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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

#thepen Christmas Party 23rd December, 2300 GMT

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Little Valdar clambers over the mass of writhing tentacles, with his santa-hat (with earholes cut out) askew. Another tentacle nearly un-hatted him as it zooomed by carrying more corpses and shiny trinkets for the Christmas Corpsie tree. In his hand, a large piece of parchment, freshly slimed which he slapped against the wall with a wet splat. It stuck.


"Party under the Christmas Corpsie tree, 25 26 24 23rd December, 2300 GMT. Bring shinies an gifts!"





The Pen Christmas Party will kick off at GMT 2300 and run for as long as people want \^_^/. It would be appreciated if the atmosphere was kept in-character as much as possible as it was duing the pen ball. Gifts for other people can be left under the Christmas tree for them to find, or given in person - pm the person in question the gift so he or she can unwrap it.


I'm hoping the general in-character theme will last through to the 25th or 26th, but thats optional ;)

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