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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Appy

  1. Made perfect sense to me Salinye, even though I am not religious.


    hmm now for the question, I have a tough time answering this, since I, myself always see myself as an individual in control of her own actions, but, as my mom recently told me, to the outside I come over as dependent on others and unable to make descisions.


    Now the ONE problem I really have with this question;


    Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful life??


    is the mentioning of Destiny...

    That word in itself for me, already holds something preordained in it, something that we cannot fully control or change...


    So I will answer the question without that word in it, if you will permit, Salinye..


    "Does living as though you control your own actions lead to a more powerfull life?"


    To that I say Yes, with all my heart.

    Forcing yourself up everyday takes huge effort at times, the same for forcing yourself to do the simplest things, but it made my life and 'myself' that much more powerfull. It's great to find out that you indeed can overcome most 'moods' that affect you physically.. specially for one such as me (winterdepressions going towards manical, aka, highly influence by weather conditions)

    The only way towards "Living" is to "Live" ^_^


    There, did I make sense? :blink:

  2. *Appy nods in agreement with Ayshela* false love will help for only so long.. and then the knowledge becomes too much and you hurt even more. Acknowledge that some people actually mean it when they say you are beautiful, inside or out. Wish I knew you better, just to be able to say it.

    Very emotional read, well done *hugs*

  3. *Appy tip-toes in so as not to wake the (finally) sleeping ones and quickly scribbles a little note to leave on the bureau*


    This was a great poem to read, there was energy in it.. how silly that may sound for a poem on sleep deprivation. I enjoyed it a lot, thank you for sharing. I hope you find some peace soon *hugs*


    *Appy tip-toes out again, smiling on the sleeping bodies*

  4. Thanks for your comment, Loki


    Heh and thank you for nit-picking too, it is indeed "truthful" (I still don't get when it's one l and when 2... someone able to explain maybe?)



    About 'therefor' or 'therefore', I checked merriam-webster on those and these are the definitions:



    : for or in return for that <ordered a change and gave his reasons therefor>



    1 a : for that reason : CONSEQUENTLY b : because of that c : on that ground

    2 : to that end


    I'm therefore (;)) keeping my 'therefor' since I think it is sufficient and I believe that this part of the definition; in return for that, fits perfectly into the poem.. better then the definition of 'therefore' in my mind :)


    babble babble *giggle*... thanks again loki, I've learned something new now. There's definitly the possibility that a different way of spelling has big influence on meaning, I'm going to have to keep that in mind ^_^


    EDIT: *sigh* offcourse even I see that both definitions are the same in that their meanings are the same.. I still like the Idea that "my" 'therefor' means; in return for that... just a little thing I saw after I re-read my post. Appy out.

  5. ~edited because of a stray 'l' in the word 'truthful'~
    ~edited again because the centering works now, thanks Rune!~


    "It is close to having faith.."

    To depend, nay
    to utterly depend
    on being truthful

    To rely, nay
    to utterly rely
    on being cared for

    To confide, nay
    to utterly confide
    in secrets kept sealed

    My faith was crushed
    long ago
    before being aware
    of such thoughts

    Therefor I am incompatible with this


    Even myself, I cannot
    grant the privilege
    of certitude

    Not after adapting
    after compromising
    every inch of my life

    Again that question:

    "Who am I?"

    I do not know,
    and I do not trust
    anyone to answer it
    least of all me..

    [01 oktober 2003, Leverkusen]

  6. ooh I want that "find" feature too, pls tell me when you find a way lol ^_^


    Wren, great poem, I really enjoyed this!

    The only thing that caught me off-guard so to say is the last line, it seems out of place to me, possible because to "me" all the other 'end-words' have the same "energy".

    Words like:







    If you put 'paper' in that list... you know what I mean I think. Paper is a "soft" word, while all the others (as pointed out before) have some sort of "energy". Gah, I'm blabbing now. I don't even have a proposition on how to improve it :unsure:


    Just my 2 cents. Again, I really enjoyed it, especially the first three stanza's *hugs* ^_^

  7. neat idea ^_^



    *(first definition)Dictionary:

    1 : free from harm or risk : UNHURT

    2 a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss b : successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out

    3 : affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty

    4 obsolete, of mental or moral faculties : HEALTHY, SOUND

    5 a : not threatening danger : HARMLESS b : unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction

    6 a : not likely to take risks : CAUTIOUS b : TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE

    *(bigger then I thought!)Reliable would be my choice of definition, to put it into context with my own definition, I assosiate Safe with people.


    *(second definition)My own:

    Having not to fear

    whom to trust in

    or whom to depend on

    Not having to worry about

    the world around you


    comfortable no matter

    how you act and why you act

    Not to be questioned

    about actions from the past

    Not feeling the need

    to wonder about

    what others think


    *By my own definition, I've never felt completely safe, but it is accurate and what I search for.


    Again, neat idea, looking forward to other definitions :)

  8. Four of my favorite Terry Pratchett quotes:


    * - "We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience"

    - "But the point is... the point is... the point is we've not been

    experienced for a lot longer than you."

    --(Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)


    * It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    -- (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)


    * The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head.

    -- (Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)


    And my favorite of favorites:


    * Nanny Ogg looked under her bed in case there was a man there. Well, you never knew your luck.

    -- (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)


    (Nanny Ogg rules, yay! ^_^)

  9. Ah... oh.... oops! :(


    First of all, thanks for your comment, Regel!

    The revised, finished version is already posted though...and in that I replaced the "Heritage beat(s) my soul" with "Heritage made my soul" ^_^


    What I 'really' wanted/needed was critisism on the last poem I posted in the "my" thread, called "Rejoice" :unsure:


    Apologies for the confusion! I just figured I would continue posting the poems I need help on in that one thread.. maybe I should give them their own thread afterall?


    *walks away pondering on the various uses of the rooms of the Pen in this particular case*

  10. Knowing is different from Understanding

    Understanding is different from Applying

    Applying is different from Knowing


    If this is true

    then how are we supposed

    to figure it all out



    Because what we Know, is not always what we Understand

    That which we Understand, is not always what we Apply

    And what we Apply, is not always what we Know


    If this is true

    then how can anyone expect

    humanity to cope



    Opposites and Paradoxes, are Keys to our future..

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