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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Application to the Pen

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Slowly Aurora opens the office door and peaks inside. A strand of her wavy Aubern hair falls from the grasp of the silver comb and falls across her face. Her violet eyes open excitiedly with a child-like curiosity. The room seems to be filled with nothing but paper piled on top of each other for as far as the eye can see. The sunlight that filters through the window shines a beam on a giant desk in the center of the room. She pushes past the door and walks up to the desk. The movement causes the sunlight to dance across her silver dress as it drags softly against the floor at her bare feet. A soft breeze from the window plays with the ribbons dancing in her hair. She glances down at the papers, most seem to be applications waiting to be read, there are a few memos on gelding, and a page or two from a book on Scale Shining and Luster.


After, very carefully, moving some paper to the floor she takes a seat in the big chair and picks up a quill from the ink bottle. "I need something for my application I was told....hmmm...let me see..." And slowly, she begins to write...



Silence. Nothing but a few rays of light from the window to disturb the room. Then eyes begin to flutter open in the darkness. The dream again...always the same dream. I have to find something...why can't i remember what it is? Try to remember the dream before it fades. Children laughing and crying...climbing a stone mountain...a door...or maybe a portal...A Key! I'm looking for a key, but what kind of key and for what purpose? The eyes dart across the ceiling trying to remember...but its useless. There is nothing ...just silence. The Dream...i have to have the dream...i HAVE to. There is a ruffling sound of sheets and then soft breathing. Then there is silence...and the dream again.


Aurora puts the quill back in it's holder and glances at the entry. She then lays it on top of the desk, gets out of the chair and walks to the window and glances out across the land, enjoying the warm breezes that play across her face.

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Guido whispered to the Door into the Recruiting Office and then listened. After looking up and down the corridor, he whispered again, and as the Door opened without its usual creaking, he creep stealthly through.

"If youse would kin'a jam youse self if Wyve' or Melba comes along, I'd 'preciate it."


"Naw, Da Boss doan know a t'ing 'bout dis."

"Squeak!" Guido joined softly with Door's laughter and moved into the Waiting Room.


"Hi ya Toots! Long time no seein ya." Aurora smiled at seeing the Giant Guinea Pig Bodyguard to the Polite Bard of Terra Lost. "Ize here fer a Practical Joke."


As she watched, he opened a bag and his large paw deftly dipped out and assembled a stack of golden coins onto Wyvern's desk. Turning, he caught an immaculate arched eyebrow and gave a toothy grin in response.


"Deys chocolate-filled. AoA chocolate. I swiped dem when Da Boss was an eart'-bounded Angel one reset. I figures eidher Wyvie gonna see dem and t'ink dey're real, or Tzimmy gonna smell da chocolate." He gave her a hug. "Dis way, youse gots somet'ing to do while waitin' on da lizard."


With a wink of his large brown eye, he crept from the Office, whisking lightly through the Door and was gone.

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Aurora sighs to herself softly as she watches Guido sneak back out of the Office, casting a final glance at the fake gold coins that rest on Wyverns desk and refocussing her attention on the Office window. The manner that the sunlight reflects off of the window sill slowly sends her back into a dream state, and she drifts along in her stream of thoughts until a scaly, crimson head of horns abruptly switches her dream into a nightmare.


"Oh!" cries Aurora, jumping back and accidentally knocking over a pile of papers, which collides into another pile of papers and results in a domino effect of paper piles, scattering them throughout the Office. "W-w-who?"


"Shhhhhhh..." hisses Wyvern from his position at the window sill, placing a scaly claw to his mouth to signify silence and winking. Quickly opening the window and stepping into the Office, the overgrown lizard quietly shuts it and raises a hand towards Aurora in greeting.


"Sssorry about that" the lizard says, noticing that he's shocked her a bit. "Hi, I'm Wyvern, nice to meet you. Now, we better go hide before we get kil-"


"Y-you're Wyvern?" interrupts Aurora, raising a brow and calming down a bit. She glances behind herself for a moment only to notice that the paperwork in the Office has become disorganized, and apologetically exclaims: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"


"Shhh shhh." interrupts Wyvern, raising his hands to try to keep her quiet. "Don't worry, it's fine, the Office always gets disorganized like this, plus it's Melba's job to clean up and she deserves to suffer as much as possible. Listen, we've really got to-"


Wyvern is interrupted once again by a loud knocking on the Office door, and suddenly goes pale and trembles. Aurora frowns upon seeing this, and mutters:


"Wyvern, what's wro-"


"Open this door immediatly!" cries a low voice from outside as the knocking sound grows louder and more aggressive. "Or we'll force our way in!"


"The Special Chef Operations Outfit." stammers Wyvern fearfully, quickly moving behind Aurora and examining her tasteful silver dress. "Too many cooking offenses, not enough time to explain. Listen, can I hide behind you for the moment? Just tell'em I ain't here."


"Errr, O-O.K." mutters Aurora uncertainly, standing motionless as Wyvern positions himself behind her. She uneasily glances towards the door as the sounds of a lock being picked echoes throughout the Office, and she promptly plants a foot in Wyverns face as she feels a uncomfortable motion behind her.


"Ow-w-w" hisses Wyvern quietly as the shoe is removed from his face. "Wh-what was that for?"


"Behind the dress is fine, underneath the dress is another story." growls Aurora back. "Quick, go still, the lock-picking sounds have stopped."


Wyvern obeys Auroras commands and sits silently behind her as the knob of the Office door begins to turn, and Aurora watches in fascination as three menacing oddities open the door and enter into the room. The first is a large man in a butcher outfit with a head shaped like a soup bowl, the second is a woman in a cooking apron that has razor-sharp sporks for fingers, and the third is a skinny man dressed entirely in sauerkraut, which stinks.


"Clam Chowder Head of the Special Chef Operations Outfit." declares the man with the bowl head in his low voice. "Present!"


"Metal Lady Fingers of the Special Chef Operations Outfit." exclaims the woman with the spork fingers in an extravagant manner. "Present!"


"Errrr..." starts the man dressed in the sauerkraut. "Tom. I came here to see Wyvern about an Almost Dragonic Brand Delicatessan investment I made earlier..."


Clam Chowder Head and Metal Lady Fingers both turn towards Tom for a moment, having not noticed him earlier, and quickly shove him out of the Office before turning their focus back to the mission at hand. Clam Chowder Head stands in silence for a moment and observes the room, then exclaims:


"Wyvern, hiding behind that innocent maiden will do you no good. The shape of my head gives me peripheral vision, allowing me to see you!"


"Ohhhhh" exclaims Metal Lady Fingers mischievously, running her sporks along a few loose papers lying on the ground. "So he's behind her, is he? Can I claw him, can I claw him?"


"W-w-wait" stammers Wyvern, lifting himself from his position and stepping out from behind Aurora. "Look, I know I never showed up for Federal Fudge Court, and I know you're still peeved at me for that chicken fricasee incident, but can't we let bygones be bygones?"


"Absolutely not." mutters Clam Chowder Head, glaring at Wyvern angrily. "You've committed too many cooking offenses. The sentence is death, followed by a thorough deep frying and a serving with coleslaw and mashed potatoes at 'LooLoos Crispy Critter Den'"


"L-look" says Wyvern, slowly backing away and suddenly noticing the gold coins laying on his desktop. "I know you're angry about all the debts and stuff, but that can be amended. I can offer you this gold, see?"


"We're not interested in gold." giggles Metal Lady Fingers as she slowly advances towards Wyvern. "You know, I think I'm going to enjoy scraping your scales out, one at a minute..."


"W-w-wait!" cries Wyvern as he finds himself caught in a corner. "Y-you can't do that, I-I mean-"


"Wait" says Clam Chowder Head adamantly, causing Metal Lady Fingers to come to a halt. The bowl-headed operative approaches the gold coins that Wyvern had offered on the table, and sniffs at them curiously. Picking one up, he proceeds to unwrap it.


"These aren't just any gold coins... they're chocolate gold coins."


Metal Lady Fingers perks her head up, and abandones Wyvern in his corner as she goes to check out the gold coins as well. Stuffing one in her mouth and eating it along with the gold foil wrapping, she exclaims:


"Really excellent chocolate, too."


Clam Chowder Head nods to this statement, then picks up the bag of gold coins and turns to Wyvern.


"The Special Chef Operations Outfit has decided that this package of high-quality chocolate coins will act sufficient payment for now. We apologize for any inconveniences we might have caused in our stay, and look forward to the next time we meet with you. Have a nice day."


With that, Clam Chowder Head and Metal Lady Fingers exit, and Aurora watches them in curious fascination as they pass down the hall and out of sight. She then turns to Wyvern, and has just enough to time to see him stamp her application ACCEPTED before he faints and collapses in a heap of scales.




OOC: An enjoyable and ACCEPTED application, Aurora, welcome to the Mighty Pen! :) I'm glad you found your way to these boards, and look forward to reading more of your stuff, as well as participating with you in various roleplaying activities. For the record: I had loads of fun responding to this... Welcome once again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A FrozenWombat flies through the door, soundly thumping his head on one of the interior walls, the Wombat somehow manages to translocate a small Ice Sculpture of a Dark Fortress in a land far, far away into the center of the room, narrowly missing the almost draconic form of Wyvern. Slightly startled, the Wombat produces a top hat and cane, and bows with a flourish to Aurora all the while floating in the air. Then, as his eyes dart around the room, the Wombat mutters something about a disturbing lack of cheesecake in these parts. Spinning wildly, there is a loud popping noise as the wombat vanishes into thin air, leaving a small pile of dirt on the ground behind him.



Welcoming another AoD mage to the Pen :).



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