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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A fickle muse tickles yet again


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Sometimes you are a passenger
Looking through a window,
Trying to make sense of the world outside

Just a bloody passenger
Someone else in the driver's seat
Charting a course you just follow

Fuck being a passenger
Don't you want to drive from time to time?

So now you're driving.
Oh, I pity you...

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Tomorrow is a long way away...
Three, four maybe even five...
How many do you need?
How many to pass the...

Come the morrow,
Count the cost?


And then again.
Three, four...five
Or even six?

The daily toll,
Tick tock...



Just one more?

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There is a hunger
You want it

You need...IT

Some call it addic-
Shhh! That's a nasty word.

It's nothing bad.
Just something to help...
Help you get through...
Each and every...day?



You doubt, you fear?
But it's always...there

Silence your fears.

You need it.
That is enough.
More than enough.
Way more...

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  • 11 months later...

You know, I feel like forcing a rhyme,

Go on rhymezone.com and find something to pass the time.

Doesn't even have to be that good,

Just has to be something you could...



You just start putting thoughts on a page-

Does that really rhyme with vacuum gauge ?

Now that just sounds a bit stupid,

Oh shit, the only word I can use is cupid.



This structure just feels forced

Rhymezone tells me a word to use is "horst"

So you go to Google, what does it mean?

Wikipedia comes to your aid you're very keen.

Hey, that's a RHYME!


"Horst is a raised block bounded by normal faults"

Allow me to dance a little waltz.

I've just learned something extraordinary,

I think my balls are a little bit hairy...

Wait, that's not the RHYME-


-that I wanted to use, it's too dirty

My keyboard has keys that spell qwerty

That's a lie, my keyboard is French

It only says AZERTY

And that don't RHYME


This poem is breaking down, going down the drain

These rhymes have become somewhat of a pain

Coming up with them is mostly a strain

My searching of rhymezone.com is not in vain

Pride I can't even feign

Tonight poetry I have slain

Fucking with my own brain

But who is to gain?

Certainly not Spain?



This has become a stupid exercise in form

A form that has been broken and twisted

It is the new norm

And I have not been unassisted

(by rhymezone.com)



Rhyme as if your life depended on it!

Show off your whit!

(by rhymezone.com)

It says you should use palm, qualm, prom, spalm or rhomb



This poem is mostly done

My point is : none!

I have no burp gun

Nor do I have a blow gun

But I've had fun






thyme - tasty !

slime - slippery !

dime - ooh money !

crime - oh no !

grime - dirty !

prime : 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 - infinitely many !


mime -let's start again !

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...
This post was recognized by Snypiuer!

"Hey, was going to "LIKE" this post, but there was no like button! BUT, there ARE three little dots and this came up. NO IDEA what it actually is! Yet, I THINK I like it . . . 9 POINTS!!! No idea what that means, but it "FEELS" right."

Patrick was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 9 points.




Still here


To the new frontier

That this



I miss

All of you (and I know that doesn't rhyme)...

...but that is the way this mind sings.


Thoughts with wings

Thoughts pulled by strings


A rhyme on a ...platter? (ugh...)


The structure goes a scatter

Lost in the chatter

Of this mind

And it is signed









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Thoughts on a platter, sounds like me

 A little bit rhymed and clunky, 

a little bit short and chunky, 

a little bit out of the water now--

splattering thoughts like drops from the clouds. 

Thanks for freeing this rainbow--

these shattered bits from a day's life 

wrapped in a scarf of expressions, 

shone through by an inspiration's light. 


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