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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Potted Plants and Introductions

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*In walks a figure cloaked in blue. He carries with him a bit of shrubbery bearing the name of "Gwaihir". He unhoods himself revealing a gentle face*


Greetings, I was asked to come here by one of your own... Gwaihir I believe. He asked that I bring this plant bearing his name and also to contribute a bit of my writing to share with you all. I go by the name Jester, though other euphanisms have become synonymous with it.


The piece I've chosen to share with you all comes from a thread in a forum formerly known as the Hall of Justice Meeting Hall. Entitled "Time Revisited... Born Again as New", I took on the role of the antagonist named Syron Tal. A couple of you may have read this and are familiar with the story. Well, here goes. I hope you all enjoy and possibly accept this as my application to your fold.




EXCERPT FROM "Time Revisited... Born Again as New":


Meanwhile, back in the city, it is the middle of the night. The streets are empty except for the few guards on duty and random pickpockets and beggars. This night, it is unusually dark, yet a strange red light enhances the visibility some. An old medicine man looks out into the sky and can only muster a few words…


“He has come…” mutters the man sensing one of the greatest evils ever known. Simultaneously, a tall figure makes its way through the shadows towards the South Gate. There are a few guards there and they step between the figure and the exit to the forest. The figure stops and looks deep into the guards’ eyes as if reading their souls. They step back in horror and the figure continues. One of the guards looks at his captain in confusion.


“Who was that?” he asks. The captain replies, “That was a legend…. a force of great evil. He dresses entirely in black. His hair is black and his skin a pale grey. He is not one of the undead though. No, he is very much alive, if you want to call it that. He carries a pitch black sword that I’ve heard when drawn burns with a deep blue flame that also burns in his heart, if he has one. Also, he is known to be well learned in many of this world’s magics, both light and dark. Around his neck he wears a silver medallion in which a large black stone is embedded. In that stone is inscribed a blood red ankh of which the color is only matched in his eyes. He is a hunter, not of animals, but of the gods. He searches for their followers and anybody else that assists in their power. That ankh is what leads him in his hunt. It supposedly connects him to their soul so that he may find them without error. He is a man to be feared for sure.”


“I see,” answered the guard, “but does he have a name?”


“Aye, he does,” murmurs the captain, “He is Syron-tal, and it seems he is on a hunt. May the gods have mercy on his prey.”


The dark figure slips into the fog covering the forest and out of the sight of the guards.




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Jechum floats in…


Jechum glides over to where Jester has entered.


“Thanks I was wondering when this would arrive.”


Jechum whispers, “Nice work, I’ll let you in on a little secret…”


Jechum turns into Wyvern and says,


“The application should be a piece of writing that shows that you have a willingness to write and participate in the Pen. Thus, I'll ask those who have given links as their form of application to please write another entry specificaly for the application to the Pen.


Thank you for understanding, and (as God said in his final message to his creation) "we apologize for the inconveniences"


Jechum turns back into his usual form and goes back to whispering.


“I can’t really speak for him but don’t be surprised if he asks for original work. Personally I think bringing the shrubbery was good enough but you know how almost dragons can be, they can nag almost worse then a dragon! So I try to stay out of his business..” Jechum scratches his head “… and he ... ahm ..., advises mine.”


Jechum floats off with the shrubbery in hand.


Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows

the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Lore Master

Edited by: Jechum at: 10/31/01 10:54:38 pm

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I don't understand why my piece won't be accepted for application. All you need is a sample of original writing to evaluate for the possible style and talent that might be brought to the Pen. I have done that, and it shouldn't matter that I wrote it as part of a larger thread at a past date. Hell, I got into college with a paper I wrote my junior year in high school. I didn't matter to admissions when it was written as long as it portrayed what they wanted.


So, I resubmit the piece I poste in the earlier post as my application to the Pen. If it's truely not good enough for acceptance, then I'll continue writing elsewhere, though I would have liked to contibute here. There's a lot of talent contained within these boards and it'd be a shame not to share it and experience it.












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  • 2 weeks later...

Jechum floats in after a two-week expedition…


Humm… nobody has responded yet… well I guess since Wyvern still hasn’t appeared I’ll try…


First of all your application is:


*In walks a figure cloaked in blue. He carries with him a bit of shrubbery bearing the name of "Gwaihir". He unhoods himself revealing a gentle face*


Greetings, I was asked to come here by one of your own... Gwaihir I believe. He asked that I bring this plant bearing his name and also to contribute a bit of my writing to share with you all. I go by the name Jester, though other euphanisms have become synonymous with it.


The other is an example of your work, which I might add is very good, in my opinion.


So the question boils down to is your application long enough. Wyvern will have to decide or using your already shown talent, have some FUN, play around and make your application a little more robust.


Jechum floats out…


Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows

the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Lore Master

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Peredhil takes the brief Role Played application and the attached writing sample and puts them in Melba's Inbox.


Melba or Wyvern should be with you shortly. I understand the Role Playing requirement of the Application Process can be difficult or wearysome for some very busy writers, but we DO appreciate your understanding and patience.


Good writing, by the way - that part was simply topnotch... as I've come to expect from you, having seen your works elsewhere.

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First of all, allow me to applaud you for the excellent writing in the excerpt from "Time Revisted... Born Again as New". I would very much like to read this entire story, so if you have a link to it here, I would really appreciate it if you could post it. Also, thank you for the shrubbery. I had it last night with spices and seasoning and it was delicious.


BUT (yes, 'but'),


I will still ask you to write an application made specificaly for the Pen. I understand how you may feel this is unjustified, so allow me to clarify why I have this process. The reason that I ask applicants to do this is simply because I'm searching for members that are eager to join and want to be active and post. An application written specificaly for the Pen in the hopes joining shows this perfectly.


Note that both Signe and GothicPeacock had provided previous story links for their applications before. After I said that they needed to write an app specificaly for these boards, they took the time to do so and resubmitted their applications. You can view these applications here:


Signe's: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=12.topic





I very much enjoy your writing, Jester. You have not only numerous excellent previous works riding for your application, but also a recommendation from a member, Gwaihir. If you would post an application specificaly for these boards, your acceptance would be almost assured.


I sincerely hope that you'll do so. Thank you.




Almost a Dragon...


"My life is like one big crime: I try to scheme through it." -Common, "The 6th Sense"


Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.

Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 11/16/01 9:53:15 am

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