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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Portrait of Zool

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Everything posted by The Portrait of Zool

  1. Music and dancing are always in fashion at the Copa America!
  2. Or do with some in-sense - which is prolly a bit sight better than being out of one's senses!
  3. The door to the small room opened. All eyes turned towards it. A middle-aged man in a sergeant's uniform poked his head in. "Inspector, when you get a minute, I got a message for you." "What is it?" asked the Inspector. "When you get a minute..." replied the sergeant, his eyes glancing at the blood covered man and the psychiatrist. The inspector frowned - it had been a busy day, and he really didn't have time for this. "What is it sergeant!?" Without glancing at the note in his hands, only letting it show from behind the partially open door, he related, "Big disturbance down at the abandoned Forest Hole Oceanic and General Genetic Weird Science facility. The people at the new one have no idea what it is about. Some trespassing kids discovered a pen of giraffes, and blood, lots of it, all over the place - and some kind of gooey yellowish substance..." The Inspector sprang from his chair. Torben stared, his eyes wide, a range of emotions washing over his pale features. The police psychiatrist observed this vigilantly, noting every motion, every tic...
  4. Groove thought happenstance manifestation Metaphysic God/Physic inverse causation Double toil and trouble like Shakespeare's bubble Yours and my's ephemeritic installations
  5. The answer: Let it happen. The question: How does it happen?
  6. I am sooo looking forward to never doing that! I faint at the sight of blood - especially my own.
  7. Sometimes it's best not to ask how people know things.
  8. The sea was red and the sky was grey,I wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today. The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake as the children of the sun began to awake. ~From: Going to California, by Led Zeppelin~
  9. Tzimfemme sighting!! Currently I am reading the most FANTASTIC book! It is: The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet, by Reif Larsen Let me just put one of the back jacket blurbs here as review and endorsement: "Two predictions about The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet: readers are going to love it as much as I did, and few if any will have experienced anything like it. I'm flabbergasted by Reif Larsen's talent, and I was warmed by his generosity — if this book were a mug of Sundy's magic juice, I would surely hold it in two hands. The drawings that cascade and tumble through the pages could be a gimmick — cutie-poo tatting on the edge of a lace doily — and in the hands of a lesser novelist, that might have been the case. But because T.S. is such a vivid and realistic character (in spite of his Asperger's/OCD tics, not because of them), they add texture, humanity, and humor. This is a very funny book. I laughed until tears ran down my face when T.S. explains how to win at Oregon Trail, and if he were a real boy, I would seek him out so he could teach me how to win at the old Pitfall Harry game. Here is a book that does the impossible: it combines Mark Twain, Thomas Pynchon, and Little Miss Sunshine. Good novels entertain; great ones come as a gift to the readers who are lucky enough to find them. This book is a treasure." ~Stephen King~
  10. Very cool! I won't be able to make it (wrong coast) but it is surprising and gratifying to know we will have a presence there. Thanks!
  11. As the oven heats up the volatile ingredients begin to hiss and boil. Acrid fumes rise from the pan, corroding the metal oven. It gets hotter and hotter...
  12. "Giraffes!" he suddenly blurted out. Several seconds ticked by. "Giraffes?" asked the police psychiatrist. "Yes... I remember giraffes." "Does this seem like a recent memory?" The answer was immediate, "Yes. Very recent." "What do you remember of the giraffes?" "There were a lot of them... A lot of them in a very small pen." "Is it night or day?" "I can't tell - it's indoors." The police psychiatrist raised his eyebrows and proceeded to make some notes. "What else do you remember?" "Ummm... someone was handing out broccoli... it was dripping with a lot of cheese, dripping everywhere - all over my hand, all over my shoes..." The police psychiatrist stopped writing. After a moment, he opened his mouth to speak, but just then...
  13. "What." Zool runs away laughing maniacally "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." when a piano, a safe, AND an anvil fall on him.
  14. A brilliant flash momentarily dazzled Her vision. When it cleared she saw the photographer rapidly exiting the room. She looked around dazedly, wondering where she was and what was going on, when she noticed the man next to her. He wasn't moving. She gave him a tap, then a shove. He was dead. "Oh dear," she thought sadly, "And he had been so full of life last night... at the cheese festival."
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