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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Twin Souls

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Maybe life brought seperate lives

Apart but now together

Tentative tension betwixt two friends

Twined in uncertain circumstances

Hearts are greedy, fickle and consuming

Empathy makes reading eachother interesting

What shall happen is still unknown


Testing waters of depths disguised

White flowers upon cool surfaces

Iinstincts muffled, drowned

Nearly supressing the urges


Souls united but kept apart

Objects in the way quite clear

Ultimately leading down paths clouded over

Like fog in the morning misty forests

Searching for answers under our nose

Edited by Shadow of the Butterfly
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I like this... particularly the way it flows so that I, at least, can't tell that the initial words were chosen for their starting letter as well as their meaning. Quite nice... Though I'm not sure how the Twin Souls relate to Matthew. *Hugs*

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I think she means the Matthew and herself are twin souls :P


The entire poem is about the relationship they both have and if that friendship will blossom into something more and if it does, then the dangers herself and Matthew might face.


Course I could be wrong.


Either way - another poem I thoroughly enjoyed!! I love the way its written. :wolf:

Edited by Parmenion
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To clear up any confusion.. Matthew is a dear friend of mine... I took an online quiz that stated him as my twin soul. In that same quiz it said that my boyfriend is "the one you love deeply." See, so I'm in a bit of a quandery... feel tugged in two different directions. Which isn't fair to anyone involved.



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True... I tend, myself, to take internet tests (indeed, most tests) with some amount of salt... That is, I bear in mind at all times that they won't be perfectly accurate, and may in fact be completely wrong. Internet tests are the most notorious of these, but all standardized tests suffer from that problem. They're rather like horoscopes. There may actually be something to some, but for the most part it's best not to take them terribly seriously. :)


Of course, if it was simply reinforcing something that you already believed yourself... That's always kind of neat.


But if you need, for some reason, to prove that online tests are often inaccurate... Three of four online IQ tests placed me at about 160, and the other at about 139.


I rest my case. *Hugs*

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Peredhil looks dazed.


You mean, all those IQ tests...


You DON'T add them up?!? I was up to 98!






By the way - great poem, great subject, and clever acrostic.


It's so cool to watch someone grow as a writer, right before our eyes. One reason I love the Pen so!



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I like the style, I've seen it before, but not very often, it realy helps make a poem personal, despite the possibility of an impersonal subject.


Great poem, I like the ambiguity of it.



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