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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

"Her" - there i go...


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The original poem is located here, at Poetry.com and was a Grand Prize Winner. Given no information to indicate that Skywise is L. D. Hirshberg, plagarism must be assumed.


i'm new here...i got here because of sorciere..of whatever she i called here :)

just a first timer here




In a Chinese restaurant, we split the last of the rice

and use it to soak up gleaming sauce. Always, we try

to finish the sauce. After requesting a fresh pot of

tea, our conversation turns to "her," my imaginary

next lover. "She could be right outside," you say,

and I nod, remembering when you were her.



The tea finally comes. We burn our lips awake again.

During a lull, my attention wanders and I begin to

scan the street. If she were there, she might turn

and see us in the window, chatting.

I try to look available as I sip.

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WHOA! You should consider getting published.


I really love your style. This stream-of-consciousness style is far too rare these days. You make it coherent and whimisical at the same time. And even though you are dealing with a very overdone concept of love, you manage to make it sincere and not trite.


In the faint possibility that you are Asian, I extend a greeting to you, one Asian to another. :D


Welcome to the Pen! You'll fit right in.

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hmm, reminds of a passage from novell... like bill bryson or david sedars...


i agree some with rhap, stream-of-consciousness is fun, but can get chaotic if taken to the random extreme... bravo...



the dreamlost

"streams of things, and tangle strings..."

the dream continues...

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