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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mynx

  1. It was an otherwise normal day at the Pen: the sun was shining, stories were being written, the current werewolf game was well underway, everything seemed...well...normal. At first, no one noticed the fluttering pieces of paper littering the ground; at a place of writing, it didn't seem to be much of an issue. It wasn't until later on that the Pennites began to notice something. The littering of paper seemed to be a lot more than normal, and it all seemed to be coming from the Cabaret Room. A few cautious Pennites made their way slowly down the halls, becoming more and more aware of how the scraps of paper appeared to have been ripped by claws. Finally, they came across the source of the scraps: Hanging from the wall by a number of deeply imbedded daggers hung the torn remains of an old leather satchel, its form ripped to shreds, as well as the books inside. Beneath this odd carnage are the torn scraps of old clothes; what appears to be jeans, a t-shirt, and the ripped remains of a cap. Exchanging a glance or two, the Pennites group together and enter the Cabaret Room... To find Mynx, dressed once more in her customary robes, curled up in a chair with a large mug of coffee in her paws and a relaxed, happy expression. She looks up at the expression of the Pennites and grins toothily. "What?" [OOC: I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK! Exams are officially OVER! No more high school for kitty...*bounces happily* The EBoS is dead! Hopefully now I'll be able to get back to writing a few more things other than the meagre appearances I've made when hiding from study...'cept for when I go on holiday but I'll explain all that later... Great to be back guys! Hope at least some of you missed me as much as I missed you ]
  2. 's all about the mumu! Sorry Sal, never needed one of them things and I don't think my organisation stocks them. I guess they run on the assumption that by the time your belly becomes hindrence, you shouldn't be training... *shrugs* If I see something, I'll be sure to let you know
  3. That's wonderful Sal! Congratulations and I wish you all the best. My mum lost a baby just before me, so while I wasn't there, I can understand the worries... You'll be fine. I'll pray for you. *warm happy hugs*
  4. *hugs Gryphon* Beautiful. I can see the imagry in my head. And it fits my sentiments exactly. *smiles* Very nice. Thank you for sharing it
  5. Wow... That is really beautiful. And I can relate. Trust me. I have many people in my life who peg me to be so much better than I believe. Your words have so totally framed my feelings on the same topic. Thank you. Beautifully written.
  6. A butt-kicking Gryphon who's in a relationship with a psychotic Mynx... Count for something? It's just plain fun! *picks up scythe and runs off cackling madly* (OOC: I think the exam stress is getting to me....Stupid Romans)
  7. Bright upon my shadowed day Caffeine courses through my veins Adding colour to all I see Like images in fractured lense Bright upon the growing dark Fighting off the pull of sleep Struggling for reason in my words Only confusing those I meet Bright upon the dead of night Double meanings entertain My own thoughts make no sense to me As I continue to consume my bane New line: Complete and comprehensive range of thoughts
  8. *snickers* "It's like I'm a robot and you're turning me on"
  9. Sometimes your words need no reason They need not even make sense But to pour One's heart upon the page Allows us poets to vent And then perhaps one comes along Who sees meanings in the words Granting purpose to the rambled scribblings And a friendship bonded by verse
  10. Wow... I must say guys, I'm really flattered here... I never thought anyone would miss me that much... *grins* Woulda thought your aim would be better than that... As far as computers go, my dad went for the quick fix solution... Behold, the new computer I spent most of today setting up... And as far as exams go? 2 more...just 2 more... Well, I can't really type well at the moment on account of my hand being in a bandage and I should really be studying, but just letting you guys know that I AM online again and will frequent here as much as I can. *grins and races off before the EBoS returns*
  11. Kitty's computer go boom. BIIIIIIG badaboom... Looks like I'm AWOL until such a time as my exams end AND I get a new computer... So...hopefully...I'll be back by November's end. In the mean time, if you need to contact me either send a message via Gryph or Crypt, else leave me a PM and I'll try check it once in a while from Gryph's... Bye for now guys... Don't miss me too much, hey?
  12. I think in the end it simply comes down to human nature and the dislike for change. You spend your life being told one thing, to the point where you believe it so emphatically, and as soon as someone comes along, with the same upbringing but about another aspect of life or religion, trying to tell you that everything you have believed is wrong... For a so-called advanced race, we are surprisingly primitive in our reaction to change. To take a story from the Bible, look at when Moses freed the slaves from Egypt's control (Old Testament). The Pharoh had become so used to having his slaves around, that even when God plagued his land with curses, he still refused to give up the people. He believed the people were his slaves by right and refused to even consider letting them go because it would mean more work for him, as a result sending his entire army after the escaping slaves and losing their and his life by an act of God. Now I know not all here are Catholic and this isn't me shoving my religion down someone's throat, but considering that this was recorded to have happened well over 2000 years ago, don't you think it's kind of funny that nothing has really changed after all these years? I just put it down to the primative nature of humans. For all we have made advancements in, you'd think we could possibly take a look at our history and maybe learn from it, wouldn't you?
  13. *soft chuckle* I can't help but feel that the fact that Mynx is a sorceress would be a great help in this current situation... Unfortunately, not only am I sleeping off a hangover due to a certain spell cast, but in RL I am currently in the middle of my finals. Heh, I've got my next one in 40 minutes...maybe I should get ready to go... Would love to help...but I have to sit this one out folks. Sorry. *rueful grin, picks up books, disappears*
  14. An adorably cute kitten minion races into the room and tumbles around methinkshard's feet in the loveable fashion of adorable kittens everywhere. Looking up at the newcomer, it mewls and drops a note at his feet, before scampering once more out of the room... Greetings! My name is Mynx and I would love to introduce myself in person but I am currently studying for my final exams and will be under house arrest until Novemeber 30 according to the Evil Bookbag of Study. So unless I escape it early, I welcome you to the Pen, and hope to meet you properly at a later date. Mynx
  15. Just a quick note to say that i love this story YanYan! Keep it up!
  16. As it is with me, the darkest of my thoughts come when I'm under stress. And more so in the dead of the night. And so, sitting here in my dark room, angry music playing as loud as I dare, the EBoS locked into my study room for now, I once again feel my mood darkening over a matter of my past that I cannot change now. I know I should forget it and move on with my life, but for reasons I don't think I could make anyone understand, it still plagues me. Eventually, when you boil it all down, it comes to a question of philosophies. So I decided to get opinions. There are two extremes to look at life, I feel. The first: If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. The second: It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning! My blackened mood is due to the fact that I wish to follow the second, but am bound to the first. What's your view? [OOC: Crypt and Gryph, if you guys are reading this, you are the only ones who will know what I'm on about. Please. No lectures. Not tonight...]
  17. *appears out of nowhere, pouncing and tacklehugging Ayshela* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! *leaps off Ayshela into shadows and out a window, paws scrabbling desperately on the floor as the Evil Bookbag of Study follows close behind*
  18. An endless parade of partners Dancing circles in the mist Boundless love surrounds them Bonded forms writhe and twist Celebration all around Firelight catches dancing forms Driving shadows to the outskirts Hiding the one who looks on An endless parade of partners So that none dance alone Except for the lonely shadow Watching from his home [New Line: Sunlight warms my blackened heart]
  19. Daylight screamed its dawning rays Burning memories into my eyes Sunlight sobbed for moments lost Choking on its unspoken cries Winter harshness attacks this world Killing around me all I love Snowfall burns uncovered skin Needles from wind's unkind shove Darkness comes in peaceful calm Bringing back my solitude Crystal evening, silver moon Leaving me once more to brood Love's form then begins to heal Night's protection in the void Tomorrow, soon, I will see You Now my heart is overjoyed [New Line: Crystal water, pure in form]
  20. [OOC: Time to sleep this hangover off. See you all in a few weeks when the EBoS* sets me free. Happy Halloween, Samhain, Hallow's Eve, etc etc etc to all!] *EBoS= Evil Bookbag of Study
  21. After she was brought back to the Manor and calmed down enough to bring her form to a state of awareness, CheerMynx sat in a corner by the bar, sniffling unhappily, an unfinished drink clutched in her paw. She watched as Cryptomancer's body repaired itself and disappeared into the darkness, glad to see her friend was okay but smarting from the knowledge that he had betrayed her. Wiping her nose and eyes, CheerMynx cast yet another glance around the room, searching for Gryphon to come along and comfort her. Unable to find her elusive partner, the drunken feline hiccupped miserably and stared gloomily back into her drink, muttering softly to no one in particular... "What a sucky end to Halloween. I so totally want to go home..." [OOC: Loved the game guys! Now I just need to get out of this costume...]
  22. In honesty? I think I would rather be blind. If I lost my sight, I would still have my other senses to train and build, and I know I have friends and family who would help me. But losing the ability to hear is a surreal feeling I do not like. Without my eyes I still have memories. But I would not bode well without my ears. I choose a world of darkness over a world of silence
  23. Mortality faded to grey Lifeblood slipped away Colours fading fast Losing once sharp contrast Heartbeat slowly weakens Drawing out the end Cling to life in vain Trying to ignore pain Life's fight cannot last Heard in choking gasp Dagger's blade drinks blood Tears of mourning's flood [New Line: Reminded of you]
  24. *cough*BUMP*cough* C'mon guys! I know there are Kiwis on this website. Don't make me come after you! ...seriously though...doesn't anyone want a shot at this?
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