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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

a game of who?


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Hiya... My muticultural literature professor... blew my mind with this 'figure out the author' game... didn't get a single one right... maybe ya'll will have more luck...


Okay Instructions:


1. Read the poems.

2. From what you read, determine something about each poem from the list provided. Poems can have more than one answers... except for the answer refering specifically to date... Dated answers only have one cooresponding poem.

3. Poem do not coorespond with more than 3 answers.

4. No prize, except for the pure fun of it. I'm broke sorry...

5. correct answers will be posted eventually...



Answers/ Characteristics:


A. written in the last fives years

B. written in 1500 BC.

C. written by a man to a woman

D. written by woman to a man

E. written to a same sex lover

F. written by an American

G. translated from spanish

H. translated from Persian

I. written re: Platonic love

J. written re: spiritual love





Poem 1.


I am yours,

you are mine.

Of this we are certain.

You are lodged

in my heart,

the small key

is lost.

You must stay there





Poem 2.


The minute I heard my first love story

I started looking for you, not knowing

how blind that was.


Lovers don't finally meet somewhere

They're in each other all along.



Poem 3.


When I approach you and see your love,

you are richest in my heart.

How pleasant this hour is!

May it extend for me to eternity.

Since I have lain with you

you have lifted my heart high.



Poem 4.


You came. And you did well to come.

I longed for you andyou brought fire

to my heart, which burns high for you.


Welcome, _______, be blessed three times

for all the hours of our separation



Poem 5.


...kiss me with the kisses

of (your) mouth:

for your love is better than wine.


You are fair, my love;

you have doves' eyes.



Poem 6.


I will make love

with you,

but only if you hold me

so my earrings

touch the jewelry

on my ankles.



Poem 7.


When the man touches through

to the exact center of the woman,

he lies motionless, in equilibrium,

in absolute desire, at the threshold

of the world to which the Creator Spirit

knows the pass-whisper, and whisper it,

and his loving friend becomes his divinity.



Poem 8


... the stars glitter and eyes of men are closed,

kings have shut their doors

and each lover is alone with his love.

Here, I am alone with you.




kk... good luck



the dreamlost

"walking is what we did" (bill bryson)

the dream continues...

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oh yeah, that should be 'touch' not 'tough' in poem 6... i fix...


as for the answer... keep fishing :)


this just an execise to let ya know... that no matter what time you live in, ppl are ppl the world over...




the dreamlost

"i'm under your spell" (buffy songs)

the dream continues...

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Oh boy, you do give hard problems.


my best guesses are as follows. The thing that saves me on this is that I studied a lot of other religions before I settled on Christianity. I like to know WHY I believe something. Peredhil realizes he just doesn't trust people's opinions on some subjects.


Poem 1

Frau Ava 1100s. She was the first German woman poet I think.


Poem 2

Jalal-e-Din Rumi around turn of the century 1200 A.D. Really good Muslem mystic writer.


Poem 3

This is Egyptian, 1100s B.C.?


Poem 4

Definitely Sappho of Lesbos. 600s B.C. (end of 500, beginning of 600). One woman poetess gave her nation's name as a title for a sexual preference. Now that is power. Every Lesbian I've met since has been cranky about it. Remind me to tell you the story of Dimitri, the Special Forces, former citizen of Lesbos, who was gonna break arms the next time someone laughed when he said he was Lesbian by birth.

(The blank is ‘darling’ I think)


Poem 5

This kinda cheats, because it’s two different areas of the Song of Solomon from the AKJV bible.


Poem 6

This is a hispano-arabic jarcha. I don’t know where from, but it fits the structure. I'm not sure who did this translation.


Poem 7

This has the format of an Indian Veda. Been a while since I’ve read it, but I’d guess the Kama Sutra, the section dealing with Vishnu.


Poem 8.

Sufi holy writings. Rabi‘a or Hallaj, I think.


Sorry I didn't match to your ABC answers. :(

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um... peredhil... um... Well, i guess i should have explain the rules more thoroughly... You weren't supposed to name the Authors!!!! Aye... heck i only know half the authors myself... It was the characterists that "A-J" that was being tested off intial impressions... heh, oh well... all in good fun i suppose...


well, you nailed quite a few of them dead on... but didn't get them all... :)




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Poem 1. I: written for Platonic love

( attributed to German poet: Frau Ava of Melk. 1160)



2. H: translated from Persian

I: Platonic love and

J: Spiritual love



3. B: Written in 1500 B.C.

(The Eyptian Love Poems 1500 B.C. recalling shir hashirm or 'song of




4. E: Written to same sex lover

(Sappho of lespos... 7th-6th century BC...)



5. J: Written for spiritual love...

(think from bible somewhere...)



6. G: translated from spanish

Hispano-Arabic jarchas written in Islamic Spain



7. A: witten in last five years... okay actually 12 years... test was out of date my bad...

F: written by an american

(Kinnell, Galway. "Divinity." When one has live a long time alone...1991



8. J: Written for Spiritual love

Rabi'a the Mysitc (712-801) an Islamic saint and zahid(ascetic) grl type poet






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