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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Succession of Chaos - Redux


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Ciroth walked around the dummy in the center of the practice ring. The dummy posessed by a demon that had been brought from the edge of the Abyss specifically for swordtraining.


He stepped back, drawing his sword Atana from its sheath at his side. The dummy followed suit, taking a gladius in each hand.


Ciroth took a step forward, his sword raised in a defensive position as he approached the moving dummy. It took the swords in its hands, and moved towards him at great speed, swinging and being blocked as the three swords clashed together...


Later, Ciroth kicked the dummy's pieces to the side of the room, and sheathed Atana, his two handed sword, once more. The demon materialized once more, and bowed to him before departing. The demon...


Ciroth's mind returned once more to the fire angel, and gave a slight frown. Certainly Cid had been taken upon unawares by that hellish beast, and he had done well against it. For a short while. Ciroth knew he could have stood better against the beast, but there was little a mortal could manage against those creatures without great abilities with shadow.


He shifted his form. And back. And returned to the demonic semblence he sometimes wore.


Certainly, this was a useful enough power of shadows, but it was no more than a basic power. Perhaps it would be best if he found a another who would be able to assist in that area -- in exchange for some martial and commanding ability.


Turning these thoughts over in his head, he summoned the demon back into the room, and destroyed the dummy in a few minutes. Perhaps he'd have to find another, more difficult one...

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Tarquin servants fanned out into the hallways, dressed in slender unbleached wraps topped with black capelets that reached almost to the elbow, their hair shaved off or pinned up in snoods. They touched their fingers to the sleeves of people important enough to have sleeves, and rasped into their ears:


Grandduke Luciano decrees that the family's private wake will end at midnight, and Granddame Maia insists that his friends have a chance to say farewell to him. They have allowed you forty-eight hours in which to pay your respects, and do bring a bottle, the Dame Fortunata is beside herself with grief and wishes to lift a glass with the friends of Cid of Tarquin.


One particular landholder--the neighbor of Tarquin--let out a groan upon receiving the invitation. He hadn't gotten any sleep due to the last night's carousing, and it was simply too early in the season to travel to the summer estates; why did those wastrels always have to die in the cool of the year?

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A figure moves silently, sliding from shadow to shadow, rarely seen, yet ever present. Johann listens in on conversations considered private, goes to rooms he is not authorised in. It is the way he has learnt to master the shadow. He uses it for spying on others and acquiring any knowledge which might be useful.


He was not actually in the shadow world when doing this, instead sticking to his shadow form, which blended almost perfectly with the shadows. Rarely had he been spotted in the shadows, and even then it had been trained shadowmasters, mostly from his own house, who had spotted him. Those not from his house he had learned to avoid.


The talk was mostly about the murders, with some talk about the new murder of the General, which Johann had not heard about previously. He tried thinking about those who could have profited from the death, but had to come to the conclusion that all of the houses, including his own, had everything to profit from the death. The elimination of a likely candidate only brought them advantages. The way the murder had occured left no clues as to the identity of the murderer or his allegiance, although there were houses, which only rarely used poison.


Johann rematerialized in the shadows between two pillars in a corridor, and turned to walk back to his house's headquarters, still deep in thought.

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Written with Johann/Patrick Durham


Choseyre needed some fresh air for her thoughts. After her talk with Sol, she still wasn't sure which way to go. Fighting people was just too bloody and Choseyre preferred safety. She thought of herself as someone who could resolve a quarrel as well as anyone but an outright fight for the throne was no good. If given the choice she'd rather not get the throne than die but how to say so. She couldn't very well fly a flag saying so.

Suddenly she heard someone. Choseyre tensed for a fight and peered into the darkness trying to see who was there.


As Johann stepped from the shadows he almost bumped into Choseyre. For a moment he stood there, stunned that he hadn't heard her approach. He saw her tense, and expecting the worse, his hand started moving towards his belt.


"Nice day we have isn't it?" he said thinking fast. He hoped that if she wanted to attack him something as banal as that would momentarily bring her off balance and give him an advantage.


Very visibly Choseyre relaxed. "Oh good, it's you!" She laughed thinking how foolish that might sound. "I really didn't want to see an assassin pop out of the shadows and instead I see someone I respect from court.”


“It's been a bit of a messed up day court-wise I'd say but I love the night. Away from all the politicising. So much more peaceful. This is what to live for people, night friendship not all that. Ugh, what do _you_ think of all this?”


Johann also released his flexed muscles when he saw Choseyre relax. He was glad that it had not come to blows. He had to remind himself that he most probably had nothing to fear directly from a candidate for the regency. Most of them would probably use assassins, instead of putting themselves directly in the line of danger.


"It does seem that assassins are quite frequent these last few days. First the regent, then Cid, and now the General. I fear that a lot of bloodshed shall happen before the great houses find a suitable candidate. Most likely the suitable candidate shall be the only one remaining."


Johann knew that even some people of his own house would be glad to use such methods to dispose of rival candidates. He himself preferred careful political manoeuvring over assassination though.


"In times like this it is hard to know who is on whose side, if you get my meaning. I mean", he added with a laugh "even the two of us are adversaries in the fight for the regency."


Choseyre laughed. "Yeah, I'd love to be regent. But frankly, I'd rather stay alive. As much as I love power, it's not the only thing in life." Besides it's so much fun being number two. If you or one of the other few people I really respect ends up as regent I will happily support you and I'll just expect you to remember it. As number two, I wouldn't have to guard my back nearly so well but I'd be a force to be remembered. I'm just not a hero.”


Johann nodded. "Sometimes it is even the number twos who have more influence than the true leaders," he said. "I shall remember in case I do become regent." Johann envisioned the possibility. He had to check himself. A lot of people would need to die in order for him, or anyone else to be regent. Somehow he doubted that political manipulations could resolve the current situation. He wondered about possible alliances, which were forming or already formed between the different factions. Sol and Katelyn were soon to be married, and their houses would probably unite behind a single candidate.


Johann wondered about possible alliances his house might make.


"What if we were to ally?" he proposed to Choseyre. "United, we might stand more chance of surviving."


Choseyre nodded, interested. "What would that entail?"


Johann had not really expected Choseyre to be interested, as an alliance was always seen as a greater threat, but now that she did seem interested... Johann pondered what would be needed for the alliance to be effective.


"Firstly, I could convince certain members of my house to not consider you as a candidate to be removed from the picture, and I'm sure you could do the same. Secondly we would need to find a way to officialise the alliance. Sol of Sepharis and Katelyn of Minobee chose marriage to cement their alliance. There are other possibilities of course," he hastily added.


Choseyre chuckled. "As impressed as I am by your assets…and your house's..."

Lightening like a grin flashed across her face.


I would have to persuade my house that I had a reason to formalize an alliance with a highly respected but unknown quantity.”



Johann thought about the question. He could not help but think what it would be like if to fortify the bond between the two houses by marriage. He knew that most marriages in the great houses were made because of political reasons and not love. He wondered whether he would be given the gift of being able to love the one he married. Or be loved by that person.


"You're right that convincing one's own house can at times be difficult. Sometimes I truly find that political manoeuvrings inside a house are more difficult to understand than the ones between the houses. Yet I am sure that House Wererathe would have at least something of interest, which it could offer to your house."


"Indeed. No disrespect to your house was intended, you know. After all, if we did not at least somewhat respect each other's houses, we wouldn't bother to have this conversation I expect. And lord knows I am not proposing marriage!" she laughed.


"Still, perhaps it might be wise to meet in another location and talk." Choseyre grinned, as she looked up at Johann "It might even be fun."


"Indeed," Johann started, "these corridors tend to have too many ears listening in on what is said. What location would you propose as a meeting place?"


"Would you like to dine at the theatre with me tomorrow? I have my own box and I hear the new composer is wonderful."


Johann nodded. "That would be wonderful."


Choseyre smiled. "I will look forward to it. See you then. "

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Katelyn stroked her pet ferret's back absent-mindedly.


Since they'd been back at the Ways of Minobee, Sol and her had spent quite some time discussing the political moves between the Houses, theirs and otherwise. Karen had been absent from most of those, and although Sol had asked her about it, Katelyn had just shrugged.


She once again focused her thoughts on the last events.


Cid, I can understand... the General? He was a good commander, but just that - a commander of troops. He wouldn't have been able to get the throne, or even if he had... who says he'd have the needed skill to rule?


Though... troops' support is always something to take into account.


And where is that sister of mine? I need to talk to her.


The ferret hissed, turning and trying to nibble at her hand. Katelyn looked down at him, and noticed that she had come near to hurting him with her claws. She resumed her human form, scratching the roden'ts head behind the ears. The contact with its soft fur was oddly soothing, and she smiled.


Support... good to know who is allying to whom, whether openly or in shadows. Always good...


Sol entered at that moment, catching her smile.

Edited by Tanuchan
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Thanks to Tanny for co-writing the flashback part :)




Katelyn's smile never failed to calm Sol's nerves. He held the source of his current concern in his left hand, and idly toyed with Sabastian's message, wondering if he should mention it to Katelyn. Sol wasn't afraid of the meeting, but the events of the past few days showed the cost of carelessness. He had been caught off guard only once before in his life that he could remember...


It had been ten years ago, but Sol remembered it clearly in his mind. He still blamed himself for being so foolish and allowing the young dragon to take him by surprise as it had. He had been traveling home to the Ways of Sepharis when there had been a searing pain in his shoulder. As the fiery acid deeply scorched his flesh, down to the pale white of bone in places, his arm fell limply to his side. He had spun around instantly in his demon form, the crystal sword on his uninjured side glinting in the sunlight and refracting a brilliant swath of color onto the dusty landscape as the razor tip whistled in a huge semi-circle before slicing cleanly between two of the whelp’s partially undeveloped thick scales.


In a scream of rage, the small dragon had taken to the air as thick, precious dragon’s blood oozed from its wound. Apparently deciding that toying with this human was no longer as fun as it had originally thought, the dragon whelp had disappeared up into the sky, and Sol had collapsed heavily onto the ground, his strength waning and unable to maintain his demonic state. He remembered feeling the last shreds of his vitality slowly slipping, slipping away…


Katelyn felt the trickle of energy flowing into the wounded warrior, a hand gently resting on his forehead and the other almost touching the ugly wound. She didn't recognize him, but wondered how he could have been so badly caught by the dragon whelp - since it was clear that, despite being young, he was a powerful warrior.


She stroked his forehead lightly again, then his shoulder and arm. And suddenly, a pair of blue eyes were looking at her.


"No!" Katelyn jumped backwards.


Sol blinked, his still hazy vision just telling him that there had been a woman with him, someone who had suddenly disappeared. Miraculously, he felt his strength returning, and he rose slowly to his feet.


As he did so, Sol heard the distinctive scream of the small dragon once again; it had returned and was now attacking for a second time, even more enraged after its failed first attempt. However, this time the whelp had gone for the unarmed dark, fuzzy figure that was dashing away, still just a short distance from him.


Katelyn heard the whooshing noise of the wings too late. Feeling the talons grabbing a hold of her, she reverted to demoness form to fight - but she had been pinned down.


Sol was on the beast within seconds of the attack. With both of his massive swords landing repeated blows against the unguarded back of the young dragon, Katelyn struggled free from its grasp, and finally the injured whelp retreated for good, with one last hateful look at Sol.



The young warrior knelt by the demoness, his eyes full of questions. But he had recognized her now - it was impossible to mistake the pearly-white skin covered in glowing tiny scales paired to the thick copper-red hair. One of the Minobee sisters.


Katelyn's violet eyes stared at Sol, for once showing hesitation - she wanted desperately to leave, but the young man had possibly saved her life. As she read the recognition on his face, she sighed. She was aware that both human/demoness forms of Katelyn and Karen used to catch the eye of any Chaosite who had seen them even for afar.


"I am Sol of Sepharis. I believe you are one of the Minobee sisters?"


She nodded, and reverted to a human form. The normally deep-blue eyes were now some shades lighter.


"Katelyn of Minobee. Thank you, Sol of Sepharis."


In corteous gestures, Sol both reverted to human form also and offered his hand to help Katelyn up. His eyes checked on her wounds, but he could see that they weren't serious. He had stopped the dragon in time.


"You helped me."


Katelyn hesitated again, then nodded slowly. There was something about Sol that called for straight answers...



Summoning a messenger, Sol hastily wrote out his reply to Sabastian, sealing the letter with wax and the official seal of House Sepharis. Noticing a quizzical glance from Katelyn, he explained, "a meeting with Sabastian--don't worry about me."


He handed the sealed parchment to the messenger and sat down, resting his chin in one hand, deep in thought.

Edited by Azuran
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The sensation was faint at first a suggestion that someone was whispering her name, becoming stronger as Karen concentrated on it.


"Karen? Karen, I need your help..."


Recognising the trump contact for what it was Karen let her mind focus on the feelings and the words and shortly was rewarded with an image of her sister Katelyn standing in front of her.


The scene behind Katelyn's shoulder was vastly different from the familiar surroundings of the Courts of Chaos, there seemed to be an outcropping of some kind of blue stone surrounded by a field of grass. Green grass that didn't even reach out to grab those passing through it! Who'd ever heard of such a thing?


A hurried exchange of conversation later and Karen was taking her sisters hand and stepping through the trump into the vastly different realm, never one to deny her sister in a moment of need.


Taking a few steps and surveying the land around her Karen spoke, "Katelyn? What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"


Karen's voice trailed off as a low chuckle sounded from behind her - a chuckle that sounded nothing at all like that of her sister.


Karen spun, but not fast enough as a spell struck her, freezing her into the beginnings of her defensive posture, yet leaving her conscious and able to see the familiar figure that approached her.


"No offence "sister" dear", the owner of the voice said, "You're just one of the obsticles in the way of my claiming the throne so you have to be removed. Oh don't worry. The spell will wear off soon enough, just enough time for me to get you somewhere that you won't be a bother to me."


So speaking, another spell was cast and Karen was lofted up and sent bobbing through the air then floating down through a hole in the blue stone outcropping to deposit her inside a cave. The familiar figure spoke some more "You'd best hope that the throne becomes mine, or you'll rot here. The stone blocks all our type of magic as well as trump sendings and scrying spells. I suppose it's possible someone might find you by accident, but I assure you that very few people know of this location so you could be in for a long wait."


A short amount of effort later a large blue stone boulder was rolled across the hole that was the entrance to the cave and Karen was alone... possibly forever.

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Sabastian received the reply from the messanger. Snapping the wax and reading the contents he smiled. This at least was a good start, a formal reply, and request for posponement till tomorrow, mid morning, same place.


Sabastian rose and returned slowly to his rooms. Sol would be hard to win over, but hopefully not impossible.


Tomorrow would tell.



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Written with Azuran - thank you :)



Katelyn sat right behind Sol, rubbing his back lightly while he was deep in thought. She wanted to ask him about the meeting with Sabastian, but she knew that Sol would talk just at his own time.


But he is worried, and that is well... no one should go and meet a Sawall with complete trust, not after the assassination and not while they're in the struggle for the throne.


Softly, she just said, "Don't let him out of your sight and reach."


Sol chuckled softly, "I've got no reason to fear--there will be enough from both our houses close enough. Doing anything rash would be suicidal."


Whatever Katelyn was going to say was interrupted by a sudden agonizing pain - not physical, not even mental, but something that came from deep inside her and made her gasp and lean heavily against Sol.




Even the whisper was painful to her, and if it weren't for Sol's quick reaction, catching her, she would have fallen.


"Kate! What happened?"


Katelyn shook her head, tears coming to her eyes while she fought disorientation and dizziness. Sol watched with concern as his fiancée's form shifted from human to just half-demoness and back, apparently unable to focus into one shape. He quickly knelt down before her and grabbed her shoulders firmly, trying look into her eyes and calling out her name again.


"Karen..." Katelyn's voice came as a sob, but Sol could see she was alread back in control, her eyes glowing the light-green of deep anger.


"Something... cut us off... I can't feel her anymore..."


"Karen? Dead?" Sol understood it immediately, aware of the peculiar link between the twins.


"No... not dead... I didn't feel her dying... just that there's nothing where she should be."


It didn't take more than a few minutes for Katelyn to recover from the worst of the shock, and then Sol was standing besides her with the trumps. Katelyn arched an eyebrow, reaching for the cards - but Sol stopped her.


"You aren't well. Let me try - I know her well enough."


Several attempts later, Sol gave up, frustrated, and put his arm around a resigned Katelyn. Nothing had succeeded, and even Katelyn's perception of Karen - or the absence of that perception - was starting to wear off.


"She cannot be dead... but if she is, someone will pay for it. That I swear, on the honor of House Minobee!" Her voice was fierce, fulll of anger and revenge.

Edited by Tanuchan
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Johann moved through the streets and under vaulted archways towards his arranged meeting with Choseyre, thoughts of a possible alliance idly passing through his mind when he was brought back to the present by the sound of marching feet and the jingle of weapons.


Melting back into a nearby shadow Johann was treated to the sight of warriors wearing the uniform of house Aricline moving up the street in his direction. His mind racing he drew further back into the shadows to conceal himself whilst considering the possibilities.


Could it be that these were an honour guard for Choseyre? Or an ambush for him despite the words of alliance that had been spoken.


On the other hand would it not be easy to cast suspicion on the house of Aricline by having a murder carried out under false colours?


Questions and intrigues spun through Johann's mind in moments, trained as he was to the ways of life in the Courts of Chaos, when another distraction took him away from his half worried musings.


Somewhere in the deep shadows behind him there was a Way. Call it professional curiousity or the effects of a compultion spell, but as a Shadowmaster of the Courts Johann suddenly found himself drawn to this hidden Way, partly knowing his responsibility to ensure that it was safe for others and partly to see who'd hide a Way in such a place as this.


Feeling the telltale tingle on his skin Johann stepped for ward and let the magic take him through the path between the shadows, only to stumble as the mismatched ground levels between the two shadows sent him falling through the darkness. A moment of panic later as the darkness prevented him from getting his bearings Johann hit the ground of the pit in which he found himself with a resounding Thud.


After cursing the person or thing that had done such a sloppy job of stitching the stuff of shadow together to create this pitfall Johann began to feel search the darkness for a way back to the theatre, behind him in the pitch black something opened eyes that gleamed dull red...


The first blow took Johann by suprise and the second spun him from his feet. He tried to fight, only to find his enemy slipping away into the shadows that should have been his own refuge.


When the third blow came it hamstrung him while the fourth ripped off an arm.


After that it took a long time for the screaming to stop.




Above him at the top of the pit two figures listened to the shouts below that were slowly fading to pained whimpers.


One said, "It is done, we're one step closer to our goal."


Together they hurled the uniforms of house Aricline into the pit, not needing them any longer then one departed while the other summoned the image of the logrus and began manipulating the stuff of raw Chaos and using it to obliterate the pit, and everything in it being sure to dismiss the power before it destroyed the entire shadow that housed the pit trap. Seconds later the first figure followed the first back through the Way and moved on to other business.

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When Duke woke the next morining, he leapt from bed and instantly sent for a messanger. His mind was vivid with the memory of the strange dream that had been repeated over and over in his head last night. He dressed quickly in the finest blue linens he had with him and quickly left his chamber in seach of a quick meal.


In all right, it shouldn't be called a dream. What he had seen would have made the hollowest of men scream. Only because it was a dream was he able to seperate himself from the horror of this dream. but a part of him new that if nothing was done, if no attempt at change was made then his dream would doom the kingdom as a reality. this time he did shudder, he'd sooner take his life than live to witness the horror of his dream.


he had sent the messenger to all the houses that were in the running for the regency. he needed to meet with them, all of them. he knew he would look like a fool to them, like a boy crying wolf, or perhaps they would think his cry for change was an underhand political movement. But whatever they thought of him, he had to convince them all the same, make them see the danger he had seen in that terrible dream.


He had dreamt of his family, not the family that had taken him in as an orphan, but his real family, the house of 'Verboden'. They had been despised for their cruelty and their tendency to settle dimplomatic matters, well, the same way the current diplomatic matter was being settled. and they had been destroyed, the kingdom untied to rid themselves of Verboden. In his dream, they had returned, he had known it was them, recognized the faces he hadn't seen since he was only two years of age. But there were more of them, they were multiplied countlessly and soon he had realized that it wasn't just his old house that he saw anymore, it was all the houses of the kingdom, corrupted by power the same way his family had. They were mad, all of them, and they fell onto one another, literally tearing at one another in their greed for more power. they did not see that they had lost that which made them men and with it the ability to lead. They were no longer leaders or rulers, kings or queen, they were animals who feasted off of one anothers death. it was a mad scramble to claim a golden crown that sat upon a gloden throne. the fighting continued until there was only one. the darkest, biggest beast of a man Duke had ever seen dragged his weary body towards the throne, trampling the corpses that lay in his way. but he never made it, he stumbled and fell, and the golden throne lay just beyond the grasp of his outstretched arms. the man breathed his last breath and there were none left. the bodies withered into dust and the golden crown and golden throne crumbled to the ground. and then there was nothing.


the dream had repeated over and over in his mind, each time a different man or woman was left standing by themselves, but everytime they fell before they could reach the golden throne and everytime Duke's dream ended in darkness.


Duke turned away from the kitchens, he wasn't hungry and he had to find a place to....


a place to hide from the world for a moment


Duke found his place in a corner outside in the courtyard, where he retched on the green grass and sobbed for those that had already been lost

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Samantha sat in her study and read over the note the messenger had delivered. Strange for Duke to call such a sudden meeting for all in line for the regency. Could it be a trap?


Perhaps. Getting all of the candidates in one room would make it easy to eliminate them all.

But such a foolhardy and public attack would have every family screaming for Duke's blood.


Samantha pondered the invitation. There had been too many disappearances and assassinations of late. What was meant to be a match of wits and politics was becoming a bloodbath.


Making her decision, Samantha scribbled a reply of confirmation and sent for one of her own messengers to deliver it.

Rising from her study, Samantha moved through to her room to prepare.


She would to go the meeting and see what Duke had to say. And if the meeting happened to reveal those who had been less than honourable in their tactics, so much the better.

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Sabastian waved away the messenger, he was not thrilled at the prospect of an open meeting.


Sending his offer of a posponement to Sol, he returned to his rooms, at least this may shed new light on the information that Sawall's council had given him. Sol may even be happier to listen after hearing the others discuss things.


Leaving for the great hall he directed the few minders he had watching him to stay out of sight, and walked seemingly alone to see what Duke wished to say.



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Written with Azuran :)



Katelyn looked at the message in her hands, wondering what that was about. Duke was somewhat weird, but she - as most of the Chaosites - knew the circumstances of his adoption into the House of Munich, and they didn't make any comments on his presence. Though Katelyn also remembered Karen showing some interest in the boy when both had been younger.


The memory of Karen brought back to Katelyn the feeling of absence, but this time she pushed it back and locked it in a corner of her mind. She knew Karen was in trouble, and that she might even not be alive, but there was no way to find her. Both were ShadowMasters, so her sister could be lost in an infinite number of planes...


She again smothered frustration, and crumpled the message in her hand. Sol entered in that moment, a similar message in his hands.


"So I see you've also received this one?"


Katelyn accepted the kiss on her forehead, and let Sol's presence soothe her. She nodded, sighing.


"Yes, I did. And I wonder what he wants... or, more than that, who is behind him. "


"Given the current climate and with this many contenders for the Regency all together at once, I can only imagine the plotting already going on behind the scenes. I do find the timing a little interesting..." Sol's voice trailed off as he finished his musing within the safety of his own mind.


Katelyn let the silence stretch a bit, observing Sol's distant expression with a smile. Then she interrupted his musing with another question.


"And your meeting with Sabastian?" Katelyn stretched lustily, willing her muscles to relax, while looking for a dress to wear in the meeting. Sol smiled at seeing her lithe figure, grace and beauty alive in her.


"He postponed it."


"So he's also going to the meeting... no one will be absent, then. If Sabastian of Sawall is going, everyone will. No one will risk being absent and draw his suspicion."


They talked for some time more, then Sol gave Katelyn a quick smile before heading for the door. "I've got some things to take care of before this meeting, but I'll see you there."



Katelyn took her time dressing up. For a moment she thought whether there was a way to find out those who had taken her sister, or where they had taken her to.. A small plan started forming in her mind, and she suddenly went to the adjoining room - Karen's.


It might work... just might. We'll see.

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Choseyre groaned and rubbed her eyes and stuck her head out of bed. Nope, not getting up yet.


It was far past time to arise but she was in a foul mood. She had been sort of looking forward to a date with Johann and then the damn fool had stood her up. She tried to shrug, and thought 'well good thing I didn't agree to ally with him. I'll have to tell people now what a jerk he was for not showing. Frankly, I didn't want an exclusive alliance with anyone but a date with a handsome guy and maybe a chance to share some juicy gossip? That would have been fun. Bastard.'


Her maid servant knocked again. "Ma'am there's some news you might think...


"NO, I've already told you no news. I'm sulking! I have been offended! In fact, didn't I tell you not to disturb me unless it was something important!"


"Yes, ma'am, but there is something important. You have also recieved a note inviting you and all the other contenders for the regency to come and attend a meeting. The meeting is in a couple hours so if you want me to do your hair ahead of time, I thought I should come and ask you if you were attending."


"Ah, well thank you." Despite herself, Choseyre was mollified by the thought of an engagement to entertain her. "Well, of course I don't know if I shall wish to attend. Who else is going?"


The maidservant smiled shyly, glad she had done her homework. "The servants quarters suggest that almost everyone will be attending. Certainly most are going."


"Good girl! Well, I am bohred. Yes, yes, tell the cook to make me a breakfast salad and then come and dress me please."

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Co-written with Tanny



Samantha smoothed the creases her dress had gathered in the past few hours as she walked through one of the many hallways of the courts, her mind still turned to the meeting she had held with her parents. All this news of the assassinations and deception that seemed to be running stronger than usual within the courts had caused deep unrest amidst all the families. Duke's message had only added to this feeling.


Samantha's parents had called a meeting with her to discuss the families that held alliances with her own, the potential ones to be made, and the ones to avoid. As well as the usual advice to guard all of this close to her heart. Had she not been raised to the standards of such a society, it would have been enough to make her head spin.

As it was, Samantha was sufficiently distracted that she did not see Katelyn hurrying around the corner. The two bumped into each other in surprise but were both quick to gather themselves. Samantha smiled and inclined her head in greeting to the twin.

"Greetings, Katelyn. How are you today?"


Katelyn was slightly slower to recover from the surprise, and didn't answer immediately - she stil felt a bit light-headed, and she knew it was because of Karen's sudden disappearance.


I can't sense her... can't reach her... is she's alive?


"Greetings, Samantha. I'm sorry, it seems I'm somewhat distracted with my sister's absence. I hope you are well?"


"I'd heard news that something had happened to your twin. I apologise for not sending your house a message immediately but there has been so much going on..." she sighed and shook her head. "This game of politics is fast losing any semblance of honour."


Katelyn murmured and agreement at that comment.


Samantha tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at the twin.

"I assume you are going to the Duke's meeting. You are already on you way?"

Katelyn shook her head. "No, not really... it is still early for the meeting, I was just finishing up some errands."

"Would you like to walk with me then?"


She looked at Samantha without hiding her curiosity and surprise - it wasn't common for the young diplomat to make such a direct request, and Katelyn certainly cound't deny her the time after that.


It was also clear that they could hardly stand in the middle of the Boulevard talking, but neither Katelyn nor Samantha wanted to go into the other's Ways, or be seen going into them. Samantha murmured, "Shadow".


Katelyn hesitated, not willing to offend Samantha. Following her into another Shadow would demand of her a trust she wasn't sure she had. Her eyes wandered across the Boulevard, and rested at the imposing building at the very edge of the Courts. The Cathedral of the Serpent.


Samantha nodded, having followed Katelyn's eyes.


Both entered in the Cathedral, and Katelyn shifted to her demoness form as soon as she entered. It was a reaction both she and her sister had always had - it was their private way to show respect for the Church.


Samantha smiled softly at Katelyn's response, before showing her own respect by bending to one knee before the centre alter and touching a loosely fisted hand to her forehead.


They didn't sit, but walked to one of the side altars, and started talking quietly. The niche was positioned in a way that the shadows protected them at least partially from view, while allowing them to watch the entrance.


Samantha stared at the altar again after they had seated themselves, before letting out a soft sigh and shaking her head. "You'll have to forgive me Katelyn, but in this current situation I am finding it so hard to trust anyone. I even find myself questioning you at times...although the absence of your sister speaks in favour of your innocence..."


Katelyn listened intently to Samantha, but at one moment she turned her head towards the arched galleries across them. Her expression didn't change, and she turned back to Samantha in the same smooth movement.


I didn't expect it... but I'm glad for it..


Samantha noticed the movement and allowed her voice to trail off as she looked at her seated companion.


"Is there something wrong?"


"No, nothing to worry about." Katelyn smiled, less tense. "We are safe here for now."


She could see the suspicion in Samantha, and nodded once. "Trust is something hard to place well in these times. I'm honestly glad that you don't suspect me outright, Samantha, and I cannot blame you for not trusting completely. I don't, either."


Katelyn knew that talking so directly was risky. But Samantha also was being direct, and so she kept that line.


"We won't be attacked here in the Cathedral. I'm certain of it, and you have my word that nothing that might happen is of my doing."


She stood up, turning to the entrance but keeping her intense violet eyes on the diplomat. "What do you want to talk about, Samantha? House Minobee is angry, as angry as any House can be. House Sepharis has answered positively to our need so far. We are hunting those who took my sister, and I will have them with my own hands if I can. Whether that means also the throne or not. I lost half my soul with Karen, and nothing will stop me while the responsible ones aren't punished.."


Samantha nodded her head at that.

"I can understand your House's anger Katelyn. My own House is running under heightened suspicions of even those who have been allied with us for years. I fully understand how hard it is for us to trust anyone in this current situation."

Pausing to see if Katelyn had any comment to make, Samantha continued when she showed no sign of speaking.


"Right now, I do not offer alliance. Instead I offer...well...shall we call it a truce? At least for now? No one is entirely trustworthy in this game, but sometimes it is nice to have someone to share your thoughts with."

Rising from her seat, Samantha curtseyed gracefully to the twin.

"Think on it if you wish. It is merely a simple offer. I have to go and tend to things back at my House now but I'm sure I will see you at the meeting."


That said, Samantha turned and walked fluidly from the Church, leaving Katelyn to ponder what she had just heard.

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Ciroth recieved the messenger from Duke of House Munich, and bade him to return with assurances that the message would be responded to. He then walked to a room in the House Hendrake, and seated himself to think over this offer.


What Duke said did make sense. No one would benefit in the current way that the regency was being pursued, and likely as not, all or most of the most promising Chaosites would end up dead. It was a way to possibly come to a peaceful resolution.


On the other hand, it was also quite dangerous. Gathering all of those most ardently pursuing the regency into a close space... it seemed like quite an easy way to spring a trap to destroy all competition. Yet...


Ciroth called his messengers, and ordered that they bring him some emerald green robes of the finest sort, well suited for fighting, and also Atana.


He would go to the meeting, though he would also be ready.


Having dressed, he departed for the location of the meeting to see what was to be said there.

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The party was just getting underway in the Courts of Chaos, but Katelyn was currently not there to enjoy it.


The world twisted and spun around Katelyn as she ran, her panic clear in every look, every action. How long had she been running? She couldn't remember.


Katelyn collapsed, sobbing, into some grass under a dark tree only to stare in horror as the grass twisted into snakes before rising up to hiss and lash out at her as she turned to run some more. Her breath was jagged pain, rasping in her lungs as she reached out with the power granted her by the Logrus trying to shift through shadow away from the nightmare world she was in.


The sky changed colour, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and the killer grasses went away while the trail underfoot took on a hard surface not unlike stone as Katelyn hesitated in her headlong rush. Had that been a sound? Someone moving with stealth through the bushes following her? She saw the eyes just before the large dog-like creature leapt at her, half a shriek escaping her lips before she sidestepped and smashed the dog thing to the ground leaving one of her few remaining knives embedded in it's skull as she hurried onwards.


Once more the Shadows rippled and refused to obey as Katelyn tried to impose her will upon them, nightmare images gibbered and snarled at her from dark corners and a cave reached out to engulf her as it's stony mouth snapped shut with a groan.


A figure wearing a dark robe with stars in its hair found her there and took her somewhere safe while the world twisted and buckled around her.


Back in the Courts of Chaos Sol, apparantly concerned by Katelyn's absence tried to contact her via her trump. Twisted images out of the darkest nightmare wove through his mind before he lost the contact. Slowly, shaking like a leaf, Sol set down Katelyn's trump, the knowledge that she was alive warring with some deep knowledge that something out of her nightmares could easily overwhelm her, which from his brief vision, could be fatal.


One of the other party-goers smiled a secret smile while sipping from a wineglass twin to the one Katelyn had drunk from, but without the hallucinogen added to the wine. Previous experience left the secure knowledge that Katelyn would be gone for a week or two as the potent drugs ran their way through her system, if her drug enduced nightmares didn't get her first. Meanwhile she was out of the way of the succession and effectively unable to be contacted or brought back to Chaos for the succession.


Smiling again, and one step closer to the throne one of the cantidates stepped forward and continued through the party. It was shaping up to be a good night.

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Sabastian arrived early and relaxed as he watched the others arrive, sipping slowly from the glass of brandy, his attention focused on the gathering candidates, He acknowledged Sol as he entered, discussions would be interesting following this gathering, his suspicions deepening as he realised Katelyn seemed to be absent.


Rising and setting his third empty glass aside, Sabastian approached Sol, noticing the use of the trump, and the concern deepening in Sol's eyes. Sabastian hesitated, this could mean that Sawall's council was wrong, Sol would never harm Katelyn, even with the throne at stake. Re-assessing the nature of the brief he had been give he approched Sol again,


"Sol? What is wrong? Is Katelyn ok? You were searching for her, what happened?"



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"I would say," Sol was still trying to fully comprehend what he had felt when trying to locate his fiancé when Sebastian had approached him, "that something is seriously wrong..."


He felt in his gut that whatever had happened to Katelyn, it could probably be blamed on the same person as the cause of her sister's disappearance. The worry in Sol's mind was quickly being replaced with anger--perhaps the defense of a warrior--and vengeance would be absolution. The serpent tattoo on his forehead burned and he looked back up at Sebastian, who was still standing with a look of concern on his face.


Taking a deep breath, Sol continued, "I'll find out who did this--perhaps my contacts high in the Church will have some useful information to help me... I have faith that the evil behind this cannot hide forever."

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Sabastian paused, and let Sol's anger burn.


"Our meeting has become more urgent." Sabastian looked around cautiously, aware of those that had noticed the exchange between Sepharis and Sawall.


Sabastian bowed slightly to Sol, "Sawall apologises for its doubt in your conduct. The council seems to have been mislead in their information gathering after Jarin's assasination."


Sabastian motioned to a table, "Join me, I believe we need to discuss the need for a consolidated retribution on those responsible."


As they walked to the table and seated themselves Sabastian continued, "Sawall has suspicions on three of the main houses, I have doubted the information that has been given me, and in on case been proven correct in my doubts, Sepharis, and you now have my complete support, and Sawall will offer any resources it has to find those responsible for these attrocities."


Leaning forward, Sabastian continued to talk, watching the anger still burning in Sol's eyes. "How may we assist you?"



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Ciroth arrived at the meeting shortly after it started. Most of the hopefuls for the regency were there: Samantha, Sebastion, Sol... but where were the Minobee twins? Sol was on his own as he talked to Sebastian, without his fiancee anywhere to be seen.


Ciroth walked over to Sol, assuming that he knew where the sisters were. And wondered what Duke had planned on saying...

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Choseyre sat down near where Sebastian and Sol were sitting. The dressing of a grumpy Choseyre had been quite an ordeal and at this moment her maid was lying down with a scorching headache.


Still, Choseyre kept a glare off her face now that she was here. In fact, and she actually smiled as she glanced towards where Sol and Sebastian were talking. If they seemed to be comfortable with her presence, this might be an interesting conversation to join in. What had happenned to the Minobee twins and where was Johann? She'd been planning to cut him dead but now she was suspecting there was another reason he hadn't come to the theater. This was all getting ludicrously deadly and whoever was involved really really needed to be caught.

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Samantha watched Sol holding discussion with Sabastian and decided to hold off going to speak with him. Katelyn's absense from the party left Samantha feeling somewhat unseasy, especially as they had been alone in the church not so long ago.


She had been hoping to talk with Sol to see if he had any idea as to the whereabouts of his fiancee, but the darkness and anger in his stare made her reconsider.


Turning away to leave the gentlemen at their discussion, Samantha decided she would try have speak with Sol later. Until then, she decided to wait and see what their host had to say.

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Duke stepped up and all heads turned in his direction, polite smiles and thinly veiled distrust written clearly across various faces throughout the room.


Raising his hands for silence to quell the last remaining pockets of discussion Duke began to speak, addressing those gathered:


"Welcome everyone, I asked you all here tonight to address..."


Duke's voice choked off into silence and his eyes began to bulge as he stared at something behind his gathered guests.


Turning to follow his gaze the room erupted into general pandemonium as the other cantidates spotted the massive demonic shape stalking across the floor towards them. Some of the more adventurous, or possibly stupid, cantidates snapped off spells or blades at the beast, while the others stampeded for the doors, only to discover that they were blocked by a solid shielding spell trapping all those who'd chosen to attend the party inside with their doom.


Unnoticed by those in paniced flight, the hunter demon continued it's approach, stalking the still gaping Duke, who suddenly broke, running for a private exit from the grand hall. With a coughing bark the hunter leapt to the chase catching the host of the party before he could take more than a few steps.


A short slash with very very sharp claws later and Duke found himself lying on the floor unable to move as the nightmare apparation approached him. Like a cat with a mouse it stalked him. Seeing the danger that Duke was in some of the other cantidates rushed to his rescue with spells and steel, but it was too little too late. The hunter demon gave one final lash with it's claws and tore Dukes head from his quivering body before turning on the approaching would be rescuers... and vanishing with a pop along with the sheilds over the doors.


In the moments that followed no-one had time to notice one or two of the cantidates looking very satisfied with the events of the evening.

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