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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tanuchan

  1. Feel free to! If you want to come to IRC, just tell me so I can try to meet you. There is also one other guy, but from Portugal, who might join us - if you want to try a mix of both, that is
  2. I'm Brazilian, so... guess I like your translation! The parts that I feel don't quite fit are exactly those you yourself questioned... I knew you were learning Portuguese - how much of it can you grasp in a conversation? If you want/need some practice, PM me...
  3. Aaah... I see... Giles failed because he failed to see the Great Artist Cornelia is, of course!!!
  4. Hmmm... sorry... if I'm not wrong, Mith was the lynched... and the end was wolf against baner. That is a *tie*, since wolf would win against a villager in direct confront during the day, but the baner actually has the power to stop the wolf through baning either himself or the wolf. I happily accept the stalemate - it was fun to play this! And if it helps 'shela to write the end, Cornelia is a psychopat. She eliminated, or tried to, everyone who she considered a failure as an artist. *hugs Ayshela* Take care hun - hope you're doing alright.
  5. Long hair, surely.... they look good! Unless you're too lazy to take care of them properly Biology or Computer Sciences? On an aside - nice to see you around, Izabella!
  6. Cornelia looked around the exhibit precinct with a disgusted face. Most of the art was of dubious quality, though she had to admit there had been good ones, and at least one new artist that had been promising. She looked across the corridor, to where Ebenizer had been exposing. She kept her anger under strict control - Ebby had been such a tender creature! Unexpectedly, the image of the Care Bears™ Pajamas crossed her mind, along with a thought - finally I can get rid of it - and she had to stifle an almost hysterical giggling. Turning to her sculptures, she saw DC staring at her. She held his gaze, her face suddenly stony. So quiet... never a work in here. Those white sillouettes... must have been him. Expecting a kill, then? She turned her back to him. Ed the Fish still troubled her, and now she didn't know what to think of DC either. Pursing her lips, she just shrugged and caressed her latest work with a distant look in her eyes. ~~~~~~ OOC: vote for Mithrandin/DC
  7. yay! Thanks, Patrick - for the fix on tables/sigs and also all the hard work to get the PMs working! What would we do without you?? *grins* *hugs* /T
  8. GAH! Patrick please, can you look into a problem with tables? o.O Look at this link (my list of works) : http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?s=&a...45&cal_id=0 It's all completely messed up, at least in both blue and Pro skins...
  9. Well, if it helps Patrick - I'm using for now the new Pro skin and it *seems* to work well. Only thing (as you pointed out for me) is that my sig got the BB [center ] tag changed into HTML and didn't work... easily corrected in my profile.
  10. mmm... I rather like the new skin... except that it's not customized (I'm probably one of the rare people that uses the blue skin....) Thanks for your work, Patrick!!
  11. Hey, what do you mean with this? Of course there are artists, what do you think Cornelia is??? A trash-recycler? :P :P
  12. Cornelia kept her hands busy with a family of battered rubber ducks that she had been trying to coerce into a small rubber... something... for some hours already. Mmmm... Giovanni's Bathtub isn't coming out as it should... maybe if I change the point of view... Why did I have to get inspiration from that movie? She discarded the rubber recipient and reached out for some scissors. After a couple seconds staring at them, she shrugged and put them back into the drawer. No, the ducks must be whole... Sudden inspiration hit her, and she checked whether Ebenizer was around. Seeing he was not, she stealed into his bedroom and got the pants of his Care Bears™ Pajamas. Ever so carefully she cut the legs of the pajamas pants, put the cut out pieces back into the drawer, and went back to her table carrying the upper part. With a smile, she restarted working on Giovanni's Bathtub. Mmm... funny thing... one of the last things Giles mumbled yesterday when I last saw him was something about disgusting pics... and he criticized rather strongly Ed's pictures. And those pictures are disgusting, no doubt... even that attempt to steal my LilySpider as a work of art! Well, maybe not steal, but use it without giving me credit... Disgusting pictures... that last one of a rotten tooth... a rotten mind? She blinked, scolding herself for letting her mind wander so far. Artists wouldn't have rotten minds! ~~~~~~~~ OOC: Vote for Finnius/Ed the Fish
  13. Cornelia looked at Ebenizer with an exasperated sigh. "A manuscript? People are dying and you worry about manuscripts?" Ebenizer gave her a hurt look - the one she had always associated with a puppy caught breaking his house-training. And as always, she ended up patting him and shaking her head. "Never mind... I know, your inspiration comes from the strangest things sometimes... tell me, do those Care Bears™ Pajamas give you something else besides nightmares?" She looked at the pajamas, this time catching Grumpy Bear looking at her. Gods, those cheery bears got in her nerves... but Ebby had ignored the polka-dotted new ones she'd left on his bed. Or maybe he had never noticed them, who knows what he had in his mind sometimes... Cornelia brushed away Ebby's answer, shifting her attention to Tremere, Parlare, her last work that used crumpled plastic sheets on top of plastic tubing. It actually trembled with the slightest draft, which had given her the name. It didn't talk, of course, though the soft sound of crumpling plastic had some ring to it. Ebenizer had complained about the name, to which she had just answered something about Art not caring for grammar or language rules. The shape of the clouds she could see through the window gave her a sudden inspiratioin, and she reached out for the cotton swabs she had picked earlier during the week. While working with them and paint, she also let her mind consider the deaths related to the contest. No one would really do it.... or...? And... where was that insufferable conceited artist during all this? Though at least he didn't try to destroy any other of my sculptures, and LilySpider is safely away from passer-byes... Mmm... now, I need something else to put here... let me see... I think I saw some interesting patchwork left-overs lying around... ~~~~ OOC: Vote again for Verileah/Milo. Sorry, busy weekend for me too
  14. Cornelia had sighed in an exasperated way at seeing one more day wasted, and had decided to go shopping. She usually found new ideas while looking at the trash in the stores, specially those who sold DIY stuff; however, this time she had decided to visit a small, new mall not far from her apartment. She entered the apartment with a big smile, carrying two big bags full of several kinds of discarded material. One could see some giftwrapping implements, ribbons, pieces of colored plastic, and something that looked suspiciously like moulded bread but that, on closer look, was just part of a broken toy. From one of the bags she picked up a package, and left it on Ebenizer's bed. There. Hope that takes care of it. Looking at it again, she pondered then took the brand-new polka-dotted pajamas out of the shiny bag. She threw the pajamas on the bed, already forgetting them while crumpling the plastic then spreading it out to see the effect against the lights. Musing, muttering to herself, she went to her table in the living room and started working on a new sculpture.
  15. Upon hearing the news, Cornelia barged into the adjoining run with barely a perfunctory knocking. "Ebby! Ebby, are you still asleep? We will be late! And there are news!" At her shrill voice, Ebenizer jumped out of bed making an effort to appear wide awake. "Of course I'm not asleep, Cory!" Cornelia looked critically at Ebenizer's Care Bears™ Pajamas and shook her head, deciding the news could wait. "Ebby, you really should consider going for more classical pajamas. Or more exotic ones. I can't really bear those..." she pointed randomly, and Ebenizer followed her finger to find Cheer Bear. He frowned, partly at being called Ebby, partly because he didn't understand what she was on about. They were ninja Care Bears™, weren't they? She sighed and rolled her eyes, pushing him towards the bathroom. Then she proceeded to lay out on bed the clothes for him to wear on this day. Surely enough, when Ebenizer finally came out of his bedroom he was wearing something completely different from what Cornelia had chosen so carefully, and he just opened the door with a "you first" look. She rolled her eyes again, and both spent the rest of the way to the café, and then the art exhibit premises, arguing about pajamas, ninja Care Bears, and Ebenizer's stubble. While examining LilySpider to be sure it had not been further damaged by cigarettes, Cornelia wondered about the crime of the previous night. She didn't really think anyone would go as far as killing without a reason, and she wasn't sure how much of a reason the contest was. And smothered by ballots? That just looked ridiculous... as if someone was too distracted to care about where the ballots were spilled on. Distracted? Hmm... and uncaring. I wonder. She looked again at LilySpider, and put it far from Milo's gaze. Instead of it, she dragged a somewhat bigger sculpture made of milk cartons, pet food cans, and zippy bags. Black Hand, she had called it - an abstract representation of the stormy day when she had made it. ========= OOC: vote for Mylo/Verileah
  16. *hugs Ayshela gently* Take your time, 'shela - don't you worry about us, we'll see if we can get some posting done meanwhile And if you need any kind of help, you know my PM box is always open. Take care!
  17. Cornelia looked at Ebenizer - she was glad their assigned booths were side by side. "Ebby, please - straighten that jacket!" she hissed, glaring at the crumpled jacket. "You are just looking sloppy, not mysterious at all! And why couldn't you have shaved this morning?" Ebenizer shrank at the use of the nickname - in all these years, he had never convinced Cornelia to stop using it. He looked at her with what he hoped was a glare, but that came across more like a pouting. "I need the stubble, Cory!" She sighed, and shuddered. Why can't Ebby stop calling me that?? Her reply was suddenly cut short by a gasp, and she ran to save her precious LllySpider - an exquisite small sculpture that had taken her a week of work, made of cut cans and discarded straws. Someone - she thought his name was Milo - had non-chalantly just put out a cigarette on it! Cornelia barely had the chance to glare at Milo's back before some visitors stopped by, and she put on her best smile to show them the marvels she was able to create out of what most people thought as trash.
  18. *huggles 'shela* Take your time, dear ... it's not like we're in a hurry . One of your players should be posting his character by tomorrow, too - Mith's been rather busy lately, but he said he still intends to play.
  19. Name: Cornelia Chesterfield Art: sculptures out of recycled materials (wood, paper, plastic, tires... you name it!) Appearance: 27, tall (around 1.70m), red-haired, slightly freckled face, big bright green eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she talks about almost anything related to art. Cornelia works with recyclable material to create sculptures. She is enthusiastic about her work and its quality, and will grab anyone who shows the mildest interest in her work to give all the details and ideas behind her latest creation - and try to convince them that the monstrosity piece of art is worth of being at the Louvre. Cornelia and Ebenezer (who's 3 years younger) have dated for about 3 years. One day around 9 months ago, Cornelia was finishing up a small sculpture made of discarded pens/pencils/paper when it just clicked in her mind that she liked Ebenezer a lot more as a friend and a kind of younger brother than anything else, and just proceeded to barge into their bedroom to wake him up and give him the news. Never mind that was at 4 am on a Sunday. Strangely enough (well, maybe not really if you come to know Cornelia), they still live together - Cornelia has just moved into the other room of their small apartment - and she keeps looking after Ebenezer in a rather motherly way. Ebenezer, on the other hand, has not gotten over their breakup yet and keeps feeling confused about this new Cornelia-roommate he's been sharing his apartment with. --- Might be edited for better interaction background if needed.
  20. I'm in... character later *hugs Ayshela*
  21. Sorry for the delay - and thanks to Vene, Finnius, and Mithrandin who wrote all this with me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andreas looked at the spot where Osidian had been only moments before. "I believe we'd better watch our backs even more from now on ..." Lilah smiled coldly, her eyes also on the spot where Osidian had jumped from. "That won't be necessary anymore. Goldendown will be safe again. " She turned to Francis, her eyes piercing through his bland smile. "What are you doing here, Francis?" "I was having a talk... that's all." Francis stepped around, keeping Lilah in front of him and peering out at the Giovanni with wide, unblinking eyes, and when he spoke again it was in a very small, quiet voice. "I didn't know you talked to ghosts..." Lilah patted Francis' arm soothingly and motioned to the other man. "Francis, have you met Andreas Giovanni? He's not a ghost, I promise - just a necrophilliac." Francis shook his head and tried to make himself even smaller behind the Tremere, only the top half of his head peering out from behind her back. "No, not him... I'm not daft, Lilah, just mad... around him. Look, they're... all over him... like bees. Lilah, I don't think you should be trusting this one, he's a snake." Andreas smiled thinly, interrupting Lilah and Francis. "It never hurts to be careful ... Still, this might mean that the town is going to quiet down again, though." She nodded slowly, weighing Andreas. "Maybe. Now, Andreas... what is it that you want? You should not have been here." "The simple fact that I am here tells me that this is where I was supposed to be. What I want? For the Camarilla to either get out of this town, or for it to grant me and the other Giovanni who reside here at this moment the freedom to operate here." "Camarilla out?" She laughed dryly. "You're as insane as Francis, Andreas. We are here to stay, and you are with us whether you know it or not. Tell me why I should not just silence you?" Andreas smiled again. "Do you really think I would go anywhere without protection? Be it supernatural, mortal, or ...," he paused briefly to give the next word some more weight, "holy?" Lilah turned her back to the balcony, just seeming casual as she nodded to Andreas. Half of her mind was on what her heightened senses were telling her - making sure there were no unwanted eyes and ears nearby. Andreas continued in a more forceful way. "You might consider me to be a member of your club, and we could argue about that all night, but that's not going to get either one of us any further. What we should be discussing here is who is going to lead the Goldendown Camarilla now, and exactly how they are going to leave us in peace. Once we figure that out, we can start thinking about how my presence here might actually benefit you." "Lets then first discuss how your presence benefits us, Giovanni. Then we can see what you understand by 'leaving you in peace'. Or would it be at peace?" Lilah apparently relaxed, but her mind was ready to call upon her thaumaturgic powers if it needed be. Andreas laughed softly. "It sounds like we both know who will take leadership of the Camarilla upon herself here ...as for the benefits ... On our part : we live here. We do our research here. We feed here. Which parts of town we shall limit ourselves to is something we can discuss. The Giovanni mansion and the town graveyard are off-limits to all of you. On your part : We will stay out of the way of the Camarilla. Should you require assistance in the mortal world, our contacts will be at your disposal if they can be useful. How does that sound for starters?" "Poor, Andreas. You will stay out of Camarilla way, period. It's not something you can offer, we will just make sure you do. Your contacts might be useful, but we can have them in other ways. Try harder." Andreas smiled again, "I could, of course, offer to join the Camarilla. But would you really want a Giovanni among you? Believe me, it really is something I can offer. It's quite a good offer, too ..." While Lilah pondered carefully, consulting every information and scrap of information she had on the Giovannis of Goldendown, he studied her carefully. He was quite sure he was going to get something out of this deal, and while it might not be perfect, it would be more than any of the others had accomplished in the last few years. Lilah gathered all the facts of the last days. That Andreas had meddled on Tremere affairs was a sign that the Giovannis could be more dangerous than she had thought. And that this one had gone so far as to betray Kindred to the Society of Leopold to establish a foothold in Goldendown... But then, her mission was to assure that the Goldendown Prince was the Tremere prepared for it. She had done it well, protecting her Lord and assuring that competitors were eliminated. The Giovanni had been a lucky, if unlikely and not completely trusted, ally in that. She nodded slowly, an intense piercing look on Andreas. "A Giovanni in Camarilla? That is almost amusing... it might even be worth it, to see you squirming... But anyway, this is my offer, Andreas... stay in line, and you can continue to enjoy unlife. Give us your oath to uphold the Traditions and abide by them. Let Giovanni sire other blood in Goldendown." Andreas looked at her for a few moments, then burst out in a deep, contagious laughter. "My dear Lilah ... you think it's that easy to make me squirm? But be it as you will... we will swear to uphold these Traditions of yours for the sake of the Camarilla of Goldendown ... including that of Progeny... we could even have a little ceremony to impress the club members if you like. And trust me, that is more than anyone has ever gotten out of a Giovanni." Both grinned, using their years of experience to hide their wariness of each other with ease. Knowing exactly what lay behind the wordings they had used - necessary escape options, but it would have to do for now. As Andreas left the garden, Lilah turned to Francis, still standing behind her and peering out at the Giovanni's retreating back. "You're uncharacteristically quiet... what's wrong?" Francis shook his head, clearing it and moving over slowly to sit on the bench. "I don't know... I know you're being careful, but... Lilah, aren't you going to kill me?" She paused, looking mock-confused for a moment, and sat down beside him. "Why would I do a thing like that? Francis, dear, if I wanted to kill you, you know I could, right?" "Probably..." "Right. So there's no need. Milosh, Simon... Francesca... they were ambitious. And besides, it's not like I was the only one that wanted Francesca dead, now is it? But you... you're not. You don't want Praxis, you don't want revenge for any of the killings, as near as I can tell, you don't want anything at all. So why go out of my way?" He shook his head, then threw it back in one quick snap, looking up at the sky. "I thought so. You're still planning to stab me in the back. You just think I'm useful." He gave a small laugh, then stood and dusted off his legs. "But that's how it's always been, hasn't it? Poor deranged Francis, has the Touch and doesn't even know it. Except I do know it, Lilahspider... I know what you're about and I know where that path leads. I hope you get what you're after, I really do. I don't think you will, though." "Really? Why's that?" Francis shook his head, taking a few steps forward. He shoved his hands in his pocket, stopped, and turned. "Nobody ever gets what they want. Not really. That's why I don't want anything. It's silly to be after something you'll never get, and even if you get a little bit, you'll always want more, and you keep trying and trying and struggling and killing yourself a little bit at a time, inside and out, until you're hollow and there's nothing left to hold you together but the support from all the holes in your skin. Just not sane, that isn't." He pulled up a sleeve, checking a watch that wasn't there. "But look at the time. You've got a plane to catch... metaphorically speaking, anyway. Have a good night, Lilahspider, and remember... when you do stab me in the back, I want to see the sun. Anything else would just be cruel." And with that, he left the garden, waving over his shoulder and disappearing from view perhaps a bit sooner than he should have. Hours later, in a plane headed for Prague, a call was received. Making sure no one had followed him, Osidian had made it for a small outskirt aiport where a Sabbat private jet had been waiting for him. Entering the plane Osidian had turned back, looked at the city lights at distance. Oh well, we have time... indeed we do. "...Caine's chosen." He killed the line on the cell phone. Keeping the cell in his hand, Osidian looked out the window distractedly. He knew he still had to make one call, but hell, he was feeling like it so much as to drive a wooden stake anywhere near his heart. Slowly he select the name and called. "So how is weather down there, lilly?" Osidian smoothened the anger in his voice, but she would know he was somehow mad, only at that times he would call her lilly... "Well, you should think about that before hiring a Sabbat, and the smell doesn't usually bite your nose when you need Sabbat skills" "Seems you actually didn't, that Giovanni had some nice connections I was not aware of. You picked the winner side this time, lilly." "I just hope you stay there and live happily ever after, have a ... " Osidian let himself be interrupted, and a slow frown came to his mind. "... what you mean?" "Camarilla's damned politics, heh?" There was a hint of smile, half-feral and half-amused. He shook his head. "Have a good night, lilly. Time will tell."
  22. Gwai, I think Wyv meant that each formula is the theme for the whole set of words... for example, if you choose Madlib Formula #321 Red - 'Jihadlib' , all your words must be somehow connected to Jihad - the interpretation of Jihad being your own. And supposing that I did get what he meant right... my choice will be Madlib Formula #666 Black - 'Deadlib' 1) [A Vehicle] - hearse 2) [Verb, Past Tense] - zombified 3) [Plural Noun] - tombs 4) [Verb, Past Tense] - haunted 5) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] - corpselike 6) [A Number] - 666 7) [Plural Noun] - mausoleums [Feature of Said Plural Noun (7)] - gargoyles 9) [Article of Clothing] - shroud 10) [Adverb] - ghastly 11) [Adjective] - nethermost 12) [A Hair Accessory] - bony tiara 13) [Adjective] - catatonic 14) [Part of Body] - amputated hand 15) [An Artifact] - orb 16) [Noun] - shadow 17) [Plural Noun] - sarcophagi 18) [superlative Adjective (i.e longest, lowest, etc.)] - scariest 19) [Formal Title for a Person] - Master of Nine Hells 20) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] - ghostlike (gah! This is harder than I thought... specially when I'm in a hurry Sorry for the lack of creativity...)
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