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Introduction And A "code"


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Hiya, since none of you most likely know me for obviously i'm sort of a new-newbie around here, i'll start with this
Name's Slobodan - roughly translated to english, it means Freeman (Which's kind of a irony when you get to know me)
I'm from Serbia, and i've been introduced to this site, years ago (but only now i'm actually going to post something) by my father-figure and your known friend Lawrence Wilson, or simply Law (Peredhil).

So yeah - here's the actual thing.
I've had a discussion with Law, about well simply ways to live one's life
I'm not here to "confess" my "sins" or anything like that, this thread'll be pretty much both
psychological and existential in a way that, - well you'll read/see.

Many of you, many of us - have our own personality/ies - that define us, or well, choices that we chose practically define who we are, and who we come to be, that's at least something in what i believe in.
Tho' here i am - writing, in hope of sharing some knowledge and gaining some new
I'm going to be writing about a "Code" - Choice, that i've chose to live by
If by any chance you're wondering why would someone do that - live by a code - it's in my belief that many of us actually do that without even knowing that we are
It's like quoting David Di'Angelo here - if you tell a goldfish that it's wet, it's simply going to stare back at you and say, uh-what-wet?
And since, while i'm writing this - (I'm sort of a person who tends to unwillingly imagine scenarios about other people responding to whatever i do), i do hope that you might not find this only weird, but helpful - and well every feedback-discussion is appreciated.

Code - What do i Want.

#1. Possibility of choice.
~ Always, i can do whatever i want regardless to what voice in my head tells & says.

#2. That i'm not slave to voices.
~ I am me, man who writes these passages yes "Freeman" (Insert name) you.
Use voices as consultants but do not make each decision based by them, and do not rely on them.
You and these voices aren't unmistakable
You're fool if you think otherwise

#3 You're not chained by religion.
~ Do not be afraid of mysticism, spirits, and other things.
This's a world where man has a free will and where every action/choice has positive and negative reaction/outcome.

#4 Do not be afraid to "do wrong"
~ Life's experience, from everything that happens to me/us, learn something new, and that new apply next time.

#5 Gravitate towards the way to speak your mind, say what you think.
~ Sceneries in your head, are result of vast intellect, don't be slave to other people.
Don't say things how you would please someone (You never have to do that)
Have your own word, your own ground, defend it.

#6 Don't be afraid of "fears"
~ Don't bother yourself way too much with
"Oh i've said this, what's she/he going to think about it"
"Why would you care?"
It doesn't matter, you're you - you're yourself.
Work on it to live your life and in the end, what happens'll happen.
Help yourself so you "would be better"

#7 You don't need ANYONE'S permission
~ To do anything that you wish
If you want advice that's fine, but have more self-respect, and self-confidence. "in yourself"

#8 Don't brag about everyday things
Have your pride, stick to it.
As well, have your own word.

#9 Don't let anyone mess with you, make fun of you, 'n use you.
Especially women.
If someone's messing with you, trying to make fun of you
Defend yourself, - don't be afraid to put other people down.
(This all's said in a bad way, we all know when someone's simply just joking, and when someone's being a dick - again, don't be afraid to put other people, regardless of gender, down.)

#10 What you think about someone & And every picture, view that you have of them
It doesn't have to mean that they think like that about-themselves
It doesn't have to mean that the picture-view is true.
You can never be for certain
Life is one strange thing
(My thoughts about other people're negative because of surrounding that i've grown up)
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be on guard
But it does mean that you need to stop chasing self-invented-picture of pictures of other people.
Relax, you do not control other people's lives.
Someone's going to disappoint you, someone won't.

#11 Live life so you don't need anybody.
Especially wife, girlfriend, people
But remember, life's way prettier when you fill it with people
But before all of that, you need to learn to be enough for yourself
- be enough for yourself -
And make sure to enrich your life, and every day, with new experiences

#12 You're not in a hurry.
You have had, You will Have, And you Have enough strength to make the thoughts that you think of happen-realize whenever you want it.
(This's rough translation, i get it that "Follow your dreams" 'd make it be more understandable, tho' i find the "Follow your dreams" kind of... cheap version "meh, i unno' just do whatever other people do")
You're not "Bound" by time, but it'd be silly to waste it.
You do not have an eternity
Spend it wisely, and don't let that frighten/scare you.

#13. Have faith in your subconscious
It's always there for you.
Use every chance that you can get & make for better and happier life.

#14. What you don't like about yourself - simply change it.
~ It is never too late
But that doesn't mean that - that phrase should be your everyday excuse for new exciting things and anything else.

#15. Have/be self-aware
~ Accept all of your positive and negative sides

#16. Stop looking for acceptance
~ Be it of other people, men, women, and alike
You do not need it.
(But if someone's giving a free advice if you wish, listen to it)

#17 Don't be jealous
Why'd you want that? That's Yucky.

#18. Don't be afraid to risk
~ Risk! Change life.

#19 My Paradigm (Picture of life)
~ It was to follow destiny, and things that "will happen, would happen, and wont"
Do not do that, simply live life.
It's fine to plan, but do it consciously, without deja vu moments.

#19.5 Practice Speech and communication with other people

#20 Your depression isn't what attracts people, it's happiness, joy and being positive
But do not submerge emotions, if something's bothering you, no matter how hard it is to say, just say it.

#21. Do not give promises that you can't keep.

#22 Please, never "Freeman" never stop with reading.
You do not have many flaws
You are fine.

#23 When you do not know what you're doing
Where to go, or what to do in some situation
Simply ask yourself:
1. What do i want?
2. What seems right to me?
3. What would make me happy?


#24 I want from myself, that whenever i say that i'm going to do something, make a goal to work on making it come true.

#25. I want more goals in life.

#26. I'm not ashamed of anything
~ You are not ashamed of anything.

#27. Remember your responsibilities

#28. It's one thing for you, to write all of this.
~ Don't forget to apply it, to apply the code in life
Stick to it.

#29. You don't live to simply help other people.
~ If you want to fuck, fuck.

#30 Don't say things which you don't mean
~ example: I respect you, i care about what you think - and such
So you would "manipulate" people.
Shortly - stop with manipulation
But, do not be an open book, you do not have to say things that you don't want to.

#31. Don't live life under chains of destiny.
~ Prove negative voices wrong, don't be afraid of success, don't be afraid of failure.
Swim in life
Break free, breathe.

#32. Nothing in life doesn't happen accordingly
~ But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do anything
By doing "nothing you are nothing"

#33. When you're with a girl, or some guy
I want you, to be yourself, i want you to connect, to listen, to have fun

#34. If you want something
~ You have to go and take it, you can't only wait.
Change doesn't come by itself
(This's actually something that friend of mine told me, i might be mean by saying this here, but hell, i've told her that myself - she doesn't seem smart, she looks quite dumb actually, and does some stupid shit, but she's by far the happiest and bravest person i've ever met, tho' this last part about being brave, haven't told her yet. will have to.)

#35. Sex for me, and everyone else, is simple common thing.
I can talk about it, i can make fun of it
With girl, with anyone.

#36. I write all of this
I live my life, and my code.
Voices are projection of me.
I will not be afraid of loneliness, i always have myself.

#37. Don't rush yourself and things that you do for yourself
~ So you could be there in time for other people.
Your time, My time, is for me, is for you
No one matters more than me & you
But, do help when you can because you want to do so, without any rush
Without expecting anything in return.

#38 Every human being is "standalone for itself"
We're all individuals, paradox of being different and indifferent
Accept it.

#39. Don't miss chances for better life.
~ Sex, relationships,friendships for some self-invented picture of other people.

#40. Take care of yourself first, then about "your others"

#41. Live with code.

#42. Dreams that you have, are projections of "want" - things that you want to do.
Make ones that you want come true.

#42.5 Do not feel, lost, disappointed, or like you've failed.
~ Because something that you've dreamt, didn't come to pass
You don't control everything
Spread positive energy, and make positive choices
Don't be bitter, you have no reason to.

#43. Be surrounded by people who're positive and want to help you.
~ "Castrate" negative douches.

#44. Stop searching for meaning
~ Of every thought, each dream, each choice, every action, or anything in life.

#46 Don't be afraid of yourself.
~ Do not doubt in yourself, and do not question your each decision

#47. Stop living in your own magical built bubble of fate
~ Live for today.

#48 Thoughts, and daydreams are one thing.
~ Have control over yourself
Have control of choice.
"That - that one thought or idea comes to your mind, it does not mean that you have to make it come true"
You do not.

#49 Do not think/invent scenarios
~ In which you lose things that you've gained (Phone, Guitar, expensive stuff etc.)
Remove feeling of bad self-worth
You deserve what you have.
Keep your belongings safe, and be proud of them.

#50. Do not be afraid to add more to the code.
~ Say, write what you think, how would you like to live your life and live it.
You can do it.

#51 Your predictions are result not of fate, but of the things that "you want"
Fight for positive thoughts, and live positive
With more success

#52. Man can always find a way to fuck himself up
~ Point is, to stop searching.

#53 When a Fa-Javu & Deja Vu occurs
(Alright, the Fa-Javu 's self invention of mine since i couldn't find a word to describe and since it has a connection to "Javu" itself, i've simply chosen to invent a word that explains following meaning)
When something, scenario, something that has happened near me, or in that moment when something occurs like it was destined, fated
I'll remember code, and i'll remember that it's only known to me, because some part of me wants it to be, and that some part of me has daydreamed about it.
(Even this. Right here, now what you're reading, while i'm typing this, i'm "certain that a part of me has thought even before i've done, known this, that i will do this on this website"
I can't label this as a disease, but it sort of heh, another invention feels like a sleeper-agent sort of a thing. Where i'll think of something "date doesn't matter" and i'll forget about it, till that moment comes when i'll do what i've unwillingly programmed myself into doing, and when i've done it, i'll think that it was fated - Tho', heh - it's something that i'm struggling with, an acceptance of idea of "Normality" aka - it was just a thought, by me)

#54. Learn to accept compliment
~ Do not seek for flaw in every action, word.

#55 Personal hygiene is on first priority
~ Do not run from chores, responsibilities
~ Do not be lazy

#56. Do not use people as mirrors
~ It's fine to have role-models
But do not copy someone's personality
You're one unique on this world, and there will never be another exact same you
You do not change for anybody.

#57 Stop with the thoughts
~ That every good thing in life, and every good choice, that you make
Will be followed by something bad.
It wont.
It's a teaching by other people.
Time is neutral
I am maker of my own fate.

#58. The fact, that i want to live by code
~ And that - i want to change, myself, differently, program
It doesn't mean that i'm followed nor am i destined something "bad" in life, just because i'm trying to change my life for better.
That's bad programming and influence from other people.
I repeat with strength without fear
I change, i live my code, I'll add to my code.

#59 I will not be blinded by "fake success"
~ I've only won, when i've realized what i've wanted
Not only when i've just had a feeling.

#60. In writing and expressing, and talking
For you, there's no term/feeling "Disgust"
You're not disgusted of emotions
You're not disgusted when it comes to sex.

Alright, so that's about it for now - I don't know how people live their lives, and what they do, in the end i can only visualize it - Oh, by the way, i'm 19 years old, Musician, writer and besides going to university for media & communications: relationships with public, i'm an everyday joker.
So yeah. If you find something useful here, or simply if you feel like giving a feedback of what you've actually thought, or simply for discussion sake while you've read this
Feel free to

Till next pages. ~ Silly

PS: I've translated "code" as best as i could from Serbian and how i've written it for myself, to english, hope you'll understand it.

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Fixed a couple of minor spelling and grammar errors. Wish I could read/write/speak a second language as well as you do!


there's some very good stuff here. A good foundation for thought and change. Some of this is individual to you, some might extrapolate well to others. Either way, each one forms a question about how the universe works that is a good starting point for self-examination.


Welcome to the Pen - feel free to join the Membership by posting in Recruiting. (Read the FAQ in the Wall of the Pen.)

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Hello, Silly - welcome to the Pen! I'm known around as Mynx's brainwin... you might have heard about me :P

Looking forward to seeing more of you around! I'm sorry for not giving feedback on your post above, but currently I'm having a hard time focusing on reading (headache, sorry). Just wanted to welcome you to the Keep!

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Finally my brain's working enough to actually read...


I think Peredhil summarized my own thoughts.

Besides what he said, and going beyond (or not as far as) the thought content in your Code - I'd like to tell you that some parts of what you wrote sound and feel very like a poem for me, especially from the way to 'formatted' it. Especially like the part below:


I write all of this
I live my life, and my code.
Voices are projection of me.
I will not be afraid of loneliness, i always have myself.

Don't rush yourself and things that you do for yourself
~ So you could be there in time for other people.
Your time, My time, is for me, is for you
No one matters more than me & you
But, do help when you can because you want to do so, without any rush
Without expecting anything in return.


Maybe because you're a musician, it flows like some sort of lyrics. It also invites thought/reflection, and I like it.

I'd be curious whether you ever tried your hand at poetry :-)

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Finally my brain's working enough to actually read...


I think Peredhil summarized my own thoughts.

Besides what he said, and going beyond (or not as far as) the thought content in your Code - I'd like to tell you that some parts of what you wrote sound and feel very like a poem for me, especially from the way to 'formatted' it. Especially like the part below:


I write all of this

I live my life, and my code.

Voices are projection of me.

I will not be afraid of loneliness, i always have myself.


Don't rush yourself and things that you do for yourself

~ So you could be there in time for other people.

Your time, My time, is for me, is for you


No one matters more than me & you

But, do help when you can because you want to do so, without any rush

Without expecting anything in return.


Maybe because you're a musician, it flows like some sort of lyrics. It also invites thought/reflection, and I like it.

I'd be curious whether you ever tried your hand at poetry :-)

Thank you for your input, and reply

You're right actually :)

I tend to rhyme thoughts a lot, or well simply it's something that works on its own

The hardest part is changing negative rhyme to positive one


I've got nothing atm when it comes to lyrics - songs, i used to have bunch of them, but they were all sort of dark & same

So i've told to myself, i'll start new / fresh, in that - when i write something new, i'll be sure to share!



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