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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Jechum

  1. Jechum floats in... Ya, Ya, Ya.... Red Rabbits summon Wyverns for fodder. Come on give in and scratch that itch! Expand your horizons and rule the boards of TR like you did AM. And just so you know Gry and Wyv are being asked for by name. http://ubb.the-reincarnation.com/viewtopic...t=2982&start=15 Jechum floats out...
  2. Jechum floats in... A call to arms. TO ARMS! TO ARMS! http://ubb.the-reincarnation.com/viewtopic.php?p=41872#41872 WRITERS UNIT! A NOBLE! QUEST! We need you! Yui! I want you too! Give in! Give in! Help us rule the UBB! Jechum floats out...
  3. Jechum floats in... Right now I'm just getting familiar with the game again. With a turn ever 10 Min I expect to lose some. So ya it should be ok. Jechum floats out...
  4. Jechum floats in... Attention any old non-serious Archmage player. I've decided to start the "Rabbits of Caerbannog" (RoC) guild on Guild.The-Reincarnation. In order to do this I need at least four volunteers to reincarnate at http://guild.the-reincarnation.com. I plan on using a P? counter policy with PiMttS arrow rules and an additional option to pass counters onto an allied guild. Remember at this time I'm not taking this seriously. So if you don't mind losing turns and more interested in writing witty Arrows, your just the member I'm looking for. Jechum floats out...
  5. Have you ever had someone scream to you for help and not understood? Have you ever killed someone with a word? Have you ever had a loved one tell you goodbye and leave you forever? Have you ever wanted to tell someone you were sorry from the depths of your heart but they could no longer hear?
  6. "Wait! Wait!" screamed Melvin as he missed the bus. Lucky for Melvin his good friend Vinnie was with him. Otherwise the wait for the next bus to his girlfriend's house would be a long one. Now they would just have to pass the time…
  7. Jechum floats in... Being old… I like old things! So you young whimper snappers… Hear ye! Hear ye! It's time to earn those pens! I now open the Annual Role Call! The rules are simple: 1) All replies must be in this thread to count. 2) Each member should reply AT LEAST once. 3) This will be a Baton-pass Role-Call. To wit: you must read the last post, take the subject, develop (change, warp, tweak, etc) it, and then end it ready to pass to the next poster. 4) At the end of the stated period (1 October 2004) any Member who HASN'T posted receives the Weenie Award! The Weenie Award is a title that will appear under your name and/or be placed into a new Weenie list. To get rid of it after receiving it, you must post one well-written post with 'Buying off Weenie Award' in the subject line. Orlan being the only former Weenie Elder will judge! You all have until 1 Oct to Post at least once to avoid the easiest award at the Pen to get…The Weenie Award! Let the fun begin! Jechum floats out...
  8. Jechum floats in... Ancient Pen secret.... that wouldn't be polite to tell you. I will only say this much… Jechum floats out...
  9. Jechum floats in to increase his number of posts by one... Now I understand why Oz wanted to bust me down to Honored Guest. Good thing Gwai protected me! Welcome to the 1000 high club. Just let me know when your about to pass me. Jechum floats out...
  10. Jechum floats in... Ode to a Zool... Or was that old is the Zool? Anyway... Here is to little girls! They get older each and every day! When I was 20 and a girl smiled my way I shyly hid my face... http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif When I was 30 and a girl smiled my way I smiled back... When I was 40 and a girl smiled my way I smiled and winked back... Now that I'm 50 and a girl smiles my way I check my zipper! Here is to dirt! The one thing older then us! Jechum floats out...
  11. Jechum floats in wearing only a pair of underwear…. Jechum hands the underwear to the Ogre as his entrance fee and now feels more appropriately attired for the celebrations... "Happy Birthday, Tzim, it's been a while since I've seen you in your full Nekkidness. I've heard you now making Freya jealous living in her domain. If you ever travel near old Gundahar let me know for I reside near there now. "From my heart, I wish you the best, and a joyous occasion." Jechum floats out…
  12. Jechum floats in... I like the poem above… I have less skill in words and more of heart… and have but a simple answer. A sword I buried in the ground, For here I will stand, I will ignore the teacher, For it is simpler to be a Pharisee! No this is not for me! For the teacher showed us the way And the enemy made religion to divide man Who is to blame for the evil done in the name of Christianity! Jechum floats out...
  13. Jechum floats in... Well Peredhil what can I say... Your writing mixture of fiction and non-fiction brought together a story that was good enough for a person who's known you over ten years to call and insure that it was a fictional story. But then again I’m bias, my visualization is enhanced since I know some of the real life characters you utilized as a mold, added in fictional details that surprised and caught my attention, I therefore may not be able to offer an objective opinion. I guess other people will have to comment to give you a better understanding. In my opinion the characters and plot are too real and comes across as bio-graphical. Ultimately you are a victim of your success as this may fright away comments on a valid work of fiction. You'll need to go back and edit it a little for a few spelling and grammatical errors. All and All VERY GOOD! :clappinghands (What do you mean, this is not an icon?) Jechum floats out...
  14. Jechum floats in... Jechum wonders what the fascination with getting high is. “If you want to get high, I recommend you learn how to float, other forms are hazards to your health.” Jechum floats out..
  15. Jechum floats in... Above the water with a .45 There seems to be a flaw in your system. Pork is just not kosher. Jechum floats out...
  16. Jechum floats in... I float therefore I am. My feet never touch the ground and my head is always in the clouds. I am but a figment of your imagination. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer my friend is forty-two but the question is flawed. Jechum floats out...
  17. Jechum floats in... Looks at his 45. Jechum floats out...
  18. We the posters of posts in order to form a more perfect society that can cut across all boards, establish good fun, ensure values, increase board tranquility, provide common sense, promote humor, and secure the development of good writing, do ordain and establish the Society of "the Pen is Mightier than the Sword". Our primary goal is to create a family of posters who by working together can nurture growth and encourage creativity for all, by all.
  19. Initiate: The beginning of the Pen journey, and still getting used to The Pen is Mightier than the Sword culture. While Honored Guests are always welcome, The Initiate has posted an application, and been accepted by our Elder of Initiates. As an Initiate our expectation is that you write and explore. Work on developing your skills, and begin to explore the community. Non-voting rank. Page: Promotion to the rank of Page indicates you've been consistently active and have shown a willing to give to the community by revising and developing your own works, incorporating critical feedback if you agree (it IS your work), or by providing helpful or constructive feedback on another's works. As Jechum put it, Pages are members who are still growing, developing, promoting, and showing they can play well with others. Respect is a very important value at the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, and criticizing a work or an idea without criticizing the person is a developed skill. Non-Voting member. QuillBearer: One must show a dedication to the Pen and must show further improvement over the rank of a Page. Quill Bearers are most of the way to Voting membership, and should show a good amount of activity and responsibility. Quill-bearers do a Quill Quest to be promoted to a Voting member rank. Since Quill Quests often benefit the Pen as a whole, limited Moderator permissions may be granted at this level for the duration of the Quest. Voting Membership: Troubadour, Poet and Herald: On completion of a Quill Quest, the member choose what they feel is their current primary area of strength. While they help to determine the future and direction of the Pen through voting, these ranks recognize a person's desire to continue to develop and grow. Vote counts as 1(one). Troubadour - Often coming from the Assembly Room, the Troubadour is a story-teller. Poet - Often coming from the Banquet Hall, the Poet is, well, a poet. Herald - Often coming from the Conservatory, the Herald is a Role-Player, a player of characters and enjoys the interaction of multi-authorized threads. Skald - The Skald is one who has shown mastery of two of the three initial Voting ranks. Recognition is granted by a selection of the Voting Membership comprised of the holders of the specific Rank, the Skalds, the Bards, and the Elders. For example, A Herald wishing to become a Skald might focus on Poetry, and when ready, request the promotion. The existing Poets, and higher Ranks, would vote, and a simply majority would grant the recognition. Vote counts as 2(two). Bard: The Bard of the Mighty Pen is a Voting Member who has shown mastery in all three areas of writing (Storytelling, Poetry, and Role playing). This is the highest Rank a member may achieve off individual merit, and it is correspondingly difficult to achieve. Voting on advancement to Bard is restricted to existing Bards only. Vote counts as 3(three). Elder Vote counts as 5(five), and LoreMaster (votes only in case of a tie): These ranks are not promotions, but rather support roles taken on by dedicated Voting Membership in support of the community as a whole. An Elder or LoreMaster who finds their time taken by other concerns, or who wishes to devote more time to develop themselves or work on their own project, may always "step-down" to their prior Rank, without prejudice. We are primarily and first an environment of safety - pressures should be internal spurs to growth as a person, not from other members. Non-Voting Positions: Ancient: These are Elders who have stepped down due to the inactivity of Real Life, but still make themselves available for occasional advice. Their opinions usually carry great weight at The Pen. Moderator/Administrator: These are Rank-independent positions of service. Some trustworthy members are comfortable with detailed technical functions but prefer reading or working behind the scenes over developing as writers. For security reasons, due to the power of these positions, the earliest a person may be considered for these technical support roles is Quill-Bearer, and that if it is necessary for their Quill Quest. Otherwise, any Voting Member may volunteer to be considered for one of these roles.
  20. Jechum floats in... Jechum notices the purple hit and... Jechum floats out. Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore
  21. Jechum floats in... "Fear Here! Get your ice cold fear here!" Personally, I prefer can of beer to fear but since Zool wants to hide the can, I'm willing to accommodate. I found this to be interesting reading… hisplace.com/hpcf/Library/database.html Jechum floats out... Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore
  22. Jechum floats in... "You have nothing to fear but fear it self!" Where is Mr. Spock when you need him? Worms for thought! 1) God is the most powerful being in the universe. 2) “I shall fear no evil for the Lord is with me.” 3) So, if the Lord is with you, the only thing to fear is good, right? 4) “God is good” 5) Therefore, I recommend fearing God! Personally, I recommend the eternal life insurance policy also. Now, did anybody see where Zool put that can? Jechum floats out. Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore
  23. Well Zool lets come back here and discuss this in 5000 years. I believe the conversation will be fascinating then too. Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore
  24. Jechum floats in... Jechum shakes his head... I remember when Guilds of AM trembled at the might of "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword" OZ originally started this as an AM Fighting Guild to promote fun AM penmanship. Jechum floats out. Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore Edited by: Jechum at: 8/9/02 11:10:12 am
  25. Jechum floats in... When one fishes, sometimes one catches a fish. All I can say is it's up members to create community, Bards to provide examples, and Elders to provide leadership. Otherwise... The answer my friends is blowing in the wind.... Jechum floats out... Jechum Newbie, Mage of Shadows the Pen is Mightier than the Sword - Ancient Lore
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