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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Wise Words #3


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Things that are just WRONG:


1. Sugarless candy.

2. Being attracted to a persons' signiture. i.e. CheerMynx, Kikuyu Black Paws.

3. Believing that, since Kirsten Dunst is NOW an adult, it's O.K. to. . .ummmm. . .'make onseself happy', while watching her scenes in 'Interview With A Vampire'

4. HAVING to point out #3.

5. Shameless, public flatulance.


Do NOT ask how I know this, just accept it as fact!

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Random thought of the day. Wise? Eh, doubtful.


Personal Philosophy: If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't have fun, and if you're not having fun, something is wrong. The Universe is a vast weighty thing that will eventually crush you no matter how good you think you are. Yet with every soul-crushing smush there exists an opportunity to expand and go in a new direction. You are just a silly little blowfish swimming in a multitude of blowfish waiting for an opportunity to swell as the Big Bad 'Verse pokes and bats you around with it's tentacles. Be the blowfish. :) -- me, just now.

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