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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Creative Writing Exercise #5


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This is a paragraph by paragraph challenge...If you had to call yourself an object what would it be and why. Likewise, what objects would those who frequent your life be? I'm interested to see your paragraphs on who you are and who those you are close to are. Symbolism is used in a lot of writings,and is often expressed through objects. This challenge will show us how you think of yourself and close friends/enemies in symbolic terms by associating them with common everyday (or maybe not so everyday) objects.


This is free form paragraph style. :0)


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Peredhil as an object...

A life-sized soft fuzzy Teddy Bear, with actually huggy arms and waterproof fur suitable on which to cry.


Nuncio: A rapier in broad scabbard, a stilleto in Bowie Knife sheath. A Mage in zoot suit clothing, a keen-eyed detective in black fedora. Perhaps a camera, for little escapes his eye, and that which he sees, he remembers.


Guido: A harlequin doll, a cleric's cudgel. Little finesse here. Heart on the sleeve and willing to fight at the drop of his fedora, but doctors the wounds and stands you up to buy you a drink. Forceful club, banded with cold iron.


Elrohir: A Archmage's staff, wrought and carved with secret runes only the most observant can see, full of ego and knowledge, a deep well of wisdoms. Power sits his brow and Might is in his hand, His self is hidden deeply, but his self-sacrificing love is all too apparent.


Elladan: The bright sword, edge fading into rainbows of acuity, with unwrapped edged hilt, ready to cut the wielder. Enchanted with wonderous beauty to behold, warm sunlight to Elrohirs brooding darkness. Full of the blood and power of a thousand thousand taken in by his smiles. The kind of guy who helps little old ladies cross the street, cries at McDonald's commercials and cute kitties - and eradicates annoyances such as loud people without thought or remorse. He's aware of societies rules, but just doesn't care.

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Well if *I* not Salinye, but me was to be an object. Hmmmm.....


I'd have to say something like Oil. Because if life is a mini-van (and my life is close) then it isn't going ANYWHERE without oil in it. Infact, not only is it not going anywhere, but if you use and abuse it and let the oil run dry your entire mini van will HALT in a very destructive way!


That's my life. Wife, mom, Oil.


However, my husband would definately have to be the tires, because he seems to carry us all, and my children would have to be something highly enjoyable, yet with the potential to drive you crazy, like a stereo with lots of different stations. :0)


Now, if I were to talk about Salinye. Hmmm that's a harder one. If I had as much crisis in my life as Sal has had in hers, I might have to throw myself from a cliff!! lol (not really) But seriously, the girl has had some rough times!


Maybe I'd say she's an elegant beautiful and cherished lamp. When it's turned on it glows magnificently brightening the whole room. But when it's off, its painfully forgotten in the corner refusing to share its rays with anyone.


Okay, that's my stab at this writing exercise!!


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Temae Yui is a keepsake box, intricately-carved, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and made of a fine wood smoothed and laquered to a silken sheen. Soft to the touch and lovely, she's the type of thing that can draw attention or sit unobtrusively on the shelf. She can be the topic of conversation or the forgotten box in which the true interest was held. She can be supportive, as in holding up that which is laid on her lid, or protective, as in shielding that which is laid within. She is a comfortable, velvet-lined interior to those who need a gentle touch and a lid of sturdy wooden weight to pinch those who need a prod.


In her life, she has 'held' a number of valuable things, but there have also been long times when she has been empty inside and bereft. There are people to treasure her and people she treasures in return. There are some who admire her and others who envy her. And always, always there is the darkness at the core, the shadowy interior that seldom sees light, the somber soul that is more inclined to brood and fret and worry and doubt than anything else. Only she knows the darkness because those who approach it, those who lift the lid to see what's inside, they let in the light and banish the shadows for another little while.


I'd have a lot harder time assigning an object form to myself. Or perhaps too hard of a time finding one that is different from Yui-chan's....

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Scratches his head.


Hmmm. I hadn't considered this for the person behind the Peredhil. In fact, I'm not sure how I'd answer it! I seem to exist as a set of relationships to God and to others. It's the God thang that defines me and keeps me from emptiness when in solitude.


What object exists to meet other's needs, help them wipe out the stains of the past and shine as they should? Kneadable eraser?


I think I'd have to let everyone else say how I appear to them, and then aggregate the overlaps. :)

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