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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Canid hears the soft swish of a tail and turns her head to see a large fox sitting calmly near Gyrfalcon. Gyrfalcon looks down at the fox and smiles, then enclines his head towards Canid. "Canid, this is Daryl Carnsillion, who's currently electing to hold a fox form. He's a werefox but is normally friendly... just don't try to eat him, and he'll be good. Daryl, this is Canid, a wolf-magus who's going to be joining us soon... and she has quite a few wolf-friends, so try not to antagonize them, alright?" Daryl looked up at Gyrfalcon and yipped once, then yipped a few times at Canid (translation: "Okay, Gyr. *looks at Canid* Greetings to you... you have a lovely coat of fur.") Gyrfalcon breaks out laughing as Prospero starts dancing, and Daryl grins hugely at the sight... (OOC: Daryl currently looks like a somewhat larger then normal fox. He has black fur 'socks' and his breast and neck fur is white. The tips of his ears are also black, and the tip of his tail is white. Otherwise, he is a reddish-brown color (more on the red side).)
  2. *Gyr smiles and applauds* If this is based off a fever you had, I'm sorry! Never had a fever that bad, though... interesting (if scary) poem.
  3. *Gyr smiles* Nice poem, Justin, even if you don't like writing short ones. =)
  4. Gyrfalcon leans against the wall by the door, face set in a small smile as he watches the dancers whirl by. Looking to his right, he sees Rocoss in a similar position. "Can't dance either?" Gyrfalcon asks. "Nope." Rocoss said. Gyrfalcon chuckled as Wyvern is dragged into the room by Stick, and chuckles again as Judicator stumbles through the door, waving his hands before his face to clear the mist away a bit so he can see. This is going to be an interesting party... always in a Conservatory I moderate, but at least I'm not footing the repair bill this time... Gyrfalcon thought to himself.
  5. *Gyr grins at more friends who are band members* I agree with ye two. =)
  6. *Gyr smiles and laughs* I've never had any luck of an impressive, awe-inspiring kind... only the kind that gets me through life without being seriously hurt or killed only the kind that gives me wonderful friends only the kind that led to the latest (though now more then two years ago) move, which was... only the kind that had me watch someone play archmage and get the URL... only the kind that led me to the Banquet Hall of Blitz Nonguild and my first online friends... only the kind that led to my friendship with you all and membership with you all. I'm not happy with my entire life, or with all I've done. But I'd not change a thing, because I'd rather be here today with you all. *smile*So I'm lucky as hell, no?
  7. *Gyrfalcon hands Tralla the jackhammer of inspiration for use on the stubborn stone of a Poet's Block* Heya, and welcome back to the poetic world! *applauds*
  8. *Gyr grins and applauds* I like these commandments. Nice!
  9. Gyrfalcon was worried, about a lot of things. First of all, Timothy had begun to act… differently… as he became more tired. Gyrfalcon had caught part of Timothy’s look at this woman, Myth, and the calculation in his eyes seemed out of sorts with who he was. Is this simply an effect of him being as tired as I am? Or is this something he’s kept… hidden? Gyrfalcon thought, then he shook his head, trying to wake up more. He hoped that he and Timothy could convince these two to hold off the talking bit until after a few hours of sleep. Gyrfalcon’s gaze settled on Y’Tren, supposedly of the S'den clan. It seemed too much of a coincidence, though, that a member of the fabled clan should appear so soon after they had come into possession of an artifact from that clan, one that would lead them to the Pool… “Gyrfalcon?” Timothy said, and Gyrfalcon returned to the world around him, to see Myth and Y’Tren looking at him, calculation in their eyes. “My apologies… yesterday was long, and the journey did not help.” Gyrfalcon said, eyes scanning his surroundings, looking for any possible allies these two had. His eyes settled on one robed man, standing nearby and looking at the wares of a merchant’s stall, and then passed onward. “We can talk there.” Gyrfalcon said, pointing at one inn that named itself The Broken Keg. “However, before we speak, it would be best if our companion could join us- if time is not an issue. She should be coming soon, in a half-day at the latest.” Gyrfalcon said. Let them agree… that gives Timothy and I time to rest so we’ll be sharper. Gyrfalcon already knew that Kaylera was already in the city, but Y’Tren and Myth most likely could not know. And Gyrfalcon already had a good idea where Kaylera would be… Wherever there were the most books, which meant at the largest library in the town. And, of course, a winged woman would be the source of a lot of gossip, so she’d be easily found. Uneasily, Gyrfalcon realized that that idea cut both ways- he and Timothy could find her, but so could anyone else looking for Kaylera. Still… she’d be safe for a few hours, undoubtedly. [briefly editted to change 'Vishari' to 'S'den'. My bad, sorry.]
  10. Everyone has them... they end eventually. *Considers, then gives Annael a Polite hug to get her through her day* Sorry yer day is so bad, but an excellent poem. *smiles at Yui* You wrote a wonderful poem yourself. *applauds the two poets*
  11. *Gyr laughs* Now read it at the guy, especially if you want to attract him. =) *grins and applauds* Wonderful poetry, not quite Shakespearian, I think (though I could be wrong- I've only had the one monologue memorized), but great none the less. =)
  12. I just have to refute this... *evil grin* #1) Vampires live longer then humans- until they step outside for a quick stretch, oops, its the sun, no more vampire. =P #2) All that equal-opportunity consumption causes equal-opportunity vampire-slaying. One person, one whack on the stake. #3) The coolness is debatable, especially since you smell like blood, decay, and open graves. And not even colonge/perfume covers *that* smell. (This is Daryl's (a werefox, who has a keen sense of smell) observation, but I trust his nose) #4) Humans have sheer numbers- elves have sheer magical power (and their resistences to vampiric hypnotisim helps) #5) Really? I've heard of many great human and elven lovers, but not vampiric lovers. Perhaps its the fact taht you suck the lady dry, and thus she can't pass on your fame? #6) So are human and elven women. And most of them won't drink your blood. #7) Yes, but the wooden stakes are a problem...
  13. *Gyr laughs and applauds as he finally finds this post* I love it, though I'm not sure if I can bear to eat a Smartie ever. *grin* Good work, Bhurin!
  14. *Gyr applauds* Good, but in my mind's tired state, I don't think I understand it.
  15. Do you mind if I say that you scare me, Wyv, at times? You scare me at times, Wyv. (But good work. *smile*)
  16. I agree, a good poem, Vincent. =) *applauds*
  17. *Gyr laughs and cheers* Go Peredhil, for the honour of the Pen and half-elves everywhere! *laughs*
  18. *Gyr applauds* Whoo, nice! I like this, slightly sad, but wonderfully written.
  19. *Gyr applauds* Nice song as well, Balladore. =)
  20. *Gyr applauds* A wonderful song, my friend. I enjoyed reading it and could almost 'hear' the music.
  21. *applauds* Different from your other works... you always seemed to focus on what you feel, not what another does.
  22. *Gyr applauds* I really, really like this one...
  23. *Gyr applauds* Sad, but wonderfully written.
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