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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Aardvark Rating System Engine


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It recently occurred to me that there's no real way to measure how great a piece of literature is. Everything's subjective, everyone's a critic and every writer has a different set of ghouls in their respective closets. So it got me thinking. There's gotta be a scientific way you can break down any story to find a common greatness quotient, somewhere within the words and paragraphs. Then I realised I was dead wrong, so came up with this one, which I will be using for all future stories.


Action sequences involving 3 opposing parties: 5 points

Protagonist dies at start of story: 5 points

Protagonist lives to see another day: 5 points

Protagonist dies unexpectedly just before the end: 10 points

Told in first person: 10 points

Told in third person: 10 points

Told in second person: -10 points*

Brutal and direct: 15 points

Leaves reader with warm fuzzy feeling: 15 points

Leaves reader with a cold, sickly feeling: 15 points

Leaves reader with urge to grab the nearest blunt object and beat self over the head: -15

Leaves reader with urge for hot, fresh donuts from Krispy Kreme: 100 points *hides large sack with dollar sign*

Uses alliteration: 5 points

Uses assonance: 5 points

Uses onomatopoeia: 5 points

Explains what the above words mean and why anyone looking for them should have their eyes plucked out: 50 points

Antagonist is bald: 10 points

Antagonist has a monocle: 10 points

Antagonist speaks with a thick slavic accent: 10 points

Antagonist speaks with a thick texan accent: 20 points

Antagonist is plotting for world domination: 0 points**

Antagonist is a puke-inducingly cute small child: -20 points

Antagonist is a puke-inducingly cute small child with homicidal tendencies: 50 points

Antagonist dies at the end: 10 points

Antagonist escapes through a hidden trapdoor: 10 points

Antagonist wins: 20 points Antagonist wins - Fatality: 50 points, plus a bonus 5 for every goresplatter

Antagonist dies and is a puke-inducingly cute small child without homicidal tendencies: 100 points

Story includes three sided battle that doesn't involve the law somewhere: 20 points

Story includes consistent witty parley between all parties: 20 points

Story includes witty one-liners before key character dies horribly: 30 points

Story includes one-liners that make you double over and cringe like you've eaten bad meat and have got stomach cramps to match: 50 points ***


There are more, but I wanna get to the bonus points

Someone using the word French is corrected by someone who uses the word Freedom: 5 points

Gunbattle that starts off with parties pulling out bigger and bigger guns: 5 points

Protagonist drives a Charger, Viper, Monaro or F250: 5 points

Antagonist drives a Moke, Bug, Mightyboy or riced-up Civic: 5 points

Fight scene involves a helicopter coming in for no reason: 5 points

Puke-inducingly cute small child is belted by parent whenever it opens it's mouth: 20 points

The words Paradigm or Antidisestablishmentarianism are used: 5 points each

Both the above words are used in the same sentence: Further 50 points

A ninja, white or black, stands around for most of the story, then lands the crucial kick in the final fight scene: 10 points:

Ninja is then killed by a Pirate who swings in out of nowhere: 20 points

Ninja isn't killed by a pirate who swings in out of nowhere: Just alt-f4 your story out of existence now, it fails

Wyvern makes a cameo: 20 points

Wyvern makes a cameo wearing a monocle, no hair, plans for world domination and speaking in a thick slavic accent: 0 points^

All characters enjoy hot fresh donuts from Krispy Kreme: 100 points


* Don't tell me what I'm doing, damn you

** You can't be an antagonist these days without schemes for world domination

*** This is the true oneliner. You don't get anymore onelined than this

^If you can't figure that one out, I'm not helping you


There. That's the A.R.S.E for now. I may or may not add to it later, maybe to take into account stories that might not include violence, bloodshed, hatred, world domination and one-liners. Don't hold your breath, though

Edited by Aardvark
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Protagonist: Brilliant!

This is the final piece I need. I shall immediately add this rating system to the criteria within my top secret Almost Random Selection Engine for Nearly All Literature (A.R.S.E.N.A.L. ® )


This seemingly innocent box of fortune cookies is actually the device by which I intend to take over the world!! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I shall be able to produce literature in any genre that the foolish mortals of earth will buy by the millions. Their putrid minds will be sucked into plots thinner than the paper on which they are printed! Their weak eyes will cry rivers of tears as I suck their freewill and force them to buy endless items of associated paraphernalia - t-shirts, CDs, pens, coffee cups, bed linen, wallpaper, drapes, toys, colouring books, teaching aids (with the additional benefit of sucking a whole new generation into my plans for world domination! *cue evil laugh* )


**Hardback, paperback and coming soon - coffee table edition. Individual editions sold seperately. Available now at all significant booksellers. Not available online until March 2004**


It's all simply to marvelous! Mwuhahahahaha... Mwuhahahahahaha...



What do you mean, 'It's already been done'?

Just who the heck is Peter Jackson?


Oh, sh&$!


Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Don't you just find that Antidisestablishmentarianism is the paradigm of the new age?


*puke-inducingly cute small child with homicidal tendencies enters stage left carrying small chainsaw and blunt spoon*


What are you doing here, puke-inducingly cute small child with homicidal tendencies? No! Wait! I was only kidding about getting you to wipe my a$$ for a change! Please... no... *Effect: chainsaw engine revving up* AAAAARRRRGGHHHHhhhhhh........ *Effect: Extreme chainsaw goresplatter*


Narrator: Ooooo... that's gotta hurt!


*Cue: Wyvern enters stage right*


Wyv: So, what did I miss? Hmmmm... Anyone else here feel the urge for hot, fresh donuts from Krispy Kreme? Yummmmmy!


Lights: FADE



The End.


PS. GREAT piece, Aardvark! ROFLMAO

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  • 3 years later...

Wyvern had mentioned this at one point in one of my stories and I only just now checked it out. Brilliant! I now know how to rate my readings accurately!! And the image of Wyvern bald with a monocle and a thick slavic accent is hilarious and just slightly disturbing at the same time. hot krispy kreme doughnuts~ that was what was mentioned in the story...


Amazing and brilliant again!!!!!!


~Kikuyu :shuriken:


by the way, what is passing on the point system? or is it just a: oh i got two points, poop/ yay i got 342 points i'm elite!!!! ?

Edited by Kikuyu Black Paws
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