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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

We are the Children of Fate


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The silence pierces through all time and space even as the resonating echo of the tortured screams of man engulfed by his nightmares blast through the air






Why can't I just find peace, find my soul...the soul I lost so long ago..."


The once proud man, now a shell of his former self, collapses to the ground in a heap of flesh, shifting to the sounds of fear and pain pouring forth from him as if a well deep in his soul had burst forth and made itself known to the world


Tears flowing from his face, the man stands up and glares across the darkened fields as shadows danced like the incubi of his dreams.


In a whisper he murmers"Where am I supposed to go...what am I suppposed to do...


Is there some reason why I can't find it...why I can't find what I am looking for..."


Slowly, as if being pushed by some unseen force, the man drags forward, a great weight seemingly tearing him downward inside and out. The shadows dance around him, seeming in themselves to be repulsed by the nightmares this man endures...




The man suddenly stops and peers across the plains, the wind flowing across him, dust spinning around him as if the devil's claw were trying to grasp what is left of his battered soul.


"Why do you come for me, why do you toy with me so...SHOW YOURSELF!!!"


Spinning around as if to face his pursuer the man stares in what seems to be a mix of disappointment, and the most deep seeded fear anyone could possess.


The winds die down, and the dust settles, the traveler continues to stare.


"Why must I live this way..."


Tired, afraid, weakened by the constant fear...the man collapses to his knees once again, the darkness growing ever closer. He knows his fate, and lets it enter, as the wind picks up again, the dust engulfs him one last time - and he is gone.


"We are the children of fate, not even death will relieve you of this bond."


The dust rushes across the corpse, as if a chariot of souls is born within it. The sandstorm rushes across the plains, through the hills, and over the crest, finally reaching a small town. In this town, on this night, a child is born - he is Kashim. Unknown to his parents on this day, is the impact this night will have ont he future of the entire world, for he is the next child of fate.

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Story 2 - The Dream


A young child leaps among the dusty hills on the edge of the southern plains, wind sweeping around him as he snatches at yet another butterfly.


A soft voice beckons from a nearby hut "Kashim, come in, it's time for dinner"


The child looks up, dust powdered on his cheeks and hair


"Coming mother," the young Kashim almost sings as he turns to run to the hut.


Racing to the hut Kashim seems to fly as if light as a feather


A blood curtling screem echoes from the hills as if from hell itself. Kashim whips around to a sky turned blacker than the blackest night, fear pulsing through his veins. As the sky turns even blacker, Kashim turns to run towards his hunt, only see a great pillar of fire where it once stood, and devils flying from the flames.




A flash of light rips into the childs world as he awakens in a cold sweat, heart racing, eyes wide...


Kashim's mother rushes to the room, "Kashim, are you ok?"


Looking around the child realizes that it was just a dream, a terrible, terrible dream..


"Yes mother... it was just a dream"


Tucking the child in his mother looks back before walking from the room, "Sleep tight, and don't worry, your father and I won't let anything happen."


Curling up under his covers the child whispers, "Good night mother..."

Edited by Alzorath
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Story 3 - Control


"Death, life, they are nothing, our nothings, our toys, our tools... yet this child confuses me... his string is one that I cannot alter, no matter how I try it always returns to its former path - any suggestions sister?"


"None, even with the previous silver stringed children we had some control...but this one is different, it's as if there is another force beyond us acting upon this boy..."


A third woman steps forth from the shadows, "These circumstances make me uneasy my sisters...something has not been right with the mortal strings for some time... we have been slowly losing our control of our duty, to something of which I know not..."


Turning to face their sister the younger two fates ask in unison "Has this ever happened before sister?"


"No...not in my existence...but I have heard stories from those before us...That our children, the beings of this world, are able to drift...destined to break free from destiny itself... but it is too soon, it wasn't supposed to happen for many, many more years... something unnatural must be changing these prophecies... something outside of destiny itself, the source of these silver strings must be stopped..."


With that the eldest of the fates returns back to her chambers to think, not knowing, that in the shadows, just beyond her vision, sits that which is disturbing her so...


"There is nothing you can do to change this...not even you the mighty fates," A dark, echoing voice resonates in the mind of the eldest fate,"you will not succeed at stopping this..."

Edited by Alzorath
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