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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Creative Writing Exercise #4, I think.


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I rather like the reference to the Robin Hood spoof... nice touch Mr. Peredhil, sir.


Love is the only emotion that has no defined description.

Love is the misunderstood happiness.

Love... is what you make of it.



(and I do really agree that it is the most misused word by a good deal of people. I hope I don't misuse it... >'^_^< )

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VERY good question Salinye.

seems to me i've had lengthy conversations trying to figure that out.


Love is the most often misused but readily accessible tool of manipulation.

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Barely a whisper, a hint of a hue,

The softest caress of silk.


Thunder’s bellow, a hallowed haven,

The sharpest spear of passion.


Sought and born,

Forged and sworn,

Hewn and worn,

Truth un-weary, untorn.


What is love?

I know that love is something I want to know.

Edited by Justin Silverblade
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Love is like an onion, it has layers....No, wait, that's ogres...


May I start again??


Love, is like poetry, in the fact that each reader interprets it differently. There are so many different kinds of love, that I don't think one could define the word with one definition.


It's not possible to put the Love between a child and his mother in the same category as two scorned lovers. The emotions are two very different things, yet both have the title of love.


There is the faithful love one has for a deity, the pure love a child has for, well anything he or she loves. There is the heated love shared between secret lovers, and the love shared between an elderly couple while rocking in rocking chairs on the front porch watching the sunset.


There is the love we have for pets, as often, they feel like members of the family. There is the heartbreaking love we feel when mourning the passing of a life that was dear to us. There is the love of a favorite meal or drink that entices us just by its smell.


Love, maybe love IS like an onion because it certainly does have layers.

Edited by Salinye
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(Late reply)


Love is that fun stuff that's sticky and sweet in so many ways; it can burn and it can soothe. Love is yet another example of the balance that we all live in, like good and evil, law and chaos, peanut butter and jam, and so on. It has good, it has bad, but most importantly it's that sugar that makes everything so sweet, be it ice cream, a person or a puppy.


Personally, I love bunnies. And nummy food. And... lotsa stuff...

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