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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

WW XXIX: Looney Wolf


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Sign up thread and OOC












Dean the Adequate


Gilles Jordan

The Pokemon Monster

Black 9



Alex the Sister


Alex the Brother

Free RP until Monday when sign up is officially closed and the roles will be send out. If we stay with 9 players, there will be 1 wolf and 1 seer


Have fun :)

The sign “Adventurous Toons needed” had been up for quite a while now, and a few brave toons had signed up for the task. The day had come that they would have to leave on their path to find The Ebil Doom Master.


Bugs had prepared an extra bag of carrots, and was now nibbling on a small one for a snack. Daffy had shown up at the meeting point with a harness so heavy that he could barely lift the thing (too bad that this was also drawn and would therefore not stand a chance against ‘The Dip’), and Taz had already managed to spin through three trees accidentally in his nervousness.


The Toon Volunteers were standing around chatting happily with each other, more like they were going on a school trip, than off to meet the Evil of Evilness, the vilest creature possible, the most monstrous thing that Toonland had ever had to deal with, the….yeah, I think you get the point.


Daffy tried to climb up the stage to speak to the volunteers, but his harness didn’t allow him to move very much. So, from where he was standing he shouted through an ACME megaphone (a tongue came out on the other side) that they should all gather around, and that they would leave now. His voice was muffled through the helmet, and just as he was about to pull away the megaphone the visor fell down and cought his tongue. The chatting stopped, and Daffy started bouncing around in pain.


Bugs was shaking his head at Daffy, and then turned to face the crowd.


“Nyeah, listen up! We will be meeting grave dangers on the way, but I know you will make it. Rumours have told us that our enemy is stationed in The Dark Toonforest. The road will be long and-”


“Wabalabalababa!” Taz interrupted loudly.


“Erm…nyeah, maybe we should indeed just go.”


Bugs strapped his bag with carrots on his bag, and walked off towards the edge of Toonville, and in the direction of the forest. Daffy, who had finally managed to get his visor open again, pointed his wing in the air, shouted “Charge!”, and try to run off after Bugs, but fell face forwards through the weight off his harness.


The brave adventurers were finally off to their great adventure........and maybe to their doom.

Edited by Sweetcherrie
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Lupus shook his head as Daffy finally managed to stand upright, charging forward once more and tripping over a tree root before he made fifty yards.


"He never should have bought that A.C.M.E. junk. Who *makes* that stuff? I've yet to see it work right more then once out of ten times." the wolf said, walking forward at a steady pace, knowing that Daffy wouldn't get too far ahead of him, and not too eager to get started now that it was time to, well, get started.


He supposed the reason he was doing this was to get some respect from his family. He might never have his cousin's acting career, but if he ended up one of the heroes of Toonland, maybe his family would finally respect him for who he was.


"Hah, fat chance of that." he muttered, stepping agily over the tree roots that intruded on the forest path, perfectly placed for all sorts of comic pratfalls. Used to the snares and traps that a working toon set could produce, Lupus didn't even have to look at where to put his feet, simple tree roots were child's play compared to A.C.M.E. created props.


Looking to his left and down a bit, he asked "So, why'd you join this great expedition?" to the toon walking next to him.

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trudging along on all fours his head looking towards the toon that spoke to him. out of his bulb come two vine like appendages, they reach into they bulb and pull out a notepad and pencil. Quickly writing something down and then handing the page to him.


'People are in trouble. Pokémon help People. Shrug notation. Besides with a little luck, It might also get my debut movie out of the limbo it languishes in.

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Sav scampers after Bugs, Daffy and the others, leaping along energetically. He pauses to investigate the roots that Daffy tripped over but finding nothing interesting he leaps off the path to see if there's anything interesting in the nearby bushes.

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The forest grew darker and soon the stars were happily twinkling overhead, literally. Some falling stars had been spotted already, and Daffy had only barely managed to avoid one of them by jumping aside fast enough.


By nightfall they had reached a clearing, and Bugs Bunny announced that the crew would camp here for the night. Taz took out a large ACME package they had been carrying along, and pressed a button. A self inflatable tent came out, and for once the product seemed to work the way it was supposed to be.


The tent was large enough to fit all of them, and after Daffy had prepared them a nice ‘burned on the outside and raw on the inside diner’ they all went to bed with an empty stomach (except for Daffy who simply had to prove that the diner really wasn’t that bad by eating almost all of it).


It went towards the darkest part of the night when Daffy suddenly had cramps in his stomach, and stumbled out of the tent to try and get rid of some of it. The duck really tried to be silent, but in his haste to get out of the tent he stumbled over Lupus.


The wolf grunted at Daffy, but after Daffy has shushed him, he turned around again to sleep some more. Daffy reached the outside of the tent, and waggled his way around the back. He was just passing a large tree as two hands grabbed him, and pulled him into the bushes.


Loud bangs and furious crashes followed, but as the toons rushed out from their tent, they couldn't quite make out the source of all the noise. The crashes and yelps of pain continued for several minutes, until they finally died down, and only silence reigned around the clearing.


Frantically the assembled toons, led by Bugs Bunny scoured the surroundings already fearing whatever they may find. No one had noticed the missing duck; no one had remarked that he wasn't among the searchers, for they had fanned out in every direction to cover the most ground possible.


In the end it was none other than Bugs Bunny who found the only clue that was to be found, next to the unmistakable marks of combat. Trees were knocked down, branches broken, flowers trodden down. And in the middle of the entire wreckage and carnage one single black feather was all that was left to be found of Daffy Duck.


OOC: Written with the help of Patrick, thanks. It is now dayphase, have fun accusing :P

Edited by Sweetcherrie
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Chiko and Niko huddled together by Bugs' feet as they stared at the wreckage, their usual playful behaviour stunted as toons around them began to talk in loud voices. Niko stared at her sister (and wondered why she was looking at a sticker on the other tanuki's forehead that claimed her to be Niko...wasn't she Niko?).

"Somethin' bad happ'n?" she asked, eyes wide. Chiko looked around her and nodded.

"Somethin' bad bad. Toons're angry"

The two huddled together, tails wrapped around each other as they waited for everyone to stop yelling.

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Alex the Sister surveyed the scene, stooping down to look at the feather. Her T-shirt sported a frown with a stylized tear as she looked mournfully about...


"What..." She sat on a fallen tree, "he..." she shook her head, spreading her arms, and looking up at the still active sky, she finally settled on "How?"

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Sav looked solemly at the feather that was the only remaining evidence of Daffy Duck, until a passing playful breeze ruffled the leaves of some nearby bushes and Sav dashed off to investigate. Maybe it was a clue. Everyone knew that where there were mysteries there were clues... it was the Toon way.


Half way to the bushes something shiny caught Sav's attention.


"Ooh, shiny."


Changing directions Sav bounded off to investigate the new shiny clue.

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Lupus sniffed around the feather carefully, but all he could smell was the heavy scent of Daffy's feather-care products and the sharp scent of new A.C.M.E. product.


"Bleh, I can't get any scent of anyone other to Daffy... he needs... needed? to lay off on the feather conditioner." Lupus said, rubbing his nose and stepping back, standing near the fallen tree where Alex the Sister was sitting.


"What I'm wondering if anyone was wandering around out here at night, I mean, it's hard to have this sort of fight with yourself, though I suppose he could have managed it..."

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Seeing Sav's rabid searching for a clue, Chiko jumped into some bushes and began rustling around. Pouncing on a passing butterfly, the tanuki attached a post-it to it that read "Clue" and sprinkled some glitter over it so it sparkled.

She then released it into the squirrel's general direction.

"Oh Sav! Sav! Shiny shiny!" the tanuki squealed and pointed.

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Sav launched himself at the sparkly butterfly catching it in mid flight amongst a shining puff of glitterdust.


"A clue! A clue! I found a clue!"


Sav dashed towards the other toons waving the poor bewildered butterfly showering everyone in his path with a fine cloud of sparkling glitter bits that clung to everything and everyone and wouldn't come off no matter how hard you brush at them.

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Alex grinned at the squirrel's antics, her previous sadness all but forgotten in favor of present amusements.


"A clue?" She stared, wide-eyed, at Sav's Shiny Thing, "Did Daffy get kidnapped by a mob of shiny butterflies?"

Edited by Alaeha
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Sav leaps over to Alex, bushy tail now covered in glittersparkles, and hands her the slightly bedraggled butterfly while showering her in sparkly glitterbits while he's at it.


"I don't know what it means, I just found it. Maybe you can figure it out!"


A rustle in the bushes distracts Sav and he leaps off to investigate.


"Maybe it's another clue!"


Moments later there's a startled squeek and giggling sounds as Sav leaps on a suprised Chiko who was still making rustling sounds in the bushes.

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Guest Phoenix

Alex yawned as he stepped out of the tent, stretching his arms over his head. He snapped to attention when he saw the destruction, the trampled bushes and lonely feather lying in the middle of it all.


"whats going on?" he asked his twin, watching Chiko & Sav rolling around on the ground trailing glitter everywhere.


She spun around wide-eyed, waving the butterfly at him and coating him in glitter as well "Oh Alex! Daffy's been kidnapped! and we think they used.... Glitter!"


He backed out of the cloud of sparkling motes, tripped over Chiko and Sav, and sat down hard.

Daffy had gone..?

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Lupus scratched the back of his head "He had a fight with a pack of glitter-trailed butterflies? And lost?"


Bugs shrugged "Weeeeeel.... Daffy managed to bend his beak with a pole once... over and over again."


Lupus chuckled "I know, I had to keep finding new poles when he'd break them and not bend his beak."


Glancing over at Alex the Brother, Lupus nodded in agreement with Alex the Sister's words. "Well... or they were glittery butterflies. Or he fought himself and lost. It's sort of up in the air."

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The day passed only slowly, and while Sav was trying to find more glitter, the other toons had mostly decided that Daffy would probably turn up again. The duck was known to get himself into trouble, so they figured that he would simply have to get himself untroubled.


In the evening they all sat around the fire, happily singing camp songs, and waiting for Daffy to turn up again. One by one they started yawning, and finally the last went to bed.


Bugs, who didn’t trust it one bit, tried to stay awake just a little bit longer, but then he too fell asleep.


OOC: Nobody lynched. It is now nightphase for the next 24 hours, specials please send me your targets by pm.

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The fire attracted Choc as he was roaming around the area and why not, he's a creature of the night! Choc peeked out of the bushes and very silently motioned over to the now sleeping group. Looking into the face of Bugs, Choc shouted with a high voice and with a very bad transylvanian accent..."Muhahahahahaha! Bla!"

Edited by Black9
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Bugs was up early, and started pacing around the tent. He chewed on a carrot while he started to clean things up, so they at least could keep going that day. They still had to go through the forest where there would be dangers lurking behind every tree.


At first he didn’t even notice someone was missing from the group, but then people started waking up, and clearing away their own things. Finally the only things left were Daffy’s armour, and….Choc’s things?


Where could he be? Once again the group started searching the surroundings, this time though it was easier to find a clue that something had gone horribly wrong. In a corner, at the foot of a large tree, was what looked mostly like a puddle of paint. Choc’s colours were barely distinguishable, but it was clear what had happened.


Somehow during the night Choc had been grabbed by a member of The Eeeeeebil Doom Master’s team.


OOC: Black9 - Choc was a villager. It's now dayphase, you have 48 hours.

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In the still very soft light of dawn, Niko saw some flickering lights not far from them, half-hidden in the bushes around the clearing where they had sleept. Quickly she slipped behind the bushes, and came back some minutes later with three or four blinking lights in her paws, smiling in wonder. Then, with bright eyes, she came silently to her sister's back and transformed into a rounded rock - one with two tanuki ears on its top plus the paws.


Chiko's tail tickled her nose, and she resisted an urge to sneeze. With a soft giggle, she carefully glued the fireflies she had in her hands to the tip of her sister's tail.


Chiko stepped away suddenly, and Niko let go of the tail in a hurry. Then she saw Sav bouncing near her, and the squirrel ended up sitting on her, examining the ears poking from the rock.


"Sav... Sav, look! Are tails supposed to blink with light?"


Sav immediately forgot the ears to follow the blinking tail.


Giggling softly, Niko transformed back into a curled tanuki - one that hid her mischievous look behind her tail. And then she stopped to think what could have happened to Choc, anyway - maybe he had transformed into a bat and flown away during the night?


She looked at the puddle of paint Bugs had found, and let her tail dip into it. It came back bright with color, and she immediately smiled and looked for someone into which use her tail as a brush.

Edited by Tanuchan
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...The somber mood of the morning's discovery was broken by a high pitched chattering noise as Chiko raced across the clearing to try and escape Sav, still unaware that her tail was covered in blinking lights as the hyperactive squirrel chased the funny fluffy moving sparkly thingy...

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Sav bounced wildly after Chiko, scampering in crazy patterns all over the clearing. To the horror of some of the older toons he dashed right through the puddle that was once Choc before leaping and spinning in the air, bouncing off Lupus's chest leaving painted paw prints in Choc's colours behind as he dashed off after Chiko once again.

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Alex stumbled blearily out of the tent, her T-shirt squinting in commiseration with her as she idly reach up and pulled off the nightcap that she had placed atop her halo. She pulled up short as she recognized the colors of the paint puddle which seemed to be a focus of attention, and looked around.


"So it wasn't butterflies..." She poked her finger in the paint and began to draw a fanged frowny face on the ground next to the puddle.

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Lupus knelt, grimacing as he touched the puddle of paint that had once been the vampire Choc. The vampire had been his suspect in the disappearance of Daffy, appearing as he did out of the dark, but now Choc himself had been Dipped.


Standing, Lupus growled. "Alright, I could have believed Daffy had gotten himself into trouble, but now Choc as well? I don't trust this. I think we have a traitor in our midst."


The gasps of shock rose around him, and he patted the air. "It's the only conclusion I can think of. Daffy disappeared... but Choc was Dipped. That means at least one of us has access to Dip, and has used it on a companion."


"But... who'd do that?" Alex the Sister said, looking around nervously and drawing closer to her brother.


"I don't know for sure... but I don't like the look of that blue guy over there!" Lupus said, pointing at Freakazoid. "I think we should tie him up for our own safety."


OOC: Dean the Adequate / Freakazoid is accused!

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After long deliberation the toons decided to do what Lupus had suggested. They rolled about 50 meters of rope around Freakazoid, and tied him to an ACME rocket that would fly him home.


At nightfall they had reached the forest, and decided to camp just at the edge. From the forest they could hear all sorts of creepy sounds, and also something that sounded mostly like a parrot in trouble, or at least this was what Chiko decided it had to be since the sound kept repeating itself.


They quickly set up their tents again, and after a thorough inspection of the surroundings (where they found a mushroom, a mouse (Mickey?), and lots of interesting trees) they all rolled out their sleeping bags. They chatted for a while still, mainly speculating how eeeeebil exactly the Doommaster was, and then Bugs yawned and said he would go to sleep.


With Freakazoid safely sent home (if you call being shot by a rocket safe) they all felt a lot safer, and one by one they followed Bugs’ example, and soon all the Toons slept…or did they?


OOC: Freakazoid, Dean the Adequate was a villager.

It’s now nightphase for 24 hours, specials please send me your actions.

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