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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

WWXXXII - WereWolves of the Calla


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Callahan came first. Behind him were two men, one who looked about thirty and another who looked to Susannah nearly twice that. The older man had heavy cheeks that would be jowls in another five years or so, and lines carved their courses from the sides of his nose down to his chin. 'I-want lines,' her father would have called them...

The younger man wore a battered sombrero, the older a clean white Stetson that made Susannah want to smile - it looked like the kind of hat the good guy would wear in an old black-and-white Western movie. Still, she guessed a lid like that didn't come cheap, and she thought the man wearing it had to be Wayne Overholtser...

'Hile, gunslinger,' the man who had been walking beside Overholster said, and this one actually dropped to one knee, with his head down and his brow resting on his fist. 'I am Tian Jaffords, son of Luke. This lady is my wife, Zalia.'

'Hile,' Roland said. 'Let me be Roland to you, if it suits. May your days be long upon the earth, sai Jaffords.'

'Tian. Please.'

OOC: The introduction phase begins. This first day phase will enable you to introduce yourselves to the ka-tet before the evening feast that I will use to start the game officially. The ka-tet is made up of:

  • Roland Deschain: Last Gunslinger of Gilead, Mid-World. The first two fingers on his right hand are missing, but he shoots just as quick with his left.
  • Eddie Dean: From our New York of the When of 1987. He wields Roland's other gun.
  • Susannah Dean: From our New York of the When of 1964. Married to Eddie, confined to a wheel chair after an accident in our where left her legs cut off at the knee.
  • Jake Chambers: A boy from our New York of the When of 1977. Adopted son of Roland, he has seen far too much for an eleven year old.
  • Oy: A billy bumbler (a kind of badger cross with a dog), found in Mid-World during the ka-tet's travels. Undyingly loyal to Jake. Characteristic of his kind, can mimic human speech to a certain degree.
Meet them, greet them, and don't fear about making mistakes, there are enough here who have read the books who can help.

Day phase will end in 48 hours...

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Taleena observed the group that approached Calla Bryn Sturgis with a frown of aprehension. The Old Fella seemed satisfied, or so she deemed, while it was clear that sai Overhouser wasn't in a too good mood.


Zeldon wrapped an arm around her sholders, and she felt better for his protection. Her eyes strayed to their chidren - Osiris was playing with a small carved horse given to him by Luke, and the girls were intent on dragging Johnny Drumwoode to some mischief.


Suddenly, to Taleena's horror, she saw Iris clapping her hands and heard Diris delightful laughter, and both girls ran towards the approaching ka-tet.


Or, to be more exact, to the billy-bumbler that walked beside the boy.


"Iris! Diris! No!"


She ran and caught Iris just as she stumbled, and her stern voiced managed to stop Diris. Then Taleena blushed, for she was just a couple steps from Roland.


"Sorry, gunslinger," she said. "Long days and pleasant nights. I'm Taleena Clearwater, and these are my daughters Iris and Diris." She made a curtsey, spreading invisible skirts.


Zeldon rested a hand on Taleena's arm, holding Osiris. "Zeldon Clearwater. Taleena is my wife, and this is our boy Osiris. Long days and pleasant nights, gunslinger."

Edited by Tanuchan
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Tam needed more wood from Oldwind, as the Morrison's roof repairs had turned out to be much more extensive than any of them had first thought. He reckoned that since he'd have to go past their land anyway, the Clearwaters' wouldn't mind a visit- Mister and Missus would only have their hands fuller and fuller in the months and years to come, after all.


He tethered his horse to a likely-looking tree- shade, grass, and a small stream to boot underneath- before walking onto the Clearwater estate proper. Tam had gone about a hundred yards before he was transfixed by the faces he hadn't expected: Roland and his fellows.


He stared unabashedly where he stood.

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Freedrick observed the approach of the strangers into the Calla from the shade of a small knoll. Dressed in the traditional attire of his people, a blue cloak, black shirt and broad rimmed, flat crowned hat, he tended to avoid the direct sunlight when it was strong. He noticed the big irons carried by the newcomers, and judging by the way they held themselves, he deemed them a ka-tet of Gunslingers. He decided to introduce himself to the group and thus approached the one he deemed to be the leader, the one with the hardened face and diminished right hand.


"Hile Gunslinger! It has been a long time since we have seen a descendant of Gilead lost in these parts, you must have travelled many dangerous wheels in order to come here."


The gunslinger looked Freedrick up and down, recognizing that he must be of the Manni people from his attire. A people who held an air or mystery throughout the world.


"I will not keep you from your business, Gunslinger. Long days and pleasant nights to ye."


With that, Freedrick made his way towards the village of the Manni, knowing that he should check on the well being of his dear brother Samual.

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Johnny, having temporarily been relieved of his charge as the children huddled around their mother, took the chance to observe the strangers.


He crossed his arms and cocked his eyes to the side to stare around Freedrick as he stepped forward to talk to the gunslinger. Once Freedrick left, the group paused for a moment, expecting some word from Drumwoode, perhaps the same greeting the rest had given.


But Johnny didn't believe in wasted words, the only response their waiting expressions received was a nod.


Only the one named Roland returned the nod.

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After introducing himself, Zeldon looked steadily at each of the ka-tet, while grasping Taleena’s arm a bit more roughly than expected.


Strange folk always made him uncomfortable, and these were no usual strange folk…


While bringing Osíris inside, he noticed Tam.


"Hey lad, what are you up to around here?"


Tam gestured pointing to the trees on Oldwind, to the north end of the Clearwater’s estate.


"I see, the work on Morrison’s roof is under way…sure but are you up to some tea? Come inside and I’ll ask Taleena to prepare some tea, I know she baked some nice cookies."


Zeldon looked down the road to see if someone was coming. After all that Luke should have smelled these cookies by now…. Wonder where he is...

Edited by Mithrandin
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Travis scowled and rubbed his aching hand as he forced his way deeper into the wooded area around the farm he was supposed to be tending.


A sharp jolt of pain made him curse quietly, though even Travis didn't know whom he was cussing at more. Was it himself for being goaded into fighting again? Or was it at the fool who'd first mocked him about his parents loving Terry better, but who'd then turned out to have such a very hard head?


Despite the pain Travis smiled to himself at the memory of seeing the fool measure his length in the dust, the smile turning to a grimace as he realised that once again he'd have to face the consequences of letting his temper go and his fists fly.


Lost in contemplation Travis stumbled into the gathering of others before he even realised they were there. With a start he looked around seeing a number of unfamiliar faces, faces all looking at him with a range of expressions from amusement to speculation, and maybe something darker.


One of the strangers, a man without the first two fingers on his right hand, was also armed with a pistol at his side...


His eyes flicking between the weapon and it's owner, trying not to betray the nervousness boiling in his gut Travis strode over to kneel before the man.


"Hile gunslinger. My name is Travis and I wish to join you and your ka-tet."

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Taleena winced slightly at the strength with which Zeldon grabbed her arm, what made him immediately loosen the grasp with a quick, apologetic glance. Roland looked at both her and her husband, and then at their children. She felt goosebumps as she stared for a second into the gunslinger's incredibly blue eyes, feeling that in some way ka was at work.


"May you have twice the number, sai Clearwater". Roland nodded at Zaldon, then turned to the others who were approaching. As Freedrick exchanged some words with the gunslinger, she discreetly left for the house following Zaldon - who just stopped to invite Tam for some tea.


She smiled, for she liked silent Tam though sometimes his sudden sullenness when confronted with writing scared her.


A voice coming from the direction of the ka-tet called her attention, and she turned just in time to see Travis kneeling to Roland. She frowned, but waved again to Tam who was looking suddenly unsure.


"Yes, I have cookies and that tea you like, Tam. Come!" She turned to Johnny, waving to him also. "Johnny! Come in too, these little imps have abused you long enough already!"


She put Íris on the ground, and both her and her sister immediately ran to grab Johnny's legs, babbling happily about the "dog" they'd seen and the nice cookies their mom had baked. She smiled at then while walking past them, but in seconds her face clouded. And the wolves are coming... for my babbies... .




Her husband's voice was soft at her side, and the love in that made her want to both cry and smile. "They..."


"Hush. Maybe... if they are who Tian Jaffords claim, who the Old Fella claims... I've heard stories."


"All of us have." She blinked tears away, and distractedly rubbed her aching back with one hand. "Do you think we dare to hope...?"


"Maybe." He rubbed Taleena's back gently while they walked towards the house, the voices of Travis and Roland becoming just noises in the background.




Taleena served tea and cookies to Johnny and Tam, keeping an eye on the triplets who sat happily on a corner chewing their own share of cookies. She followed the conversation silently, here and there nodding at something Zaldon said. More than once her hand rested on her belly, feeling the movements of the babies in there, waiting to be born.


Maybe to a Calla without wolves...?


She dared to hope. In spite of everything, what she saw in the gunslinger's blue eyes had given her hope. She ached to share that with Zaldon, but that would have to wait until they were alone.

Edited by Tanuchan
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Roland eyed the man at his feet, took in the bruising on his knuckles, the wrinkles of scowling on his face, and shook his head to himself.

Too violent. Too impulsive. He had forgotten the face of his father. He was not a Gunslinger. But that did not mean he was too far gone to redeem himself.

"Our ka-tet is not for joining, sai Travis, for we are bound by a higher need." Roland touched Travis on the shoulder as an encouragement to rise, noting the protest beginning to form on his lips.

"You have forgotten the face of your father," the Gunslinger continued. "Remember it, and I can help set you on your path. But your ka does not lead to the Tower."

Roland held Travis' gaze until he looked away and moved away from the crowd. The Gunslinger nodded to himself. There was potential beneath that anger...somewhere.

Finding it would be half the task.

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From his porch, the scene was exactly why he didn't like folk like that, and it just continued afterwards.


Bill looked on the quartet of strangers as three walked and one was driven into town, rocking ever so gently back and forth in his chair.



The Clearwaters, of course. They could never keep those children in check.

Needed some more discipline. Always getting in the way of everyone.

Of course, they could tell how much their father had softened up over his wife's pregnancy, reacted to it.

Took their opportunities.

As long as they could keep the kids away from the actual delivery, it wasn't much of his problem.


He heard the chatter from inside the window. Heard the footsteps, excited at first, a few bounds down the stairs.

Hesitantly for the last few.

"Dad? Could we..." "No."

Back in. Can't be too careful. Henry hadn't been, and look at where it got him.

Watch your step. Don't take risks. Don't poke into business that isn't yours unless it's bleeding over you.


Standing up from his chair, he pressed his hat more firmly unto his head and walked towards the group,

leaving the chair swaying gently still.

Half a look back made the three heads poking out of the upper floor window sink under the sill.

His face turned forward again, he saw the Clearwaters had been replaced by the kneeling form of the Reid.

He didn't like him much, and wasn't alone in that by far, but he had to give it to him. He gave him a job to do.

The man touched him. Spoke some words.

More reason to dislike the scene.


The man was a gunslinger, clearly. They hadn't been seen in ages, and he thought the world might just be better off without them. If his identity hadn't been clear from the beginning, from the man's bearing, the way he always kept at least one eye on his surroundings, from the sandalwood grip revolver only the knights of Arthur Eld had carried, hanging from a holster slung around his waist, it was from the way he spoke.

Forgotten the face of his father. Right. Travis had forgotten no more than the face of his brother. Again though, Bill couldn't complain. And all this talk of ka. If all was pre-ordained, Bill had a fight to fight with the writer of the grand play.


"Hile, gunslingers." He tipped the rim of his hat down.

"Long days and pleasant nights. The name's Marsh, Bill Marsh. That house over there is my shop and practice, though I don't hope you'll be bringing too much customers there..." He turned his head to face Eddie, then looked down to Oy.

"Unless it is to get a haircut."

Edited by Mardrax
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The colors were so bright... the path was iridescent, shining in a rainbow of a walkway. Bene stumbled along, passed a door on his right, and out of flew an enormous wildcat, as tall as the house from which it had emerged. Bene screamed and ran forward, only to trip and fall. His face plowed into the (at that moment) violet pathway and the friction scraped the skin from his cheek.


The wildcat was bearing down upon him, his nose low to the ground and sprinting quickly, paws moving wildly. There was no way that Bene would outrun the cat. He glanced back to see the cat right on his heels. But wait a moment... it didn't look like a cat. It was on all four legs but it was just wearing an old wildcat's skin. It was thrown over his back like a cloak, and underneath... it was all red. Red as blood. It grabbed his ankle with a hand enveloped in a white glove, and threw off the skin. It was a blood red robe with white furry trim and he was enormous! His beard was white and fell down well past his waist, but Bene couldn't understand how he moved! His stomach was huge. The gloved hand held his ankle and he shifted forward... rolled forward, really... and prepared to take a bite out of his calf.


Bene broke out in a high-pitched, incredulous scream. It's the Santa thing! Callahan told me about the Santa thing and now it's going to eat me!, he thought. Bene sent a swift heel into the face of the corpulent man, and he reeled away, missing teeth and blood gushing from his nose.


Bene ran again, only to fall. The path had evolved into a stream, and it was very deep. He tried to swim it, but the more he paddled the more he stayed in one place. Water buffeted his face--every time he moved he kicked up more and more of it, and it seemed to hover in the air as droplets.


But that wasn't very important--in front of Bene in the stream was a small fish with teeth glinting everywhere, zinging towards him as fast as he had ever seen a fish move. Bene grabbed it and threw it out of the stream, only to find it replaced by another, and another. They were swarming around him now, and they started digging into his flesh with their razor fangs which grew larger as more of the fish appeared. The fish were huge now, with fangs two inches long and sharp as knives. Bene was still screaming hysterically, incoherently, as he climbed out of the stream and ran along it.


Eventually, Bene toppled into the grass. He sat, hovering, sobbing uncontrollably as Father Callahan approached. The father shook his head at him, and helped him up on his feet. It was then that he noticed Roland and his company. Roland was missing his whole right hand--the hand was cut off at the wrist, and blood was spurting everywhere. Bene couldn't take his eyes off of his bloody stump of an arm. Father Callahan seemed embarrassed by this, and was trying to drag him away.


Roland raised his arm towards his face, as though to put his non-existent fist to his forehead. The blood poured over his body, covering him from head to toe... spurt-spurt; spurt-spurt; spurt-spurt. It hung on him like a crimson drape that had been thrown over him, completely obscuring his features.


And all the while, Bene was screaming and clawing at his face. Eventually, he gave in to Father Callahan, and was dragged away.

Edited by Merelas
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Before too long, after meeting most of the Calla-folken, darkness fell, and the ka-tet moved to the hall for a welcoming banquet.

Eddie never forgot their first encounter with those of the Calla; that was one memory always within easy reach. Because everything that happened had been a surprise, he supposed, and when everything’s a surprise, experience takes on a dreamlike quality.

He remembered the way the torches changed when the speaking was done – their strange, varied light. He remembered Oy’s unexpected salute to the crowd. The upturned faces and his suffocating panic and his anger at Roland. Susannah hoisting herself onto the piano bench in what the locals called the musica. Oh yeah, that memory always. You bet. But even more vivid than this memory of his beloved was that of the gunslinger.

Of Roland dancing.

But before any of these things came the ride down the Calla high street, and his sense of foreboding. His premonition of bad days on the way.

The premonition came true all too quickly.

Roland had just finished dancing the Commala, the sweat gleaming on his face as the folken banged on their tables and cheered. For a moment, everything seemed perfect. Normal. Safe.

The sound of hoofbeats broke that. Almost as one, the Calla-folken froze, fear sweeping across all the faces of those old enough to remember what they meant.

Roland stiffened, eyes hardening as his left hand went to his holster. Eddie and Jake stood up while Susannah reached for her own gun. Oy let out a single, sharp bark.

The hoofbeats continued, circling around the hall, filling the space with their pounding.

"We had a moon!" Tian cried, standing up and seeking out Andy, standing in the back of the room. "Curse you, you said we had at least a moon!"


With that, he ran out of the hall, his wife crying out a protest as a number of men joined him. Eddie made move to follow but was halted as Roland called his name sharply. He looked at his leader, protest in his eyes.

"We are no good to them dead, Eddie. Mind me," Roland spoke softly, below the muttering of the crowd.

The muttering increased to chaos as a yell was heard from outside, followed by a scream.

Then they moved. Even Susannah began to drag herself along, following the Calla-folken outside. The handicap giving her time to think as she moved. Time to realise that the hoofbeats were fading.

She finally arrived at the scene and moved her way to the centre of the circle. Zalia knelt, sobbing over Tian's body, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle.


"That was warning for you, sais," a cheery voice piped up behind the group. As one, the Calla-folken and the ka-tet turned to look at the ever smiling face of Andy. "It would be best for you gunslingers to leave us, do ya ken. The wolves do not wish interference. The wolves will not be stopped."

The robot fell silent then, bar his random clicks and whirls.

"I do think," Roland spoke softly, yet was heard by all, "that there are informants amongst us."


OOC: First official day phase. Players, cast your votes and accusations. See OOC thread for more information.

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Guest Phoenix

Sialla clutched her children closer to her legs. they had falled asleep, but awoken for the dancing, and watched, wide-eyed and laughing as Roland had danced. the freedom in their faces had touched at her heart as she'd watching them, chanting along and unable to keep her feet still.


Now this. she buried their faces in her skirts, to keep the innocence in their eyes for at least one more day. They were supposed to have at least a month! she had to keep herself from grabbing her children up and running, running as fast as she could back to her little patch of land to hide them away.


The crowd was moving now. Tian's limp body was being covered, and a wagon called to move it away. People were drifting in patches now, back into the hall, and out into the night. the talk of informants had stirred them. she searched the faces as they moved past her - for herself, she had no idea who could wish this on them. those who were afeared to stand up to the wolves, she understood. did not agree with them, but understood, too much blood had been lost to them already. She couldn't imagine someone with children being willing to permit one to go for the sake of the other, even. those who were set to lose the least might turn, she supposed.


she shook her head, breaking that train of thought, and bit her thumb to ward off the spirits that brought them. She began to search for Johnny, who had promised to get her, the children and the roonts home after the feast, and felt him appear at her side. she felt safer with his hand on her elbow. he lifted Ziran to his arms without a word, and led the way homeward.


thoughts of traitors could wait till the morrow.

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Bene woke to sounds of sobbing, squeals of fear, and hushed talking. Father Callahan was nowhere to be seen, and so he wandered outside and saw the crowd a ways off. They were surrounding something, and he couldn't tell what it was.


He walked towards the group of people gingerly, anticipating reprisal and the ugly looks he always got from people that didn't like him.


It was then that they pulled the body towards the cart. Bene knew he wasn't halucinating anymore. It was this sight that made him sure of that, because the tick in his left eye was back. His chest tightened and he thought of the devilgrass he had stored in the loose floorboard in his room, where Father Callahan shouldn't find it.


Bene turned away from the sight, and stood alone in the street. He closed his eyes, but the muscle in his left eye wouldn't quit. He reached up for it and covered it, wandering about aimlessly. Heckles came from somewhere, but he was used to that by now. He took the string he always kept in his pocket and started to chew on it.


Where was Father Callahan? Couldn't someone explain to him what had happened?

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This one birch tree had been particularly hard and heavy to chop down. It had taken Joshua twice the time he had initially estimated to fell the tree and to chop it up. The woods had echoed his axe strokes the whole morning and most of the afternoon.


His cart, heavily laden with the birch wood, and that of the oak he had chopped the previous day was slowly pulled along the road by his trusted mule, Brown. He wasn't really brown, but more of a dirty grey hue. Joshua had called him Brown in memory of his sister's dog, Brown, who had passed away seven years after his sister's death.


It was already dark when Joshua arrived with his cart. He planned on dropping off the wood at the Morrison's.


It was then that he arrived at the scene of the death. The body was just being loaded on a wagon. Tian's body. Joshua gently pulled on Brown's reins, stopping his own cart. He jumped down to the ground and went over to the group.


"How?" he simply asked, then followed up with another question, to which he dreaded the answer. "Wolves?" He had thought they had another moon...

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He lifted the finger from the man's neck.

The talk of informants to the wolves hadn't missed his ears, though he had feinted not to hear any of it.

It had been brooding though, and what he felt when he rose wasn't just loss over Tian.

It was loss over two of his own children, where there had just been one before. It was loss over his brother. It was loss over fully a third of the town. He was a doctor, for his father's sake. He lived in a town that was stricken by a malady he hadn't been able to aleviate even the slightest bit. People died, and he couldn't help them.

And now, people were saying there was someone who could? Someone who caused this night's loss, even?

He steeled himself, straightened his face.


"Fractured, a very hard sideway blow. Fractured cheek as well.

If he hadn't been dead already, he would have been soon."

It was then that the great absent at the dance arrived.

"How?" Nothing but breathing from the crowd. "Wolves?"


"Aaah.... Joshua. Did you have a good day in the woods? One would certainly think so. You have been in there the entire day, since morning, after all. My wife told me during the commala she saw you leave when she arose this morning. She complimented you, saying you were such a hard working man, gathering wood all day."

He eyed the man, looking from his eyes, to his horse, to his cart, laden lightly with the sections of berch and his axe.

"But... are you saying that there birch tree is all you have to show for your efforts? Why I thought such a big, strong man like you could cut down more than just one of those whiteskins in a full day's work.

...And such unfortunate timing that you arrive at this grisly scene."


He let his words linger while he stepped to his wife's side, taking her hand in his.


"I think it's best if we don't return home for a while, dear. The wolves will do their jobs, wether you're there or not. Someone seems to have made sure of that."



OOC: Accusing Joshua Oldwind/Patrick

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Taleena closed her eyes, and willed herself to calm down. The unborn twins kicked hard, and she knew they had sensed her distress.


Quiet, quiet, little ones... hush, there is nothing you have to worry about...


Zeldon's hand was there, supporting her, and she whispered to her husband. "Tian Jaffords... why? Because he dared to try to save all babbies instead of only one of each pair? Who can be as cruel as to want to condemn half the children in the Calla?"


She felt her heart constrict as she thought of her triplets, and it was with an effort that she focused on her husband's words.


"Cruel people will do many things to protect their own... including sacrificing their neighbor's. Or maybe even desperate people. But I hope that Tian's death wasn't meaningless." He stared at Roland and his ka-tet.


Taleena let her eyes wander around the crowd - people she had known for most of her life, if not all of it. She tried to guess who would have any motivation to want to help the Wolves.


But hard as she tried, she couldn't see anyone who would be an informant. People she didn't like, people that had had trouble with her father - those, yes. The petty squabble common to any village. But... killing children?


Her eyes rested on some people that kept to themselves, talking quietly. Blue cloaks covered most of them.


Surely not one of the Manni... they set themselves apart... but they suffer too...


She caught sight of a familiar sullen face. Travis.


Not an agreeable one... but he lost his twin. Would he...? Just because the town whispers that the wolves would have better taken him instead of his brother?


"Don't try to guess, Taleena. We will just go insane if we see traitors everywhere." Zeldon's strong arm wrapped around her protectively.


She sighed, and again let her eyes wander over the crowd - this time looking for Luke. Where is he?




OOC: vote for Finnius/Luke. Sorry, dear "brother"... just randomness here, I know you understand it :)

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Bene finally wandered out of the street and back to the makeshift church that Father Callahan had set up in the Calla. He found the closet with the cleaning supplies and looked around to make sure that no one was watching. Finally, when he was sure, he lifted up the loose floorboard there and got the pouch he had hidden.


Tian... wolves... lost moons... Father Callahan... the ka-tet...


Bene bit down on a piece of devilgrass, and the tick in his left eye finally went away.


Sweet escape...



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Painful memories of his sister welled up in him. Memories of twenty-five years ago, he would have preferred to suppress. He couldn't help it. Another death and talk of the wolves had brought these memories back. Joshua simply turned to Bill after the man accused him, but did not reply to him.


Tania...it's starting again...


OOC: Vote for Finnius/Luke...I hate voting just to save myself from a 50%...

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Travis watched from the edge of the crowd, his eyes most often coming to rest on Roland.


Forgotten the face of my father? What does he mean? I know my fathers face all too well...


Travis cast his eyes over the rest of the crowd looking for his fathers' unmistakeable figure when he noticed Taleena watching him with almost the same intensity that he'd been watching Roland.


Why would she be watching him so? He'd no quarrel with any of her family and he didn't think she'd be the traitor type. On the oter hand, a man would do much to protect his family... or maybe the family of his sister. Where was Luke anyway? No-one had seen him in hours.




OOC: Finnius/Luke: Nowhere to be found? Presumably off cutting deals with the Wolves.

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The Devar-Tete Whye was still and silent in the early evening air; no signs of movement from inside presented themselves, and this suited Luke Carpenter just fine, say thankya.


Still, he tried to keep as much out of sight as possible as he approaced...


He still remembered the last time the Wolves came. Some folks looked more surprised than others, some more distraught over which children got taken. Sad, but true. He'd been young then... too young to really understand, but somewhere in the pit of his stomach, he'd realized.


The Wolves had helpers. Those who helped... well, they still lost, but they had some say in what they lost. Luke was determined that this time around, he wouldn't have to watch helplessly. He'd have his say.


The rest of the Calla folken had gone into town, most of them took the kids, and Luke finally saw a chance. So for most of the day he'd been making a slow, wide circuit of the Calla - stopping into houses he knew, ranches he'd helped work, always looking for the back paths out, the little hidden trails that were so easy to walk right past.


He'd found some, too. Those would be helpful.


And now here he was, the last place he had to visit today... the holding of Zeldon and Taleena Clearwater, the Devar-Tete Whye. His own sister and her husband; three children and another on the way. There was a momentary twinge of guilt, an unconscious rejection of what he was doing. But in the end, he knew it was for the right reasons. He had to be sure.


Luke crept forward slowly, not quite crouching, but not walking tall with his head up, either. He took a slow walk around the back, seeing his own reflection in the fish runs, noting the bits of path that inevitably criss-crossed all the Calla holdings, connecting one to the other. Like veins carring life, warmth, and happiness. How many times had he used them to bring good vegetables for his sister, or treats for her kids?


He shook his head, and clarity of purpose returned quickly. And then he turned to head up to the house proper, and there they were.


Taleena, right up front with tears just welling up in her eyes, one arm locked tightly around her husband's elbow. Johnny Drumwoode, and Joshua Oldwind... Travis Reid... there was a faint perception of other figures moving up near the porch, where the Clearwater's had planted the strong, tall oak the Carpenters had given their daughter on her marriage. Something was being thrown over a branch, and Luke realized it was a noose.


"How could you, Luke? How..." Taleena choked herself back, burying her head in Zeldon's shoulder.


Luke's head swung from side to side quickly, there was a brief moment where he considered the paths behind the Devar-Tete Whye... they led home, back to the Saye June Nef, the Carpenter family smallhold. He couldn't run, but he dearly wanted to.


"Sissa, it's not like you think... it's not..."


"Then what is it, Luke?" Zeldon, keeping himself together much better than his wife for the moment, one arm protectively wrapped around her. "Explain why you've been skulking around in the shadows, why you're marking back ways into people's homes!"


"I'm not working with the Wolves, I'm trying to find out who is!"


There was a hush, and Luke realized how loud he'd just spoken. The wind blew softly, and even though she spoke barely above a whisper, Taleena's voice carried like a gunshot.


"How would you even know about that? You weren't in town... you didn't see..."


"I... I..."


The moment of hesitation, of wild scrambling, was all they needed. Words got lost in the shouting that might otherwise have sorted things out. A bundle of cloth was tied around Luke's head, the knot securely pressed back in his throat, and then the shouting died down while Luke's hands were tied behind his back.


Who was it who put the noose over his head? Luke didn't know... might have been Johnny, who he'd known all his life. Might have been Zeldon, he'd never liked Luke much... might even have been Taleena, dear, sweet sister.


Whoever it was, it didn't take long to pull the rope taught over the treebranch, lifting Luke up. It was a slapdash job, and under other circumstances, he might have chided them for the haste. There was a sense that nobody wanted to drag it out longer than necessary...


Luke struggled and kicked, writhing and bucking like a horse with a broken leg. His vision was fading quickly, or maybe it was just the sun going down... maybe this wasn't real at all, maybe it was just a dream.


The assembled crowd was shifting nervously. Luke could barely make out his sister's form, head turned away. Good. She shouldn't have to watch this.


His eyes hurt... his lungs burned... his neck felt stretched, and in the small part that remained thinking, Luke wondered why his neck hadn't broken. That was how hanging was supposed to work...


Eventually his body was just too tired. He couldn't fight it anymore. Luke Carpenter swung silently, face swollen, blue in some patches, red in others.


And the sun went down on the Calla, say thankya.

OOC: Finnius/Luke was your Baner. Better luck next time.

Night phase.

Props to Finnius for writing this post. :)

Edited by Mynx
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Johnny felt sick after the lynching. Hell, they all did, most retreating to their homes as the sky grew dark, back to their fires. Back to their families they had killed Luke to protect. Back to tuck their children in bed and guard their homes. He wondered what they would tell their children. He wondered what would come of Duke, Luke's twin...


Guilt filled him to the brink and Johnny did the same thing he always did when deeply troubled. He began to work. Some mundane task, some ordinary job to just distract him from the dark times of the present.


As luck would have it, there was still one job to be done.


As the town fell into a nervous sleep, stars began to fill the sky, somehow dimmer than the night before. Johnny's shovel was the only sound to echo in the night as he performed a final favor for the friend he had betrayed.

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The ka-tet sat around their small campfire outside Callahan's home, brooding over the day's events. Roland stared into the flames, face closed from any interpretation. Jake busied himself stroking Oy's fur, the billy-bumbler's head resting in his lap. Susannah's thoughts were a mix of both the here and now, and her own problems. But it was Eddie who spoke first.

"We should have stopped them," he looked up at Roland. "We shouldn't have let them hang him."

The gunslinger took a long time to respond, but eventually he stirred.

"To what end, Eddie? Had we stopped them and the wolves come again, they would have accused us."

"We could have handled things," Eddie growled.

"And killed even more innocents? No, sai. We need to learn more about these wolves, and the townsfolk aiding them," he looked up then, piercing Eddie with his eyes. "We cannot interfere yet."

"Why not?"


"More like ka-ka," Eddie snorted, turning his gaze away. Jake looked up then and shared the barest hint of a smile with Roland.


Their debate was disturbed suddenly by a panicked cry from the other side of the house. The ka-tet had barely gotten to their feet, when they spied Bene running away from the house and into the woods, crying in fear. Eddie was already too familiar with Bene's fits - the boy reminded him too much of his past self - that he was ready to leave the boy to his hallucinations.

But then there were hoofbeats.

Roland stayed long enough to bark a command: "Spread out and mind me!" before he took off, running after Bene. Eddie, Jake and Oy left Susannah by the fire and ran off, Eddie to one side of the house, Jake and Oy to the other.


Bene continued to run, crying to himself in fear. Not me not me why after me why I didn't do anything why why why didn't see them didn't know. Somehow he knew this time that it wasn't just the drugs talkng. The hoofbeats grew louder, almost on top of him. Stumbling on a rock, Bene fell. Looking behind him, he saw the wolf's face, snarling, as a glowing stick of light descended towards his head...


Roland found the boy's body first, head separated from the rest, the stink of charred flesh in the air. He saw a horse galloping away, judged this light and distance, before giving it up with a weary sigh. They would be back, without a doubt.

Oy caught up to Roland first, chuffing softly as he ran. He stopped at the gunslinger's side, looked at the body, and lifted his head in a howl.

As more people began to wake and venture out of their houses, Oy uttered only one more statement;


Roland nodded, stroking the bumbler's head as he crouched by the body.

"ka-ka," he agreed.


OOC: Merelas/Bene was the Seer. It is now Day Phase. Cast your votes.

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A cherub's voice said, "Mother says take one giant step." Tam took a small, mighty step across the logs.

"Go back! You forgot to say may I? ", declared the cherub proudly. Tam's own boy squeak rose in passionate protest as only the small can give.


"Cheater!" he hollered, and made a face at Shelly.









Hammer clutched frimly in hand, Tam squatted down by the violated body that had been his sometime friend, ofttime object of pity, and stared deep into Bene's eyes.


Tam's own had been cloudy, unfocused ever since the ka-tet had arrived. Now, they cleared and seemed to become aware again as he stood the blood splattered ground with Roland and Oy. Tam reached down and gently closed the head's eyes.


The carpenter wept without making a sound. Roland bowed his head, more out of consideration to the living than the dead. Companionship and privacy at the same time at a funeral, he knew.


Oy began to sniff at Tam's mute, sob shaken frame inquisitively before the others began to arrive and he became distracted by the new scents.


Tam remained a long while right where he sat, even after they took Bene away. Finally, he went home, cried dry.


He never let go of his hammer, even as he collapsed onto the pillow.



(OOC: A vote for Savage/Johnny.)

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Thanks to Mithrandin for writing with me :)




Taleena's sleep was restless, too often interrupted by soft crying that she tried to hide from Zeldon. At last she stared at his sleeping form, and silently left their bed. Heedless of danger, she opened the door and went to the river. A gentle breeze played with her loose hair, and she closed her eyes. Memories came - memories of Taleah and her laughter, her cries while being dragged away by the wolves. Of Luke and Duke, her baby brothers. Of Duke returned roont. Of Luke and herself sharing childhood and growing up as close as twins.


Of Luke's body hanging from the tree.


She hugged herself, suddenly tired. The soft singing of the river got louder and louder in her ears, and she let it fill her mind. She took some paces towards the river, not thinking, not listening beyond the soothing sound.



Zeldon surprised Taleena with his heavy footsteps on his approach. Covering her shoulders with his work jacket and wrapping arms around her, he turns her towards home.“You know it’s not safe to walk outside nowadays at this time.” Hell not at any time so it seems…


Dawn was already tinting the sky when Taleena came to her senses in Zeldon's arms, feeling his heart racing in fear. The unborn babies also seemed restless, and her breath caught as a tiny foot kicked her stomach hard. She touched her husband's face, unable to find words and just shaking her head.


"I am alright, Zeldon. I just needed some air." She let him lead her home, and was grateful when he tucked her into bed again.


Luke... baby, what have we done to you?



Zeldon kissed Taleena forehead. “I’ll check on the fish and be back in time to help you with the kids.”


She heard Zeldon walking around the house, and then leaving. She knew there was work to be done and that Zeldon would be back in a couple hours. Johnny would be arriving by that time to help with the triplets, who would by then be widely awake and demanding breakfast.


Taleena slowly drifted into sleep, just to be awoken by Zeldon's sudden arrival with news on Bene'sdeath.

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