing, because if no one ever forgave anyone for any little thing, there'd be a lot of angry and vengeful people out there. Not that there aren't, but that's because people need to be more forgiving! ;p That, and people shouldn't be so rude to begin with... ...but, in some cases there are times when it's not worth it to forgive someone. For example, (from my experience) if you have a room mate who's a jerk, and likes to talk crap about you behind your back, etc. etc., it's just not worth it to forgive him, and just work on forgetting him ^.^
  23. Woah, that's smooth... I've only been able to do that for about 3 or 4 days... you get *2* Miniature chocolate trees! And hopefully a nap... ;p :tree:
  24. ^.^ That's the spirit, Master P! I'm glad to hear about it, and thanks for playing! ;P As a prize, I award you with the Chocolate Tree award! *Stick hands Peredhil a miniature tree-shaped chocolate* In fact, Chocolate Trees for all! Let's see those chocolatey smiles! *Stick hands everyone who has posted thus far a miniature tree-shaped chocolate* Seriously folks, thanks for sharing these little tidbits, I always find talking about even the smallest good things in life makes them seem that much better; and I always wish people's lives could be better, without making anyone else's worse ^.^ Feel free to keep it up!
  25. Alright, so I'm a few posts in now, so a little bit has developed. I haven't really noticed much commentary for my work, and that's fine; not everyone can comment on everything. Or something like that. Factor in that I'm not really helpful in the commentary department myself, but honestly, I don't ever really have anything meaningful to add unless I'm involved in the story myself. I'm sorry if I've seemed rude of late, but that's the way I am sometimes. Anyways, without seeming like a jerk here, I was wondering if anyone who has read this so-far title-less story has any comments so far? (I'm assuming the 'read' total isn't just me checking in on it and/or attempting to update it ;p ) I wouldn't mind hearing what people think I could improve upon, because I realise I'm not the best writer around, and I figured solo work is a good way to improve... solo work... heh... anyways, any sort of commentary or criticism will be greatly appreciated. Just... don't expect me not to respond to each and every aspect of your response with my own counter-insight! mahahaha! ...oh, I'm so lame ;p
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