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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Succession of Chaos


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I have decided to keep the day/night phase seemless this time - so specials get your PM's to me as and when you can. Everyone else please continue with the party which is now underway.


I'd like to keep this round to approximatly 24 hours from when it was supposed to finish if I can - that gives 14 hours approximately until night phase is over. All going well (ie if I've heard from the special roles) we'll let the party wind down and have the interactions and reactions resulting from the next assassination fuel the end of the party and the following day phase.

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Gryphon, I don't know if you noticed or not - but PMs here at the Pen haven't been working in the last 7 hours or so at the very least... I had things to solve via PM that I couldn't. You can access your Inbox just fine, and create a new message... but no sending it or accessing the Send folder and track messages function...


Or at least that is what's happening in my case, so if it's supposed to be working, I'd be glad to know about it :).

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I did notice the PM problem - as an alternative view my profile and select the 'send an email' option. (Don't send one to the listed hotmail account - I almost never check that.)


That still seems to be working and I'll accept votes via email as easily as the other way.

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I was going to post a kill or some such... but I'm too tired.

I really am sorry.


I'm extending the 'night phase' (not that it's really a night phase as such) for about 12 hours to allow more of you to post your party interactions, or drug hallunations or whatever before I post the next kill and the running and screaming begins.


Again, sorry for the fatigue induced delay.

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This'll actually work out better (for me at least) since it got too late and I never managed to think up a post for Ciroth. I am will begin writing a post shortly after this message, and should *hopefully* have it finished before the hour.

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Ok, we're back into 'day phase' I'll accept votes via PM if it's working, or email if PM's not... we'll go with roughly 48 hours from now, subject to extensions because of weekend and good action happening in the thread. :)


I'd suggest the next set of posting start with reactions to the... incident that's just occured and go from there.




Current Scorecard:


Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee - Lost in Shadow and currently unretrievable

Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee - Missing presumed dead

Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe - Carelessly seems to have stumbled into the lair of some chaos beast

JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich - Dead from a... hunting accident. Yes, that's what it was...

Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall

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gosh darnnit, i knew it, this is like the third time my computer has gone bunk on me and i come back to find myself dead... sigh...


ah well, i knew i was pretty much toast anyway when i put together the meeting, sometimes werewolves can be predictable, i would know having been one myself once (ah, good times, eh Lady Celes?)


i'm trying to think of some way i can still add to the post and maybe still get my warning to the other members, but right now i'm a little brain dead after a 14 hour college visit trip (its that time of year).


that is, if its alright, i dont know why the werewolves killed me, it could be random or it could be to "silence me", so Gryphon, if you wouldn't mind asking for me, can you let me know if they wouldn't mind if i still gave my warning (better story, i think) or if they want me to stay dead


it'd prolly be some sort of journal or note he wrote before Duke got, well, dick chenneyed

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In case you're curious why I've not called an end to the current day phase - it's because of 3 things:


1, The interaction between Cryptomancer and Azuran.

2, The lack of interaction from everyone else (I know, weekends - giving you all time here).

3, The lack of votes on who's the next target. PM's to me whenever folks.


I'm giving this another 38 hours or so (give or take a little) so unless some insanely intriguing posts start to happen after the weekend quiet time. In which case I might extend a bit further to give them time to play out. We'll see.

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Gwai, I did get your vote. It's been tallied. I think we're currently waiting on 3? others for this round.


The next couple of phases are possibly going to be a little... choppy. I'm away at a conference from tomorrow that should have internet access, but I'm not 100% sure of that yet. What I'm going to do is ask that everyone who hasn't already done so, please get todays lynching vote to me asap and specials if you can PM me your night actions also.


If I get them all in good time I'll end this day phase and then shorten the next night phase a bit so that we can be back into a day phase before I go away.. just in case there's an internet absence at this conference location.

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I've just been told that my ride to this conference I'm going too is waiting my presence so I don't have as much time as I'd have liked.


The Lynching is done.... the one who did it knows who he/she is :)


I'm hoping that there'll be a net connection where I'm going so that I don't end up cut off for the next couple of days - I'll ask Mynx to post an update on that as soon as I know for sure.


In the meantime - the scorecard will go up here later. Our unusual daytime nightphase will continue... please keep posting and reacting as you will to the lynching..


Specials PM me with your night phase actions and in 24 hours with luck I'll post a kill and you can all keep right on playing with your *day* phase actions.


For now, gotta run... Update here as soon as I know if i can.

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Just a quick update on Gryph's behalf to let you know that the conference he's on doesn't appear to have readily available internet access.

If he gets a chance and all the specials have voted, he'll post the end to Night Phase, but as far as things are looking this may be postponed till his return tomorrow afternoon (to give you all a gauge, it's midday here now).


He apologises for the delays and asks us to continue to RP and have fun.

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I'm back and brain-dead... I hope you'll accept my most humble appologies for the brief delay in the game. Who'd have thought that an IT company would go on a conference somewhere that had absolutely no internet access? Not I for one.


As promised here is the current scorecard:




Current Scorecard:


Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake - Killed in the presence of another cantidate by a bold assassin

Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline - Defeated in spell battle in her own household. Current whereabouts unknown.

Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee - Lost in Shadow and currently unretrievable

Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee - Missing presumed dead

Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe - Carelessly seems to have stumbled into the lair of some chaos beast

JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich - Dead from a... hunting accident. Yes, that's what it was...

Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall




I'm just getting confirmation of nightphase actions and catching up on the game. I'll post the death in a few hours once I've got some kind of sleep. Once that's up consider the day phase underway officially.


Once again, sorry for the delays.




Edit: I've added the wolf 'kill' from last night / this morning to this scorecard also - in order it was Akallabeth then Gwaihir that went down to a lynching and a wolf in that order.


Day phase is now open - it'll be over when the weekend ends... so that'd be about...48 hours, give or take a bit. I leave it up to you where you want to pick things up... best guess is maybe in your responses to whatever Cryptomancer is setting up with his letters?

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The Epic ending approaches!


Due to the inactivity of JDRollins/Denor of House Helgram this saga is about to be cut ever so slightly shorter than originally intended.


However this does give me the opportunity to attempt an ending that should prove sufficently entertaining and (dare I hope) Epic even as stated earlier.


To this end, let me attempt to set the scene for the finale for you all:


... :blink:

No, I can't it's too darn complex... rats. Ok... new plan. Players, all of you will be getting a PM in the next few minutes explaining what I need you to do. While I'm waiting on those coming in please post any final setups for your character and, if you get time, the mobilization of your family leaders and their guards, private army, whatever. Unless you get a PM contradicting this you're going to be marching your clan to stop the killing and put someone on the throne as regent by whatever means necessary.


Hopefully the end will be worth the wait. :)

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The game is over!


Sorry for the lack of a truely epic ending... I so wanted to include dragons and massive battles, but the dragons were double booked and I left the armies in my other house.


Seriously though I hope everyone enjoyed playing. The final post is here I hope you all enjoy it.


I'll post the final scorecards and the voting info and roles and stuff as soon as I get back to my own house where I left it all by accident. (I am house sitting at the moment and didn't think that I'd have to close it all up tonight.

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I've just been asked to post the final scorecard for this game so here, by popular request:


Player Roles:


Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin: Wolf

Cryptomancer - Sabastian of Sawall: Wolf

JDRollins - Denor of Helgram: Baner

Azuran - Sol of Sepharis: Seer


Final votes:


Mynx: 7

Cryptomancer: 2

(I didn't get a reply from one player by the time my deadline was up)


Special Role info:


The re-design of my game should have taken the special roles out of the equation, however since I wanted it to be nominally a 'werewolf' game I left them in. Another game is on the horizon. It won't be werewolf, but the underlying plan will be similar to what I was working towards here.


If anyone wants any more info or stats about this game, let me know. I think most of the important ones are up here. :)

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Gryph, who was Seen? And... with how many votes did each of the lynched ones get out of the game?


And to think that each day phase except for the first I've been voting Cryptomancer out... :rolleyes: ... until I was lynched :P

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