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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

See, the thing is...

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It's not that I'm on the net too much, and am slightly but increasingly neglecting my music, work, and more long term issues of importance. It's because a herd of irate mountain sheep have gnawed through the power box, and main water pipes in my household, leaving me NO choice but to look to Indonesian residency. I know what you're thinking: "But your playstation is still intact, and Ohio is MUCH closer!" Ohio's full, I already called. And besides that, they don't offer gasoline-filled Power Bars at their local convience stores. (Ask Nyyark).




Nevertheless, what I really mean to say is that I'm going on hiatus from every internet community (addictive-like-place) I belong to, not just The Pen. Although I still plan on checking my email, entering in Poetic Justice, and occasionally making an appearance on AIM, I'll be gone, pretty much, until April. That's a pretty long time, and, knowing me, I'm sure I'll post a bit here and there, but not nearly as much. I've been waning as of recent, anyway. The real reason is that I need to get my butt in gear for college auditions, and last night's lesson was... a good wake up call.




Icarus smiles at the murmering city of The Pen, as he secures his small bag of belongings on his back, and makes way for the the Forrest. A few months of solitude would do him some good, he thought to himself. At worst he could go insane and write a sequel to Walden... But if things went as planned, the unfettering of his life could clarify his fundamental plans. If things went really well, this reality-check could even spawn a poem of sorts. Or better yet, a decent short story. But seriously, Icarus knew he would miss The Pen, as active as it appears to be these days. As he passed into the thick of the forrest and glanced back at bustling festivities remaining from the New Year, Icarus promised himself he would return in April with new work, better work, and more time on his hands.

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*Gyrfalcon bows to SoaringIcarus* Enjoy your haitus from the hustle and bustle of the Internet, but please remember us and return. We'll be here and waiting. (In between disasters, quests, and random ends of the world)




*Wishes you luck in getting into the college of your choice*

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