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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Poseidon's Promise


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This was inspired by Psimon's "Temptress"



Poseidon's Promise



The Sirens sit and sing

The perfect silhouette men see

Sweet voices to lure them in



He hears it float across the rocks

His fate lies in his strength

The pull to follow, great



Sad songs for sad ladies

Promised beauty, light and love

Poseidon had a purpose



Lure the wandering sailor

Bring him to the murky depths

Revenge against the race of man


On the rock the sirens sing

The promise still not kept.

Two of three they have


Beauty of face and form for sure

A voice for songs so lovely

But love. will never be


For those who follow. die

The Siren's song the last they hear

And those who resist, move on

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