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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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My eyes burn, flesh scarred forevermore,

Saddened as I am to know and love a loss;

That which I do best, is of no use in time.

But the tears do not yet come.


My heart throbs, pain searing through...

I am glad to know so many and so much,

Trust in your faith and holy guiding light.

My tears will be reborn.


I am weak, terror of life laces my thoughts,

No emotion is an option when one lives as I,

Lost and dazed, confused within the glory.

The tears come only now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Droplets bearing the salt

of emotions that refuse

to remain unfelt,

they rise in silent

and sudden numbers

to press against the

composure which separates

Within from Without.

Salty weight leaning

against discipline’s seams

produces openings

too small perhaps

for eyes to see

or too large for

plugging fingers to fill,

that restless Within

might slip its bounds

and move in quiet flood

into Without

or simply overwhelm

and submerge it beneath

the rush of unbidden

and unexpected streams.


A difficult theme brought to words. The consistent stanza shape of 3 long lines and one short line works well here, as does the irregular number of beats hidden in visually similar line lengths. An especially fine touch is the way you use the three short concluding statements about tears to underline and drive the movement of the piece.


Thanks for a good read, Vlad. Keep writing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason this poem reminded me of a friend’s explanation of their Faith in their God and how they described it when I asked the ever loaded question of “why?” one day.


It almost seems that the first few lines signify the sadness that could be had from loving someone who has died for your sins, the second could be the realization that you do believe in that sacrifice and are willing to reform your life to their teachings. The final could be the overwhelming feeling of putting every thought and decision in your life in the hands of one you cannot communicate directly with and the feeling of being lost and helpless at times of great sadness that might accompany that faith when you question it.


I know that was not your intent, but I find it interesting to hear other peoples interpretation of different poems and stories so I like to share what first comes to mind when I read others as well. I am not religious, so Im kind of surprised it reminded me of that conversation since I walked away thinking that he was silly for believing.


Beautiful any way your interpret it. Thank you for sharing.

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