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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Ok, this is frustrating. I beat the Grow RPG without spending too much time on it, but I've been unable to work out how to beat the grow cube as yet... and it appears that I can't get the hints to work on my machine, not that I'm sure I want to. Aargh, why couldn't it be easier instead of distracting me from working!
  2. And for those who've been having trouble and need hope, the answer is yes, the dragon can be beaten.
  3. Well done on your promotion oh vampiric one.
  4. I too have been ambushed by real life lately. Sadly I left my life repellant at home the day that my work started moving to a new building, and let me tell you - when life comes to ambush you with reinforcements like *that* along for the ride, you're stuck with it! Fortunatly I've run into this before and while I'm sure you'll all agree that usually prevention is better than cure, I've since been taking daily doses of a special RL-antibiotic to fight off the infection. It seems to be working ok, unfortunately the side effect was that it lowered my immune system against other bugs and I caught quite a bad cold but I'm working on losing that too. With a bit of luck I'll be fully cured in a few days, however there's been a horrible side effect of this infection! I seem to have lost my ability to MSN, ICQ and IRC when I'm hiding out at work! I'm trying to find out why this happened, as it could in time become a crippling affliction, however in the mean time I'll have to just keep on dosing myself and hope for a full recovery.
  5. A very happy birthday to all of you, I hope you all had excellent ones.
  6. Gryphon sat,watching the ebb and flow of the currents of magic around him, oblivious to Sweetcherrie nearby. The mists surrounding them surged and fell in time with an unknown rhythm and with each surge came a renewal of power, washing all that had come before it clear leaving a clean slate for the power to begin it's work all over again. Half seen images formed in the mist only to be washed away as the magical energy surged again and again until the images became no more than patterns half formed then gone in the blink of an eye. Sweetcherrie watched as Gryphon stared with all evidence of fascination into the swirling mists obscuring the walls of the cave they were. Slowly she could feel the pain in her head and body receding until it was no more than a dull background ache. Silently she watched Gryphon as he focussed his gaze on the twisting mists and the shadows of shapes contained within them. Slowly the mists around the pair twisted and swirled, each time sliding back to reveal more of the vast cavern that Sweetcherrie and Gryphon had found their way into, pressing back until they reached the walls of stone, rising up to be lost in the shadows overhead. Dark shadows flickered and danced at the edges of the cavern, giving the suggestion of creatures moving, always out of sight, just at the edge of the senses. As the final bit of the mists seem to vanish into the darkest edges of the cavern Gryphon turns to Sweetcherrie and both look around to survey their surroundings, trying to determine if they're safe... at least for the moment.
  7. The early morning silence around the corridors of themightypen is broken by the sound of wings flapping and feathers rustling as Cryptomancer makes his way towards the Cabaret Room. Still half asleep and only on his third coffee of the day he doesn't notice the stealthy sounds behind him, the whisper of fur, the slight rustle of cloth until with a leap and a startled squawk he finds himself once more inside a very familiar burlap sack, rapidly being carried through the halls of themightypen. Minutes later the sensation of movement stops and the familiar raven braces himself for the incoming treacle as the sack is opened up... and nothing happens! Cautiously poking his head out of the sack-cloth Cryptomancer looks around at a Cabaret Room transformed from the one he's familiar with. Illusionary murals depicting his adventures in and around themighty pen decorate the walls and the very air everywhere he looks. There are images of ravens in aviator goggles with and without beams of light, falling anvils, splashes of treacle and a miriad of other images splashed liberally everywhere. Amusement wars with amazement as Cryptomancer turns to the two figures standing silently behind him, a Mynx and a Gryphon wearing identical grins. "I thought I told you I wasn't going to celebrate my..." he begins only to be overwhelmed by the cry of "Happy Birthday!" coming from his friends. ~~~ OOC: Happy birthday mate. Hope it turns out to be a good one for you.
  8. Gryphon raises a glass to the birthday Pennites in a salute. Hope you both had excellent days.
  9. Deep in the caverns of the AVV crouched in the deep shadows on an outcropping rock ledge Gryphon sences something. A quick suprised breath draws Sweetcherrie's attention and she glances sharply at Gryphon before peering back over the ledge to see if the Rock Trolls are two far away to hear her whispered question. "What is it?" Gryphon pitches his voice low and quiet, "I feel something, a brief contact. I think it's Mynx, somehow she's trying to reach me through... a bond we have." Closing his eyes to better concentrate on the fleeting connection to his partner Gryphon feels through the wavering contact Mynx's relief that she has re-established contact and a wordless reassurance that help is on it's way. Foolishly Gryphon forgets for a moment where he is in the joy of that weak contact and heaving a deep sigh of relief he breaths in some of the dust that lies deeply over the ledge... and sneezes. Mynx feels her weak contact with Gryphon waver and vanish even as his sudden alarm echos down the link to her. Meanwhile in the darkness of the AVV Gryphon and Sweetcherrie prepair to run or fight once more as the sounds of large bodies move closer to their hiding spot.
  10. Well done Katz! Well deserved promotion.
  11. ...a magical portal. Considering his luck so far he decided to avoid it, but as the fluffy kangaroo hopped on by the knight fell off his saddle directly through the portal. Intense pain followed as the knight was first compressed then magically stretched, every molecule in his body being torn apart and then put back together again, bigger, stronger, faster. When the agony stopped he looked around, stepped out of the gooey remains of his former mount and...
  12. Well done everyone. It's so good to see you guys doing well here.
  13. Seeing the Bachelor Auction stage clear Gryphon bounds up to the microphone. "Hi everybody, I'm up for auction to any interested ladies. I'm sure that if you win me I'll be able to come up with some entertainment to make your date with me one to remember." With a grin Gryphon spreads his wings and leaps skyward, a powerful downstroke causing a miniature whirlwind to form around the stage and the microphone, which vanishes as quickly as he does into the sky.
  14. Eeep... take better care of yourself - or get Sarah to take care of you - or something. Keep on the mend J. the world would be an emptier place without you and your stories.
  15. No problem Black. To give everyone an idea of what's happening with the game, in a day or so when everyone who want's to has had a chance to post and start building their climb to the regency has posted I'll kick things off with the first kill and the assignment of roles. I appologise if I seem to be going on about it, but the whole 'wolf' thing is almost secondary in this game - certainly it's secondary now before the roles have been decided. For each of you, your goal is to secure the regency and your chance to prove to Merlin on his return that you'd make a fine heir to the throne of Chaos... How you go about achieving your goal is in your hands. I'm just sorry I can't give too much guidance without feeling like I'm trying to control the path of the game for you all. Good luck.
  16. Quietly Gryphon leans in from where he sits and in a voice low enough not to carry over the music he says in perfect unison with Mynx "I loved that show!" before turning back to the contest he's supposed to be judging.
  17. I was asked to clarify what it is that you're all working towards here... The idea is that you're all happy with Merlin on the throne of Chaos and this regency is a chance to prove yourself an excellent choice for being named his direct successor when he gets back... not to mention maybe raising the status of your family in the process. Wolves will be those who don't want to wait for Merlin to hand the throne on. They want it now, though gaining the regency would be a big step in the right direction for them too. The seer can scry on one person per night phase, rightfully suspecting that there are some who have a lust for more than the regency. The baner defends one person per night probably by spoiling an assassination attempt, be it through their magic, their presence or their martial skills. Protection is priceless.
  18. Game is underway, finally! Sorry for the delay in getting it up and running, RL is busy on and off so I'm going to have to run a fairly relaxed time table in that I might miss end of phase and move the time back (I wont move it forward at all, I promise). Current list of players: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Tanuchan - Katelyn of Tredmer Venefyxatu - Karen of Tredmer Quincunx - Fortunata of Tarquin JDRollins - Gregor of Tinara Patrick Durham - Paul of Mib'Duad Degenero Angelus - Julius of the Iskari MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of Munich Black9 - Death of The Fallen Gwaihir - Choseyre of Choronte I'd like to say you're all doing quite well so far in the sneakyness levels. It's time to bring some of those plans into the open and start your push for becoming the Regent of Chaos. ~~~ Edit: I forgot to mention that there are some NPC's that some of you have come up with that are not listed here because not all of you have posted them as entities. If you have one or more that you need to use feel free as long as you keep in mind that it's your main character who's in the running for the regency, not your NPC.
  19. Flames flickered, lighting the temple of the serpent with a dim light as those who had answered the summons mingled and talked amongst themselves, no doubt swapping favours and creating alliances for that which was about to come. Bances - High Priest of the Serpent looked out over the gathered noting faces and absences and court hangers on who had managed to be present even when topics under discussion didn't concern them. Interesting that some had taken it upon themselves to be absent for a discussion of the disposition of the regency. Probably they were watching from some safe point through a scrying device - deaths had been known to occur when discussion turned to the throne after all. Bances noted with a start the slender shape and the polished black scales of Reylda moving smoothly through the crowd and smiled wondering how many of those missing she was gathering information for. Not that any of these were worthy to take the throne, but the experience of being regent until Merlin's return might temper some of them to be worthy of the succession... eventually. Checking the fall of his red and gold robes of office in a nearby mirror Bances stepped through a Way to take him down to the pulpit in the temple below and the noise of discussion fell sharply away into silence as those gathered turned to hear what news of the succession... ~~~ "As you are no doubt aware, Merlin has been absent on crown business for some days now. It has been decided that one of those in the line of succession shall take up a regency in his absence to deal with the day to day runnings of the realm." The high priest paused, his slitted eyes glaring out at the uninvited seeming to glow in the firelight. "Some of you were invited here today to be given an opportunity. Those in line to the throne of Chaos will arrange amongst themselves who shall take up the regency. We will be ignoring the actual order of succession because we want the best for the job, not just the next in line. Those absent are to be included in your discussion on who is to hold the regency. Their absence is not approved of, but it is understood in a certain sence. I have no doubt that some of you have connections to those who are not here. I leave it to you to inform them of what has transpired here today." Bances paused to note the expressions on those gathered below - the thoughtful calculation, the excitement, the studied boredom... Watching this game should prove entertaining he thought. "When the decision is made on who is to assume the position of regent, I shall know and you will be summoned again to the temple to be sworn in to your position... You may all go." ~~~ OOC: The game is on. All discussion in this thread should be in character unless it's a description of where you are, what shape you're wearing or (if you're controlling an NPC) who you're playing as. Deals and plots that are too private for this thread should still have a copy CC'd to me. I shouldn't need to remind you that clever and cunning ways of discrediting your rivals are probably as important here as cunning and clever ways to advance your own cause. Roles will be posted along with the first NPC death signalling the start of the game. All further OOC updates will happen in the OOC thread.
  20. Gryphon sits writing furiously on his scoring sheet. Muttering to himself he frowns as he crosses out and writes down new information. Finally, almost with reluctance he hands the score sheet to Mynx so that she can tally the scores and the pageant can move to the next round.
  21. Gryphon sits at a scrying pool deep in the caverns of the AVV watching as worlds flicker by when suddenly an image freezes that has him staring with suprise... It appears to be Patrick Durham, but what Patrick would be doing in what appears to be Buckingham Palace is a bit of a mystery... Knowing that it's better to be safe than sorry Gryphon heads off to try and find a portal that will bring Patrick back safely.
  22. As far as Snape goes... I can't say that I actually trust him any more than Harry does... but considering that I'm gunning for a happy ending where the good guys win, I can see where Dumbledore was coming from and I do actually deep down hope that Snape is on the side of the Order (in the end). ... He's probably not tho... guy's a right slimeball. ... Raises a glass and encourages every one to drink a toast... To hope.
  23. I've a sudden vision, (I'm good at that when I'm supposed to be working), of all of them joining the Order of the Phoenix. Harry either shapes up to be a natural leader or a git with a tendancy to leap headfirst into danger which the rest of the Order help bail him out of... Herimone spends all her time in various super restricted libraries (access granted due to her connections in the Order) and finds ways to destroy horcroxes - sometimes the solution comes from the other two by putting together clues or blind stupid luck as per the other books. I don't have a fabulous ending for that possible turn of the tale sadly, however since JK Rowling has demonstrated a willingness to kill off her own major characters we could well see at least a minor bloodbath with several major players going down. Snape might have a moments hesitation or cause a moment's hesitation in Voldemort when it comes to killing Harry - maybe the self imposed debt of James saving Snapes life way back when kicks in? Good guys win - barely - or did they? were we sure that there were only 7 horcruxes made? and Harry goes to the amazon to raise dragons until Ginny comes to fetch him back so they can get married. (It's still the best ending I can come up with on short notice.) Sorry if these blurbs of mine are getting to anyone. I know this is a book 6 thread, but all I felt book 6 did was raise a heap more questions about how Book 7 is going to go... and since it's such a loooooooooong wait until the next one I have to amuse myself somehow.
  24. It would appear from having read that interview that the key wasn't so much that Harry's mum was killed to protect him, and more that she was given a very clear choice to live and turned it down. JK Rowling seemed pretty clear on the fact that no-one else had ever been offered that deal before, so it was probably what turned the balance. I notice that she's also keeping Snape's allegiance very quiet. I cannot honestly see Dumbledore ordering Snape to kill him, however I can't imagine him being completely blind to the possibility of betrayal either. After all, Snape's ability to keep others out of his mind would work as well against Dumbledore as it supposedly does against Voldemort. I honestly cannot come up with a viable reason that Dumbledore could misjudge Snape but I'm equally sure that she's got a good reason for it (beyond the need for Dumbledore to die so that Harry can finish the process of his growing up). Snape is such a pivotal character that I could see him being used either way at the end - either being at Voldemort's side and turning on him at the last second to save Harry (Darth Vader + Luke anyone?) or maybe killing Voldemort once Harry is dead. I guess he coudl also help the dark side win... but I'd prefer a story where good triumphs in the end. For what it's worth, I also think that Sirus's will holds true and Harry owns Kreacher and Grimmauld Place. I can't see any number of orders making Kreacher do what Harry says without subversion if Harry wasn't his master. (Enough idle speculation out of me - I've got to get back to work... I still say bring on the last book asap.)
  25. It's fixed now. Let the Pageant begin!
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